Vani Piercing our heart to release the contamination

1 year, 2 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Beloved Gurudeva,

Please accept our humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Here we are, in Florianópolis, Brazil.

We came here in a desperate attempt to recover our spiritual health!!

It is causing effect. It is amazing the potency of Sadhu Sanga, especially of a great Vaisnava. It reminds us of your teachings about Bhaktivinode's Thakura song, Ohe Vaisnava Thakur!!

We were and still are in an intense and sweet retreat with His Holiness Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami. Waking up at 2AM, chanting japa before Mangala Aratik. Lectures every day, helping him with his deities, harinam in Downtown. We feel blessed. Causeless mercy. Great realizations, that in some way pierce our heart but pushes us foward.

First of all I want to apologize with you. You gave us Harinam Diksa almost ten Years ago, and we were never serious. We were proud, we thought that we would be able to render any service without following your instructions. That we could accomplish anything just by our own capacity. But now, after suffering so much because of spiritual disease, we realize how mistaken we were.

We feel pain Gurudev, cause you were always perfect, your Vani was always and It still remains pure and clear as crystal water.

HpS//ASA - We are, agtSP, still trying to not eat too much, wrongly, at right times with KC attitude.

You were always loving and compassionate with us, with every answer in this blog, with every lecture you gave, every vapu association you gave us. You were always pure, and we always took you for granted.

We thought that we had time, that tomorrow we will be serious.

We read in the blog and in the KD how you are having some physical disturbances, how you are not travelling so much anymore, how you are barely accepting diksa disciples. Many times you mention that you are leaving next year. Odana Sasti 2024. And what we have given you?

We were such a passionate fools during all these years, that we haven't prioritized your divine instructions, which were always for our benefit!! You doesn't need us, but you were so kind, that you tried to engage us in devotional service. You were always giving Gurudeva, and we took nothing.

We remained complaining about our "difficult situation/service", we lost focus, we weren't able to catch your mercy!!

We are crying, we are lamenting. We have no excuse!! Pandavas, Draupadi, Queen Kunti, Haridas Thakur, Jesus Christ. They were no complaining, and succeeded.

Your text about Guru Tattva which I have read many times is so clear. Sixteen good rounds (1728+), four principles strictly, FMS and FES + SB/BG reading every day are compulsory. You were always repeating what Srila Prabhupada said. And we fools think that we can change the process he gave and do it diferently?

You are so magnanimous, that you never leaved us, you explain that if you can not act as Diksa Guru because fools like us don't follow our vows, you can act as Vartmana Pradaksika Guru, showing the path.

Why we are not being serious? There is no excuse!! We are in a stable situation (if that thing is possible in the material world).

We want to renew our vows!! We must do it.

How can we serve you Gurudev? What can we do to please you?

Keep pushing Sri Govardhan Project? Puppet shows, theater plays, preaching at the University, making friendship with Bernardo Nantes?

Ten month ago, in the letter

after we tell you:

"Thank you so much for being a straight pathway to Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet. Your vani accompanies me all the time, and is a huge help for everyday endeavors".

Your answer was:

"HpS - Hopefully we are at least 77% clear pathway to Srila Prabhupada and we certainly beg you to find other ways to reach him also Eg. Books, Other ISKCON devotees".

We want to tell you that we consider Aravinda Prabhu our Siksa Guru for ISKCON affairs in Latino Loka, Navina Nirada Prabhu for preaching and team building, H. H. SB Kesava Maharaj for inspiration and determination. But after meeting His Holiness Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami, I was struck with his preaching. It remainded me the first time I met you in Iskcon Buenos Aires, Andonaegui mandir. We feel that under his guidance and benedictions we are going to be able to reach your lotus feet, gateway to the Guru Parampara!!

Please Gurudev, we are running behind you. We are struggling to become a genuine disciple, don't let us go.

Determined to remain in the Sankirtana Party,

Hanging from your dhoti,

A heavy burden,

Nikunja Bihari das.

Ps: attached photos of Maharaja altar!

HpS//ASA - Guess that 99.99999999999...% of any good qualities that you see in us is the work of Guru and Krsna. AgtSP! HK/HR!

