Reporte KSSD-México

9 years, 2 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurumaharaja, le ruego por favor acepte mis reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada, quien es un océano de misericordia.

Todas las Glorias a usted que se ha rendido a la trascendental misión de Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva, estoy aquí reportándome, continuamos firmes en nuestras 16 rondas, 4 principios, lectura regular de los libros de Srila Prabhupada. Solo por su misericordia sin causa fue que logramos sobrevivir a la tormenta…  al parecer, gracias a quedarnos prácticamente sin nada,  gran parte del orgullo también se ha disipado y estoy situándome en mi posición como sirviente.

Nuestras prioridades son: 16 rondas, 4 principios, Lectura de libros de Srila Prabhupada, Crecer Vaisnava  (Educación a distancia), Servicio en el templo, apoyo al programa Homeschool… y otros.

HpS - ASA -- Programa por la manana???    Mangala arati por Radharani and Krsna!   1-1/2 horas antes de levanta el Sol!

Este Karttika masa, pudimos apreciar con mayor intensidad de la inmerecida misericordia de Sri Hari;  Ya que, después de varios meses sin tener servicio en el templo, los misericordiosos Vaisnavas me han empeñado nuevamente en el servicio de Guirnaldas  y por otro lado debido a que madre Gopi Radha, viajó a Houston por varias semanas, misericordiosamente  me ofreció quedarme como facilitadora de los niños de la cooperativa Homeschool que se quedaron. Así es que he pasado unas semanas extáticas con los pequeños y sus madres en las que todos aprendimos mucho, sinceramente disfruto mucho este servicio. Lamentablemente antes de que madre GRDD me ofreciera este servicio yo tenía algunos otros compromisos, por lo que solo pude apoyar durante algunas semanas.

Ahora he viajado a Guadalajara, me estoy hospedando con algunos familiares de Prabhu Arya-Srestha, y he venido con la intención de asistir al “XXIII encuentro de educación a distancia” que ha sido organizado por la universidad de Guadalajara,  Y debido a que este tema es de gran interés para nuestro servicio en Crecer Vaisnava  (Educación a distancia) estamos muy deseosos de participar, aprender y mejorar nuestro servicio.

En relación a “Crecer Vaisnava”, estamos buscando colaboradores para la emisión de material para niños, sus padres e instructores.  Parece ser que es momento de buscar una fuente de ingresos para hacer el proyecto sostenible.  Pues ahora que yo no estoy laborando, estamos teniendo problemas para cubrir los gastos de la plataforma virtual.

Querido Gurudeva, querido padre… le ruego por favor nos instruya respecto a que camino debemos tomar.  Y ¿cómo podemos hacer un servicio útil para usted, para su Sankirtan? Mi único deseo es algún día poder  serle  de utilidad.

Le estoy eternamente agradecida por su infinita misericordia, y  porque gracias a usted pienso que estoy más cerca de Srila Prabhupada.  Muchas Gracias.

Su torpe aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA -  Hare Krsna. Muy bien oir de Vd.    Esta en contacto con la Madre Purnamasi en Espana? Ella tiene program fuerte para los domingos para ninos, tiene dos ninos, esposo Super Devoto, professor para ninos professional para muchos anos.

Ser util para nosotros:   Puese somos esforzando para ser util para Srila Prabhupada. Buscando devotos de mismo modo de Sadhana y Sankirtan entre el gran universo de ISKCON como nostros (HpS, Monocito, Puerquecito...).
Aque puede ver lo que pasa con nostros. Claro cada su modo de Sankirtan, entonces si esta bien occupado en ISKCON de Srila Prabhupada, eso es super para nosotros. Si, inclinacion similar con nosotros, ASA, bien.
Simposium in Guadalajar aparece super.
Mas noticias...  

Go to Vraja - 24-hour Kirtan???? #2

9 years, 2 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

thank you very much for all the care you've had.

I will consider everything, and talk to the devotees here; and try to give the right step.

