
10 years, 4 months ago by Bhaktin Belen S. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna dear gurudeva! AgtSP, pamho 

Well, i think the best that i can do is wait. It's about time... Meanwhile, I think that i should take  Shelter on Srila Prabhupada again... what do you think ? Anyway, Can I keep offering you some bananas ?  <3

I was trying to understand this sentence but i couldn't.: "you must have been a great Sannyasi last lifetime who was too much attached to a certain girl! This time you have to resolve the situation" I Just thought speculations between the posible meaning  and my actual situation... Can you explain me this, please? 

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP paoho. It is just Monkey and Piggy's wild speculation. Considering your attactment to devotional service, your level of austerity, it seems like you were a Sannyasi in you last life time or B'cari, but then your mind got caught by some Mataji and you were absorbed in that thought at the time of death. Now you have a female body, but now you can understand that attraction to opposite sex for sense gratification described in flowery language is "a real drag"! Even if it is not our Karma we must act on Jnana yoga. Do what our intelligence, Sastra, Sadhu and Guru tell us.

Thank you again and Please forgive my offenses. 



HpS - ASA -- NOI 3. Enthusiasm is more important than Patience. So, be enthusiastic to increase your relationship with Guru - Krsna. Make rapid progress!!

Normalizing "Marriage" Relationship

10 years, 4 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Gour Nitay

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to ALL Devotees
All Glories to you! 

Dear Maharaj, I'm Rose, Mexican but living in Lima, Peru. 23 Years old. 
I hope this take you in a Reeeeaaaally good health! 

[Names and place have been changed - Monkey/Piggy]

HpS - AGTSP! Thank you for your letter. This body doesn't have diseases, this body is a disease.

I asked you to write this private message, because I don't really want to write about this in the blog, some people in the past, wasn't "good" with me for things that I said to you in that place...So, maybe I want to protect myself of bad comentaries. But if HH think that this letter can help others by being published in the blog, so, I'm OK with that. 

Well. I want to tell you that here in Lima. I met a devotee; Hare Krsna Das, disciple of XYZ Swami.
 I travelled a few times in the year, to see the devotees, and him. And we decided to move in togheter ('cause I wanted to move here; Lima, and I couldn't stay in the temple because i'm in a relationship with him, and maybe we saw that move in togheter was the best idea, for me, like trying to take a place in Peru, with a solid a support for me) So... Now we're living in his apartment.
 I wanted to tell you about him, because is very important to me, that you can know about my situation.
 Here we have a very nice life together, he helps me a lot with my rounds, and also always thinking about Krsna, doing service, etc. I don't know, sincerely, if I'm ready to get married... But I'm taking this seriously, I've realized that I'm a Grihasta, and I want to serve to the SP's mission, in a family. But, you can tell me what is the best for me, I trust in His Holiness. 

I want to be sincere, telling you this. is waaaay to important for me. Maybe I shouldn't bother you with letters like this. But I considered important, 'cause now, i'm not with a Boyfriend, i'm like with a "Husband". Some friend devotee of mine, tell me that in the vedic literature, some way of marriage is move in togheter. So, in some kind of way, i'm a married woman, I guess. ¿Is true this? ¿What should I do?

HpS - Ooof! Ideal is to live as Brahmacarini for one year and get initiated. Then one year more and get married. There is no "Vedic literature description" of "move in together". But there is "Gandharva Marriage" where the boy and girl exchange garlands. The basic idea of marriage is that the girl promises to help the boy in serving Krsna and have no other husband relations. He promises to take care of her in KC.

If we do something else, then we have no exact shelter of the Vedas and THE WITCH can catch you easy.

Basic principle is to follow the four principles strictly and chant 16-enthusiastic rounds/day. If you do that then eventually things will all become correct. The more details you can add from Prabhupada's books, the faster it will go.

Here we have a beautiful deities, Gaura Nitay Sundar, do you think that it would be nice and good to take care of them?(Now they're sleeping)  Because we're living like in concubinate..ha ha ha !

HpS - Yes, definitely. If you want to go from Concubinacion to Grhastha Ashrama then, sincerely, please Srila Prabhupada, Make him proud of his daughter, then They will help.

Excuse my bad english, and excuse if this letter must be in the blog, and not by this way(private message). Excuse my constant stupidity, I hope some day to be intelligent enough to serve you properly, and to serve SP's mission properly. Thank you for let me send you this mail. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you. HH words always are like a relief for my heart. 

I hope some day to become your servant, in this life, or in another. Excuse my constant faults... 
Please accept my sincere obeisances, Maharaj. 

Bhktin. Rose. 

HpS - We will post this on the Blog after we change the name. You can do that. You can open another account with a pseudonym. Eg. Rose of the Ganga, Flea of Garuda... Go ahead. Hari Bolo, escape from THE WITCH! Save your "husband" and his Guru.