There is nothing specific that we can see for you to do for us.

Your Sadhana and Sadhu-sanga is great for us.

Is your family with you?

Maybe try to check in on The Pancha-tattva and see what is happening with him? What story in SB he is in?

More news as it comes.


Going as you are but finer and more intense.


Hare Krishna Amado Gurudeva,

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias,

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada,

Aquí estamos, en Florianópolis, Brasil.

¡¡Vinimos aquí en un intento desesperado por recuperar nuestra salud espiritual!!

Está causando efecto. Es asombrosa la potencia del Sadhu Sanga, especialmente de un gran Vaisnava. ¡¡Nos recuerda sus enseñanzas sobre la canción Thakura de Bhaktivinode, Ohe Vaisnava Thakur!!

Estuvimos y todavía estamos en un intenso y dulce retiro con Su Santidad Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami. Despertar a las 2 de la madrugada y cantar japa antes de Mangala Aratik. Da conferencias todos los días, ayudándolo con sus deidades, harinam en el centro. Nos sentimos bendecidos. Misericordia sin causa. Grandes realizaciones, que de alguna manera nos traspasan el corazón pero nos empujan hacia adelante.

Primero que nada quiero disculparme con usted. Nos ha dado Harinam Diksa hace casi diez años y nunca fuimos serios. Estábamos orgullosos, pensábamos que seríamos capaces de prestar cualquier servicio sin seguir sus instrucciones. Que podríamos lograr cualquier cosa sólo por nuestra propia capacidad. Pero ahora, después de sufrir tanto a causa de la enfermedad espiritual, nos damos cuenta de lo equivocados que estábamos. Sentimos dolor Gurudev, porque usted siempre fue perfecto, su Vani siempre fue y sigue siendo puro y claro como el agua cristalina. Siempre fue amoroso y compasivo con nosotros, con cada respuesta en este blog, con cada conferencia que dió, cada asociación vapu que nos dio. Siempre fue puro y siempre lo tomamos por sentado. Pensamos que teníamos tiempo, que mañana hablaremos en serio.

Leemos en el blog y en el KD cómo está teniendo algunos disturbios físicos, cómo ya no viaja tanto, cómo apenas aceptas discípulos diksa. Muchas veces menciona que se va el año que viene. Odana Sasti 2024. ¿Y qué te hemos dado? Fuimos unos tontos tan apasionados durante todos estos años, que no hemos priorizado sus divinas instrucciones, que siempre fueron para nuestro beneficio!! No nos necesitas, pero fuiste tan amable que trataste de ocuparnos en servicio devocional. Siempre nos estabas dando Gurudeva y nosotros no tomamos nada.

Seguimos quejándonos de nuestra "difícil situación/servicio", perdimos el foco, no pudimos captar tu misericordia!!

Estamos llorando, nos lamentamos. ¡¡No tenemos excusa!! Pandavas, Draupadi, Reina Kunti, Haridas Thakur, Jesucristo. No se quejaron y lo consiguieron.

Su texto sobre el Guru Tattva, que he leído muchas veces, es muy claro. Dieciséis buenas rondas (1728+), cuatro principios estrictamente, FMS y FES + lectura de SB/BG todos los días es obligatoria. Siempre estaba repitiendo lo que decía Srila Prabhupada. ¿Y nosotros, los tontos, pensamos que podemos cambiar el proceso que él dio y hacerlo de otra manera?

Eres tan magnánimo que nunca nos dejaste, explicas que si no puedes actuar como Diksa Guru porque tontos como nosotros no seguimos nuestros votos, puedes actuar como Vartmana Pradaksika Guru, mostrando el camino.

¿Por qué no hablamos en serio? ¡¡No hay excusas!! Estamos en una situación estable (si eso es posible en el mundo material).

¡¡Queremos renovar nuestros votos!! Debemos hacerlo.

¿Cómo podemos servirle Gurudev? ¿Qué podemos hacer para complacerte?

¿Seguir impulsando el Proyecto Sri Govardhan? ¿Espectáculos de marionetas, obras de teatro, prédica en la Universidad, hacer amistad con Bernardo Nantes?

