[FMS dhirodatta ] My Favorite Bead Karuna Sakti Devi Dasi

1 year, 3 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes y rendidas reverencias.

¡Todas las Glorias sean a nuestro muy misericordioso Fundador- Acarya, quien acepto tantas austeridades para salvar a tantas almas de la terrible condición en la que voluntariamente ingresamos! 🙇

y ¡todas las glorias a sus fieles discípulos!

Gurudeva, oramos sinceramente a nuestros Señores Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva y Srimati Subhadra, le otorguen plena protección. Se de antemano que así es, porque usted esta entregado al servicio de Srila Prabhupada, pero orar sinceramente es lo único que podemos hacer desde nuestra limitada condición. 🙏

Hoy escribo porque durante FMS, usted dijo que enviáramos una foto de nuestra cuenta “dhirodatta” después de la lectura del NOD, cuando usted hizo la petición de una foto inmediatamente pensé en una de mis cuentas, ella es ciertamente particular (para mi), es la sexta de mis cuentas, en su cara frontal y posterior se le dibuja una “ V ” y tiene una textura muy peculiar.  (Envió fotos de ella)

Por otra parte, le comento que ayer sábado, me tocaba liderar el kirtan durante FMS y tuve que arrastrarme con determinación a Mangala aratika, porque desde hace días estamos sufriendo uno de los más fuertes dolores de cabeza que este cuerpo ha experimentado, pero vuestra asociación y la de los vaisnavas nos motivaron para intentar. Por favor disculpe nuestras ofensas y mala conciencia. 🙇

Más tarde leí su respuesta a la carta de Laksmana Agraja Prabhu... me sentí avergonzada, por solo pensar en mí, mientras que usted hace toda clase de esfuerzos por incluirnos en el trascendental ejército de Srila Prabhupada. Oramos porque su dedo se encuentre mejor. Gracias por su majestuoso ejemplo, es por su misericordia que seguimos vivos y en la lucha, hasta que nuestro Caballeroso Señor decida otra cosa.

Muchas gracias por todo Gurudeva, si me lo permite, en otro momento escribiré sobre mis intentos de sankirtan, tal como me lo solicito. Por ahora, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias, cariño, respeto y admiración.

Siempre a sus órdenes

Su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 

HpS - AgtSP. I don't think that we are as austere as you! We don't control our impulses for comfort for this body as well as we should eg. sometimes eating grains at night.

Let us look at you bead!!!!!


It is amazing! I think Brijavasis call that an 'eye'. It think it is were a branch, twig, is starting to come out, no?

Hare Krsna!!

Now we pack.

We leave for Houston in less than one day.

Soon we leave for Nabadvip with Nimai??

we are still alive!!

1 year, 3 months ago by brian tellez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Dear Gurumaharaja. Pamho. AGTSP.

Here reporting you his servant Vrajendra kumara das from Mayapur dham.

We continue to live here with my wife Amala Sundari DD since you came and gave us the pleasure of serving You and the team to film the movie.

The rounds and saddhana have become more fixed since I need the mercy of the Supreme Lord day by day to survive in the dham, support my family, work with iskcon online and with my export company😅

. ( Circumstances have become me more Nista)

My wife and I are fine, it seems that Mr. Gauranga finally gave us a permanent place to live in the Dhan, we plan to travel in the summer but return for work

Dear Guru Maharaja, I have read your reports and calendar and I would very much like to be able to serve you when you come to India in June if we are still alive, excuse me for not writing to you but I was these two years trying to establish the foundations to grow my family and I focused on work.

please help me! Give me your mercy and give me a service, what can I do for you?

Your Servants Vrajendra Kumara das y Amala Sundari DD

HpS - Very nice to hear from you! Hope you can always see any stability in youe Ashrama as the mercy of Krsna, like a raft in the tumultuous ocean!

Like Sudama Vipra.

More news of your Sankirtan in Mayapura!

We think we will be based in Houston for three months then probably return to Nashville for Gaura purnima. After that 1. we may stay here, 2. we may go to spain and 3. we may, may, may go to Vrndavana after some time in Spain.

Hari Bolo! More Sankirtan news as it comes.

Thank you.

Beloved and Remenbered Gurudeva 🙏🏼

1 year, 3 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble obeisances to your blessed lotus feet 🙏🏼💐🌼🌹🌷🌻

HpS/ASA - Lettuce feet. AgtSP!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Gurudeva!

I hope this finds you well and very happy in Your wonderful consciousness of Our dearest person: KRSNA💕 in this wonderful month of kartika.

Please excuse my delay in writing my report.

When I went out to do a service outside the home I had a bit of a strong test and some more. But the good thing is that I understood the need for His Gurudev instruction:

https://vedabase.io/es/library/noi/5/#bb5954 and some more that you gave me in a previous letter. thank you very very much 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

While I was recovering to write to you I had a dream where you told me that I should not wait to write to you, that I should write to you while it is happening to me, so it can help me and benefit others!

You are such a wonderful Guru!!!

Eternal thanks!!!

Your questions:

_Madhavendra Puri das came home a while ago. He brought me my tava pache pache that I ordered from prabhu Nikunja Bihari das.

