

Esteemed Gurudeva  All Glories to Mighty Srila Prabhupada!  Please accept sincere dundavata and pranamas!  Hoping this find you well and having prosecuted a sucessful Sankirtan festival.  How many attended?  From where did they come?

   ASA - The Celebrate Nashville Festival can draw up to 40,000 people, but it was COLD that day so only about 10,000 came but they were serious. We had a general cultural booth in the Global Village with 40-minutes on Stage, chanting Bodies exhibit with Banners and flyers showing Shakespeare and BG both using the theme to show that we should look to spiritual life etc.

Then we had a Prasadam booth which distributed over 500 pakora and samosa plates.

Two Mantra Japa booths that got about 500 people to chant one round and 110 bought a kit with beads and books.

LOT of work, General Nashville people. Met some very nice community organizers, challenged and inspired the devotees to do more. Took five days to recover!

Re. Goswami training beginners requirements - I have prayed and thought and decided that for now, because the atmosphere in my home is extremely inauspicious for practicing Krsna Consciousness, there is no possibility of me being able to keep a fixed up schedule for my sadhanna.  I do 100% keep my vows.  However it is as I can fit it in throughout each day, not at any particular times.  Trying to keep a log of it would be extremely difficult. My day is filled with nothing but trying to prosecute Krsna Consciousness and moment to moment crying out to the Lord for help and mercy in order to stay focused and faithful when doing so.

Please accept this is the best I can do and show me mercy by allowing me your continued e-association, realistic opportunities to serve you and your ongoing prayers!  If there are any training requirements which match my situation,please advise; although i do not expect Monkey and Piggy to alter protocol for my needs.

Hope to hear from you soon with the mercy i need.

Your Worthless Servant,  Kalindi devi dasi

     HpS - ASA -- In the other letter we mentioned this. Your answer is just what we wanted to know by asking how you get your rounds done. As we said in the other letter, "As long as we can breath, we can chant!" So if we are chained to a wall in the fortress of Durga with our hands hanging from chains from the ceiling then we can't chant on beads.

But Prahlada Maharaja waited 'till the house managers were out to lunch and then called his associates together to hear about Krsna.

So, another plan.

Just keep a simple log of how many rounds you have done each day by sunrise, noon and sunset.

Is possible!! Then we use that to get our wagon rolling. [Later we get the Weiner dog Dancing.]