Hace diez meses, en la carta nosotros le contamos:

"Muchas gracias por ser un camino directo hacia los pies de loto de Srila Prabhupada. Tu vani me acompaña todo el tiempo y es de gran ayuda para los esfuerzos cotidianos".

Su respuesta fue:

"HpS - Ojalá tengamos al menos un 77% de camino libre hacia Srila Prabhupada y ciertamente les rogamos que encuentren otras formas de llegar a él también, por ejemplo, libros y otros devotos de ISKCON".

Queremos decirle que consideramos a Aravinda Prabhu nuestro Siksa Guru para los asuntos de ISKCON en Latino Loka, a Navina Nirada Prabhu por la prédica y la formación de equipos, a SS SB Kesava Maharaj por su inspiración y determinación. Pero después de conocer a Su Santidad Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami, me sorprendió su prédica. Me recordó la primera vez que lo conocí en Iskcon Buenos Aires, Andonaegui mandir. ¡¡Sentimos que bajo su guía y bendiciones vamos a poder alcanzar sus pies de loto, que son la puerta de entrada al Guru Parampara!!

Por favor, Gurudev, estamos corriendo detrás de usted. Estamos luchando por convertirnos en un discípulo genuino, no nos dejes ir.

Decidido a permanecer en el movimiento de Sankirtana,

Colgando de su dhoti,

Una carga


Nikunja Bihari das.

PD: ¡adjunto fotos del altar de Maharaja!

Death Ceremonies

1 year, 2 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B

asa[e] death ceremonies

[10/14/2023 9:01 AM] Rama Das: Hare Krishna Gurudev AGTSP 🙏🏻

My father die today, so I need to know what I should and can do now, some indication for this process and something immediate for his benefit.

Thank you.

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! We would say that first thing is the attitude, perspectve, Bhava, Krsna Consciousness.

Do you have that?

Bg, SB, CC?

Prabhupada's story of the father going on a boat to work in China?

Then the ceremonies can be performed on three levels:

  1. bhur
  2. bhuvah
  3. sva

Have Kirtan for your father with his picture there.

Do Kirtan with your lips, mind and heart.

Read nice texts and purports for audience.

offer mahaprasadam to your father and then others.

ask brahmanas what else to do.

he may, probably, is staying on the second leval, bhuvah, so make a good world of thoughts to guide and orient him.


I am visiting to vrindavan

1 year, 2 months ago by [email protected] in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna gurudev, please accept my humble obeisance at your lotus feet. AGTSP






hps/asa - thank you for this news. three weeks to answer.😞

hope you are meeting and enlivening and learning from so many people wherever you allgo.

please become an acharya like srila prabhupada....

please give a summary when you get back to arizona.

we must stop now. 9.42pm. neck aches from computer work.

by Gurus Gace good Sankirtan today.

Am dd

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis reverencias Guru Maharaj

Espero se encuentre bien de siempre oramos por su salud cada mañana, gracias a su respuesta a mi carta anterior mis 3 hijos mayores comenzaron a asistir a la escuela presencial tuvimos una semana de adaptación pero todo parece fluir bien los chicos están felices, ahora tengo mas tiempo para tener aun mejor sadhana 16 buenas rondas el objetivo es mejorar mi concentración, 4 principios también, trato de tener buena asociación y tomar decisiones con más sabiduría.

El 10 Festival de Jala Yatra se festejó el pasado 27 de agosto asistí con mi familia y mis hijos se divirtieron en el paseo en botes le comparto algunas fotos, es muy bonito como la comunidad a tomado el festival con mucho cariño y cada año se realiza.

¡Nueva Govardhan! como le reportó mi esposo está manifestando buenos programas con universidades como la UVM. Nandita está bien los días sus días son tranquilos en el Gosala. Mis hijos y yo comenzamos un pequeño huerto con diferentes vegetales no es grande pero es un buen comienzo para aprender.

Unos meses atrás mi esposo inauguró una nueva sala de Bhakti yoga en el restaurante de Monterrey todos los domingos se realiza lectura de Bhagavad Gita. SS Guruprasad Swami a donado un altar muy bonito para las deidades en Monterrey, sin duda Krishna trae muchas sorpresas pero es una completa misericordias duda, tuvimos un festival de Sri Krishna Janmastami muy bonito en en el restaurante en Monterrey.