Yes; i was in India in the month of Kartika in 2009

I was in Mayapur, Nabadwip, Bhubaneswar - in the temple of Gaura-Govinda Maharaj; also i was in Jagannatha Puri Dhama - where I committed the impertinence to enter the temple on two occasions; then Vrindavan Dham, Varsana, Govardham.

incredible journey. It was very important to me; That helped me a lot; to have a little more faith. See Hare Krishna from another point of view, deeper; not like those crazy people who walk on the street singing.

well, I will continue trying to understand all this.
Maharaj - once again thank you very much for your support.

this photo at Govardhan Parikrama.

HpS - Aaaah!   You are an experienced fellow, but still we worry that you will just get boored in Vrndavan ISKCON, ....   unless Radha Shyama want you to sit in front of them with Their Lady Friends and sing and play funny songs.      Maybe They have some other thing They want you to do. Look for a Sankirtan party passing nearby you!

Who is that boy in the white shirt next to you in the picture?

Reporte Sadhana

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 

todas las glorias al movimiento de sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu 

Porfavor asepte nuestras humildes reverencias, ahora estamos muy bien, cantando 16 rondas y 4 principios, en una semana nos cambiaremos a una casa  cerca del templo y restaurante  unos 10 minutos caminando   para tener mas asociación de devotos y programa mangalartik & srimad Bhagavatam deacuerdo nuestras actividades y vida :). 

HpS - ASA - Oink!!!!  Su, su, super!!!!!    Keep on moving closer to Krsna!!!!!!!

Gadadhar gosai prabhu empezará la maratón de Srila Prabhupada pensamos el la parte favorita del año de nuestro esposo porfavor le pedimos sus bendiciones para Gadadhar en este servicio sagrado  \ó/

ASA - Esperamos que encuentra a muchas personas quienes pueden tomar muchos libros para otros!

Jay govinda continua creciendo y empezando a caminar , muestra mucho gusto al tocar instrumentos musicales, ahora a mostrado buena salud y crecimiento,  muy travieso jeje pero es un bebe maravilloso<img alt="angel" height="23" src="" title="angel" width="23" />.

Ahora el 12 diciembre  cumple su 1 año en esta vida y le organizaremos una fiesta invitando a los devotos una fiesta de prasadam, kirtan, pastel y lectura de krishna book, siempre le muestran cariño a Jay Govinda pensamos es buena idea . 

en templo estan haciendo food for life una ves a la semana y actividades de mangalartik clase Bhagavad gita realizaron un hermoso festival de Govardhan y kartik  ahora con el cambio de casa estaremos presentes en las actividades y pedimos sus bendiciones para el programa de predica en Mty.

muchas gracias por su tiempo gurudeva, de su eterna aspirante a sirviente Ananda maya devi dasi 

ASA ----  Jaya Girigovardhana. Jaya Krsna Balarama. Jaya "Monterey", el Rey de Montanyas = "Giri-Raja".         Quien es su Bebe? Un ladron, un santo, un muchacho con deberes hacer el gran sacrifcio?

Winter in Madrid!

Hare Krishna GuruMaharaj!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my humble obeisances.

We continue in Madrid,

our services are the same from some months ago:

temple commander and pujari.

In general, all is ok with the services.

We are developing this new program call

Kirtan Pizza from some weeks ago,

the devotees like a lot and

usually some new people join us to chant in the temple and

take prasadam.

The guest can chant one hour and half and

after they can eat all the pizza

that they want!

In addition, Janardana Das Prabhu (temple president) are doing

one program call Cine forum:

we watch one film at month

(very good topics reincarnation, social problems, spirituality) and

we talk around half hour about

some important topics

that we discover in the film.

I was talking with Bhadra Vardhana Das Prabhu

about going out to chant to street one day a week and

maybe we start this Thursday,

now is winter but we can find

some places like subway stations, etc…

I continue with the Bhakti Sastri

(Sri Isopanisad, I hope finish the course in

February-March) and now im reading

second part of third canto (S.B).

