gurudeva , from panama

9 years, 1 month ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada, All glories to your lotus feet Hare Krishna Gurudeva Pleasee accept my humble obesciences Gurudeva Dear Guredeva i am writing cause we havent spoke on skype yet , last time you wrote me you said you wanted to skype with me i am still waiting guredeva , right now i am at work chanting on my mind while working on this material world . i will be at chile on the 3rd of Jan ,please let me know about you guredeva how is your health ? i humbly ask about my iniciation.. haribol haribol Bhakta Juanka PD :i hope you remember me is Juan Carlo From PANAMA :P

HpS - ASA - Yes, we can tak Skype. Just write to us and we can work on some time to talk. Also, we will meet in Chile, no? If you have been following everything for one year and have a letter of recommendation from Temple President, then maybe we can do initiation in Chile???


9 years, 1 month ago by Bhaktin Paula Quezada in Personal Sadhana Reports




Hare Krsna beloved Guru Maharaj

I really hope and pray to lord Nrisimha , that when you get this report, your health is better, at least that you are not suffering of too much pain. Inevitably, I think of my responsibility at trying to be your disciple in you feeling like this!!

I have to recognize that something I read in the blog got me a little crazy and insecure (not from you, a letter from another devotee) and left  me in a state of mind that have made super difficult for me to be able to openly communicate with you and send my reports as I should. And I humbly ask your apologies for my weakness.

This second half of the year has been very complex. From one side, my daughter Antonia (15) did have academic difficulties at school, which can be resumed as a consequence of her lack of interest in studying, and almost everything in gral. Being she in a complicated age, and loving each other, she questions me a lot (not in a good way…in a fly in the ear way!!!) and is pretty intense with me. So she demands me a lot of “patience work”. With her father we decided to eliminate distraction focus, as internet, that’s why we haven’t been connecting to japa joe. But, she saved the year, so connectivity will come back to our home.

On the other side, regarding my service , since july i`ve been in charge of the temple`s restaurant, cooking, attending people and administrating. We have a very nice project ahead to offer to our beloved Srila prabhupada. I`ve been also doing catering for film productions, distributing prasadam to 300, 200, 500, 150,…. people each time.

Paralel to this, i`ve been helping as a manager in the treasury department of ISKCON chile. This been sort of an ungrateful service. Spite of that and considering the sensitive I am, I decided that as long as whatever the authorities does or want to improve is inside the frame of what Srila Prabhupada stablish for  ISKCON temple`s administrations, im going to help with the service. 

While the execution of my service, I have been able to realize the difficulties I have to mold my character; I lack tolerance and humility and that turns me into a time bomb. I pray to Krsna for Him to help myself in rectifying my anarthas, as in my own way im absolutely incapable. 

Im chanting 16 rounds, following 4 rp and still.....feel so caught...

And maya….maya sometimes make me feel angry at Krsna, she makes me think “oh Krsna, if we already love each other, why do you spect much from me (this includes japa an 4p), why I have to make all this effort for going back to you….why don’t you just come for me??!!.

And for moments I wake up. And happily chant…and, as you said, I trust in that everything that Krsna does is good, and that things will happen in due time.

I have so much to thank to you GM, as you inspire me to go ahead with the process that SP stablishes for us, for going back home, back to godhead. Without your example and tremendous mercy upon this stupid being, I think that the bomb I am, would have already exploted.Thanks!

Hoping to count with your asociation soon..

Aspiring to serve you ,

Pundavanika devi dasi

HpS - AGTSP.  So, we see you soon. It sounds from our distance that you are trying to do too many things. Better to do less and do them in a little more depth, but that is advice from 3,000 miles away. That can be good and bad.

Get advice from a lot of people.

