ps... to Letter of 08/16/16

Thought you would want news from S F Ratha.  Forgot to mention, we did not go as I was too weak to sustain travel, plus the event.  The Folsom Group of Prabhupada disciples, not officially connected to ISKON SAC but a very nice group, is having a mini-Ratha first weekend in Sept in Folsom.  Radha-Krsnan inviteded us.  (this is the group he has attended for years primarily).  They all also attended the SF Ratha of course, but have a long tradition of this mini Ratha with a beautiful little cart which also serves as Radha-Krsnan's personal altar.  This is my speed right now and Dave and me are really looking farward to worshipping Lord Jagannatha at this event.   YS, Kalindi Devi Dasi

HpS - Jaya!   Very nice.  Lokanatha Das called me after the festival, and Caitanya caritamrta a Subhra went and gave a report.     In any situation Krsna will always put us in the best service postion, no?  He is a greedy guy. Always puts people in best position for His satisfaction.

Can you do some editing work for our Solari magazine???   How is Captain Dave Prestha??   Thank you so much for the news!

Janmastami vows urgent

8 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



Thank U for ur DTC we feel that U are always with us. So we do not feel so lonely

I have my ups and downs. Sorry for not writing as before the thing is that I do not have anything important to communicate.. just that i continue trying to fight with maya with depression,etc... i have tried many things.. but as my coach says if I try so so many things then you can not focus in the most important thing. So i just remember what u always say FOCUS ON YOUR PRIORITIES

Basically I have an acceptable FMP. 4p ok i am delay on my rounds :(

I do seva at home. Give Bg class once a month in wilson .Collaborate in the festivals at the temple. Tutor BS. Sorry for not doing more.

Now I am like trying to connect with nature. I have always been attracted to gems. Astrology things like that. So I have gems that helps a lot. And i am learning how to use them. I would like to be an hollistic therapist. Also coaching. I like to help people so I may not think in my own problems. My mind is sooo heavy sometimes... I practice yoga... aromatherapy all these things help me. Some say that i am crazy. They call me a witch sometime.

HpS - In traditional English there are White Witches and Black Witches.  Sam in Spanish?    We had a pearl attached to your Japa beads one year and it reduced our allergy symptoms by about 75%.

And yes I am jaja. But I feel a little better so I continue. It has been a long way finding myself. And Getting to know me. I am so grateful to all my therapists and Mia Pineda told me "bendice la incomodidad que te lleva a tu certeza" So i am just being grateful of allllll the unplesants things that I had lived 

Tomorrow I was asked to some service in chosik. I will put GN pijamas and then mangal artik thae day after Janmastami... So I humbly request your blessings. So that I actually realize all the blessing that I have. And I just want to take the vow that no.matter what happen I will always have the desire to chant Hare Krsna !!!! I want to chant always sometimes I do not have the desire. I am honest. As I always try to be. I have in my heart a GREAT DESIRE FOR ENJOYMENT. I just want that this desire little by little goes away. Anf just focus on what really matters

Thank U GM for always being there. I feel so lonely sometimes. But all your recordingS etc make my feel connected with Krsna and SP

Thank U again and again

Please forgive all my offenses

Happy Janmastami Gurudeva!!!!!

Looking forward to see U again soon
Your useful Daugther
Candramukhi dd 

HpS - ASA --- We forget: If I chant 16-nice rounds a day, my life will be fun, exciting, at every moment. Then we do the "terrible" austerity of chanting 16-good rounds (or die) and, "Hey!", we remember, "When I chant my rounds, all my problems and my problematic association goes away, everything in my life becomes harmonius, and now it is opening up to Goloka Vrndavana!".


gadadhara gosai das (barcelona)

8 years, 5 months ago by gadadhara gosai das in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna gurumaharaja! por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! todas las glorias a usted!

Espero se encuentre muy bien de salud. 

yo continuo con mi servicio en el templo de barcelona los dias sabados. cantando las 16 rondas cada dia, 4 principios, leyendo libros de srila prabhupada casi a diario y adoracion a las deidades en casa.

La familia se encuentra muy bien, vaisnavi ya tiene 2 años, a principios de septiembre  nacera nuestra segunda  hija, seria una gran bendicion para nosotros si usted nos daria el nombre para ella.

HpS - Va ser un gran benedicion para Vaisnavi tener una hermana.   Su sadhan es super. El resultando, volver a Krsna es guarantizado!!   Pronto!          Un nombre!??  No se???    Que piensa Vd.??

aqui en el templo de barcelona  hay muchos devotos vivendo en estos momentos. El ratha yatra fue muy bonito y concurrido, ahora se  esta organizando el evento para sri krishna janmastami en el museo maritimo de barcelona.

HpS - Es en el fin de Ramblaz?   Puede ser muy bueno. Nos envia resultados.

su sirviente gadadhara gosai das y familia.

hare krishna!!!

HPS - O.K.  Sus sugerencias del nombre y reportaje de Janmastami.

DC update yet again!

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabupad!

