Connecting with you and pictures from RY

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

Thank you again for letting us camp out with you in Murfreesboro. That was a wonderful time that we are holding on to. Thank you again for tolerating me and engaging me:) 

HpS/ASA - Thank you for your association. We need more and more.

Seems to be some confusion about ISKCON of Boise and The Hare Krsna Temple corporation.

What if we ask our GBC Secretary to make an official Branch of ISKCON Los Angeles as ISKCON Boise, that has a formal agreement with Hare Krsna Center about use of buildings etc?

Too much?

It is like getting married. It is a formality but not a meaningless formality.

ISKCON Boise needs to make a cultural conquest!

We will look at the photos and hope to hear more about our Temple in Boise and everyone.

Hope the Kapi Dhvaja and these Blog posts are adequate.

Feel really energized to see you in the FMS!

H.G. Kalakantha Prabhu was very happy to receive your letter and copy of Tava Pache Pache. I was able to help him with some things around his farm and talk to his cows. Also, had the great fortune to live like a Krishna House student for a couple of days and do some service. These little glimpses and experiences of brahmachari life seem to be very helpful for our grihasta life. We hope to be a full fledged brahmachari  grihastha someday. Not sure if that’s a bonafide term. Maybe what I mean to say is just a matured grihastha. 

We are happy to hear that the fourth DTC movie is complete. Looking forward to seeing this one that is set in Spain. These movies are very inspiring to us on many levels. I have always been around artists, writers, eccentric intellectuals..through out our little life for some reason. We see a great opportunity for these types of people in our circle/village to be inspired by these movies. These people can go deeper and become truly mad. Mad for Krishna! This is a desire I am trying to cultivate. The bridge is there? I just need to say “hey, you got to see this and check out what this guy has to say..”? 

There are a couple film festivals in the area(North West) that I’ve played shows at that I think would be very interested in one or all of the DTC movies. Is it okay if I propose to them/submit? I have good contacts for both. They happen annually. 

Then eventually I want to muster up the strength to get the first movie into the Egyptian theater downtown. They play all kinds of stuff and quite a lot of independent films and documentaries. So why not Diary of a Traveling Creature: The Ultimate Trip on the marquee !? 

The GoTo meeting morning program has been very good for us. Very helpful in setting the right perspective for the day with your association and the devotees. Propels us into our local program!

So much struggle with the false ego though and our ignorance and remaining enthusiastic. Making baby steps and falling down a lot but always lifted up by your mercy.

This quote often comes to mind when trying to get through the work day and when cultivating my monkey mind to get my rounds done early(: “Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible” 

-Saint Fransis 

ASA - 😮 Amazing! Just amazing. Prabhupada said that St. Francis was a BHAKTA!

We have sent film number four to our Board of Director's for their comments and then we will do a larger Critic's Review, we hope with a copy for you, then Gala Release. We hope Jaga-guru Das in Chile can lead this.

Maybe you can work with him.

Invite devotees from Chile to Boise!

Thank you Maharaja !! 

Your aspiring servant, 

Nitisara das 

P.S. here are some pictures from the RY festival: 


1 year, 3 months ago by manjari.devi.dasi. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a sus pies de loto

Mis más humildes reverencias

Haré Krishna querido Guru Maharah

Respecto a la última carta le informe al residente del templo pero no me dió una respuesta, solo recibió la información.

Tuvimos una reunión hace unos meses en dónde se consideró para un año mi carta de recomendación para tomar iniciación, sin embargo no desisto en este camino espiritual que tanto me encanta y es parte de mi vida.

Por otra parte me gustaría comentarle que recientemente inicie a salir con un devoto llamado Caitanya Nitai hijo de Jana Priyaa disipula de SS. Gurú Prasad Swami y Valmiki Das discípulo de SS. Paramadvaiti Swami.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories at his lotus feet

My most humble reverences

I will do (Hare 🙂) Krishna dear Guru Maharah

Regarding the last letter, I informed the resident of the temple but he did not give me a response, he only received the information.

We had a meeting a few months ago where my letter of recommendation to take initiation was considered for one year, however I am not giving up on this spiritual path that I love so much and is part of my life.


On the other hand, I would like to tell you that I recently started dating a devotee named Caitanya Nitai, son of Jana Priyaa, a disciple of His Holiness. Guru Prasad Swami and Valmiki Das disciple of HH. Paramadvaiti Swami.

HpS - What does "dating" mean to you and devotees in your community? Is interesting that is means something different in India, Spain, Ecuador and MEXICO, no?

Nice to hear what it means in Mexico and to your personal community.

