Urgent i need your mercy Gurudeva

8 years, 7 months ago by sadmonkey in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Hare Krsna respected Gurudeva:

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada 

Please accept my humble obeisances

I am using a nick name due to I really need privacy,  i understand that you as a sanyassi needs protection, I mean not having alone talks with women, but i will not comfortable to talk my personal things in front of another men, and i am absolutely sure that ALL women think like me.....

I am wrting because I have at least 3 female friends that have the same experience that I had... and the 3 of us.. now are really sad and without utsahan really dissapointed, we can not feel the same as before... the point is that we do not feel protected... some so called  "prabhus" do not respected us... (while i am writing this i think i did not act also properly) , but in my case i was being lied...  I think that when we have a couple at least we deserve respect and I did not receive that, i believed all the things that he told me.. the 3 of us can not understand how fast they are in a new relationships

the 3 of us see machismo on this movement, we try to be transparent and sincere telling you what we did, the mistakes that we made, then we see "prabhus" doing abhishek in the temples and we feel betrayed, we do not see justice... we do not understand why krsna allows this to happen..

Our selfesteem is afected, we spent money in therapists, and the worst thing we do not feel the same as before, we do not have faith in the movement in the process, personally the 2 of us are not chanting rounds , we see many many devotees who drifted apart from the movement.. and now we can understand why

personally i would like to take some time and drift apart some time to heal... because i am really affected.. i do not want to continue if i do not feel the same i do not want to be hypocrit and being in a place in which i do not feel comfortable or supported

i know that you have lots of problems that are caused for some of us, who do not deserve you as a Guru, but at this point i guess that you are just a friend of us...which is an honor for us

i can say that you are the only person in iskcon who i respect and trust... now i feel not comfortable doing something that does not complete me... I feel really sad because i can not believe that this bad experience is taking away the little advancement that i did.. nehabikramo nato sti....also i remembered that you said in one class that sp said "once you come to krsna you will never get away".... please do not let me go

please forgive all my offenses

your eternal servant


HpS - ASA - We just spent 15-minutes writing an answer to your good letter and then the computer lost it all. We try again.  First, in the highest sense this movment although for Life Members who may be eatiing chicken and drinking beer, is really only for the paramahamsas (NOI). That means that we never ask ANYTHING from Krsna. NOTHING, because we realize it is a super, super insult. He is already 16-times more conscious of our suffering than we are. He took a vow that everyone of the people who tried to desnude Draupadi would see their own wives with their hair open as widows.
So, forget your personal distress. What does Krsna need. Obvious. He needs sacrifice. 16-good rounds, and then immediately you are back at 100%!   "Ooops, I forgot Krsna".

Yes, I make mistakes, the President makes mistakes, but also disciples don't tell us that they are breaking principles or even if they do they refuse our advice and still go on acting as Brahmanas. We are dealing with these problems right now with arguments about who should be iniciated or not.

This is all preparation f​or the next drama. There are many universes and Krsna needs Draupadis for all of them. Are you strong enough to play that role. Can you keep your vows and also see how Krsna is using you in the midst of catastrophy. Of course when we fall down from our side how can we put all the blame on Krsna for the reaction. We have to become stronger from both our correct austerities and the mistakes we make.

The real question is not whether Draupadi will have to face public humiliation or not but whether she will be able to keep the 99-saris or not, no?

Joking, but very serious sub-text. Can you laugh in the face of Maya and pick up the pieces and go ahead never giving up on Krsna?

Sannyasi, women, children, Presidents ALL get terrible treatment in this movement. I know many Sannyasis including ourselves who sometimes have been under such mistreatment that they werre just crying (for Krsna). Takes a lot to make a grown man cry.
What do you think?


Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!

Espero que se encuentre bien al recibir este mensaje. Nosotros por aquí bien gracias a Dios.