In December Jiva (the cooker)

will travel one month to Peru and

one devotee from the ashram

(Bhakta Victor) an me will cover him.

Also Jagamohan Das Prabhu

continue cooking all the Sundays and Mondays.

For me is a new challenge to

cook for all the prasadam program,

for next month I will

delegate part of my services to focus in the kitchen.

No more news now.

Hope to see you soon.

Thanks for your time.

Mantri Rama Das

ASA - Become rich, become famous, become beautiful, become immortal.
Become a devotee of Krsna who walks and skips with His little friends in
transcdental forest of Vraja.

We talked with Yadu Swami for 45-minutes, here in USA yesterday.
He, Sananada Devi Dasi, also told  us about: Pizza night, Cine Forum,
Kirtan in the Metro...  Go-Gopi-Gokulananda.  Just try something and
you will understand how to do better!!!!!!!!
Big results soon to come.

HARE KRISHNA. Budhanath Das

9 years, 2 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A



Many greetings Maharaja, I hope you are well in all aspects

HpS - ASA - Dying a peaceful death.  AGTSP!!

I do not want to be boring, I just wanted to thank you for your recommendations. Sometimes I feel a little bad about telling all my paranoia, because if it's not right, but I need to tell. Try it from possible more spiritual perspective. Thank you for your kind and friendly treatment. As a great protective friend.

I love the sound of that of "psychology of the sacred" is something I feel very close to my mental prism. I hope one day I can start and finish Psychology.

HpS - ASA --  More accurately the title is "Psychology AND the Sacred".    Mind, mind, come and play, in the cowherds sheds and hay.

I would tell You I'm always happy, I'm always feeling like my eyes dry looking for a world that I not see. And how then cry. I would tell that any cloud settles over my heart. I would tell that I am always happy to have close friends like you. I would tell that I never feel alone.

I have to say that I often death comes after me once. I want to fly where my soul dreams. I have to say that sometimes I think I'm cursed, so separated from my loved ones, only. And then I think that as I would receive mercy but a person like me. I think that, being as I am, having lived many things, am ungrateful.

I have to say that I am very unhappy and very happy, and often think it's good, and other otherwise.

The other day I was fortunate to receive a string of friendly and good Franciscan religious but I'm wrong. It was like breathing air instead of smoke.

Lately I think a lot about the psychological spaces. In the psyche as consciousness used to project onto the external elements, the world, then we perceive as reality. In our mind and destroys and creates unseen, and how, if we let flow a sacred sound from inside out, as the river flows to the sea, we live in a different world without changing the external shape. And how can we willingly allow others are with us in this area of life.

I hope I'm not writing too many days. The next time I will write only one poem thinking in Vrndavan, no more mental things.

Yours, Budhanath Das.


ASA - Oink!    The wind is subtle, wind is warm, it makes us turn and look at Krsna and Subal sitting on the hill forlorn.

Hare Krsna Gurudev - Urgent

9 years, 2 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Extremely sorry, Gurudev, i was helpless to arrange a good connectivity phone. So did not called you.

    Since, chances are very less now, so planning to back in Pune and when you will be available in Feb/March, next year, would meet you and
    then will take the 2nd initiation.

    Gurudev, one more thing, it was quite difficult to have a printout of Mantra, as no body was ready to giving it to it
    would be good if you send me a PDF or word file with Mantra so that would take a printout.

    i was totally upset in Vrndavan, feeling helpless for these arrangement - a proper place, good phone and printout of mantra, i was totally failed.

    Now, going again to Railway ticket counter to book my return tatkal tickets. As yesterday failed to make it because all tatkal tickets booked in just
    2 mins, only.

    You have to be in good health for us. don't know, what to do, where to go, when you are not availability.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - ASA -  The modes of nature move this way and that way, like a breeze on our face. Please continue your search in Pune for Brahmana, Mantras and Telefone.

Paoho.  AGTSP.  Thank you!