Bhaktin Loly (Madrid)

8 years, 4 months ago by Bhaktin Loly in Personal Sadhana Reports


Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias.

ASA - TlgaSP......

¿Qué tal está, querido Guru? Espero que bien.

ASA - Esforzando, como Vd!

Yo estoy feliz sirviendo a Krisna. Este verano ha sido muy bueno porque he podido ir a todos los festivales que se han celebrado en N. Vrajamandala. Fuí por primera vez al Holy Name y me pareció maravilloso. Hubo doce horas de Kirtan dos de los días y fuimos a Madrid a hacer un Harinam. Eramos muchos y la vibración fué estupenda. Luego Janmastami, día de Prabhupada y fiesta de la vaca, todo fantastico. Pude seguir con mi servicio allí en pujaris planchando, cosiendo, ayudando a cocinar y limpiando. Es increíble poder servir a Krisna a través de los devotos pujaris de N. Vrajamandala. Son unos devotos maravillosos y me están enseñando a ser una buena pujari en el futuro ya que ese en mi deseo, si también es deseo de Krisna.

También asistí a un curso de desarrollo congregacional impartido por Kripamoya Maharajas. Fué muy bueno y completo. Aprendí muchas cosas para mejorar mi manera de hacer Sankirtan y cómo crear gurpos con las personas que voy conociendo. De momento tengo el teléfono de seis personas que se llevaron un libro y que están interesadas en venir al templo algún día o asistir a algun Kirtan de los que organizo por aquí por mi pueblo. Mi intención es seguir realizando estos Kirtan periodicamente junto a Jaganta y Purnamasi,  los niños y madres del Gurukula y todos los devotos que lo deseen. También quiero ir a hacer Sankirtan a diferentes ciudades. La primera en la que he pensado es Segovia. Ya he hablado con algunos devotos y de entre ellos varios se vendrían. Mi hermana mayor me está apoyando y ayudando mucho y mi hija se apunta a todo lo que puede. Ya le iré contando.

Este verano he distribuído cerca de cien libros y seguiré distribuyendo con su bendición, la de Caitanya Mahaprabhú y la de S. Prabhupada quién me acompaña siempre.

Hare Krisna. Siempre a su servicio.

HpS - Muy bien.   Muy bien.      Aparece todo esta bien con Vd.  No tiene que ampliar mucho mas su programa, solamente tiene que intensificar lo que esta realizando.

Initiation Date

8 years, 4 months ago by Janard1108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj


Thank you for that Maharaj. The initiation date was 26 September 2016 (Appearance day of Śrīla Prabhupāda on the 50th Anniversary year of ISKCON).

HpS - ASA --- Jaya!  We just looked and Namacharya Das has posted it on the Disciple list on the Web-page.

Yes Maharaj, I am very much looking forward to your personal association in Jan/Feb of 2017.

Please also advise how I may remain patient in Krishna's reciprocations, as I am very weak in this area despite His generosity.

HPS - Do you mean that He doesn't "reciprocate" as fast as you like?  I think that is the opinion of many of us devils in the material world. Patience is decribed in Text Three of the Upadesamrta, but enthusiasm is more important that patience. Always be cultivating attitude of taking advantage of whatever facilities you have and then it becomes natural to become patient about the big results that you want because you will see that patience is just another aspect of enthusiam.
Ultimately we don't need any patience, just enthusiasm, but in the beginning we have to execute some informed restrain, patience, along with our passion for progress.

I am planning on getting the weekends off to focus on samkirtan, and should be commencing 24/09 with your blessings.

HpS - Super.  One step after another...    1st, 2nd, 3rd ...  initiation,.

Your servant,

Janardan-hari das.

Humble Prayer to Gurudev(Urgent)

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj.

Dandavat Pranam unto your lotus feet.

HpS - All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.   It is so, so nice to hear from you. I think we have lettuce feet but just like you, working toward lotus feet.

PAMHAO. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu.

As I am not very skilled in e- communication, i feel much difficulty in having correspondence with you.

HpS - Yes, it is more natural to live in the village and all see each other personally, but this media is working pretty well.

