Mi cuenta favorita
Todas las Glorias a nuestro Maestro Eterno Srila Prabhupada 🙏
Por favor Gurumaharaja acepte mis sinceras y afectuosas reverencias 🙏
Debo confesar que nunca había pensado que de alguna manera inconciente yo podía tener una cuenta favorita en mi Japa 😮
Mi Japa tiene cuentas muy pequeñas (cada una mide 1 centímetro aproximadamente) pero siempre que la veo recuerdo el día que usted cantó mi Japa antes de mi iniciación en el templo de Wilson 🙏🙇🏻♀️ vi como usted cantaba cada cuenta con mucho cuidado de no dejar ninguna sin cantar porque son muy pequeñas...ese momento quedó grabado para siempre en mi mente y mi corazón 🧡🙏
Mi cuenta favorita es la primera porque es totalmente diferente a las demás: es más grande y por ello me indica por donde empezar a cantar la Japa, además me parece que tiene una forma peculiar como de un OJO 👁️... usted que opina Gurumaharaja?
Que el Señor Nrsimha lo proteja siempre
Intentando ser útil
Yasoda Devi Dasi 🙏
All Glories to our Eternal Master Srila Prabhupada 🙏
Please Gurumaharaja accept my sincere and affectionate obeisances 🙏
I must confess that I had never thought that in some unconscious way I could have a favorite bead on my Japa beads 😮
My Japa has very small beads (each one measures approximately 1 centimeter) but every time I see it I remember the day you chanted my Japa before my initiation at the Wilson temple 🙏🙇🏻♀️ I saw how you chanted each bead very carefully of not leaving any without singing because they are very small... that moment was forever recorded in my mind and my heart 🧡🙏
My favorite bead is the first because it is totally different from the others: it is larger and that is why it tells me where to start chanting the Japa, and it also seems to me that it has a peculiar shape like an EYE 👁️... what do you think Gurumaharaja ?
May Lord Nrsimha protect you always
Trying to be useful
Yasoda Devi Dasi 🙏
HpS - AgtSP! Paoho... we can't see the details, but sometimes the "eye" is where a twig was passing through the branch.
It is mentioned in the Krsna book about chanting on beads and calling cows or remembering Gopis.
We were able to go in Braja, many years ago, where the man was making Japa beads.
He was sitting on the ground in a porch of his house and he had a simple village lathe that was made of piece of metal lie a nail, some rubber from an old inner tube, and was turned by his knee. He had pieces of Tulasi branch that was cut into about three bead sizes, and he would put them on the lathe between the 'head stock' at one end then the cutting end would start drilling into the bead as he chanted and cut in from the side with a shard knife-chisel.
The art was to cut from the side and the hole so that they reached each other at the same time. Then he would knock the bead off and start cutting the next.
Seemed he could chant one Mahamantra for each bead as he cut it.
If he did that for two hours a day he would have enough income to pay for his bodily expenses, no?
Village life.
NVM village life.
Wake up in Braja one day.