Sadhana and more

1 year, 2 months ago by narotam_armijo in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna, AGTSP

please accept my humble obeisances.

Narottama reporting from the principal base.

And yes, Krsna is our




•And more or not?

HpS - To we demons He is death personified!

It's a really good idea what you propose and my daily schedule is:

wake op to 5 am then bath dressing and go to mangal arati.

Then canting one round (most of it aprox 13 every morning) then guru vandhana.

Then take the breakfast and chant the few that left, around the rest of the day.

Then study whith devaki or mitravinda (10 am to 1 pm) an then come the lunch after that we have an hour to rest an the we have work in the fields (mostly just put some water in some plants, others times the work is harder but i like it) then we take a bath and go to study (4:30 to 6 pm) an the eat for last time.

And then we rest until the next day.

HpS - Wow. AgtSP. When I hear this schedule I think of the poor black people in Africa, who have to sneak to the well to get water each day and try to avoid being raped by enemy soldiers. We are so fortunate.

Is a very good one, I hope to keep many things as they are for the rest of my life, what do you think about this?

HpS - Of course, it is great, yet don't forget that we are trying 'kirtaniya sada harih', chanting Mantra, songs, discussing Krsna with as many people as we can.

Yoga is hot Yoga until you give it away!

You will advance.

You will become great Saint like Visnupriya, Lord Caitanya, by the mercy of Lord Nityananda and the previous Acharya.

Intelligence and Heart in the balance

1 year, 2 months ago by sacinandan das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my respectful obeisances, dear Gurudeva.

I'm sorry I don't report frequently because my service is little.

HpS/ASA - Sorry we can't respond sooner! So nice to hear from you!

They say that a person's thoughts are more numerous than the waves of the sea.

I remember the explanation of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu when he was talking to the Mayavadi philosophers about the effects of chanting the holy name and he said:

"That holy name of the Lord sometimes makes me sing and dance, and therefore I sing and dance. Please don't I think I'm doing it on purpose. I'm doing it automatically". CC.Adi 7.96

Sorry for such a long introduction.

Reporting that we were fortunate to attend the first Sadhu Sanga fest in Mexico organized by H. H. Indrayumna Swami just 40 minutes from where we live in Tepoztlan.

We attended Mangal Aratik and had the opportunity to associate with many devotees from various parts of the world: Chaturatma Das, Radhikamohan Das, Amala Harinam Das.

The classes, the kirtans, the prasad and the place everything was wonderful,

I was able to distribute about:

  • 5-Tava Pache Pache,
  • 1-BG and
  • 2-medium books at the festival.

On the other hand, in my small traveling Sankirtan of the last 3 months I distributed:

  • 50 Bhagavad Gitas Big and
  • 120 medium books.

The most important was the Bhagavad-gita that the president of Tepoztlan David Demesa took.

If I could count out of 1600 people interviewed: 4 mentioned: "this book is by Prabhupada, I have read Prabhupada". 20 they say: "I have already read it, it is good", but they do not mention the author, there are very few people who have read Prabhupada, seeing 4 out of 1600 is extremely dazzling!

Apparently the Mayan storm is blowing very hard and there is a lack of strong captains and ships. We will continue searching for Sita!.

I am grateful and feel very happy for your blessings.

This is my litle report.

He concluded that we would like the family from Mexico to visit Tepoztlan, it would be a great joy and happiness to receive it, and there is a lot of Mexican food here to discover.

It is the place where Quetzalcoatl was born and there are many pilgrimages of spiritual seekers.

We would have very nice programs, many monkeys are willing to work.

Always grateful and asking forgiveness for my offenses his eternal and furry servant,

Sacinandan Das.

All glories to Guru and Gauranga!

HpS - ASA -- In many ways you are Guru to all of us. How is your 'better half', esteemed wife?



We hope that people start coming to you as a result of your Sankirtan Yajna asking how to distribute books themselves?

Thank you!!! Let us look at one more letter.

It, the Sun, is as 6.47PM. Sun sets here now at 6PM.

We have nice cabanya. All alone. No one in the entire city to visit or join us.


Sannyasa dharma, but we have you.

Thank you.

Any more furniture construction?

Full Morning Program request

1 year, 2 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva:


As you may have noticed, I did not attend the FMP this week.

It has been a very intense week, I teach in 4 different places. 2 virtual, 2 in person. This year my job search was a little complicated. I am in the Saturn period and on top of that, being retrograde, everything is slower for me. I have to struggle a lot during this period.

Ulysses' recovery has been slow and stressful. Being so strong and intelligent, he managed to get the cure and ate it. It could have given him intestinal obstruction. My character is more irritable than usual. I do not have time for anything. I have to make a change for next year.

