Sobre algunos aspirantes para refugio e iniciación

1 year, 3 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a nuestro Fundador Acarya A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Śrīla Prabhupāda!

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

Muchas gracias por las respuestas a mis cartas anteriores, son de infinita ayuda, UD es tan gentil que incluso en medio de las molestias del cuerpo nos muestra una actitud misericordiosa y compasiva guiando a sus estudiantes; no deseamos molestar mucho, esperamos que cuando lea esta carta la alergia haya disminuido por bendiciones del Señor Supremo.

En esta oportunidad deseo informar que tres devotos me contactaron para poder retomar o iniciar el proceso de refugio formal con Usted. Uno de ellos ya le escribió y fue recomendado que busque el refugio de SS. Yadhunandana Swami.

La inquietud es si los otros dos devotos tendrían la misma instrucción, alguna indicación para ellos?

Por otro lado, recientemente tuvimos una reunión con prabhu Vanamali, Manjari y su servidora por el tema de la iniciación de la madre.

Prabhu Vanamali mencionó que SS. Guruprasad Swami está enfatizando la seriedad de los practicantes y aspirantes por lo que sugerio que Manjari tome con entusiasmo las indicaciones que Usted le ha dado respecto a mejorar su sadhana ya sea con su familia, de forma virtual o cuando le sea posible asistiendo al templo, y tambien trabajar en lo que haga falta para obtener la carta de recomendación; posteriormente me dijo que estarán evaluando los progresos y cualquier duda o profundidad de algún punto en particular los devotos del templo le escribirán.

Muchas gracias por su gentil atención.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


All glories to our Founder Acarya A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Śrīla Prabhupāda!

Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our respectful bows.

Thank you very much for the responses to my previous letters, they are infinitely helpful, you are so gentle that even in the midst of physical discomfort you show us a merciful and compassionate attitude guiding your students;

We do not want to bother you too much, we hope that when you read this letter your allergy has diminished through the blessings of the Supreme Lord.

HpS - AgtSP! Paoho..... ! Is amazing. I was just noticing today that allergy is 87% gone! Why??!! It says the pollen level in Murfreesboro is high, but now no reaction.

In Boise it was low but reaction.

Maybe reacting to specific trees.

Maybe our efforts to increase hear in body working.

"Ante el peligro inminente, una persona inteligente procura evitar la posición peligrosa tanto como sea posible. Pero está exento de culpa quien, a pesar de esforzarse con toda su inteligencia, no alcanza a evitar el peligro. Uno debe hacer todo lo posible para cumplir con sus deberes, pero si en el intento fracasa, no se es culpable de ello."

On this occasion I wish to inform you that three devotees contacted me in order to resume or begin the formal refuge process with you. One of them already wrote to him and was recommended to seek the refuge of SS. Yadhunandana Swami.

The concern is whether the other two devotees would have the same instruction, any indication for them?

HpS - AgtSP! There certainly are also other nice devotees taking work of Diksa guru in ISKCON. Yadu Swami is one that we know. So, many.

We can see that we just cannot do the work any more.

Dika guru has to take Karma and we cannot handle it. The ceremony for us is like heave weight.


Of course, we try to live properly and act as Siksa guru.

Best wishes to them!!

On the other hand, ...

ASA - How many hands do you have?


...we recently had a meeting with Prabhu Vanamali, Manjari and his servant on the subject of the mother's initiation.

Prabhu Vanamali mentioned that H. H. Guruprasad Swami is emphasizing the seriousness of the practitioners and aspirants so I suggest that Manjari enthusiastically take the instructions that You have given him regarding improving her Sadhana either with her family, virtually or when possible by attending the temple, and also work on whatever is necessary to obtain the letter of recommendation; He later told me that they will be evaluating the progress and any doubts or depth of any particular point the temple devotees will write to him.

HpS - Manjari Mataji is someone whom we took in relation of 1st initiation aspirant before, so we are feeling that we can do the initiation for here, but as you say, we must be steady in 16-nice rounds and 4-principles strictly.

