gadadhara gosai das -

hare krishna gurumaharaja!! todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada, todas las glorias a Usted y a los devotos!!!

aqui seguimos en barcelona, estoy nuevamente distribuyendo libros cada dia; en agosto las personas de barcelona se van de vacaciones y solo quedan los turistas, aun asi siempre algunos libros puedo dar por misericordia de krishna, asi nos estamos manteniendo a nivel economico.

 Continuo con el servicio en el pujari los dias viernes y un domingo al mes.

 16 rondas (tratando de mejorar la calidad) y 4 principios cada dia, hago el programa de la mañana pero me cuesta empezar 4:30.

Varuthapa nos regalo una Tulasi y estamos cuidando de ella.

Vaisnavi nuestra hija ya cumplio 2 meses, estamos aprendiendo a ser padres cada dia.

    HpS - ASA -- <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> 

En el templo Gundica volvio a abrir el restaurant  luego de 1 año y medio de estar cerrado.

ASA - Un vacacion para el enforsado por Krsna. Ja! Ja! Ja!

esperando se encuentre muy bien de salud! y pidiendo siempre de sus bendiciones y misericordia!

sus sirviente gadadhara gosai das & pushpa priya dd & vaisnavi. 

HpS - ASA - El foto de Vaisnavi aparece super. Aparece como gran alma cierta! Tiene que comunicar interese de ella. Hast 3-anos posibilidad recordar bien vidas previos.

Invitando personas quien reciben libros al templo. Convierten ellos en Sankirtaneros??

Sanirtan ki Jay

10 years, 5 months ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glory to Srila Prabhupad and all Glory to Sankirtan Movement by Sri Krishna Caitanya Maha Prabhu

Dear Gurudeva:

Please accept my humbles obeisances 

the Jalayatra on MTY was very wet, under the water of rain. Guru Prasad Maharaj head the Preaching, and have a good harinam padayatra.

I'm now looking for a team of work, I finished my particpation on Monterrey Center. Now one more time taking a tour.

I know that is so difficulty to us work together, but I need more the asosiation of devotees, Mahatma Prabhu visited MTY, and teaching about the good Japa.

the congregation is so confiused, and the lider act like feeling fear.

I can not give the solution but I trying to keep the asosiation, chanting good japa, and following the principles, studying Srimad Bhagavatam, and Prabhupada preach.

Maharaj Guru Prasada Swami helpme to get better behavior.

HpS - Jaya. AGTSP paoho. Thank you so much for news. I guess rain is Krsna's mercy. Other places people are dying because of no rain. Yes, tour and see what group you can join. All this is temporary. We belong to Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan team eternally!

Photos look great! Each time better: Two boats, more stops, more flowers.

AGTSP ! Ohe Vaisnava Thakur !

10 years, 5 months ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A


Please accept our humble obeisances

Dear Maharaja

It was such a special and intense weekend at the DC Temple and having your association in mangala arti, MP, EP, noon prasadam,your lectures, etc just after picking up the TPP at my parent"s (by the way we just can"t get enough of it, reading it over and over)  16 years have passed but it feels just like yesterday.  We thank Krishna for allowing it to happen, so grateful for those 3 days and everything else. Krishas mercy has no bounds !   You lectures were so helpful, in every sense. Hope to see you soon Maharaja !  We are taking care of parents and sisters now they need association. Going back to Montreal in a couple of weeks.  May Krishna keep you in heath and joy !

your servant


HpS - AGTSP  Was very nice for us also!, Now we have reached Denver and tomorrow go to Boise. If you keep up with the Sadhana then your exact service in ISKCON will automatically become more revealed. Maybe we can visit Montreal...


10 years, 5 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurumaharaja PAMHO AGTSP ¡ I hope this meets you in really good health

Dear Gurudeva, it has been long time since I wrote you but you are present at each of our activities and we are always eager to please you. Every day we strive to meet the initiation vows we made to you, we are chanting at least 16 rounds and 4 strict principles, but sometimes fail in our morning sadhana, we strive to improve.