Your life seems to be very normal in many ways and  you seem to be handling it very well. If you just get up early and get your rounds done then everything else will go at the best possible rate: Family responsibility, Church work, Finances, Sankirtan, Learning Humility.  Seems that you are creating more work for going back to Goloka than Krsna requieres. Still, there is no oxygen en Goloka! So you have to learn how to live without air. Do you understand?     Then after that there are other attachments to give up.


9 years, 1 month ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Querido Gurudev: Pamho:. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

En estos momentos me encuentro en casa con Yadunandana Maharaja. Estamos pasando la Navidad juntos de manera informal y tranquila.

Un año mas nuestro informe es que seguimos manteniendo nuestro deseo de volvernos buenos devotos algún dia. Mientras tanto estamos en 16-4-3. No  estamos contentos con la calidad de la practica y esperamos mejorar poco a poco. La vida familiar con los niños es un gran sacrificio que lleva mucha dedicación. Estamos tratando de llevarlo todo adelante.

HpS - TlgaSP. Si, pero el resultado puede ser enorme, con la proxima Acharya con el resultado.

Espero que a usted le vaya bien con su servicio a Guru y Gouranga.

En cuanto a lo del viaje a España me gustaría confirmar algunas cosas. ¿A que hora llega su vuelo a Bruselas y en que aeropuerto? ¿A que hora parte de Bruselas para EEUU? Supongo que tendré que gestionar sus tikets de Bruselas -Madrid o Barcelona y viceversa. Cuando tenga toda la información empezaré a hacer las gestiones oportunas y hablare con Nimai Pandit para arreglar las fechas.

Sin mas y esperando se encuentre bien de salud se despide su sirviente

Jayanta das

HpS - ASA - POR FAVOR, entra en "POST ANNUAL DISCIPLE REPORT" y pone un duplicado de su reportaje encima, arriba, en esta carta alla. 

CALENDAR:  Jet Airways han cerrado sus viajes por Bussels y cambiado a Amsterdam. Entonces, llegamos a Amsterdam (AMS), 30 Mar, 8AM y salimos AMS to Newark, USA, (EWR), 12 Abril, 3.20PM.

Entonces, aparece el mejor es salir de AMS > MAD, como 11AM (<$150), pasar tiempo en Madrid, Madre Tierra, NVM, Barcelona, y salir de Barcelona a AMS (~$100).

Esta bien????    Claro, mas pronto podemos fijar los reservaciones, mas barrato.

updated news ¡¡

9 years, 1 month ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



I always hope U are fine, I always pray for your health ¡¡

I have already posted my annual report but , I could not put some things that I want to inform U also


I woke [wake] up at 4:00 am

16 rounds Ok, nevertheless, I do not have a record of how many rounds I owe, so I made a vow today in Moksada Ekadasi to chant 20 rounds daily for 3 months ¡¡¡

HpS - Wow!   Super-bhaktin!

4 principles strictly

Everyday reading SB, I join FMP everyday, whenever I don’t is when I have to go and dress GN ¡¡,

I join Hawaii and BS classes

Also BV Godfather


Head pujari, but I do not have a fixed turn ¡¡ I try to organize more and talk to devotees in general and try to be more social, make a team spirit for GN and JBS so by serving the deities  … the devotees just by seeing them be inspired and do Sankirtan ¡¡¡, etc. One thing is that I do not see Them as my kids anymore , for me the concept of kids had [has] changed, I see Them as my Beloved Lordships and I guess I have more respect for Them. But whenever I see Nityananda’s face my heart just melt ¡¡

BS tutor

Communications for solaris, and the Symposium in June

Theraphy [therapy]:

My phychologist told me “ Claudia, Congratulations U are a [an]  ADULT now, in the past U were very comfortable running,, now you try to face your problems, do not just cry and you try to understand the situation, still we have to work a little more” ¡¡¡ She adviced me to do Yoga and this is helping me a lot, to focus


I am pretty happy because now I have the opportunity to work as an engineer. I made one practice in Cieneguilla with a biodigestor I felt so good, I do not have any pictures but I was working with the soil making compost ¡¡ jaja It was so funny the smell was not of roses, but being in contact with nature made me feel alive ¡¡¡ happy ¡¡¡

HpS - Jayaaaaaaaaaaa!  You can do the same in Goloka with M. Yasoda.

