Mi cuenta favorita

1 year, 3 months ago by yasoda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a nuestro Maestro Eterno Srila Prabhupada 🙏

Por favor Gurumaharaja acepte mis sinceras y afectuosas reverencias 🙏

Debo confesar que nunca había pensado que de alguna manera inconciente yo podía tener una cuenta favorita en mi Japa 😮

Mi Japa tiene cuentas muy pequeñas (cada una mide 1 centímetro aproximadamente) pero siempre que la veo recuerdo el día que usted cantó mi Japa antes de mi iniciación en el templo de Wilson 🙏🙇🏻‍♀️ vi como usted cantaba cada cuenta con mucho cuidado de no dejar ninguna sin cantar porque son muy pequeñas...ese momento quedó grabado para siempre en mi mente y mi corazón 🧡🙏

Mi cuenta favorita es la primera porque es totalmente diferente a las demás: es más grande y por ello me indica por donde empezar a cantar la Japa, además me parece que tiene una forma peculiar como de un OJO 👁️... usted que opina Gurumaharaja?

Que el Señor Nrsimha lo proteja siempre

Intentando ser útil

Yasoda Devi Dasi 🙏


All Glories to our Eternal Master Srila Prabhupada 🙏

Please Gurumaharaja accept my sincere and affectionate obeisances 🙏

I must confess that I had never thought that in some unconscious way I could have a favorite bead on my Japa beads 😮

My Japa has very small beads (each one measures approximately 1 centimeter) but every time I see it I remember the day you chanted my Japa before my initiation at the Wilson temple 🙏🙇🏻‍♀️ I saw how you chanted each bead very carefully of not leaving any without singing because they are very small... that moment was forever recorded in my mind and my heart 🧡🙏

My favorite bead is the first because it is totally different from the others: it is larger and that is why it tells me where to start chanting the Japa, and it also seems to me that it has a peculiar shape like an EYE 👁️... what do you think Gurumaharaja ?

May Lord Nrsimha protect you always

Trying to be useful

Yasoda Devi Dasi 🙏

HpS - AgtSP! Paoho... we can't see the details, but sometimes the "eye" is where a twig was passing through the branch.

It is mentioned in the Krsna book about chanting on beads and calling cows or remembering Gopis.

We were able to go in Braja, many years ago, where the man was making Japa beads.

He was sitting on the ground in a porch of his house and he had a simple village lathe that was made of piece of metal lie a nail, some rubber from an old inner tube, and was turned by his knee. He had pieces of Tulasi branch that was cut into about three bead sizes, and he would put them on the lathe between the 'head stock' at one end then the cutting end would start drilling into the bead as he chanted and cut in from the side with a shard knife-chisel.

The art was to cut from the side and the hole so that they reached each other at the same time. Then he would knock the bead off and start cutting the next.

Seemed he could chant one Mahamantra for each bead as he cut it.

If he did that for two hours a day he would have enough income to pay for his bodily expenses, no?

Village life.

NVM village life.

Wake up in Braja one day.

De vuelta

1 year, 3 months ago by kazzymiro@ in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte mis reverencias Mahārāja, hoy por fin ví su clase de Śrīmat Bhāgavatam, estuve sin teléfono tres semanas más o menos, sentí gran alegría de escucharlo nuevamente, había estado tomando la clase del curso para iniciación con Prabhu Vanamali pero sin teléfono he faltado a dos clases, espero poder retomarlo si se me permite, no me he podido poner en contacto con Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja pero veo sus clases en YouTube y creo entender porque me envía a sus pies de Loto Gurvdeva, tengo un trabajo que no me ha permitido ir a Rādhā-Mādhana-Gopāla Mandira pero hago mi Mangala ārātika en casa.

Llevo 10 días tratando de no deber rondas, un día canté 34 rondas, ahora sólo debo 14 rondas y estaré al corriente con mis 16 diarias, en Ratha-yatra colecte y cocine para 500 platos de Jalaba, arroz y vegetales con néctar, Akincana Kṛṣṇa Dāsa me dió el Seva junto a Haribhakti Prabhu y el devoto Cerón, fué hermoso el festival, solo faltó usted. Anirudha Prabhu se ha quedado en mi bajan kutira algunas veces y me predica, él tiene apego por Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja lo que es genial porque somos doblemente hermanos, también lleve a Akinkana Kṛṣṇa a su pueblo y fueron 6 horas de Kṛṣṇa katha muy extático, su bendición llega y Kṛṣṇa me permite acercarme a él, gracias Mahārāja, Todas las Glorias !!!

Tengo Doti morado y kurtas de colores, pienso hacer un personaje de Clown predicador, pronto le enviaré fotos.

Jaya Śrīla Prabhupāda!!


Please accept my obeisances Mahārāja, today I finally saw your Śrīmat Bhāgavatam class, I was without a phone for three weeks or so, I felt great joy to hear you again,

I had been taking the initiation course class with Prabhu Vanamali but without a phone I have been missing to two classes, I hope to be able to resume it if I am allowed, I have not been able to contact Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja but I watch his classes on YouTube and I think I understand why you sends me to his Lotus feet Gurvdeva,

I have a job that has not allowed me go to Rādhā-Mādhana-Gopāla Mandira but I do my Mangala ārātika at home.