My Sadhana has been affected. I lead the FMP 3-Sundays in a row and my brother Parasurama Das, the last Sunday of the month, I would like to leave a request on the Blog. Is there any devotee who would like to take a Sunday to lead the morning program? Directing 3-Sundays in a row for me is a lot because I also teach classes on Sundays. I work from Monday to Sunday.

I feel ashamed for not being able to do more for my spiritual life right now.

I missed the all days when I just work four hours because my father supported me. Ja Ja Ja!

I had a photo of that.

Gurudeva this week I will join the FMP, I promise

So, see you tomorrow

Thanks for all your support and inspiration

Trying to be your disciple


HpS/ASA - Thank you. AgtSP.

I cannot give advice to the Pandavas, "Oh, just chant 'Hare Krsna', and be happy". 😐

Yet, I always remember that Srila Prabhupada said, 'Engage full time in hearing and chanting, Srimad Bhagavatam, Sri Isopanisad, Brahma-samhita. We will supply the Prasada, but ... you can't do it. So engage in hearing and chanting as much as you can, then do whatever you can do for Krsna. Not dog hard, nicely'.

So, try to catch hold of Captain Krsna's direction and move into cooler professional work?

Specifically, Mitravinda Devi Dasi has been organizing the Kirtan Leader list, so we hope she see this and can help.

You do it once a month?

Respects to your Sister and your Dog!!



/ 🐶




Thank you!


Buscando motivación para seguir

1 year, 2 months ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

(Translated by Google)

Hare Krsna, Gurudev.

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you.

Here Deva Vrata [Daaas] 🙂

writes to you from the mountains of Córdoba, Argentina.

How are you?

HpS - jivera svarupa haya, krsnera nitya das. 🐵



If you are with Krsna and taking refuge in Srila Prabhupada you can never be wrong... so... it is a fact that you are fine.

HpS/ASA - KK//HH . . . '@'pop~

You are an example for me.

HpS - Of evil, vanity, sloth, arrogance, conceit, cunning?

An example that is too high, that sometimes even overwhelms me, that you are someone so pure, generous, kind, funny, honest, determined, dedicated, etc. etc etc....

and me, 1% of all that and 99% of everything opposite...

HpS - AgtSP!!

I hope it is not too pessimistic a letter. I'm going to try to make it realistic.

I'm sorry to say (and sometimes I even repress saying it), that I feel unmotivated in life. It's somewhat repetitive. I have even told you a little about it in previous letters.

Sometimes, I lack drive and enthusiasm to live. I don't know where to get it from.

Daily practice, philosophy, preaching, everything I do, is not enough for me to feel happy. Why is this happening?

HpS/ASA - Following 4-principles? That should eliminate 90% of your distress. Of course, we take too much sugar and that turns to wine in the blood, no? So have to follow four principles strrrrict-ly.

We are making progress.

I am just the same.

Unmotivated. . .

... but in some respects we must just make our own choices. Am I going to turn to Gopal and His friends?

This is our situation: ?

Have you come to the neutral stage where you are no longer seduced by The Black Witch, but not yet come to Spontaneous Raga anuga Bhakti?

NoI 7?

. . . You are not motivated any time in the day?

We are motivated at 2AM in the morning after a good sleep, and other times. Some other times we can barely move... 😞

Sometimes it is not that we are tired, we are thirsty, or suffocating. Just a biological reaction of depressed senses, mind, and we identify with it.

Get up!

Wash your clothes!

Trim your garden!

Hari Bolo! Chant One Mantra out loud with your arms raised.

Without living with you in your specific situation I can't give too much specific advice. Get local advisors, friends.

Yet above are some general thoughts, and specific things we do.

We are motivated to read this letter and write, because you WhatsApped us and we see you daily iin the FMS!

"Iskcon is an uninspiring institution, but all the others are so much worse", Bhakta Abraham.

I am very sorry to tell you this Gurudev. I know that your wish is for us all to be happy. You are a Vaisnava and even an ant matters to you.

HpS - Well actually I usually don't care too much about most people's depression or enthusiasm, because I don't know their details. I try to go out and make myself available and then as I get to know people, then their emotions and attitudes become real to me.

Yes, agtSP, I do care about the ants in my house. Try to facilitate their lives.

It is Srila Prabhupada whom you want to ask these questions of. We can just give a little help like above, and direct you to him!


When I slow down and focus on one paragraph from the second KRSNA book, it makes me motivated.

Eg. How must chipped, flat, rice did Sudama Vipra take to KRSNA? Was it enough for one lunch?

O.K. Let's look at some other posts.

We're all crazy here.

You're not going to be fully motivated until you kiss Krsna's lotus foot prints in Vrndavana, and get the shelter of the Gopis, and they are not hard to approach, because they are looking for more, and more, and more people to do practical work in their efforts.

