Sankirtana con adversidd

9 years, 1 month ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

HK Paoho

Querido Gurudeva ansiosa por llegar a chile,

hacer snakirtana mas moderado y esperando su llegada.

La primera semana de SAnk estuvo extatica,

despues de tiempo hacia persona a persona y llevaban gitas,

muy emocionante,

pero la segunda semana fue dura,

en las mañanas de modalidad buses, los carros, me dejaban en lugares alejados y el sol me robaba las fuerzas,

despues mi protectora se incomodaba por mi rutina,

no comprendia el servicio de entrega y el deseo de diatribuir lo mas que se pueda,

es dificil hacer entender a alguien que a veces uno viene de Sank muy cansado y debe dormir algo para recuperarse y volver a salir,

no comprendio, a veces llegaba cansada y debia cocinar,

escuchar los problemas de esta persona y no descansaba y mi energia se agotaba,

no encuentro un restaurante de confianza y eso complicaba mas las cosas,

en las mañanas necesitaba leer,

pero a las gustas rondas y salir.

Ahora escucho mas clases  de sankirtana y leo afuera. 

El sabado cai muy cansada y repose como era el santo de madre Ramalila fui a su casa con mi compu para conectarme a la clase pero estaban en kirtan y me toco dar la clase,

eso me entusiasmo mucho,

pero mas me alegro encontrar a una devota que necesitaba la asociacion de los devotos y que al encontrarme en el bus

pudo retomar sus asociación con los devotos de arequipa,

tambien mandamos hacer volantes con la dirección, y los devotos dieron sus bendicones,

y otros nos ayudan para comprar pasajes por internet antes que los precios se disparen por fiestas. 

Entonces ahora luchamos con mi mente para ser humilde para tolerar criticas de mi protectora,

y ver sus cualidades, es dificil, aun asi estoy muy agradecida por su gran ayuda por permitirme quedarme en su casa.

Un devoto que hace este servicio necesita estimulo, amabilidad,

hurra, asi que por internet encontramos motivación con otros devotos del mismo servicio,

una vez mas pido sus bendiciones,

mil pagos por hacer esta semana BBT, PAPÁ, OTROS y por ello debo vaciar mis cajas,

con sus buenos deseos se k lo lograre, 

Su hija qu lo adora y desea su mejoria de salud

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - ASA - Super carta. Retrasado en responder por nuestra propio viaje a Richmod. Muchos desafilos. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!     !   ! ! 

LAD Sadhana

9 years, 1 month ago by laksmana-agraja in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja, Pamho.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Well, I think that I'm 70% OK, 80% is the top in this age, right?

Starting 3:30 am again. When you stop your regular duties for a time (almost two months in this case, basket-case) trying to get back is really hard, but I did it fine for your care and mercy. I'm so fortune having you as my personal teacher and coach.


Full morning program at the temple: Tuesday, friday, saturday and sunday. At home with you Monday, wednesday and thursday. I usually give classes this days. Monday evening program at the temple. Rest of the week I have different students and meeting wih NIMSAR. Seems fine? Now they know exactly what I do, just in case...I have informed my authorities  about this plan.

This'll work until end of february.

So, besides this, the only reason that I won't do this is cause I'm doing things with you or traveling.

Specific plans:

December I finish regular BS and BVB classes in the temple or on-line. Two months, january and february are dedicated to special curses [courses, curses means maldiciones] and travels.


January 11 -22 Disciples in ISKCON in Chosica giving by NIMSAR. LAD profesor principal. Abhinanda and Isvari dd facilitadores.

February 3-9 Curso de facilitación and Administración given by Aravinda das from Argentina-Mexico. NIMSAR is bringing him to give curses in Lima.


January 26- February 1st Chile by the mercy of you and Jagat guru das.

HpS - ASA - Whoooop!    Whooop!    Whooop!     We needed you to find the $300 ticket from Peru!!!

February 10-17 Huancayo (Central Andes) curso de disciples in ISKCON

February 19-27 Arequipa curso disciples in ISKCON 

February Sunday 28 startes new NIMSAR Goura purnima semester.  Many challenges: Work on BS and Bhaktas study guides Organize BVB, Maybe 2nd NIMSAR Congress, etc.

I'm excited about my work in ISKCON-NIMSAR. 

We'll try to work hard to accomplish the 7 goals of ISKCON, NOI preface.

Srila Prabhupada, ki jay!

This is my perspective. Any suggestion?

ASA - Going from personal Sadhana to community Sadhana. Looking for friends (and enemies) you can work with.  Mathuresa Das said he would visit Lima when Jayapataka Swami comes and get me on-line with him and Maharaja.

your servant,


HpS - Next week, more news.  Who can write for Solaris??? Don't think small.

Some news from Chicago.

9 years, 1 month ago by etasakrsnadas in Personal Sadhana Reports


Dear Gurudeva,

It's been a long time since my last letter, my apologies for that.

  1. The temple is going through a transition because the BCARI asrama is colsed due to differences between Authorities and Senior Bcaris. But I am alowed to stay and work there.
  2. Could sound like a joke, but I will be running for Temple president of Iskcon Chicago. I told to the current president, "give me some time until I get my degree and some managment skills and after that you can consider me for the job". I would like to use the best years of my life taking care of the devotees at other level at least for a period of time. It is not an easy task though.
  3. I founded the Vamsi School of music, to teach kirtan, and also preach through music education to the general audiences and introduce  devotional instruments in the current and dominant western culture. Many talented people is working with me on this and I count with full souport from the temple. We are working to make of this the best option to learn kirtan in United States.
  4. Pujari services helped me to attain a strong sadhana, good rounds. SB class online on the train. Finally after a long day studying I finish by dressing their lordships at eve. The negative aspect of it is that there is not so much time left for sankirtana in any of its forms for now. I am completly thankful with you Gurudeva for allow me to intensify my relationship with Krsna through this service.
  5. By the end of 2016 I am getting my AA degree. By the end of 2018 I am getting my bachelors degree and Comumbia College Chicago. I changed the major from music to TV production and direction. After a deep meditation on it, I think that we need more devotees involved in media. Iskcon all ready has many ingeniers, many philosofers, many musicians. I hope to use those skills in the service of Prabhupada's movement and to mantain a Vaishnava Familly in the future.

