About guru ..

Dear gurudeva,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to you
Please accept my humble obeisances.

Than you so much for your answer. I was reading SB and thinking a bit about it. I want to share you... 

So, from what I understand, the real spiritual master is just one: Krsna. But because we are conditional souls with lusty desires in our heart, we can not understand, love neither surrender to him. As he is so kind that help us sending pure devotees that represent him, for we can surrender to them. And in this way, surrendering to those souls is like surrender to Krsna himself, regardless the kind of guru (siksa, diksa, etc).

      HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!    Yes, this is how we under stand the situtation. Very well expressed. You must have been a great Sannyasi last lifetime who was too much attached to a certain girl! This time you have to resolve the situation! Only thought is that we surrender to different kinds of Gurus differently.

So, disciple following Krishna's instructions through these souls. And technically the only difference between this devotees is that diksa-guru is who take our hand and bring us into the parampara. But as much diksa as and siksa gurus should be very important because by their mercy, they help us to return home, back to Godhead through their instructions. "The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth."

   ASA - Diksa guru is like a Monk who marries the boy and girl, Krsna and Jiva. Siksa gurus are like those who give advice. Of course, the Diksa guru is active the the relation after the ceremony. He is not just a Ritvik. He is the active link to the Parampara. Principle Siksa guru (Vartmana pradarshika guru) usually becomes the Diksa guru, but not always. Maybe he is too old, can't take the Karma. Maybe is a lady (http://vedabase.com/en/sb/4/12/32). So, usually Diksa guru is one of the Siksa gurus also. One of our disciples is a book distributor. She naturally tooks so much association from Bhakti Bhusan Swami but we were responsible for seeing that she didn't neglect her rounds.
Maybe you will decide that you actually should be a Mormon. Maybe you will take this person aor that person as Diksa guru. Basis is to advance in our service to Radha Krsna and the it will all be satisying to everyone!

Then, as you say, while in spiritual world someone follow Candravali or Radha and some are mixing both, something like this happens in this material world too. While I am accepting gurus who follow the path of instruction given by Lord Krsna to Arjuna, everything will be right. Is it? I mean "gurus" because I don't have only one. I already can see my Gurus clearly: SP, Mhtma and you. Then, I am not following just one... also I am mixing both relationships in the same direction: that of Srila Prabhupada =D Is it right?

HpS - If you are ready to accept Srila Prabhupada as your Sampradaya Acharya and not Lord Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed. I know very nice Sufi guy in Mar de Plata. He left Argentina looking for a Guru. Eventually in the Middle East he met a very nice person, Guru, and asked, "What are you?". Guru said, "I am Sufi". He said, "That's what I want to be."
If he had joined ISKCON he would have been a GBC Secretary by now. Very nice person.

On the other hand, another topic... A devotee that is living in the temple now, wants to give me her deities to take care. They are Gaura Nitai. Do you think that I am able to do it ? ... That it will be good for me to have them?

Hp S - ASA - I think so. Ask local Brahmanas what they think. She will be traveling and you will just care for them like an Aunt? 

Thank you for teach me always lovingly,
Mangala aratik with you by SM is such nice. Thank you for that.

Bhktn Belén

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!  Paoho.    Oink!  Oink!!!

Report Dear Guruji

10 years, 4 months ago by abhimanyu das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna dear Srila Gurudeva, please accept my most humble obeisances :) . Now we are working and studying a lot about psychology, still in University. I feel that I don't have much to tell you, I don't want to waste your time, but also I wanted to write you, and tell you that we're trying to serve you in what we can.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP! Ha! Ha! Ha!  and we could have written exactly what you wrote above to us, to you. Our Carl Jung program is going ahead satisfactorily.

I would like to share with you one experience I had in january and february of this year. I was in a team of traveller sankirtan, with Panca Tattva Das, Oscar of Chile, Adi yajña Das, and Prema-rasarnava, in Viña del Mar and Pichilemu. Everything was so mistical, because Krsna send us many people who leter become devotee, also we've distributed many books, and also we celebrate Nityananda Trayodasi in Pichilemu (one city ..*****), were we did a jajña, a class, a beautiful kirtan and prasadam. I really felt that Srila Prabhupada and Nityananda prabhu felt satisfied with this service.

Another thing that I would like to say to you, is that in the University I'm going very well, thanks to Krishna, Prabhupada and his mercifull inspiration. I still maintein the best grades of my generation class. Also I had the opportunity to gave classes of Vedic Culture and Psychology as assistant proessor, in my university and in another. So in both universities the students of Psychology knew about Srila Prabhupada's teachings, and they had to explain in their exams...is such a nice thing the universitary preaching.