I have been trying for 10 days not to owe rounds, one day I chanted 34 rounds, now I only owe 14 rounds and I will be up to date with my daily 16,

HpS - Super!

In Ratha-yatra I collect and cook for 500 dishes of Jalaba, rice and vegetables with nectar, Akincana Kṛṣṇa Dāsa gave me the Seva together with Haribhakti Prabhu and the devotee Cerón, the festival was beautiful, the only thing missing was you.

Anirudha Prabhu has stayed in my Bajan kutira sometimes and preaches to me, he is attached to Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja which is great because we are doubly brothers,

I also took Akinkana Kṛṣṇa to his village and it was 6 hours of very ecstatic Kṛṣṇa katha, his blessing comes and Kṛṣṇa allows me to approach him, thank you Mahārāja, All Glories!!!

I have purple Doti and colorful kurtas, I plan to make a preacher Clown character, I will send you photos soon.

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!

HpS - Very interesting!!! We wait for the pictures!!!! Very informative news for all of us here.

You have nice relation with the Temple authorities?

An offering for the departure of Srila Prabhupada/ Una ofrenda por la partida de Srila Prabhupada

1 year, 3 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my obeisances at Your lotus feet dear Gurudeva🙏🏼

 This song was born to me a while ago when Srila Prabhupada appeared.

 And today I share it with you as an offering for his departure.

 He told us that in the spiritual world there is no separation...that in reality separation is just another aspect of the encounter...

 A song dedicated to our beloved Acarya: the Divine Grace of him: Srila Prabhupada:

 🎵I was looking for happiness

 And I couldn't find it🎶

 🎵Today I thank you

 Srila Prabhupada 🎶

 🎶Srila Prabhupada

 Srila Prabhupada

 Today I thank you

 Srila Prabhupada🎵

 🎶Srila Prabhupada

 Your divine Grace

 Srila Prabhupada

 Patita Pavana🎵


 🎶Patita pavana

 Patita pavana

 Today I thank you

 Srila Prabhupada🎵


 🎵When I read your books

 I felt loved🎶

 🎶Thanks to them

 Find new life🎵

 🎶Every word said by you

 It's wonderful🎵

 🎶Gives us hope

 To the fallen soul🎵

 🎵Thank you for coming my dear

 Patita pavana🎶

 🎵Thank you for coming here

 His Divine Grace🎶


 🎵Srila Prabhupada

 Srila Prabhupada

 Today I thank you

 Srila Prabhupada🎶

 🎶You taught us to live

 To die too

 Today I thank you

 Everyone loves you🎵

 🎶Srila Prabhupada

 Srila Prabhupada

 Today I thank you🎵🎶

 Pa ti ta Pa va na

 Trying to please him:

 JP. Radha devi dasi.


Por favor acepte mis reverencias a Sus pies de loto querido Gurudeva🙏🏼

Me nació esta canción hace un tiempo cuando fue la aparición de Srila Prabhupada.

Y hoy se la comparto como una ofrenda por Su partida.

El nos dijo que en el mundo espiritual no hay separacion..que en realidad la separación es solo otro aspecto del encuentro..

Una canción dedicada a nuestro querido Acarya: Su Divina Gracia : Srila Prabhupada:

🎵Estaba buscando la felicidad

Y no la encontraba🎶

🎵Hoy te doy las gracias a ti

Srila Prabhupada 🎶

🎶Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada

Hoy te doy las gracias a Ti

Srila Prabhupada🎵

🎶Srila Prabhupada

Su divina Gracia

Srila Prabhupada

Patita Pavana🎵


🎶Patita pavana

Patita pavana

Hoy te doy las gracias a Ti

Srila Prabhupada🎵


🎵Cuando leí tus libros

Me senti querida🎶

🎶Gracias a Ellos

Halle nueva vida🎵

🎶Cada palabra dicha por ti

Es una maravilla🎵

🎶Nos da esperanza

Al alma caída🎵

🎵Gracias por venir mi querido

Patita pavana🎶

🎵Gracias por venir aqui

Su Divina Gracia🎶


🎵Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada

Hoy te doy las gracias a Ti

Srila Prabhupada🎶

🎶Tu nos enseñaste a vivir

A morir también

Hoy te doy las gracias a Ti

Todos te quieren🎵

🎶Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada

Hoy te doy las gracias a Ti🎵🎶

Pa ti ta Pa va na

Intentando complacerlo:

JP. Radha devi dasi.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!!!

4.30PM here in ISKCON Houston. Temple is four stories tall inside! Over 25-buildings, homes, school, restaurant all Hare Krsna.

Now we press our clothes, prepare some bananas for storage and prepare for Romapada Swami's seminar.

Greetings from China

1 year, 3 months ago by rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj, 

Please accept our obeisances,

All glories to His Divine Grace !