His Sweetness, Krishna has been teaching me some lessons which I fail to see again and again. I already told you about the GRE. And then I mentioned the house to buy for my parents. We were 3 days from settling and during the final walk through noticed a 2x2 foot hole punched in the wall that was gateway to some bigger, water-related issues. Considering that a dodged bullet, I decided to void the contract but legally, I’m tied to it unless I give up my $4000 deposit. I know money isn’t everything but this feels like a gut punch. What lesson can I see this? I’m thinking its sastric dharma about girls buying property for their parents … my father was against this from the beginning and doesn’t find it acceptable to take anything from daughters. I don’t know – I wanted to help but this has been spiraling into a massive mess. Praying to Krishna it doesn’t go to court.

I hope you are resting and recuperating but still energized. I read you had the association of  HG KalaKantha Prabhu. He was the speaker at the TSI event in Chicago. Very inspiring for much of the youth. Amazing devotee. I took a pic of him there and Kishore Kishori. So much lovability. Also, wondering if you had a chance to speak with Vraja Bihari Prabhu? (Krishna arranged for him to be literally walking outside my office in DC the day you mentioned his name).

 I look forward to serving you Maharaj and pray that time come soon.

balam balavatam caham

Your aspiring servant,


HpS - ASA --- Maybe Krsna is preparing you to be Draupadi in your next life. You can see that we have the tickets for D.C. Those dates are O.K?      What can we do while we are there?    We will see if there are any professors to meet.   When shall we have initiations???

Very nice photos.  Right afte Kala-kanta was here, a neighbor came by with his real estate lady and were talking about buying our mobile home property. We asked her to look for a place near the campus!

Renato Delgado (Arequipa Mandir)

8 years, 5 months ago by Renato Delgado in Personal Sadhana Reports
<pre data-fulltext="" data-placeholder="Traducción" dir="ltr" id="tw-target-text"> Hare Krishna! PAMHO, AGTSP Dear Guru Maharaj, Hari-kripa is now anniversary today August 15, there were parades and floats passed through the main streets of the city. It has been several years since we had Rathayatras and it is very unfortunate that now we can not participate as before. Currently, there is a directive to perform normal activities of a temple, such as preaching Sankirtan: selling books, magazines; prasadam distribution and not least Harinam. But if there is a temple in the house Mahamantra das Prabhu, who along with the mother Ramalila Devi das, perform a very important service by keeping intact the daily maintenance of the altar and respective care and attention to the deities. Mangala arati programs exist and study of the Bhagavad Gita, also in the house of a devotee, I do not attend personally, by the huge distance from my home, but we usually meet every Saturday at 6:30 pm and on days holiday, where most of Krishna devotees and friends gather. Photo Govinda Prabhu Abhay on the harmonium two bhaktas and Mother Ramalila adding to the altar, a small plant Tulasi, she cherishes love and is waiting to grow stronger. Photo We are already more than 5 years in this situation of lack of leadership due to internal problems among some senior devotees and our lack of association, each sees his own and there is no commitment altogether. To move forward, we need a more central place and a good vegetarian restaurant. The few that we are, we are organizing to achieve that goal. We have a project for the creation of an Institute of Vaishnava Studies, where you can teach workshops as vegetarian cuisine, ayurveda and yoga. In Arequipa, there is no an educational center where these subjects are taught and thought it would be very profitable, economically, in entering this field. To this end, some devotees are already preparing as teachers and specialists in these issues. I have understood that Ekadasi mother, daughter of Ramalila mother, has just received as a teacher. In addition, this month, we will conduct fundraising activities, to invite you Guru Maharaj, to visit us please and give us his blessing and advice. We just need to include in your travel itinerary, we of the possible date and we take care of your travel and stay. Forgive me for the dumb question I did. I have very clear that I am the one who is available, when you see deem appropriate. His servant Renato.</pre>

HpS - Hare Krsna, Thank you for the news. I hope you can see our news in the Kapi Dhvaja and the DTCs.

You can always develope your direct relationship with Srila Prabhupad through whatever transparent via media you can find. Then you can cultivate your circle of friends, Sankirtan partners and then work on developing the ISKCON institution. What you are all doing seems pretty good.  It is difficult, so any result is quite praiseworthy. Go ahead.

I think we will come to Arrequipa in April.

Are you ready for initiation?

HpS - Vyasa-puja Offering

8 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

We offer our respectul obeisances to His Divine Grace, Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Prabhupada, who is very dear to Krsna in this world and is pushing on the Sankirtan movement of Lord Chaitanya on the order of His spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada.

Dear Srila Prabhupada,
We struggle so much to act properly in all the details of devotional service but we feel that we make many little mistakes such as too much Prasadam late at night, too much mundane knowledge in the name of Sankirtan etc.

We feel like English sailors pushing through the waves of the fog who can regularly see the coast of England but who are still substantially in the dark.  You, and your world are that homeland.

When the waves of fog are light and we have even a little inclination to serve we push our lethargic brain and body to work, feeling that not only will we get some work done today, but we will get eternal strength to do more service in the future.

Everything is as your books say.

We hope to be stronger in your service this next year, and see the results you want to see in Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana.

There is so much more we can say, but with your permission we will stop here and hope that we become one good note in the chorus on this wonderful day of Vyasa-puja.

Your bumbling son,
Hanumatpresaka Swami