Vemos su Kapi Dvaja cada quincena, si tenemos la oportunidad le enviaremos a nuestro elefante Gadadhar a tomar su asociación en Houston, para mi tramitar mi visa tengo que tramitar primero la de mis hijos y eso toma tiempo pero veremos que dice Krishna ahora mi salud tiene altibajos comencé a presentar crisis de epilepsia la única respuesta que me han dado los neurólogos es que aleje el estrés y ansiedad de mi vida, tomar medicamento antiepileptico y esperar a que no suceda de nuevo🤔

bueno que podemos esperar del mundo material lo único seguro es que todo cambia a cada instante no aspiro a una vida larga pero tratamos de purificar la mente y el cuerpo si Krishna nos permite 🕧

No deseo quitarle mas su tiempo Gurudev, tu sirvienta Anandamaya Devi Dasi


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my obeisances Guru Maharaj

I hope you are well as always, we pray for your health every morning, thanks to your response to my previous letter, my 3 oldest children started attending in-person school, we had a week of adaptation but everything seems to be going well, the kids are happy, now I have more time to have even better sadhana 16 good rounds the objective is to improve my concentration, 4 principles too, I try to have good association and make decisions with more wisdom.

hps/asa 👍

The 10th Jala Yatra Festival was celebrated last August 27. I attended with my family and my children had fun on the boat ride. I share some photos with you. It is very beautiful how the community has taken the festival with great affection and it is held every year. .

HpS - AgtSP, i think it was monkey and piggy's suggestion. it is growing? stop at places along the route for events. back in the boat? local hosts at different spots?

'once you hear about the boating pastimes of Radha/Krsna, you will want to hear about them more and more', Narottama Das Thakura[?] !

New Govardhan! As my husband reported, he is showing good programs with universities like UVM. Nandita is well, her days are calm in the Gosala. My children and I started a small garden with different vegetables, it is not big but it is a good start to learn.

asa -🍠 🌽 🍇 🍌

A few months ago my husband inaugurated a new Bhakti yoga room in the Monterrey restaurant. Every Sunday there is a reading of Bhagavad Gita. HH Guruprasad Swami donated a very beautiful altar for the deities in Monterrey, without a doubt Krishna brings many surprises but it is a complete mercy. We had a very nice Sri Krishna Janmastami festival at the restaurant in Monterrey.

We see his Kapi Dvaja every fortnight, if we have the opportunity we will send our elephant Gadadhar to take his association in Houston, for me to process my visa I have to process my children's first and that takes time but we will see what Krishna says now my health has ups and downs I began to have epileptic seizures, the only answer that neurologists have given me is to remove stress and anxiety from my life, take antiepileptic medication and hope that it doesn't happen again🤔

HpS/ASA - Contact Laksmana Das and Raman reti Dasi in Peru. I think she is one of the greatest living authorities on the subject!!!

Well, what can we expect from the material world, the only thing that is certain is that everything changes every moment. I do not aspire to a long life, but we try to purify the mind and body if Krishna allows us 🕧

HpS - From our point of view you are a great example of what it means to be a lady, upright girl, in this present world. because of people like you more and more and more and more damned souls are being pulled out of maya. very rare to find people like srila prabhupada's disciples in this world.

probably your daily prayers for us are the only thing that keeps us from sliding down the mountain into the pit.

Thank you. More!!! a few more tricks before we die.

I do not wish to take up any more of your time Gurudev, your servant Anandamaya Devi Dasi

Musings of a Mad Monk

1 year, 3 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

[10/11, 11:28 AM] K G. Boro: Hare Krsna Maharaj 🙏

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Gauranga 🙏 All glories to Srila Prabhupad 🙏

Hari Bol!  

Maharaj will you be coming back to the Boro soon or be going to India pretty soon for Karthick maybe? Hare Krsna🙏

[10/11, 12:08 PM] HP Swami - Prof HHR: We've, agtSP, been based here for six months now, with just one week trips out to East and West Coast.

What are your plans? 