Finally, my spiritual life it's OK, with high and low, but always trying to do an effort with trust. I remembered that you told me that I should buy "covers" for the glasses of my Deities when you came to have lunch in my house. And now, they have so many things, and of course, their covers in their glasses! also beds, and necklaces. For my part, I'm living in a moment of changes, and to grown up like a person, I'm trying to be strong, for that I'm asking you for your blessings to become a better devotee.

I send you a hug, wishing you are well with your health and with your service to the Acarya, your ever well-wisher and servant Abhimanyu Das. 

HpS - AGTSP. Thank you so much. We are thinking about you also, and reading this letter calms our worrys. Again, we are also trying to do this Psychology Sankirtan for you and others. We are all very small compared to Srila Prabhupada.

Santiago mandir !

Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada !

 Todas Todas  las Glorias sean a Ud Guru Maharaj !!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj quiero contarle que me siento muy agradecido e inspirado de poder estar asociandome siempre con devotos..  Aun me encuentro viviendo en el asram de el Templo de Santiago- Chile . asistiendo siempre a Mangala-arati  haciendo todo el programa de corrido.  y cubriend0 todos los servicios necesarios , tambien  cocinando a las deidades con mi esposa.. como servicio fijo.   Continuamos saliendo de Sankyrtan todos los dias  minimo aunque sea un poco .. muchooo nectar . cada vez me doy cuenta de cuan afortunado somos de poder estar realizando este servicio para Srila Prabhupada , y no quiero dejarlo NUNCA. en Septiembre viajare de nuevo a Argentina para definir mi situacion alla. queremos realizar sankyrtan viajero , conocer nuevos templos y mas devotos. .  siguiendo principios y respectivas rondas =)  y durante sankyrtan cantandoo mass rondas,  tambien estamos tomando la asociacion  de Gunagragi Maharaj.. hace 2 semanas esta aqui.. y tomando ejemplos de Vijaya Prabhu. quien tambien  visito el Templo.. ayer me tope con un libro que me llamo la atencion "Garga-Samhita" .. ud considera que pueda leerlo ¿¿??

HPS - AGTSP! Paoho. I don't think there is anything bad in the "Garga-samhita". They use it on the Vraja mandala Parikrama to describe pastimes. I read it, but it doesn't seem to be mentioned by any of our Acharyas, so it is a little strange.

por otro lado  recuerdo que ud me dijo que definiera de que manera quiero desarrolar la forma de predicar... y ultimamente eh estado estudiando Etiqueta Vaisnava por Radanatha Swami ,y tengo una inclinacion de querer enseñar con el ejemploy  poder volver mi vida impecable para poder predicar y ayudar tanto a devotos como a persoonas que recien se acerquen al movimiento.. y simultaneamente me encontrado con situacion que confirman estos pensamientos.. ya que en el templo aqui escasean los devotos activos en servicio..

quisiera saber si es que sabe en que tiempo vendra aqui . por que deseo mucho su asociacion personal 

HpS - WWW.jayarama.us/kd/cal.htm .. 21 January to 7 February??

la deuda que tengo con ud y Srla Prabhupada es impagable asique por favor ocupeme en servicio constantemente.

le estoy muy agradecido por el tiempo que dispone en contestar estas cartas y en estar dandonos tantos buenos ejemplos con su vida propia.

 - Hare Krishna Hare Krishna - Krishna Krishna Hare Hare - Hare Rama Hare Rama - Rama Rama Hare Hare -

su eterno sirviente Garga-acarya Das

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!  Love exists because Krsna is so kind!

Persiguiendo un sueño

10 years, 4 months ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Querido Guru Maharaja. PAOHO

Las noticias de su venida son las mejores y las más esperadas.

Hace poco en una clase de literatura, la profesora contó la historia de Ramayana, la conto mal pero me sorprendió que la conociera, otro profesor que hablaba de la creación del mundo y criticaba el dogma católico, luego de conversar con Él  me dijo que los Tahoistas y en los vedas hay respuestas, los profesores inocentes inquisitivos son las mejores personas para predicar.

