Kalindi-David - SFO Rathayatra

08/20/14  Dear Maharaja: Thank you for your eternal friendship.  Thank you for your example of supreme steadiness.   See you at SF Ratha Yatra.  At that time, please let me know what service I might offer (and Dave too if he desires.)   Haribol!  YWS  Kalindi devi dasi  (ps...I hope being able to send this means we are now officially able to communicate with you and God-brothers, sisters and other well-wishers?)<img alt="yes" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.png" title="yes" width="23" />

HpS - ASA - Jaya!!! So nice to see your letter here. Yes! We are leaving for San Francisco tomorrow! See you in about 64-hours!

Prahlad Nrsimha Das - Report

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Sending report.

We are in Europe (Czech / Slovakia, currently Slovakia). Got new Student VISAs for India last week and coming back to Sridham Mayapur on 24th of August. We are looking forward to be back at Holy Dham!

HpS - ASA - AGTSP! paoho. You are so, so, so, so fortunate!!! It is very hard to get these Visas. I think in the future you may not be able to get it. Hmmmm!?!   Just be able to visit India for some time. Maybe last few months there before you go to Goloka!

Recently Madana Priya dd and me got our legal and Vedic marriage. Vedic marriage was specially nice. Our priest was Mahendra Prabhu, who told us that he had very nice feeling from the ceremony.

ASA - O.K! Now five kids!!!

Few days ago I finished core of new version of vedabase.com. Design/theme is more intuitive and improved to facilitate new features without distraction. There are huge backend changes which were needed for some features like categorization which will come shortly (hopefully) after launch of new version. In June there was over 39,000 visitors, now it is less due to holidays.

ASA - AGTSP. Paoho. We promote it wherever we go! We know you are busy and are anxious for the Index, Personal Accounts with Bookmarks etc.  Looks like there is some work at vedabase.net.

After new version will be running I will try to find some remote programming job for some time. It will allow me to stay in Mayapur and same time get money needed to pay for flat we are going to buy. 

Starting SB 10.11, right now. 16 rounds, 4 principles. Brahma-muhurta wake up problems.

ASA - Usually wake up problem is "stay up late" problem, no? What do we wake up for? If is nice program then we want to wake up. We get more work done better!

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha Das

ASA - Thank you so, so, so much for this Blog!!! Our respects and congratulations to your good wife!!! Priest!!! All Dhama vasis!

Rodrigo HERNÁNDEZ: Personal report

10 years, 4 months ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros in Personal Sadhana Reports


ASA - HpS - Please use translate.google! Thank you for your letter. They make us very happy. This world is very lonely without news from you and the other Mahatmas in Chile. We would like to call a taxi now. Put a few things in our bag and go to the airport and go to Santiago, Valpariso, Dog Pianist, everyone!!
We feel like Krsna in Mathura writing to Radharani. Ha! Ha! Ha!

I think Krsna will take us to South America January, February, March, April next year.

So good to hear about Oscar. We are trying to advance the work with Carl Jung but first is the Bhakti vaibhava and Education in ISKCON work. We will finish that soon then we can turn to Jung with full enthusiasm.

In terms of the poems, why not do this. The current Tpp-CB is dedicated to our good friend Lokanatha Das. Guess it will go until July 4th. Then the next one can be dedicated to you all. You can select poems from that and other work. If they have any value it is because Lord Caitanya's mercy goes to the most fallen first.

Please write us some news about yourself in general. Your life is an example for many others and we can discuss the general points here!

How is the Arjuna Das?

See you soon. HpS - ASA


All glories to Srila Prabhupada
dear Gurudeva
Please accept my most humble obeisances

Here is bhakta Rodrigo Hernández from  Santiago de Chile. Sorry. Sorry. I can’t to write  before!

The  last two months have been very intense and complicated for me!

Thank you very much for your last letter / reply. Your letter is the most beautiful letter I have ever received in my life. Fortunately I was able to save on my computer 90% of our letters and skype conversations.

This is a personal letter. I have not been very good in recent months. Many problems with the mind and body. Also many concerns, they are all from the material world.

Your mercy is so great that you do not see my flaws, ofenses and Anarthas!

Every winter we must adapt to living with little sunlight. The lack of light affects our mood, our mind and intelligence. We use more electricity light. Our energy is very low. Sometimes we drink ‘bebidas’ that contains some caffeine. The problem is that this breaks principles! I'm sleeping so much and  I'm not chanting 16 rounds!!

Bipolar depression is our enemy for the last 17 years (In Octuber: I'm 40 years old). Every night we take our medicine (900 mg de Quetiapine. It’s a high dosis).

NOW I'm attending Adaba therapy, the therapist is very good. She is helping us a lot with our health. Also we are attending yoga classes! 2 times per week. More one day or two with sports.

On the other hand, our fear is falling in love with a non devout girl, fall in love with a beautiful woman but not practice Krishna Consciousness. Our fear is stop practicing Krishna Consciousness.

(We know two devout (girls)  who have left the process! They fall in love with a no devotees men.)

Actually we are confused with our emotions and feelings. There are some girls interested in us. How to make the right decision, if our heart and mind is bipolar and surrealist?