News from Bali

10 years, 4 months ago by bhaktakenny in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Swamiji,


PAMHO, AGTSP. Janmastami here was very nice. It was nice to see so many    devotees celebrating Krsna’s and   Prabhupada’s appearance. Kavicandra Swami gave a nice talk about Krsna’s childhood pastimes.

On Vyasa Puja I really got the mercy.  I was fortunate enough to take Prasad with Abhimanu prabhu. He told me that he was in the San Francisco Temple with you. Now he is  the headmaster of the devotee secondary school. With his help I will be a volunteer teacher at the primary school. The school tries to educate Balinese children about Vedic culture.

I also talked with the head of ISKCON education in Indonesia. Now my temple service will be to teach English to adult devotees so that visiting Sanyassis no longer have to have their classes translated.

Your servant,
Bhakta Ken

HpS - Thank you. Only teaching English? Use the Krsna Book?


10 years, 4 months ago by raktak in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development, Other

Respected Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

Everything is Ok here, 16 rounds done.

I read in blog that you may visit India during 2015.  So would you like to do like last time you did, a visit to Australia from India? especially, if your health allows it.  I always read with anxiety your health report, who can tell you what to do.  You are an Avdhoot, a man of your own ecstasies, a transcendental madman.  I also understand that Krishna is always protecting you.

Today, I finished first chapter of 9th canto--King Sudyumna becomes a woman.

    HpS ASA - AGTSP!  And then a man and then a woman and then.... Wow! Be great for preaching to transvetites??? Krsna is all attractive.

Recently, I visited and heard one of your lectures. it made me weep and laugh.

Priya, children all are happy.  I remain your servant eternally.

--Raktak Das

    HpS - Well, that was short. How old are the children? How do you make your money? What's the family news from India? Are you advancing in sense control?

may be I want to be pigeon/monkey/horse

10 years, 4 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna, maharaj, Pamho, agtsp,

its 2am in India, we are very much sane while writing this letter to you. we have not intentionally written to you for days as [i] we did not have any thing +ve to share with u [ii] we were seeing u were busy in North American Trip.
  HpS - ASA - AGTSP. It is nice to hear from you.
we dont know about our Karma, but seems Krsna has been very merciful for all time, esp in forgiving for offences done while being surrendering to upastha vegam.

there is a big question inside us always when we think of preparing for intiation, can I ensure of following the illicit sex regulaitve principle for life time ? its where we start developing doubt.
i dont know why you wrote "  You are also a very, very, very rare person. As a husband, father, son, student, we all feel happy to have your association."
but it keeps us motivated to atleast hang in ISKCON.

we are dumb person who does not have social skills, never developed them in whole life... we focussed more on process than on association....

and now we are facing consequences.. as u said "Illict sex is usually a community problem not a private problem"

i dont know what offence i did ..i am struggling to find asrama guru with whom i can discuss details...

anyway you can count us on for karma yoga , and use us if nothing a coolie or postman..

may be we are

"We love to drown in self-pity. Give ourselves rewards for our suffering, but it is all little pig like pleasures that don't even satisfy us but we try to make ourselves so stupid that they do"

    ASA - Wow! Who said that. Nice.

we feel happy by seeing your progress in services and your devotional replies. thanks for the blog, to you and Prahlad Nrsmha Pr.

hari bol,
     HpS - ASA - Hey, what is the family doing? Any news from the Christian association? Thesis?

Informe de guerra

Por favor disculpe por no escribirle con tanta frecuencia.

Por favor dígame como está su salud y si necesita algún medicamento o algo que le pueda conseguir y enviar.

     ASA - AGTSP. Puede obtener polvo de cuerno de rinoceronte???  Claro, tiene que pedir permiso del rinoceronte primero!

Acabamos el curso de Bhakti sastri de este año en cueramaro exitosamente
Full servicio

Ahora estamos de camino a un tour bus por Centroamérica con el fin de hacer harinam sankirtan food for life obras de teatro bailé cine y sankirtan de libros en varios países de Centroamérica.
Nos ocurrió un accidente saliendo de México y estoy con otro devoto reparando la camioneta nada grabe.

rondas entusiastas un día y al otro me cuestan, estamos trabajando en interiorizar la rutina diaria de saddhana.

Los anartas son mi trabajo personal así q no quiero molestarlo con las malas noticias :)

Siempre lo recuerdo y lo extraño mucho GM he hablado con P Aravinda haber si puedo ir a visitarlo a USA el próximo año y me dice que si ud acepta esta bien. Por favor déme si misericordia sin causa __/\'o_

Gracias por ser mi maestro espiritual.

Su aspirante a sirviente 
Vrajendra kumara das.

HpS - O, puede ir a Argentina, Peru, Chile en Enero, no???   Muy buena suerte luchando con sus demonios personales. Krsna ayudarle mucho!!  Qu tipo de teatro????