If there is delay in the formal response from the administration about recommendation for initiation, then please send us a copy of your letter here with names and addresses of the administrators.

It is very simple matter.

We can deal with it in simple but significant way.

Thank you.

Each of us is supposed to be Guru for so many people!!!

Can Caitanya-nitai Das write to us here! 🙂

Dandavat Pranam from Manipuri devotees

Hare Krishna, Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaj, we are sincerely praying to Sri Sri Radha Krishnachandra for your good health and long life. 

Hope to get your divine darshan again soon in Manipur.

HpS - As soon, agtSP, as I read this, tears come to my eyes. So, sad, but... it is like, our separation is only temporary. We are eternally related.

Krsna goes to Hastinapura for some time but then He returns to Dvaraka!

Last night, in my dream, Maharaj [H. H. B. S Damodara Swami? or us?] was present in the Brahmachari Ashram of ISKCON Manipur, and Maharaj was trying to send some messages to your Blog from my computer and you were indicating me to send it. Thinking that this is an indication to write something to you, I am writing this letter to you Maharaj. Long time I have been out of touch with you. Kindly forgive me for that.

HpS - 😿

We hear that there is a terrible internet block, but fortunately we get some news from Sarad bhihari and Yamunesvara et al.

Recently, few days ago, we had an online meeting with the concerned ISKCON leaders of the Eastern India for the approval of the Guruship of H. H. Bhakti Ananda Haridasa Goswami Maharaj. No positive result from the meeting. We have to again wait for another 6-7 months.

I have been regularly attending our Eastern India’s Divisional Council meetings. What I experience from those meetings is that – most of the leaders are very aggressive, not afraid of criticizing/offending exalted pure devotees, and are not respectful of the devotees.

Whenever, I am in such kind of meetings, I am very much afraid of myself whether I am in the midst of critics/offenders of the devotees. Please guide me on this matter Maharaj.

HpS - Not just, agtSP, you, myself, other Sannyasis and even many GBC Secretaries that we know express their distress with GBC meetings.

That is one point that these are meetings in the mode of passion, administration, men, money, family relations.

Srila Prabhupada says that fighting is a necessary part of family life, so no one should be to disturbed by it.

... but the Sannyasa, Brahminical culture should govern the administrative culture. The strong, pure character of ISKCON Brahmanas, Sannyasis, who do not get too much involved with the details of men and money, should give the perspective to these "dirty and lusty" activities. 🙂

Did you pass stool and urine today?

Of course, I did.

We all do.

It is necessary, but it should be regulated in social, polite perspective by higher Chakras.

Is O.K.?

Participate from Ksatriya-Brahmana perspective as is proper for your character and Ashrama but beyond that don't be involved.

Be sure that your criticisms and requirements as Brahmana are properly expressed and then depend upon Brahminical work like this Blog and Krsna and Balarama's Vrndavana Demon killing activities to take care of the rest.

In Vrndavana (ISKCON?) only Krsna and Balarama kill demons. Of course, they may enter our bodies and minds to do it, but then it is obvious that They have taken control.

Everyone else calls: Hare Krsna! Hare Rama! Hare Krsna! Hare Rama!

We learn love of Srila Prabhupada from our Guru Maharaj. We get strength to serve Srila Prabhupada more and more from our Guru Maharaj. But our Guru Maharaj is no more physically present amongst us. Because of my stupidity, impureness ……, I am unable to feel his physical presence now and then. We are facing a lot problem in his physical absence. And always thinking – how his desires on ISKCON Manipur would be fulfilled in the midst of insurgency problems, communal riots, strong anti-hindu feelings among the Manipuri youths, etc., etc., … and in midst of very narrow minded, envious, non-cooperating management heads of our division? Please guide me in proper direction Maharaj.

HpS/ASA - We get, agtSP, nice perspective from starting with Verse 48. For example, Srila Prabhupada says: "...when he disappears, things once again become disordered. The perfect disciples of the ācārya try to relieve the situation by sincerely following the instructions of the spiritual master."

We try our best then Krsna and Balarama act.

Sometimes Krsna wants Duryodhana, Hiranyakaspur to have external success. So we have have to let there be external defeats.

Maybe ISKCON will just be you, me and Prabhupada 😅

😅 😅. We can try. There will always be results if we try.

Draupadi was complaining often about Yuddhisthira's not taking arms to claim his rights instead of living in the forest, no?

She complained to Krsna, no?

Yet she never lost faith that Krsna was ultimately in complete control and things would work out for the best.