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Your eternal aspiring servant,

Asta Sakhi dd

Thank you ! AgtSP.

We will look for any other letters from you and respond.

The Questions about The Future

1 year, 3 months ago by narotam_armijo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna AGTSP

please accept my humble obeisances.

Narottama reporting from the principal base.

The health is good?

HpS - "Energy" of our donkey is at 75%. We, spirit, push it. That energy is 15% contaminated with allergy.

We, spirit, clean it, with..... Gaura arati! Radha -8- Festival.

The old car, still does it move without many problems?

HpS - Above. 😃

3 points related to the question that I make about how we can take good decisions in Krsna consciousness.

I got many ideas and questions in this month about what is my sva-dharma, what is my work in this place and what can I do for Krsna whit my work and life, whit what you said about that Krsna don't give to Arjuna a super weapon or change his DNA he just give him knowledge, that was really usefull, and make me take good decisions.

Now direct to the point, the question that I was saving to this day was that I have a little predicament.

First, was offer[ed] to me an oportunitie[y] to be the next Das Anudasa of the Bhakti Sastri, I wasn't very sure about that for many reasons (one of them is that I dont feel very confident about going) I will like more (I think) to go whit you (If Krsna and you allows It) and be whit you as much time as possible If you like, see you in Spain and then travel and make sankirtan to maybe travel to India (Now whit the new official name Bharat) or study somthing.

About that second point, I will like to study cinema (more in to the direction stuff or something related) It's something that I like since a few years ago. I think that that maybe will be funcional to spread Krsna consciousness.

All of this are ideas floating in my mind, this is not to you manage my life like a puppet, more like to ask for your council and if this is a good or bad idea to have and keep a life with a good service to offer to Krsna and thus keep my life thinking about him.

Whit no more to add (for the moment) I said good bye.

Hare Krsna :D

HpS - Thank you! KRSNA is our first:

  • friend
  • counselor
  • general, no?

Yet, even He has to deal with the magic of the external energy in the sense that He gives it power to do things.

He was amazed, for a moment, when He saw Maya's Aghasura!


  1. Plan to get up early and get your rounds done with... enthusiasm!
  2. That will give you some good idea of what KRSNA might like you to do. Lord Caitanya might like you to do!
  3. After breakfast meet with your Sankirtan partners in person or by telecommunications. Consult with your family.

In the 'Kapi Dhvaja' we take two hours every fortnight to express our perspectives and plans as Head of the ASA.

  1. chant more during the day. basically whenever you are in doubt about what to do, chant the Holy Names until they inform you.
  2. Young man, up to 29-years old, can just try different things. Make a plan for some time, contract with others for some time and then try doing different stuff.

we tried making movies and realized that it required a team of at least 6-people, so we focused in on PPTX as part of the the team. Then the Director sees our ideas and Directs.

What is your daily schedule?

Madhavendra Puri Das from Cordoba

1 year, 3 months ago by Madhavendra Puri das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva,

Pamho, AgtSP!

I hope you are well in health and spirit.

HpS - AGTSP!!! So nice to hear from you. We think of you all and wonder if you are dead or alive. Well, where you are alive. What universe.

Brother Ass has been having allergy actions.

strange because the robot says that the pollen level is low.

lettuce see what news follows.

It's been a long time since I last wrote to you.

ASA - Yup! 😐

I'd like to inform you that I'm now living in the Cordoba hills region, in a place called La Cumbre.

ASA 🔭 -,_Argentina

This has been quite an eventful year, with various significant changes happening in my life.

After almost 20 years together and 14 years of marriage, my wife and I decided to separate, amicably and peacefully, though it was still emotionally intense.

Initially, I was somewhat sad, but now my spirits are much better, although I still feel a bit disoriented, mostly learning to be more on my own.

HpS/ASA - Sometimes the wife is expecting her husband to be KRSNA. That is like expecting the mailman to be your rich uncle.