Por bendición de Krsna pese a todo problemas transitorios, las nuevas juntas, la subida del alquiler, que pongan en ansiedad a devotos, medidas arbitrarias como que las deidades no vayan Chosica en las fiestas principales, etc. vivimos en un templo así que siempre estoy en asociación  con devotos, despierto con ellos y me duermo viéndolos, este años si continuaba con mil servicios como antes, nunca podría cumplir la meta de la pirámide de Maslov, y según creo salvo los estudiantes de las escrituras que son pocos, no tengo mucha asociación de intelectuales y es necesario si uno desea enseñar asociarse con educadores, es por eso que después de pensar detenidamente en nuestra conversación a principios de año sobre estudios, vi una oportunidad de continuar mi formación estudiando educación, es mi deseo, me fascina la literatura y la historia, entonces voy ´por ese camino, ahora ayudo a mantener a mi padre junto con mis hermanos y no dispongo de muchos ingresos, por segunda carrera algunas estales te cobran, algunos tontos piensas que los que distribuimos libros somos ricos no es cierto no es lo único que hacemos, entonces estoy empezando desde cero voy a tratar de ingresar a una universidad, una que queda cerca del templo y tiene prestigio, así podré estudiar sin pagar, es el plan, si Krsna quiere lo lograré pues las matemáticas no son mi fuerte, el que quiere celeste que le cueste, debo fijar mi mente en este objetivo. Es una etapa muy bonita, soy la estudiante más entusiasta, amo el conocimiento y si por el momento no voy mucho a Chosica es natural vivo Wilson, un templo muy activo, observo mi vida y veo algo muy bueno, pero falta equilibrio, mi madre siempre fue un ejemplo de profesora y así me inspiro, no es como la religión católica que mantiene a sus devotos monjes, en ISKCON cada uno debe buscar la forma para sobrevivir, no es exageración. Y la manera más bella de vivir para mi es estudiar y enseñar, Ud. también nos inspira con su empuje constante a la educación, entonces debo prepararme, estar a la altura de las exigencias del mundo moderno.

Bueno soñar no cuesta nada, una vez más pido sus bendiciones sin ellas no hay sentido para seguir.

Estamos refelices por su venida, ojala podamos darle buenas noticias muy pronto!

Hari bolo!

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi


Dear Guru Maharaja. PAOHO 

The news of his coming are the best and the most anticipated. 

Recently in a literature class, the teacher told the story of Ramayana, the counted wrong but I was surprised that knew her, another teacher who spoke of the creation of the world and criticized the Catholic dogma, after talking with him he told me that Tahoistas and the Vedas are no answers, inquisitive innocent teachers are the best people to preach. 

By blessing of Krsna nevertheless transient problems, new gaskets, rising rent, put anxious devotees, arbitrary measures such as the deities not go Chosica in major festivals, etc. live in a temple so I'm always in association with devotees awake with them and fall asleep watching this year if he continued thousand services as before, I could never meet the target pyramid Maslov, as I believe except students from scriptures that few, I have little association of intellectuals and is necessary if one wants to teach partnering with educators, is why after carefully thinking about our conversation earlier this year about studies, I saw an opportunity to continue my education studying education, it is my desire, I love literature and history, then I'll'por that way, now I help keep my father along with my brothers and I do not have much income for the second race some STATE, charge you, some fools think the we distribute books we are rich is not true is not all we do, so I'm starting from scratch will try to enter a university, which is near the temple and has prestige, so I can study without pay, is the plan, if Krsna wants'll make it because math is not my forte, he wants the sky to cost you, should I set my mind on this goal. It is a very nice stage, I am the most enthusiastic student, master the knowledge and if We do not often go to Chosica is natural living Wilson, an active temple, I see my life and see something very good, but lacks balance, my mother it was always an example of a teacher and inspired me so, it's not like the Catholic religion that keeps its monks devotees in ISKCON each must find a way to survive, is not exaggeration. And the most beautiful way of life for me is to study and teach you. Also inspires us with his constant push to education, then I must prepare myself to live up to the demands of the modern world.

Well dreaming is once again ask for your blessings without it there is no sense to continue. 

We are refelices by his coming, hopefully we can give you good news soon! 

Hari bolo! 

Your daughter loves it: 

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - AGTSP Entendemos español como los niños, así que tenemos que utilizar translate.google.com para las cartas más largas. Cuando nos escribe nos idioma que el robot será capaz de traducir fácilmente. Por lo que entiendo, debe tratar de ir a la escuela. Busque buenos maestros más que un plan de estudios specfic. Discuta con otros devotos y ver cómo le está ayudando en su Sankirtan. Usted es una buena persona, por lo que tomar buenas decisiones.

Important! about diksa / siksa guru

10 years, 4 months ago by Bhaktin Belen S. in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Dear Gurudeva,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada Patita Pavana
All glories to ALL devotees!
Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

Well, this letter is very very important for me, but if you consider that is not urgent, please answer me when you think necessary.