How can I feel the drive to live?

HpS - By seeing Srila Prabhupad smile at you.

Where does the enthusiasm to live day to day come from?

HpS - Sankirtan with Srila Prabhuapda and then peanut butter and jam on rye bread sandwich prasadam when you are tired!

I am unfortunate to be so absorbed in my misfortune. I should be absorbed in trying to serve you and Iskcon.

HpS - Maybe our depression is just result of material associaiton, but also just our offensive, greedy and selfish faults! We take a deep breath and chant two Maha-mantras. As long as can breath you can chant. That is your option. Enthusiasm is not something you get (get, get, get) but some way to act (give, give, give). You have to have unlimited determination to serve Krsna, hari kirtan. How much...? Unlimited?

That's my reality. Anyway, I do the best I can with what I have.

HpS - 😠

Well why didn't you say that in the beginning! That's all we can suggest! 😄

Thanks Gurudev. please give me some advice.

HpS - Just did. 🐈

Eternally indebted to you.

HpS - Good, that will help us pay off our debt to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you for accepting me into your entourage, even though I am the most insignificant.

Bows to your feet.

Hare Krishna

ASA - Pictures cats and dog pictures attached. Thank you for yours. From them it seems that maybe your are not tasting the mystical poetry in the books and sharing that with others.


(Traducida por google)

Hare Krsna Gurudev.

Por favor, acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y todas las glorias a ti.

Aquí te escribe Deva Vrata das de las sierras de Córdoba, Argentina.

¿Cómo estás? 

Si estás con Krsna y refugiado en Srila Prabhupada nunca puedes estar mal... así que... es un hecho que estás bien.

Eres un ejemplo para mí. 

Un ejemplo demasiado elevado, que incluso a veces hasta me agobia, que seas alguien tan puro, generoso, amable, divertido, honesto, determinado, entregado, etc. etc. etc....

y yo, un 1% de todo eso y un 99% de todo lo contrario...

Espero que no sea una carta demasiado pesimista. Voy a intentar hacerla realista. 

Lamento decirlo (y a veces incluso reprimo decirlo), de que me siento desmotivado en la vida. Es algo repetitivo. incluso en cartas anteriores te lo he contado un poco.

Algunas veces, me falta ímpetu y entusiasmo para vivir. No sé de dónde sacarlo. 

La práctica diaria, la filosofía, la prédica, todo lo que hago no me alcanza para sentirme feliz. ¿por qué me sucede esto?

Lamento mucho contarte esto Gurudev. Sé que tu deseo es que todos seamos felices. Eres un vaisnava y hasta una hormiga te importa.

Cómo puedo sentir el impulso para vivir? 

de dónde sale el entusiasmo para vivir el día a día? 

Soy desafortunado por estar tan absorto en mi infortunio. Debería estar absorto en tratar de servirte a tí y a Iskcon.

Esa es mi realidad. De todos modos, hago lo mejor que puedo con lo que tengo.

gracias Gurudev. por favor dame un consejo.

Eternamente endeudado contigo. 

gracias por haberme aceptado en tu séquito, aunque yo sea el más insignificante.

Reverencias a tus pies.

Hare Krsna 

Gratitude unlimited....from my heart

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Guru Maharaj H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami. Please accept my humble obeisances at your sweet lotus feet.

HpS - AgtSP. Our feet are more like lettuce feet.

My pranams again and again , those transcendental lotus feet are my only shelter.

HpS - Probably 99.9999999...% of any good qualities you see in us are the result of Guru and Krsna, AgtSP, who made their generals out of mud!

My apologies for the long, long hibernation. Trapped by Maya....but as always, our glorious Guru Maharaj stands before me to defend and protect me always. Internet services had been shut down for the last 3 months. Temporarily it was lifted last week.....only to be banned again.

HpS - Yamunesvara Das told us the same! Lord in the heart.

During those days, we continued with our morning SB classes through conference call. Our group has completed the First canto , by Your kind mercy. All glories to Your divine mercy Guru Maharaj. We are in the first chapter of Canto 2 now.

ASA - After Preface in First Canto, SG begins to preach.

The evening BG classes could not be continued as all the participants could not be connected by conference call. The few of us continued with NOI followed by Krishna book reading by conference call during the evening session.

HpS - Super!

Now, every evening we are reading a little portion of NOD, followed by Krishna book reading and BG.

We have completed 2 rounds of BG and each of us take turns in reading the BG.

We are in 2.22 now.

My Bhakti Bhaivav classes suffered. Could not join 3 units.

HG Padmasundari Mataji has been so merciful to let me join the classes after 3 months.

We are in the Sixth Canto now.