Daily, by your mercy, I am able to chant 32 rounds and read Vedanta book for 1 hour with regular mangal arati and sandhya arati. After professional duty, I get very less time so i keep only one or two house preaching programs.

Guru Maharaj, although you are too far way, I have full faith that you must have received my daily bhakti and worship unto your lotus feet as my relationship with you is transcendental.

HpS - I am like the village post-man for Srila Prabhupada, and yes Krsna keeps confidential connection through the heart for regular devotees, formally like second initiated devotees.

Guru Maharaj, urgently please grace me by informing the following:

1. Date of vyasa puja(your day of appearance for 2016-2017)

HpS - It is always the day before Jiva Goswami's disappearance day. Possibly he calculated that with our advent things were hopeless and went to do some work where it was more practical.  This year it is 30th December here.

2.Your mobile number where I can send sms.

HpS - +1 209 505 3219 and yours (we will not publish it)

3.Please teach me the way how I can send money sometimes for the Lord's service.

HpS - I guess best is to deal with that when we visit India.

Guru Maharaj forgive me. There may be fault in me as I am the most fallen with no spiritual knowledge. Again dandavat pranam unto your lotus feet. Your most fallen servant

Krsna Swarup Das


HpS - Thank you so much for your effort. It is having lasting result for you and eveyone.

What is your work now?    Do you have a Study Partner?   That is so important, to be able to read and discuss with another devotee. It can be by telephone or even exchanging some letters etc.

With what other devotees are you in contact?

Are you able to read the Kapi Dhvaja each fortnight. We struggle to get it out. Of course, it is available at "News" at our web-page,, and information about how to receive it regularly through e-mail is at the same web-page under "Hello".

We will be in India from 1 January to 15 February. The first week or two will be in Tirupati and Chennai for university symposium and then the last week in Mayapur. We are trying to take everyone's requests and visit Mumbai, Kolkatta, Vraja, North East during the interveening days. What do you suggest?

Can you become President of the United States?  I think you would do a better job than the two candidates that are now running.a

Radhe Radhe! :)

8 years, 4 months ago by Candrarekha Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai
All glories to Srila Prabhupada


Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva

First of all I hope you are well, like your health and your activities. And apologize for not writing some months ago.
I tell you that this year was very run ... I'm in the final stages of the university, and working almost all year ... so I went to go little to the temple... but I'm singing my 16 rounds, following my 4 regulative principles, and making my deities worship at home.

I'm reading the bhagavatam for now, since I've started from the first volume .. now I had desire to take the course with the mother Candramukhi  Bhakti Sastri but I could not regulate the time of my current activities... But then I'm quiet for now, since vendras new times do everything to cultivate more my spiritual life ... for now I am happy that I can have the association of my devoted friends on weekends when I have free, and converse with spiritual brothers through telephone and internet sometimes. 

I was thinking ... maybe ... after completing all of the university...  work a little my spiritual life, take courses, to train more my sadhana, perhaps some temple too ... we'll see that Krsna wants for me ... Gurudeva I will not cheat ... my spiritual life is not perfect ... but do everything possible to stand firm in Krsna consciousness, become a better person, to speak of Krsna always …And I'm constantly reading your blog and your twitter… And excuse me for not always write, sometimes I not have very interesting things to tell ...

Thank you for your time and happy to communicate with you, and please sorry for my bad english!!! ... 

your servant Eternal

Candrarekha devi dasi
Santiago, Chile

HpS - AGTSP   Thank you for the news.   Seems you are doing pretty well. In the beginning we have to have a balance of our "spiritual" life and our "material" life.   Maybe spiritual in the morning, making money during the day, and enjoying in the evening, but late we can see how it must all be for the same purpose. Arjuna had to learn material activites, how to use weapons, but of course it was not material, it was spiritual. So, with a good morning program you can gradually see how to make all your activities use full to the King and the Queen.


8 years, 4 months ago by Bhakta Martin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada
Todas las glorias sean para Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga
Por favor acepte mis reverencias...