I had special mercy to take association with a great soul last week:  your God-brother, HG Mahatma Das and many strong and deep feelings that never had felt, happened in my heart and still there until now. I don't want that sounds sentimentalism but it's what I feel and my mind can't leave to think about it from I started to know him through his classes, interviews, kirtan until before he left.  And I felt so confused and guilty because of that things.. because I had started to think about our relationship of guru/disciple and because I doubted about my diksa guru - you -  because that feelings was really strong. I can't describe it. So I told him and he calm me saying, among other things, that It's not unnatural to feel affection for many devotees as I can have many siksha gurus, and it is not unnatural to have deep affection for one or more of those gurus. And.. if I really feel a very closed connection with him now or later as a diksa guru, I should present to you honestly. So here I am. I feel that deep connection with him but also guilty because this could have been avoided, perhaps waiting more time.. Anyway, I really need to be honest with you although hurts, because you are my gurudeva for whom I feel so much deep affection and this won't change. But all these days, I am getting up with a very big weighted backpack because of this feelings that I could. Because Also You are in my heart.

I have been followguiding 4 principles, 16 rounds, doing fixed services in the temple (pujari an altar decoration), studying bhakti sastri and still in all of that. I will continue following your instructions trying to serve to Srila Prabupada's mission and getting association with your amazing disciples. I really need to open up to you and to my god brothers and If you please, I would really like to still serve you. I going to still being your disciple until I leave my body because of your mercy I can be someone in this life. Please forgive my offenses. I don't know how should I proceed now... I need your blessings.

trying to serve you with love and affection,

Bhaktin Belen.

Pictures of Radhastami

HpS - AGTSP. Paoho. Such a nice letter, thank you. This is why we have "Nectar of Devotion" from Rupa Goswami. If we are going to study chemistry it can be very dangerous combining chemicals without proper guidance. We can blow up our house and our parents with it.

On the other hand Krsna understands that we are fools so He doesn't give us scissors with points, but gives us the kids scissors with rounded points etc.

I think you might like Prabhupada's persprective in SB 8.24-50-53.

Unless we understand that Diksa, Siksa, Pati, Astra, Rasa Gurus are all just representatives of Krsna and that Krsna is our Master, Friend, Father, Beloved then we will find it hard to organize these different relations.

Mahatma Das and I are friends. We have served in different parts of ISKCON so we have not had a lot of detailed asociation, but as far as I know he is a very nice devotee. How are our "Gurus" connecting us to Srila Prabhupada? How are they, Prabhupada, connecting us to Lord Gaurasundara...

O.K? It seems to mee that you should just keep Srila Prabhupada in the center and then you can see all of this disciples as Diksa, Siksa or others types of Gurus clearly. Of course, even in Goloka people are growing their relationships. Some follow Radha, some follow Candravali, some follow Pallika and some are mixing both. Rohini, Balarama's mother, participates in both Vrndavana and Mathura lila.

Hare Krsna!

Hare krishnA!

10 years, 4 months ago by Alexa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna Maharaj ! Please accept my humble obiansces . All the glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Maharaj, i hope you are very well! i know you are travelling a lot and you dont have much time! I only wanted to ask because I would like to have the oportunity to meet you Maharaj. As i told you before Ism from Peru but iam living in Argentina, every year I go in the summer to peru to visit my family. I know you are coming to argentina in january and then you will be in chile. i wanted to know, if you will be in peru in Lima, in February , and if so if it would be posible to meet you there?  Iam trying to organize the vacations and my familly is telling me to please go for the christmast and new year because is the time they have holidays also.  That would make it dificult for me to come back for the time you will be here in january

So in order to organize this and maybe stay more time , meaning february in peru i would like to know if you will be there and if it would be posible to meet you there.

Iam sorry Maharaj to ask you this things, is only that i would be sad if you come here and i cannot meet you and also if you go to peru and i cannot be in the same time! 

HpS - ASA - Thank You. If you go to jayarama.us/kb/cal.htm you should see the South American dates all there. If not write again.

Apart from that maharaj, one question, iam still struggling with service, i cannot find a service i can do. I feel that with doing the rounds, worshipping the deities, following the principles i have no dificulty , I enjoy it ! But finding a service i could do i having dificulty, why can this be ? 

HpS - Hmmm! I don't know. Just keep chantng and asking Krsna. It took Draupadi a long time to understand why all the things were happening to her.

I consider myself as a not very sociable person, maybe this is why ? 

Thank you very much maharaj !! I hope you are great!! Iam sorry for any offenses i could have done in this writting! 

trying to be your servant


HpS - ASA - Thank you. 4.11PM bank closes at 4.30 PM. We run!