That's all for now Dear Gurudeva.  There are many things to organize here. Would you be interested in visit Chicago on 2016? May be Fall semester or srimg 2017?

Thank you dear Gurudeva for give me shelter at your lotus feet. Always looking forward to get your transcendental association again.

ys Etasa Krsna Das  

Hp Swami Hare Krsna. Yes, we really miss new from Kishor Kishori, Thank you. Also very surprising senior brahmacari management can't get along. Your schedule sounds okay. Can't do everything in one step, but always remember the goal is prema. How is your family, associates in Argentina? Are you going to visit there, What are you reading studying now our Prabhupada books? Now we fly to Nashville.

gadadhara gosai das (barcelona)

9 years, 1 month ago by gadadhara gosai das in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna gurumaharaja!! por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias! todas las glorias a srila prabhupada!

aqui estamos, sigo con mi servicio de los sabados y un domingo al mes en el templo, luego cada dia cantando 16 rondas, aveces son muy buenas. siguiendo los 4 principios regulativos, adoracion en casa, estoy escuchando clases de srila prabhupada con traduccion al español, muy inspirantes. estoy trabajando en una empresa de mantenimiento de lunes a viernes, el trabajo no es muy duro, hay compañeros que son muy favorables para hablar de temas "misticos" intento hablarles de krishna pero de una manera no tan directa para que no me vean como un loco, es un gran ejercicio para la mente.

nuestra bebe va creciendo bien y saludable, le gusta mucho ir al templo.

Estamos pensando en   tener otro bebe, le pedimos de sus bendiciones para que krishna nos mande  un hijo que sea buen devoto, con buena salud y larga vida.

En relacion a su pregunta acerca de que planes tenemos para el futuro, por el momento pensamos quedarnos por aqui y viajar al santo dham siempre que sea posible.

su sirviente eterno, gadadhara gosai das.

hare krishna!!!!!

HpS-ASA - Hare Krsna. Very nice letter. As soon as we get our external life organized, we should start to organize our internal life, no? Krsna will inspire us how to help Lord Chaitanya more and more, give people music.

Sambandha jnana

9 years, 1 month ago by Bhakta Eric in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada! I heard a lecture by H.G. Radhika Raman prabhu where he mentioned the importance of sambandha Jnana in forming relationships. In the interest of establishing a deeper relationship with you, I thought I'd share a little about my life.

I grew up in a small industrial town called Thomaston, in rural Connecticut, known for America's first clock factory. My father is the director of a Christian charity and my mother taught elementary school. I was fortunate to be raised with some principles, (truthfulness at least) and to have spent my childhood mostly outdoors.

As a youth I felt called as a missionary, but I was disturbed after a Q&A with one Calvinist professor. Plus I couldn't understand why, if I was "born again," I could not repent (I.e. give up) sin. Halfway through high school I moved to South Carolina with family, it was like a mini reincarnation. My faith gave way and I thought "let me seek truth; if my original beliefs are confirmed then I'll understand better, but if they're false what's the loss?"

I got serious as a painter and majored in Studio Art, where I was top of my class. Unfortunately I was experimenting heavily with drugs and women and by the end of my first semester I attempted suicide and was hospitalized.

At 19 I had to rebuild my entire life. Jungian analysis helped, and I was devouring books. Desperate for a fresh start, one day I drove to NYC and lived there for about a year and studied art at a conservatory. I was grateful to God and prayed "you've been so kind, is there anything I can do for you?" Then I found Prabhupada's books.

In subsequent years I witnessed first hand the Deep Horizon oil spill in New Orleans, and was involved in some activism in Charleston. I got in trouble there so I backpacked to California and met devotees. The first day I started japa I repented sin and became joyful. I'm just trying to surrender and find my place in Prabhupada's mission. I'm into Harinam/ sankirtan, interfaith, education, art. Surely I'm dog, but dog of Vaisnava I hope! I'm sorry to hound you with inquiries... I've a bit of a polemical nature but I don't mean offense. Thank you for your tolerance. I feel a little silly writing this, I hope I'm not being presumptuous. Hare Krsna!


Bhakta Eric

P.S. Check out this mural I painted on somebody's wall when I was visiting my old stomping grounds! : D

HpS-ASA - Esteemed Swami Eric, Your biography is very nice. Thank you. Ours on the Wikipedia seemed pretty good when I saw it some time ago. I realize things about my family Karma that would have been useful since years ago, every day. My Mother, ancestors have always been pioneers. That is so much how I tend to work also. I was feeling guilty about wanting to be breaking new ground and not settling down but now I see that it is natural for me. When I take up a service that I know its needed and order by my authorities, and not my Karma-yoga then I have to bribe my mind and senses to do it. Chant Hare Krsna Look for guidance in Prabhupada's books Consult with good number of various devotees 1.2.3 And you should get very satisfying direction in your life! Even if you have to kill 640 million people in 14-days. More news as it comes

Krsna-kirtan Das

9 years, 1 month ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports
Hare Krishna! Esteemed, K-Kirtan Das. We have been traveling all day and could not answer your calls from Mexico. Two airplanes, three airports. Please write is here and give its an address where we can make any confidential response.