Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj,
For over 4 years now, my service has been traveling book distribution. From the start, it's been a love/hate relationship. I'm a 'type B' personality so selling books makes me cringe. Nonetheless, I understand how fundamental books are in spreading ideas, and how dear it is to Srila Prabhupada, et al, so I persevered and I've grown tremendously. Although I struggle, I vowed that my main duty is always books.
I resolved to remain brahmacari for a minimum of five years before considering any changes. Recently, however, one sannyasi was visiting from Russia and showed a video about Bhakti Vrksha programs in Moscow and I was inspired. Almost in spite of me, ideas began to germinate. For monastic life, I renounced my career as a visual artist, which has been my all consuming passion. Although I've tried to make some outlet for art as a brahmacari, I'm beginning to feel falsely renounced.
This is my idea: after another year or two to finalize my initiation and complete Bhakti shastri, etc, I'd like to start some kind of Bhakti Vrksha program in an up-and-coming city in the southeast USA where I still have some personal and professional contacts. To do this, it may be conducive to change ashram, even though I am not particularly interested in family life.
To finance the transition, I could train with a friend who is a tattoo artist. He is a sincere Christian who follows 4 regs and likes Prabhupada's books. In this way, I could perform work which is natural to me in decent association. In this profession, it's possible to make a living working few hours, and there is freedom to choose a schedule; this way I would have time for sadhana. I could specialize in devotional art, distribute books and canvass a couple days, and host evening programs a couple nights a week. I could experiment with smart boxes, prasadam distribution and Harinam.
Meanwhile, I would like to thematically explore Personalism and Devotion both in universal and Vaisnava specific terms through fine art, and periodically display in galleries to promote and popularize these ideas. Public art shows could serve as advertisement for the programs I'd be hosting. I could visit your NIOS center for sadhu sanga and maybe even bring pilgrims.
My dilemma is: Shall I execute with difficulty an arduous duty which seems moderately effective for me; or shall I enthusiastically perform my natural duty although the result is uncertain? There is joy in sacrificing my personal happiness for Krsna, nonetheless I wonder if I might perform better service in my element. (My clientele?) My only concern is that I want to make the best possible contribution to the sankirtan mission. I humbly submit my idea for your consideration...
Your servant,
Bhakta Eric
HpS-ASA - Huh? AGTSP, paoho. [See foto: Dog-diploma], we are very unqualified as Career Counselor. As and ISKCON Diksa guru, we really focus on this basic Sadhana program. Whether you stay in traveling Sankirtan a a Type B, life-long Brahmacari or get married with a like minded girl and become famous as the "KRSNA- Tattoo" artist, for us the determining factor is 1: Which will help you more chant 16-ENTHUSI&*(ASTIC rounds, daily and follow the 4-pinciples strictly.
2. The real thing behind that is the people not the process. Who is going to be your association. If you are a Type B book distributor but like the association, then, "Hey!", it will be fun.
3. I would say, "Try it out". Work out a sane deal with Svasa Ji and the Temple and then another Temple in the Southeast maybe, and try out your art plan for some time. See how it goes. Are you becoming a liquid mas of jellied corruption, well then rethink your service.
We can't say too much in detail about your plans because we don't know you yet too much, although we very much like getting to know you, feel honored, but 2) Talk with a few people who know you, 3) Make a practical plan for a year or so and see how you like the different options.
Diplomated Dog Career Counselor.