Thinking to move to the country in the future….

Seva: When I moved to Mar del Plata I left my deities JBS and Radha Krsna with Patraka then when I returned I realized that They were happier with him, so They are with him (JBS)

When Ptrk was in chile Kamalangi ¡¡ Arjuna’s wife, when She saw my Radhe Bankee Bihari she wanted Them ,and asked me to take care of Them, she helped me a lot ¡¡ so I say yes..

So now I serve JBS that U gave me, GN, Laksmi Nrsmha and Radhika is looking for Her Krsna¡¡¡    Madhumati dd went to India so she is delivering me one Krsna for my Sri Radhika ¡¡¡    In Mar del HH BSG told us that Radharani should not be alone even if she was with the flute, plus many devotees told me that, and when I asked U You told me that I had already one RK and that it was not necessary but now I do not have Them  anymore ¡¡¡ so now if Krsna wants He is coming before Your visit, so I want to present Them to U.    Radha carana dd painted Him and choose Him for me ¡¡ I am so grateful with her.

My mother is going to have her surgery on Nityananda Trayodasi, it is kind of interesting, when my sister had a surgery it was also on the appearance day of my Beloved Nityananda ¡¡¡

HpS - !

In attached is a picture of us and Dr Ormeño, he is one of my father's best friends, he is helping us with my mom's surgery he is a extremely nice person ¡¡¡ JAYA.

In General my Godbrothers and sisters are amazing they help , support and put up with me a lot. Thank U so much for iur support and patience

Well that’s it Gurudeva

Looking forward to see U

Trying to be iur disciple


HpS - Sounds good. Seems that maybe you can focus on going directly to Krsna, quickly, no detour to husband, kids, society, grandkids, nephews...!


9 years, 1 month ago by bhaktina lali in Personal Sadhana Reports


Dear Maharaja, how are you? I read in twitter that you had a stomach problem, I hope you are better.

HpS - Little bit. Best thing is to surrender this body to Krsna, no?

The last time I wrote to you with copy to Maha Hari Prabhu, telling you about my relationship with Lila Ananda. Things are getting better, my rounds are way much better, I usually sing earlier than before, sometimes with my boyfriend, other times alone. Now, we are reading together “Spiritual Warrior 2 (transforming lust into love)” from Bhakti Tirtha Swami, and it’s helping us to get better in some aspects of the relationship. He spoke with his guru Gunagrahi Maharaja and told him about our relationship, and Maharaja advised him to get married.

So, as I had already told you in the email, maybe in February or March we might do it. The devotees community of Glew is very nice, although it’s a little bit far from the temple, there is a program and we sing together. We are always doing service and thinking of how to improve our preachments. All there are Gunagrahi Maharaja disciples. I am looking forward to your visit.

Last year I asked you for refuge, do you remember? And I’m still thinking the same, in my heart you are my guru, and my wish is to serve you, sing your pranama mantra and become your disciple.

You inspire me to be a better person day by day, and I know that there’s still much, but I’m sure that following your instructions I can get better and reach Krishna. I’m helping Rati Manjari with the things related to your visit to Bs As, and I’m very grateful to your disciples, they always treat me with love and let me do service with them, they all behave like real brothers to me.

I will soon send you the annual report. Always wishing to serve you, Bktn Lali.

HpS - We can remember you name but not you exactly. Our Donkey is 67-years old so we have to see, hear from people a lot fo remember new friends.   Chanting is your number one friend. Make it your number one service always. See you in Argentina!!!!!        Preach!! !

servicio devocional puro?