Health is not good and this body is determined to remind us that we can die at any time, so we're taking all the time that we can to serve you and of course to Srila Prabhupada.

We continue with the service ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW OF THE TEMPLE, it's definitely a complex service, I beg your BLESSINGS TO DO SO, BUT ESPECIALLY whatever happens I always keep myself attached to YOUR FEET OF LOTUS AND SERVING Srila Prabhupada, I am nobody to please Srila Prabhupada with the negligible effort we make, but if you accept this service and offering to your beloved Gurudeva, we have been successful in life.

This Audit service has helped us to evaluate the service that all devotees are making to be occupied in the mission of Srila Prabhupada, has helped us to appreciate the devotee well above administrative failures ... In short could say that the challenge of the Yatra is to learn to serve together in harmony, learn how to make a TEAM that includes knowing our weaknesses and strengths and combine them in the service of ISKCON. That's the report from the Administrative Review service to the Temple.

Regarding to CRECER VAISNAVA, we inform you that according to statistics from the Facebook page, we reach an average of 4,000 people a week. We are looking for someone to help us design a Web page so that the information will be more structured, we are currently posting as follows.

Sunday: Information for children, Video, games, workbooks.

Monday and Tuesday: Information for parents and instructors, psychologists including tips, articles of mother Urmila, Aruddha, Tapasvini among others, Some quotes from Srila Prabhupada childcare among others.

Wednesday: Is Srila Prabhupada’s day,we are issuing statements of our commitment to Prabhupada, Videos of the life of Prabhupada and Srila Prabhupada classes IN SPANISH Thursday: Motivation for the congregation in general,

Friday: Mahabharat

Thank you for allowing us to participate in the symposium, it was extremely enriching education and we are working to practice what we have learned. Dear Gurudeva allow me to thank you and all the devotees who participate in the Symposium, thank you very much for your effort that u put so we coulde be able to participate. We are full of inspiration. Hopefully we make a similar one for Latin America.

Gurudeva Please excuse the long letter.

I beg for your blessings so we always be engaged in your service, which is Srila Prabhupada’s service Always inspiring to be your servant Karuna-Sakti DD

HpS - Wonderful! AGTSP!  AGTSS Guru Gauranga!  Radha Madan Gopal!!!  What is the address of Crecer Vaisnava!!!

CMDD and NAS Reports

Hare Krsna BELOVED Gurudeva 



I hope this meets YOu in really good health ¡¡¡

Despite we communicate everyday at Japa Joe, I think that it is mandatory that I report in detail my activities plus, this letter is urgent because I am going to humbly request your blessings because without that  I can not do anything.

1.- We continue with our service as chief pujari in wilson now we have 3 more kids JBS JAYA.. new devotees to work with it is a struggle because everybody has a different personality etc ufff we just need to be patient, also the authorities are kind of changing and we were accostumed to work in one way and now we just have to adjust some things. My politic is not to get involve in politics jeje I just do my service and work with the authority that Krsna has chosen. 

HpS - ASAS - AGTSP paoho... Enthusiasm is more importan than patience. If you have a nice goal in mind for improved relations with each person, appreciating the value of the difference of each person and develop a nice way to reach that goal you will be enthusiastic and patience follows as a delightful result, like watching a flower grow at an amazing pace!

We go to chosica once a month and do service in pujari from noon to night it is very nice to spend one day in chosica with RMB, the sun, etc. We feel really blessed to have the association of the deities again. <img alt="heart" height="23" src="" title="heart" width="23" />

2.- We are organizing Balaram purnima well trying jeje as U told me once my first duty as chief pujari is to involve others in the service so I asked for help in  many different ways. not just money they can bring some fruit, flour, flowers, etc but it is a pitty that just some very few actually people colaborate with us, If just one of all the devotees bring some bhoga for example we can do marvelous preparations for the deities, So WHAT CAN I DO TO MOTIVATE THEM??