In this trying times, the Narayana kavaca has come as a huge, huge relief. Our co ordinator has told in the class that we need to seek permission from our spiritual master to recite these prayers. Guru Maharaj, these prayers are so close to my heart. May I get Your instruction on these prayers?

HpS - We don't know anything specific but why not recite anything in SB! Recite them with perspective of the Bh. Vedanta puports, no?

Recently I had been empanelled as a member of the Standing Academic Committee of our Institute. I offer this post at Your lotus feet, for the service of Srila Prabhupada. The exchange programme between Peru and Manipur can come through a Memorandum of Understanding between various Universities of Peru and our Institute. We are working with the Head of Department of Yoga from Manipur University for some collaborative studies. Thank you so much Guru Maharaj, you have showered us with so many blessings. Prof. T.Inaobi, HOD of Yoga and the Dean , School of Education , Manipur University has been greatly influenced by your interaction with him on Your last visit . Thank you Guru Maharaj.

Chanting regularly ....with lots of love, by Your mercy Guru Maharaj. Doing my daily devotional services from home as night curfew has been imposed since the last 4 months. On Sundays, I go for mangal arti to the temple and then go to Sri Govindaji temple.

Your grace is amazing dear Guru Maharaj. The trouble started from Nrshimha Caturdasi.

My heart was broken when our Chief minister touched the Vigraha of Sri Nrshimha Dev last year.

HpS - Touched? Some violence to Lord Nrshma?

This year too, he was invited and I was already in a lot of distress lest the same thing would be repeated.

On this auspicious day, this year, he could not attend as violence erupted on this day. All glories to Sri Nrshimha dev. The entire month, our reading group read the 7th canto....a lot of us cried and cried. I thank you Guru Maharaj for protecting us.

Going to Mayapur on 11th of October with few devotees. Finally. I feel a great sense of relief to be of some service to your relentless efforts in propagating the mission of Srila Prabhupada. I remain a miniscule dust particle at Your lotus feet Guru maharaj.

Your ignorant and insignificant servant

Sarad Gaurangi DD

HpS - Thank you!

Thank you... T h a n k ... you!

Go on being a bright fire of Krsna shakti!

Solving problems in Manipur solves them all over the world.

Personal Sadhana and Mandir Report

1 year, 2 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna,                                                                                                                16.10.2023

Dandavat Pranam,

All Glories to HpS Guruji Maharaja.


Please accept my humble obeisance to Guruji Maharaja's padmacharan, that I could not sent and read the block [blog] due to Law & Order problem of Manipur since 3rd May 2023.

We are trying to form a new Committee of our Thoubal Manir (Bhagavat Shiksha Ashram). It was a registered body under the Manipur Society Register Act but unfortunately the previous committees did not continue the formalities, so we are trying to continue the formalities with the help of the officials. It will take some time, but it is possible.

HpS - Basic society is Sanga of friends who chant Hare Krsna together, but if that is maturing, like the seed making the flower, then Varna Ashrama Dharma follows the Bhagavata Dharma and we engage in this Ksatriya, civil work. Very nice. Save your circle of contacts in Manipur etc.

Yes, we all need Bhakti-Sastri Classes not for certificate but to increase the Bhakti knowledge.


Guruji! where are You now adays, and when You are coming in India? During Goura Purnima will You be in Mayapur? It will be a golden opportunity for us to visit Navadwip nine dwips of Nabadwip and duwadasa (12) vans of Brindavan under the guidance of Guruji Maharaja. We a team of 10-12 bhaktas of our Manir are planning to come Mayapur during Goura Purnima. We will start from the 21st of March to 27th at Mayapur, then Puri - Delhi - Mathura - Brindavan - Radhakunda -Delhi - Kurukshetra - Delhi - Imphal on 7th April.


Yours fallen servant,

Yamuneswara Das


HpS - We always put our Calendar in the Kapi Dhvaja, but we certainly repeat it here, especially because of the communication block in Manipura.

[How is your daughter, son, relations?]

We have been based in Nashville, Tennesse, USA for months, after returning from India.

We are too old to travel alone or even much at all.

We went for a week to the East coast, West coast, and now after five weeks, 19th November we should go to Middle-South, Texas.

Probably stay there for three months, until just before Gaura purnima.

We are not sure.

Health is not stable.

World politics and peace and prosperity are not stable.

Yet, maybe come back to Nashville end of February and celebrate Gaura purnima here.

After that???

Stay here on our new rural campus???

Go to Europe/Spain then to Radha Kunda???

Maybe next time our body go to India will be as ashes in a jar that someone will kindly pour in the Yamuna.

Of course, if we are ghost following our ashes in airplane to India we can steal peoples drinks. 😆

Thank you for the news.

Please send any questions.

Hello to Vana mali, Sadhu, Ekanatha, Sarad, everyone!!!!!