9 years, 1 month ago by brian tellez in Personal Sadhana Reports

querigo GM

pamho AGtsp

_HpS - No se los detalles de su Bhava, conciencia, pero usualmente es bueno viajar mientras esta joven. Prabhupada indica, SB 1.17.38, muchacho tiene tomar opcion ser casado o fijado como Brahmacari/Sannyasi para todo la vida a las 24 anos. Claro, eso es ideal, pero pienso tiene que enfocar en esta decision. Normalment, como Kardama y Devahuti, decision es ser casado, no Sannyasa ni Vanaprastha directo. Entonce, 1, 2, 3 hijos muy robustos y Sankirtan con la familia.

Esta maraton de sankirtan ha estado muy intensa, he intentado servirlo con mi corazon, la verdad es que he pensado mucho en todo lo que ud me escribe acerca de tomar una decision, y de la instruccion que me ha dado sobre casarme repetidamente, ahora con 1,2 o 3 hijos <img alt="surprise" height="23" src="" title="surprise" width="23" /><img alt="frown" height="23" src="" title="frown" width="23" />, he pensado  que brahmacarya y sankirtan es mi forma de  rendirme a Ud y a Krsna, pero ahora entiendo que la rendicion no es buscar mi propia comodidad sino estar donde Krsna y Guru quieren que este, la tapasia de ser brahmacary es la tapasya que quiero realizar, pero sueño algun dia poder prestar un servicio devocional libre de una motivacion propia, sino por la santisfaccion de Guru y Krsna,sin estar cubierto por las diversas etiquetas externas,

En este ashrama me encuentro satisfecho y feliz pensando que estoy entregado, pero me doy cuenta que seguir su instruccion es realmente  entrega no como mis propios deseos lo exigen, asi que abraso su intrucción en mi corazón y voy a orar a Krsna q manifieste a su tiempo la forma de cumplirla.

Solo le pido humildemente que me explique ¿Que quiere para mi? ¿Que debo aprender en este ashrama?  ¿Como  podra este cambio ayudarme a entregarme mas a la mision de Sri Guru y Sri  Gauranga?, ¿ como hacer para no enredarme con el disfrute de los sentidos y apartarme del servicio de la distribusion de libros ?  si usted considera apropiado el responder estas inquietudes podre interiorisar mejor su instruccion, pues pese al estado neofito de devocion en el que me encuentro es muy dificil apaciguar mi turbulenta mente y enfocarme en sankirtan.

Ahora este mes es imposible para mi seguir su instrucción pues estoy totalmente fundido en sankirtan .

el proximo año estos son los planes que me han propuesto mis autoridades del templo y Prabhu Aravinda, Viajar con el equipo de sankirtan a chile argentia y uruguay de maraton en maraton , quiza peru y ecuador, luego Su Santidad Maha Vishnu Swami me invito a viajar en oct-nov por colombia, peru, bolivia y ecuador con el Grupo de Harinama Ruci.

¿Que piensa ud de estos planes? ¿cuando cree apropiado que sea mi cambio de ashrama? ahora estoy confundido en cuanto a mi deber y estoy perdiendo la compostura a causa de querer servirlo sin perder mi comodidad, ahora soy su discipulo y un alma rendida a Ud, porfavor instruyame <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="" title="laugh" width="23" /> 

Su Burro Sirviente

Vrajendra Kumara Dasa

HpS - ASA --- [] We are not saying that you should enter into Grhastha ashrama, but you should be serious about making a choice soon. Also we were saying that for most people, getting married is the best arrangement and then after than go through Vanaprastha and Sannyasa ashrama.

How to make the decision: 1) Chant Hare Krsna and get God's opinion, 2) Take advice from Srila Prabhupada's books, 3) Talk with nice devotees for their advice, six if it is a big problem.

O.K????     We have more details we can give, but if we give them to you we are going to send people to you for the answers then.  We hope you meet the owner of a chain of book stores who wants to 500-bigs.