HpS - ASA - Srila Prabhupada told Panca-dravida Swami to preach to people that were not chanting their rounds, then if they would not listen not to become influenced by their bad behavior but to continue with a good example and because they were following 4-principles and doing some service, Karma-yoga, then they would feel guilty to see his example and eventually start to act properly. That's one suggestion. There are more in P'pada's books!

3.- Ratha yatra 2014 we are part of the RY team ¡¡ along with Rohini kumar das and Narayani dd (BBS), again we need a lot of support, so the same question as above...So WHAT CAN I DO TO MOTIVATE THEM to support the RY ??
 HpS - ASA - One above, another here. "sangat sanjayate kaman", NOI. One's desires and ambitions develop fromt he company he keeps. Who are the associates of the people you want to enthuse? Find out who amongst them are you friends. Get them to help and then engage them in motivating their friends. Put up names of donors: "Oh, my friends have given S./ 75 this week, I also shall give"..


...we need lots of funds, we are going to do activities etc... but basically we need your blessings Gurudeva please I see Lord Jaghannatha's face and I just feel inspire...

4. OUr BV should be better I am realizing that many verses I have lost :) I need to refresh them and sometimes a whole review needs to be done.

HpS - ASA - Yes, us also. We must print our revised PVB (Personal Verse Book)!!!

5.- I am kind of delay with my thesis, the tests that I have taken and I am going to use as a sample needs to be graded by another person who is taking some time, but I am going to push her to hurry up.

   HpS - Jaya!

6.- I am taking harmonium and singing classes it is very relaxing I have presented once in the temple jeje it was ok I think now in Balaram purnima I am going to perform again it is really nice to see how the holy name does everything I like to play in front of my deities I have my personal harmonium and i sing for Them for hours jeje it really pacifies and heals my heart :)

HpS - ASA --- Very nice! Another lady can play drum and another Kartals? Three is good for music.

7.- I am also taking cooking lessons to improve my cooking abilities it is really nice I can say now I can prepare that for Krsna ¡¡¡¡¡ <img alt="wink" height="23" src="" title="wink" width="23" />, my mom also helps me with tips the day before yesterday we cooked together really nice.

8.- I am giving spanish classes to one hindu girl she is married her name is chetalli she is so nice really pious, her grandmother worships tulsi does ekadasi, and one day I was with my SB in english she saw and told me, U read SB??? I said yes, do you have the whole collection??? yes I said she replied can U give me to me the first volume to read???? yes I said then she started to read the sanscrit, when she finished learning spanish a good practice for her would be reading SB, I felt so good she was reading Prabhupada's SB <img alt="angel" height="23" src="" title="angel" width="23" />

Well I guess that's it sorry for the long letter

Thank U for all your effort in the symposium ¡¡¡ NAS ki jaya 

We already have learned a lot

Tryinng not be an embarrasement for U

Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA -- AgtSP. Paoho. Yesterday, Monday, our day of rest after the symposium we had to work so hard to organize the "Rest". Then we gave like 4-1/2 hours of classes. Ja! Ja! Jare! We were not tired on Sunday, we were exhausted. Then by Monday we recovered enought to be exhausted. Sesa Das, Director, Rama-giridhari Das - Executive Secretary said again and we never thought Hanumat Swami's is idea was very practical. This exceeded our expectations. It is a revolution in ISKCON education. They were so, so enthused that devotees from S. America came for each Session.

NOW they want to plan a SAS. We were thinking of end of January??? Especially of motivated leaders? What do you and everyone else think?

Hare Krishna :)

10 years, 5 months ago by Valentina Cortes Pizarro. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja respondiendo a sus preguntas mi hermana mayor es Danakeli, esposa de Ramakeli ...
Ahora actual, estamos recibiendo la misericordia de la visita de Gunagrahi Maharaja y Ajamila Prabhu, han sido unos muy buenos días, también paramos con el restoran porque estamos tomando unas vacaciones, aprovechamos este tiempo para ayudar en la remodelación de la cocina..     Mis reverencias  y respetos !  Bhaktin Valentina Cortes

HpS - ASA --- Aaah!  Muy bien!  Reverencias a Rama-keli Das