On this very auspicious day of Srila Prabhupada tirobhava, it's unavoidable to remember your grace on us as well. For us , Prabhupada never disappeared. He only appeared and keeps being present proportionately with our service/contribution to his movement. As long as intensity is there, Srila Prabhupada is present. As soon as there is a day off, Prabhupada is less visible. Prabhupada made a giant step to come out of Vrindavan and expand his tree/mercy. And your Holiness is the fruit of that tree that is gracing us and bringing us closer to Srila Prabhupada. Seems like Guru Tattva is like a banyan tree. Roots and branches are all dependable on each other. We want to become a solid branch on that tree, and your appearance in our life is hope that is cherished and dealt with care and attention. Our services are at best imperfect, but we seek your mercy, and we ask to please accept our services until one day they become perfect and worth glory. We want to glorify His Divine Grace, but we face so many obstacles. Remembering your dedication is a source of strength. Please accept our struggles and bless us to have dedication as you have. Although we are limping behind you and other exalted Vaishnavas, we still feel bliss. How must it be blissful when one is properly situated? It's something that we want to and are eager to experience and share. We made many mistakes, and it was all forgiven. Please bless us that we forgive others' mistakes. We want to see only good in others and fan that. We want to see potential and expand on that. Kindly bless us with that ability. We noticed that prayers are so satisfying , even if the desired result/goal/intention is not manifested. We pray to your Holiness to pray for us so that we can be instruments in this glorious movement that will make something that Srila Prabhupada will be pleased with. Praying for that, we are totally immersed in devotion, and we feel sheltered. We wander who is giving us more mercy, your Holiness, or Srila Prabhupada. As much we count your grace, that much we find Prabhupada grace. It's inconceivable! Whatever it may be, we are happy with this transcendental confusion. This paragraph can expand on a page, to a chapter, and ultimately to a book. But I will keep it short and give space for others to take a bit of your valuable time that you are offering us as a service to His Divine Grace that we are remembering today more than other days. 

We hope to please you and perhaps get your prayers to His Divine Grace. Your recommendation letter to our Lord and a Master, Srila Prabhupada.

We thank you sincerely

Narayan pandit das and Vanara-rani Anjana Devi Dasi

HpS - AgtSP!!! Paoho. It is just so amazing. I feel like everything that I feel about Srila Prabhupada is being expressed in the same words by these Tiri-bhava offerings.

Thanks to all.

"Devotional service is not a matter of imaginative ecstasy or sentimental speculation, rather it is practical activity in the foreground of spiritual life", NoI.

Thank you!!

More news you can send of your Sankirtan and Yatra is very nice.

Thank you.

An Apology

1 year, 3 months ago by milan in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru Maharaj ji ,

Hare Krishna, everyone,

HpS, AGTSP! Thank you for your letter and work in this area.

As I know, the etiquette would be for you to address me as, 'Maharaja' and not "Guru Maharaja", although as far as I am concerned, I am just trying to be your servant by mercy of Guru and Gauranga.

In the past few weeks, our community, particularly the Peruvian ISKCON community, has experienced a period of tension and chaos. Unfortunately, a similar situation unfolded within my own community and family. As Many of you are likely aware of the circumstances surrounding the affairs of Mata Nadia Nivasi Devi Dasi from Lima, Peru, and myself, Milan Rai, from Puri, India.

This personal matter escalated into a tense situation due to emotional instability on both sides, preventing any meaningful conversation. Consequently, contacts were blocked, and the issue became public, impacting not only the individuals involved but also many members of our community. It is regrettable that our immature decisions dragged many of you unintentionally into our personal situation. Your valuable time and energy were invested in resolving our personal problems, leading to unpleasant questioning sessions for some.

The involvement of others in our private matter is regrettable, and we acknowledge the negative consequences of our actions. The damage has been done to both sides, causing mental, spiritual, and psychological distress over the past three weeks. At this point, both of us seek peace and healing for ourselves. The immature behavior on both sides even stressed Guru Maharaj ji, and this unfortunate situation unfolded during the auspicious month of Damodar, which is truly regrettable.

Reflecting on the trouble caused, we recognize our fault and feel a deep sense of guilt. In light of this, we believe it is necessary to publicly apologize to everyone who was inadvertently drawn into this situation, who invested their time, and who experienced stress due to our personal issues.

Therefore, on behalf of both of us, I, Milan Rai, extend my sincere apologies to everyone affected by this situation. And It is crucial to emphasize that I harbor no hatred towards Mata Nadia, and I sincerely hope that she finds herself in a better state of mind now.

With humility and remorse,

Milan Rai

HpS // ASA - Thank you so much. We can only endorse your sentiments in so many ways. Srila Prabhupada directly echoes the comment that we should not always be disturbed by failures because they can be the stepping stones to ultimate success.

There is also a comment from Srimati Nadiya. So we will look to that.

Of course, this Blog is a place for further discussion on the general points involved, and as we might be able to help with details we can move into private discussions with proper association.

Japa FMP

1 year, 3 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, beloved Gurudeva, AGTSP PAMHO

My favorite Japa bead is My own Japa. Ir keeps me connected with the holy mames.

Happy Diwali Gurudeva


Chandramukhi dd

HpS//ASA - Yet, agtSP, are there some that are spectacularly interesting???