Also, there is many problems and anxieties at work. We are organizing two major cultural projects:
* One is with the Embassy of Portugal, Camoes Institute and the National Library. An exhibition in December.
* Our second project is a full day of activities in honor of the 120th anniversary of the Chilean poet Pablo Rokha (1894-1968). He is one of the great Chilean poets, He was suicide!

I write this poem for you:

Nosotros somos tan tontos que cantamos a la belleza del mundo material
mientras que los Paramahansas, los cisnes de Srila Prabhupada,
viven y sueñan con el Señor Supremo.

pd: Andre Breton was a french poet and the big boss for all surrealist! I send you a cover's book very famous!

With my most respectful obeisances
Ss Bhakta Rodrigo

HpS - ASA - AGTSP - paoho. Thank you so much. I think that your life is complicated. If you can work at such a high level of professional art and have a personal life of lust for a wife and family, this indicates a lot of intelligence. Maybe you were Indra in your last life.
What you could do if you were not manic-depressive?!

Actually you sound like you are just normal-depressive!
The solution must be very personal. You must chant as much as you can, read Srila Prabhupada's books as much as you can. Find devotees to read and chant with. Make reading and chanting group.

Preach what you know. Then you will see a good solution through practical means.
I will ask Nitai-gauransundara Das about you. He is psychiatrist.

Really you are doing pretty well. Just be enthusiastic to do what you can do.

changing plans.

10 years, 5 months ago by kitri das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please accept my obeisances. Agtsp I'm camilo from sydney. The reason for this post is that I've been considering the fact of spend a few years in the sydney temple as monk, by many things, for example that I need to learn how to train my mind, and also learn how to serve the guru properly, and at least have a basic understanding and study the vedas to preach much better. Because I thought that if I move in to govindas ashram, which is a good place to have a glimpse of bramhacari life or what live under a spiritual authority means, and to develop a service attitude ,is Okey. But isn't like a real temple life, really absorbed in Krishna and having no association with women. So I said, better to do it all at once, or better to do it as it should be done to get the spiritual benefits of it. And the other reason is sort of like an astrological thing, because I did a chart with a devotee and she said that I have to do it before being married. I just hope to receive the mercy to be qualified to do it and don't fall in the mind , because I'm very emotional sometimes hahaha. And another thing I've been thinking is if I should talk about my tendencies, like for example, I love music and play mridanga, harmonium, piano, etc. Well, I think that's all. Thanks for your time. Hare Krishna Maharaja. Trying to be your servant, camilo.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP. Why not try it for some time. Then see the result!!!

acepte mis humildes reverencias querido guru maharaj

10 years, 5 months ago by syamakunda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga!!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Estamos aqui en el seminario de maharaj Dhamvantari sirviendolo cada dia!! cantando, bailando, tomando Prasadan, y cocinando pizzas para Prabhupada y los devotos los viernes en las tardes y cocinamos los domingos para el festival! y en mis horas libres estamos pintando y dibujando cosas muy lindas para Radha Govinda!es muy extatico el servicio aqui! salimos a Sankirtana una semana por mes para cubrir la despensas mensuales... es muy tranquilo y nectario! Mi corazon se siente cada vez en paz! cada dia nos estamos levantado a mangalaratik, cantando nuestras rondas y siguiendo los 4 principios!! cada dia mejorando un poco mas!!!estoy sintiendo un poco de nostalgia por mi nombre antiguo Syama Kunda... :( estoy apegado a el todavia....como esta su salud?  bueno eso es todo...acepme mis humildes reverencias

su eterno sirviente Syamananda Pandit das (syama kunda das) 

PD: Cual es la posibilidad de que usted reciba una invitacion del presidente de la iskcon para venir al templo de Campina Grande y ud venir?

HpS - ASA - Moo Cha Cha Cha's gracias sus noticias. En Goloka va recbir tercero nombre. Ha!   Ha!   Ha!

Puede ver nuestra intarario en Blog, "Calendar Develment", no?

Espero ver Maharaja en Cordoba en Enero!

Bhaktivaibhava course

10 years, 5 months ago by sriradhedd in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krshna Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are fine. Happy to hear that the Educational Symposium in Houston was successful.

Sorry for my late answer.

Our life is a mess nowadays and we also didn't have internet connection for a while.

What about joining the Mayapure Institute program??? We are trying to post our materials in our archives.

You suggested me to join the Mayapur Institute BhVaibhava program. I didn't find find online BhVB course on their website and unfortunately i'm unable right now to go to Mayapur :(

Namacharya Das in Croatia is part of the program in California. Maybe you and he can start a program in Europe! 

I talked to Namacharya Prabhu and he said he was extremely busy nowadays but after finishing his BhVB course he could help in it. Actually i don't understand clearly how could we start a program in Europe... what would be our role/task?

Thank you very much for your association!

Your servant,

Sri Radhe devi dasi

HpS - ASA - Jaya! Maybe Draupadi and Kunti Devi's lives were worse mess!   This is Kali-yuga, no? Get up early and get your rounds done, then, carve out a little space in the mess and get in touch with a few Sankirtan partners, make a few practical plans and have a good day, no?

This BhVai program is in the pioneer stage. You could get a few study partners from anywhere and do it. That might turn into a formal diploma, but the actual study is the real diploma. Become qualified to play with Krsna! What about B.V. College in Radha desa????

Thank you so much for your news and Battle of Kuruksetra. Reverences to your family.