Franco cooked for him and we shared.

MPD told me he would write to you soon.

_I had the opportunity to meet very good Dance teachers!... but recommending is something more delicate... I still want to meet my dance Guru.

Because you mentioned it, we read the letters before ours and especially loved her response to devotee Yajnaseni DD's letter. thank you so much.

Srimad Bhagavatam

In the book Prabhupada Lilamrta page 302. Srila Prabhupada responded that women should not appear in theater plays.

 When I read this, I wanted to ask you and I forgot.

 How should all of us who do this Dance service take this instruction? thank you very much🙏🏼

HpS - Traditionally in India, even the part of women would be taken by men, in dramas. This was the classical standard in Western culture also, as far as we know.

As far as we know Srila Prabhupada watched some modern dramas such as those organized by Sudama Swami where devotee ladies performed with men.

In general I think that we should try to minimize the contact. Ladies can perform in one scene, gents in another.

Manipuri dance there is no eye contact between male and female dancers.

That is all that I know.

When I read this a long time ago I thought I would stop dancing in public. Then I dreamed about my friend Indhuleka (who is no longer physically here) she said: don't stop dancing, you do it very beautifully and it is also for Krishna... there are few dancers who do it for Krishna.

In the dream there was a festival and I went to the kitchen to do service. When show time arrived I didn't want to go... I wanted to stay in the kitchen... but Indhuleka and other devotees pushed me with their words: come on, it's your service! It was a temple that I had never seen before.

HpS - Yes, strong phrase that Prabupada quotes about ladies dancing on stage in Bengali tradition, but.... as far as I know they did not dance with men on stage at the same time.

We have started reading the 2nd canto.

The last comment I wish to make regarding her answer that besides a woman's intuition, she must confirm with guru, sastra and sadhu..

HpS - Yes!!

I thought that this movement is so important. So much preaching is needed.. When I saw that Indian documentary that I told you about.. I thought that there are many girls like them who do.

If they had the opportunity to know Krishna Consciousness it would really change their lives.

How many lives can be saved...!

I remember what you said about mother Sita, it is a hobby but we must learn that she disobeyed and crossed the line drawn by Laksman (represents the 4 principles) and was kidnapped.


had another accident...!!!...a fall at home. Apparently he fractured another rib... on the opposite side of the one he fractured on the motorcycle... he is recovering at home, happily he feels better and better and he started again, always active doing so many things: farming and building, cooking and making crafts .

I ask for your blessings for Him please.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!! Best wishes for full success in his spiritual life and Sankirtan. What happend to the motorcycle? 🙂

Please forgive my offenses committed in this letter unintentionally🙏🏼

Please accept my eternal obeisances at Your lotus feet and accept obeisances from my dear life partner and my dear Gopalito..!

Trying to please him:

J.P. Radha Devi Dasi

P.D. In the first photo, a little of the craftsmanship that Franco makes and some photos when I graduated with a degree in Communication Sciences in 2010.

HpS - Thank you!

Rohini Kumar Das - Vyasa Puja Date etc.

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis reverencias.


Ahora que llegó el invierno asisten a mangalartik unos 15 a 20 devotos fines de semana más. Pero en verano el templo estuvo lleno cada día.

Por la micericordia de Krsna manifestada a través de sus enseñanzas hago mi mejor esfuerzo para realizar mi servicio con la mejor conciencia posible.

HpS 👍

Gurudeva dónde se va realizar su vyasapuja? Así los devotos que iremos desde new vrindaban podriamos comprar nuestros pasajes .

Su sirviente Rohini Kumar das

HpS/ASA - As far as we can understand the future we will be in Houston, Nila-madhava Dhama at that time. The date is 11th January, Thursday, and certainly we can have events then and Friday and Saturday. Some are suggesting the formal event on ISKCON property, which can only happen once a year, should be on Saturday.


Your opinions?

Mi salud y avances en ISKCON Chile

1 year, 3 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

My health has returned to normal. The good thing is that my condition can be kept under control with medication and function like a normal person in society. I am rigorous with the treatment and I take medicine in a sacred way, in fact, I am grateful that this scientific advance exists.

The first session with my psychologist was 9 years ago. 1 year and 9 months ago she told me: “It is no longer necessary for you to come to the consultations, just come when you consider it necessary.”

On the other hand, my psychiatrist a few months ago began to postpone monthly consultations and now do them every two months. She is very happy with my progress, every time we have a session she tells me that the progress has always been increasing. Of course, her role is to always remind me not to stop taking my medications, and believe me, I don't want to make the same mistake again.

A few weeks ago the administrative board summoned me to a meeting and my case is already taking the first steps. It will be slow but I am willing to follow the guidelines they establish so I can follow your instructions to remedy the damage.

Thank you Gurudeva for his concern about my health. I'm back to being the person I was before, and of course, sometimes I can be a little higher or lower, but everyone has mood swings, right?

HpS - AgtSP, yes!!

My obeisances Gurudeva

Your servant

Piyari Mohan das

HpS - This is very nice news, and we hope the Temple Board is impowered to do an exemplary job. Of course, it very much involves full consideration for all those physically involved. Daya not Satya is the most essential aspect of truth.