Since Guru Maharaj’s disappearance, you are the only person who comes to Manipur regularly, giving your valuable time and energy for delivering the fallen souls of Manipur. Thank you very much Maharaj for your love of ISKCON Manipur and Sripada Maharaj. Offences we have committed to your goodself during your Manipur visits, kindly forgive us considering that we are fools.

We hope that Maharaj visits to Manipur again and again. Kindly forgive me if I have committed any offence at your lotus feet knowingly or unknowingly.

Your servant

Sadhubhusan Das

ISKCON Manipur


 HpS - 😅

you are damn rascal Sadhubusan Das!

Damn Rascal! 😅 😅 😅 We love Manipur. We love Manimandir. We can only make very small contribution. Your comments make us feel like we should be visiting right now, but we know that Krsna Candra is in charge!

If he needs you, me, he will take us there, no?

Did Krsna abandon the Braja-basis and go to Mathura?

Fotos NVM

1 year, 3 months ago by yasoda in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Todas las Glorias a nuestro maestro eterno Srila Prabhupada🙏

Querido Gurumaharaja por favor acepte mis sinceras reverencias a usted 🙏

Espero que se encuentre mejor de salud y que los dolores de cabeza hayan terminado o disminuido...

Nosotros (Govinda y yo) seguimos en el templo de NVM España. El frío empieza y las lluvias y viento fuerte nos pega tanto que la idea de pensar en un infierno caluroso me empieza a parecer "agradable" 😮😓 Una vez leí que este cuerpo material se adapta y acostumbra a todo... bueno estamos en el proceso 🤷🏻‍♀️ pienso que ésto puede ser un beneficio y una trampa al mismo tiempo...

Continuamos con el servicio de limpieza en la hospedería. Prabhu Jambula hace un muy buen servicio como encargado de traer los grupos visitantes a la hospedería y su esposa es muy amable hasta ahora. Quizás si Krishna quiere iríamos por unos meses al centro de prédica en Alicante (la zona turística con playa en España) tiene muy buen clima y está rodeado por el mega campus universitario, muchos muchísimos jóvenes viven cerca. Prabhu Kesava se encarga del programa de prédica por allá.

Gurumaharaja, leí que probablemente usted vendría en diciembre (por unos días?) Y luego en febrero u marzo por unos 3 meses quizás??? Dígame qué siiiiiiiiiiii por favor 🙏🙏🙏

HpS - AgtSP! Our calendar is in the Kapi Dhvaja every fortnight! On line at "News" at our web page: www.JayaRama.US.

If we don't die this breath we will plan on going to Houston on the 19th and stay ther until about 19th February. Then ??? back to Nashville for a months for Gaura purnima. After that???

Maybe Spain ? Maybe???? India.

Be Yogininis.

Preach to the innocent souls that Krsna sends!!

Become puppys with Nimai in Nadia in your next life.

Gurumaharaja yo lo extraño demasiado, pienso mucho en usted. Cuando veo a mis hermanos espirituales pienso más en usted, siento que cada uno de ellos es un pedacito del humor, devoción, espiritualidad, etc que usted tiene y entonces soy feliz ☺️ pero si usted puede venir aunque sea unos días seríamos inmensamente felices en NVM 🙏❤️🙇🏻‍♀️

Mi papá le escribió una carta, le estoy enviando la foto. Mi papá dice que quizás viaje a España en marzo.

Con amor y respeto.

Meditando en usted:

Yasoda Devi Dasi 🙏 (no importa si usted no recuerda mi nombre pero si tan sólo pudiera verlo una vez más Gurumaharaja, yo sentiría que TODO en esta vida tiene un verdadero sentido)

HpS - 😄 We always remember your name, along with Radha prati Jalpa, Yugala et al. Our very sincere respects to your Papa. He is so kind to write to us! A photo of your with a boy? I think you introduced him. I do forget his name.

PQPA meeting

1 year, 3 months ago by i8themaha in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I had a lunch with BrahmaThirtha Prabhu today. He's a wonderful preacher and I learned a lot!

But what was I doing there with philosophers, scientists, and astrophysicists...I was way out of my league. I'm not anywhere close to being intellectual...

He wants to write the book with you...he says he's getting a team together to help.

There is a promising Brahmacari ashram in Alachua...the Bhakta leader is very knowledgeable.

I was planning on checking out Krishna Life, but I haven't been able to connect with anyone for the arrangements yet, so it might be a short visit? And I will probably pass through Tennessee this weekend, if you need anything?

I'm very close to leaving the apartment as well...

And I need to stick to the simple plan you gave in the last letter...

Thank you for all the guidance!

Aspiring to serve

And grateful for you,

Jaya-hari das

16+/B4 -4/4p

HpS - Thank you!!

We will call you.

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