Espero que se encuentre bien de salud espiritual, aquí seguimos en el templo de santiago de chile intentando servir a los vaisnavas. Quería comentarle que nos ha cambiado bastante la perspectiva de la vida al realizar el proceso dejado por Srila Prabhupada, hemos seguido distribuyendo sus libros, aunque ahora con un poco más de dificultades, pero esperamos esforzarnos más y ganarnos la misericordia del señor. Estamos siguiendo el programa matutino de mangal artik, japa mala, bhagavatam, honrar prasad... a veces el canto del santo nombre se vuelve algo mecanico, pero el tercer verso del sri siksastakam ayuda bastante - trinad api sunicena.. cada intento de cantar correctamente es como un acto de conquista al señor hari.. a veces realizamos puja a Srila Prabhupada (muy bello), en otras ocasiones ayudamos para cocinarle a sus señorias Sri Sri Gaura Nitay, y en otras ocasiones damos clase de Bhagavad Gita tal como es.. todo esto en cuanto a las actividades, internamente tratando de valorar todo, de autoconocernos, mejorar la actitud de servicio y devoción. Por momentos han surgido algunos problemas administrativos en este templo, ante lo cual surgen algunas dudas..
¿Cómo desarrollar tolerancia? y ¿Cómo eliminar el deseo de criticar a los demás?
Le agradezco mucho las respuestas de los reportes anteriores, me han servido para crecer un poco, como aparecen las primeras hojas en una planta, sabemos que esto esta comenzando. esperamos poder servirlo cuando venga a este pais.
Su aspirante a sirviente.
P.D: Lalita Madhava Das me recomendo que le envie reportes en ingles, pero como no manejo el idioma me preguntaba si a usted le acomoda que utilice el traductor de google?

HpS - TLGASP>    No, su Espanyol es bien claro!   Muy agradable oir de Vd.   Siempre hay problemas institucional en la institucion.  Tenemos que basar nuesta vida administrativa en nuestra vida espiritual. NOI Text 3  es bueno como desarrollar la tolerancia y 4-6 muy bien como eliminar critica de los devotos, todo.

Tenemos que ser entusiasta. Por que estoy aqui?  Que puedo hacer para lograr mis metas?   Resolvando estas preguntas vamos a ser entusiasta, y entonces la tolerancia se convierta en parte de el entusiasmo.

Si puede ver como cada devote (mas facil) y cada Karma, Vi-karmi (mas deficil) puede relacionar con su servicion, entonces va a ser facil no criticar a ellos.


little urgent

8 years, 4 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurudeva, Pamho, AGTSP!

Tomorrow I'm traveling to Tarapoto (Peruvian jungle) to give for fifth time the disciple course. I'm really excited! I enjoy so much interacting with my students.

I need to impove a lot. That's why I'm very much decided to study my master degree next year. I was thinking of doing it in USA, but it'll demand a lot of financial means and besides my english is not that good, and I guess you need some level of proficency to study in collegue. So I'm investigating here in Peru. Universidad la Cantuta is really going through a very difficult time in politics (for a change) and the academic level is very low now.

I think I'll go for my old university. It's a catholic university. Still in one of the best in Education. Its philosophy and everything was always avant garde, constructivist, and everything that I probably I'll go for that. 

Two years! But I think that besides my own progress, It'll be good for NIMSAR to become totally legal in Peru. A University needs people with degrees to lead.

Wish me luck. I'm always trying to do thing for me and the welfare of NIMSAR, ASA, and of course, Srila Prabhupada's mission.

Thanks a lot for your association, I'm very furtunate.


HpS - Jaya!    TlgaSP!     Paoho.   Thank you for all this news.    I'm sure it will help others in making their decisions.     Prabhupada pushed the academic degrees for some and told others it was worthless.  From what I know it seems like it can be very usefull for you.    If we consult many people then we will have good counsel and then we will have victory.
Of course, as you mentioned when we talked about this there is the advantage of being in the middle of the University and therefore able to present Krsna consciousness in many ways.   This then leads to being a part of the academic community in the professional perspective.   Radhika has this advantage. He is head of a Department of Relgious Studies and can introduce good ideas within that enviroment.

Send us news from Tarapoto.