K G. Boro: Oh ok Jai Maharaj! 🙌🙏

Currently searching for new employment, in the mean time performing guitar Kirtan doing some small books distribution at the same time

Etasa Krsna Das your diciple will be coming to Murari Sevaka farm temple for November 13th Mon - Thursday to give mrdanga classes for the temple devotees and few regular local devotees to the temple

I'll accompany him and stay over at the farm during that time

🙏 I'm just trying to remember Krsna and the deities and serve the devotees

But searching for jobs that aren't too hellish maybe, I'm starting to look toward jobs related to music possibly. It's my nature I realized more and more this last year or so. Maybe music therapy profession. These are a few ideas I have 🙏 Hare Krsna Maharaj

Does this seem like the best idea to find a profession within our nature Maharaj? I've tried so many things, music seems to come automatically to me somehow.

HpS - AgtSP. So many times we see Srila Prabhupada, Krsna, recommending people work according to their nature and surrender the results to Krsna.

So, work related to the music industry seems good.

Since it is Kali yuga the best way to understand our nature is Hari Kirtan.

So 16-rounds, Kirtaniya sada harih (KSHari), always chanting.

We put Sm. Etasa K. Das's program on our Calendar, but don't think we can come. Got a nice program on 14th in The Boro.

Our calendar always in the Kapi Dhvaja. We are packing up and the 19th go to Houston, maybe for three months.

Hope to get your association during that time.

Maybe on your way to Murari you could stop by and we could send somethings for Etasa K. D. et al.

Thank you.

Past Due, doing it up.

1 year, 3 months ago by chas d lind in Personal Sadhana Reports

On the Eve of Radhastami

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

pamho, AGtSP!

HpS - Wow!!! you sent this two weeks ago!!!!! Rattle our cage on WhatsApp if a Blog Post needs quick attention.

Of course, you know we were almost drowning in all the service in Boise, and then some time to recover, but here we are looking at this Post!

Here we are, using syntax much going on, difficult not to use shortcuts. Though, you’ve reminded us of time, place, and circumstance, such as one of the creative processors of Radar (radio detection and ranging), finding sometimes even 3rd class applications will suffice.

HpS - Yes! The Battle of Britain.

Well, that’s sure Kali-Yuga’s standards, the manageabilities are so muddled, yet we keep serving faithfully, for Srila Prabhupada’s instructions reign true.


Finally getting up-to-speed with our World-Wide-Web, some glitch in the “MACHINE,” rendered me a senseless robot. Almost 2 weeks down before a tech finally came & revived my feverous online brain.

Fully contemplating this event, realizing my time was well spent, weaned off the A.I. stream. Read, wrote, and “awoke” with individual hope from the Supreme cause, a flute-playing Blue Lad keeping tabs on this Jiva Jag, enchanted again from the false-ego spin. Thank God, thank God. 

HpS - !!! Wonderful!! No, internet. That's when it is so nice to be walking distance from an ISKCON Temple.

                                                                               SFRY 23

Finished off the San Francisco’s Ratha Yatra (SFRY) 23 in Golden Gate Park, working with Jagannatha Swami Prabhu and Granthraja primarily, though my Go-Bro, Loka Bandhu Prabhu was my right-hand man too. All the guests seemed pleased.

Just beautiful weather and pushing 1,000’s for attendance, though not everything was perfect, plans changed due to certain mishaps in leadership (mine and others), plus learning curves made some complications weren’t my choices, yet the reasoning was needed... for some reason. We’re learning and we also must remember others are too, the tricky part is for each of us to glean the proper lesson, “Bhagavan” works His servants uniquely & intentionally... are we attentive?

The concluding festival site closing was an event in itself, sure had me surprised when a volunteering Bhakta was a wit's end from all the service, seen it happen before and some people even abandoned their seva. In this case, it was on another level, a potential direct confrontation. The truck loading of Gaura-Nitai, float, Altar & stages is a tight fit.

What started this conundrum was another devotee placed a small dolly stacked with chairs amongst the predestined articles and sure enough, our floor space was over-packed. My diligence and efforts to restore safe & proper stowing were taking too long and our Bhakta was impatient to get back to Berkeley, we all were. There is a method we use, we deviate & this is what happens.