Seguimos tratando de asimilar la filosófia y hacer que forme parte de nuestra vida. Este verano hemos utilizado las vacaciones para aumentar nuestra asociación con los devotos y, en consecuencia, con Krisna. Como ya sabe estuvimos en Radhadesh, con Avesa Y Adiras, y varias veces en NVMandala (Festival del Santo Nombre, Festival de la Vaca, etc). Tambien iremos para Janmastami. Es agradable estar en los Festivales con los devotos. Tambien hicimos un programa en Navala Kunda con Yadunandana Maharaja. Vinieron devotos rusos, pero la mayoria de los devotos eran del Templo y congregación de Madrid, entre ellos Dandava y Carcika, Jara Mara y Marta, Janardana y esposa, etc. Pienso que fue un sintoma de que la cooperación entre Madrid y Navalakunda será el estribillo de nuestra aportación a ISKCON. A la hora del prasadam eramos unos cuarenta. Le mando algunas fotos para que las vea.

HpS - Que pasa con el proyecto de los Grhastha Ashramas al lado de Naval Kunda? Como se llama el devoto? Tengo su imagen pero no su nombre???

Lo mas resaltante de mi vida espiritual es que mantengo un gran deseo de ser un buen devoto y ayudar en la misión de Srila Prabhupada. Él me salvo del infierno y ahora vivo cerca de los planetas celestiales. Pero SP no está contento con eso y quiere que nos volvamos devotos puros para ser útiles de verdad. Así que ese es nuestro negocio. Así que mi tiempo esta repartido entre "La Misión", la familia, el trabajo y mi mente.

Espero que cuando vuelva a España (Goura Purnima?) podamos visitar Navala Kunda y se aprecien ya cambios importantes.

Sin mas se despide

su sirviente ( o al menos aspirante)

Jayanta das

HpS - Hmmm.  Aparece 15 March 2016 is Gaura Purnima. Pienso pasamos por Europa posible fin de Febrero en ruta a India y Mayo en regresa.

Srimad Bhagavatam es nuestra verdadero metodo de conquista (tato jayam uddhirayet). Si esperamos ser devotos puros eso es el metodo. Como esta su leer de SB con los devotos? CC? Ndl D?    Todos son basad en SB!!

Hare Krsna Maharaja.

8 years, 7 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics, Other

Hare Krsna Maharaja!


I wish your days are perfect.

Tomorrow is Balarama Purnima, and this last days I have had thinking a lot about my vrata for Janmastami. Being honest, I think I should reconsider my votes. Since my last letter, I´ve being chanting sixteen rounds, prasadam, but is difficult for me follow all the vratas. The only I can say to Krsna-Balarama and to You is that I will try my best, but I will be strict with my sixteen rounds.

I think I will go to say this to Balarama, for Janmastami.

Thanks you very much for all.

Hare Krsna Maharaja.

My best wishes.


HpS - ASA - AGTSP....  Make a vow that you know you can keep for one month, until Radhastami. Do it for Radharani. She needs your help. Illicit sex can be reduced by worshipping the Deity. Buying nice clothes for Radha and Krsna.  Intoxicating by offering nice Bhoga to Krsna..

Bhakta Adrian (formerly from Utah) - New Chapter

8 years, 7 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Interesting turn of events since we last spoke in Boise. I was on my way to Vermont to stay with the brahmacaris. However, Krishna had other arrangements for me. Long story short I stayed, and will continue to stay in Denver, CO. Morning program and association here is fantastic!!

I introduced myself to the Temple President, and have reached out to him a couple times to set up a meeting, get involved in the community, find some service to get attached to, etc. I'm very excited to be part of a large fired up community.

I am living outside the temple and will start my newest job the second week of Sept working for the Department of Revenue, then I can pay off my debts and money owed due to the divorce (still surprised this happened and how terrible she is being).