Towards the end of the previous year, I sold the house that was near the city of Cordoba, where you visited us several times.

I've been busy building cabins for rent in the touristy area where I now live.

My spiritual life is in survival mode, with fluctuating enthusiasm, especially with my japa chanting.

There are days when I don't manage to complete the 16 rounds, and I'm eager to improve on this.

HpS/ASA - Be an accountant. Keep track of how many rounds you owe Krsna. . As long as you can breath you can chant. if you chant constantly, at least 16-rounds you are making ... eternal... progress toward reviving your spiritual body. KRSNA is pulllllling from His Side with all the Gopis and Gopas!!!

Here in the hills, there are Sunday programs in progress, mainly focused on engaging with the children in the community, providing them with a space to connect with other devotee children and learn more about Krishna consciousness.

HpS - Super! What happened to your ?son?

We are keen to share from a more cultural perspective. The people in this area are very friendly and are quite attracted to everything related to spirituality or mysticism.

Gurudev, do you still have plans to travel to India next year? I would very much like to be in Vrindavan with you and the devotees.

HpS - Have you seen the Kapi Dhvaja, Our Calendar is there, always.

In Span Ish:

Stay in the center. connected to KRSNA. Then you can offer a hand to others!!

Your servant,

Madhavendra Puri Das

All Quiet on the Midwest Front (New Seva Kunja)

1 year, 3 months ago by etasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, agtsp, pamho

Dear Gurudeva,

This is a brief report on some spiritual activities. Since July 2023, I have committed again to some pujari service a week for Sri Sri Kishor Kishori (mostly Sringar Arati).

HpS - It is like serving the King and Queen of Spain? 😃

In addition, I am reading and discussing CC with my friend HG Gokulananda Prabhu on Sundays.

HpS - He is in Chicago? Govardhana?

I plan to go to Tennessee this fall to visit the Mulberry Murari Sevaka farm. Perhaps I could give a short Mrdanga workshop to the devotees that live in the area, just for fun and because a teacher always teaches. I'm already coordinating with Mitravinda Mata.

HpS - It is interesting place! They are inspiring devotees. Got threE B*I*G dogs.

🐶 🐶 🐶. Maybe we can talk on the phone. Send your phone number. WeWill not-post it.

After completing my second master's next year, I may reallocate south (perhaps Nashville?) to continue my library and piano teaching activities.

Super. Let us talk.

As for the rest of things, everything is normal, with no major tribulations or euphoric experiences. I am only grateful to you, Prabhupada, and the Vaishnavas for the instructions on this path and the opportunities to serve.


ys EKD

HpS - Any contact with your Biological Family?


Rohini Kumar das

1 year, 3 months ago by Rohini kumar das in Personal Sadhana Reports


Haré Krsna, Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis sinceras reverencias .

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Continuamos en servicio por la misericordia de Krsna.

Ahora en New Vrindaban ( west Virginia) estoy deseando visitarlo en Houston,

HpS/ASA - Super. Vidaghda and family are there!

We hope to see you in Nila-madhava Dhama!!!

También Pensé en acompañarlo en su viaje de Nashville a Houston. Veremos qué se acomoda más a mi servicio para poder ir . Su eterno sirviente Rohini Kumar Das

HpS - Srinivasa Das comes Sunday morning 19th November (8-weeks from now) from Houston and we go back together that afternoon, but we are anxious to get your association however we can. Even more so it KRSNA!!!

Any artists in New Vrndavana?

Pamho Agtsp

1 year, 3 months ago by [email protected] in Personal Sadhana Reports


This is just a try mail to see if you receive this message.

Your fallen servant

Rupanuga siddhanta das

HpS - Yes, this is it.

We answered your previous posts.

We were so happy to see you in Richmond, but unhappy we did not get your contact information.

We have been little slow to answer letters.

Krsna always connects us heart to heart.

BG 10.11