HpS - Yeah. Is a fact!!! You are a Sannyasi to try to do such precise technical service in ISKCON institution!


Now the tests of “Will” now come to play, and not in a pleasant way, not knowing this Bhakta very well, I looked at Granthraja with concern, this young man could crush me if he desired. I stood in front of him in a casual horse-stance, mentioning he had some issues with anger. His response was, “I’ll show anger management,” while he approached me I lifted both of my arms up and surrendered to the moment (plus with my arms out I could defend myself if necessary) , he gave me a firm bear-hug and I returned with a friendly slap on the back and we went our ways. He was still mad, though relieved.

HpS - Wow!

Granthraja Prabhu looked over and said, “Well, looks like he failed the tolerance test, but at least we’re out of here.” Replying, I said,” He does give good hugs.” This all brought back memories of the earlier SFRY’s when the Rangers weren’t there, we’d be out in the park till midnight, thank God some “good” institutional policies came about. 


 Pre-SFRY + Post stool

Prior to the SFRY we were trying to write to you, though to no avail, the official Grhastra realm is not always easily managed... here’s the sample from early June:

Wow! Yogini Ekadashi and my rounds are done before Morning Gayatri. Your toleration of my obscure techniques in Japa does pay off!


Am very grateful for your instructions, and now I have time to write before going to work. So hoping I can keep this routine going for it is enhancing my Sadhana and stifling the crazy monkey in my brain, now to actually follow through between seva and strain.

One particular strain presented itself when sewage diabolically backed-up in our humble abode. The good Lord was just reminding us how gross this material life is on a very “personal” basis... in our “lump of ignorance.” Apparently, a prior plumber left the cap off the sewage clean-out pipe outside, we’ve been here a year now. Accumulated stool is not a pretty sight, nor a smell-full-delight. Now no excuses for indulging in House attachments, it stinks. Finally, purchased a $30 wire- snake, locked it on the drill-gun, and spun through masses of paper, leaves, and... We know. The sound the pipe made was like a belch of relief once things were flowing, such a gross event, Lord help us out of these messes.

ASA - Amazing!! Even house pass stool!!!

                                                                         Sweet Sorrow

Not to leave you on such an ignorant elaboration, am still seeking proper collaboration, a quasi-burning question for you on Sadhana & Preaching. Our tapasya in both of these practices seem interchangeable to a point, though one is for personal development the other for social enlightenment. The old axiom, “Acintya Bheda-Bheda Tattva” comes to the mind, again a mysterious conjunction of Buddhi yoga.

The succinct system the Lord has arranged for our purification and postulations are so cohesive in Their results, yet, there are always extremes per individual. I’m guessing that free-will is the crux, though Supreme-will may adjust for specific karmic balances, and the balances are enhanced or maligned due to association. In essence, our choices bring motivation and our faith brings confirmation. Seems we’re working to get our real jobs back and while doing so we must allow others to help and/or be helped and/or direct... is this feasible? ”The way is in training,” as the Sword Master; Miyamoto Musashi was known to say, now applying it?!

HpS - Your question is a little too advanced and esoteric for us.

Can you state it again is a simple fashion like you were talking to a mule?

Seems very interesting.


Please reask.

Thank you again for your valuable time! All glories to the Vaisnava’s!!

You servant in training,



 Almost done with Maitreya Dasa’s book, “Escape to Paradise and Beyond.” A damn extensive write, though for a good reason... his journey to K.C. His rendition has more advanced tones of my feeble writing, with quite a command of the English language. Waiting for his conclusion, is like being in a verbal whirlpool awaiting the vortex.

Escape To Paradise and Beyond: An Englishman's Global Quest For Truth And Enlightenment: Dasa, Maitreya: 9798986222707: Books

Thank you!

Our Temple President in San Jose, what was his name? Was English major. He said that one thing for good writing is to write stuff. Let is sit for three days and then go back and read it and see how clear it it is to you.

Your immediate knowledge of what you are talking about is gone and so you get a chance to read it like you reader, who won't be to hep to your personal thoughts.

Go chance to become poet very soon!!