I think over the last few weeks I have chanted the best japa I have ever chanted. Being put in a situation with no money, income, connections, and just an awful situation to deal with REALLY helped me realize I have no control, and to help my cry out to Krishna. Now that things are becoming comfortable again, I am sort of missing that feeling of sincerely crying out. Always making improvements on japa!

I just finished the Bhagavad Gita chapter in Mahabharata. Now the fight begins! 

Maharaja, I am feeling anxious. I want to take initiation. May I please receive instruction on how to continue to move forward nicely to take initiation, and especially how I can be engaged in YOUR service? Please instruct me!

Your Aspirint Servant,
Bhakta Adrian

HpS - ASA - AGTSP  Very nice to hear from you. We just got back from the Jungles of Peru. Just got internet. Your situation, journey sounds like God is trying to help you!   What to do?      What we always do is chant 'Hare Krsna'.  Vidya vadhu jivanam...   Then plans will come from Krsna!!!  May have to chant for some time to get out of our cocoon, but always works!

Regards to esteemed Temple President.    You know the standard for initiation.   Just gotta do the work and then get the results!

We have heard like three different divorce senarios in the last few days where guys were reporting their wives had goe crazy: 1. Prabhupada says that divorce is usually because of weakness of the wife, 2) Women may feel that it is due to the fault of the men. They may see that they are just reacting to the insanity of their husbands. In general seems that lack of training on how to communicate and be part of a bigger family is 90% of the problem.
Send more news in a few days.​  How is Govinda's?


8 years, 7 months ago by sadmonkey in Personal Sadhana Reports


Esteemed Sad Monkey. Your letter arrived with no content. I guess you are feeling sad because Ravana has kidnapped Mother Sita!  Don't worry help is on the way.

de mangalananda das

8 years, 7 months ago by mangalanandadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Estimado Gurudeva ,acepte mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de Loto Jaya Srila Prabhupada !!!! Jayaaaaaaa Hanumat Presaka Swami Gurudeva!!!! Espero la salud lo este acompañando,en su invaluable servicio a Srila Prabhupada. Siempre meditando en usted ,todas las mañanas. Cantando 16 rondas,4 Principios regulativos (Tomando un vaso de cafe algun dia :( ] yendo al templo todos los domingos. Asociandome con devotos casi siempre ( es muy poderoso). Hace 1 dia escuchando una clase de Bhakti Vasudeva Swami (discipulo de Bhaktithirta maharaja) muy inspirante y realizando muchas cosas muy profundas. En lo material,un poco mal,ya que estoy sin trabajo hace 2 meses,y empeze a hacer sankirtana con libros en autobuses (por favor sus bendiciones) Aunque mi estado fisico ,no es el mejor. No consegui mudarme aun a otro lugar,el deseo esta. Asociandome mucho con Radhe Gopinatha ,(ya es todo un señor) tratando de cuidar de el lo mejor posible. Gurudeva necesito un consejo,para encontrar el punto medio entre no ser tan rigido en la manera de hacer que Radhe entienda ciertas cosas o asimile ciertos valores sin causar malas experiencias en el pero que al mismo tiempo el asimile,lo enseñado. (estoy tratando con un Taurino,muy ksatriya,muuuyyy terco) Pero muuuyyy amoroso. Espero seguir progresando en mi vida espiritual,siempre intentando pensarlo. Tengo que incrementar lectura. Necesito sus bendiciones. Lo quiero mucho. Jaya Srila Prabhupada Todas las glorias a los vaisnavas Mis reverencias a sus pies de loto . Mis reverencias a los pies de mis hermanos espirituales Jaya Radhe Syam Jaya Sri Vrndavana Dham

HpS - ASA TLGASP poco deficil responder. Estamos en jungle de Petu. Despues de 12 Septiembre mejor. Puede comunicar a Radhe lo que oigas de Krsna Y presents Una buen ejemplo. Claro distrbucion de libros siempre es buen trabajo. Esforzar mejorarlo y pienso su economia aumentar rapido.