Update for Janardana-hari

6 years, 9 months ago by Janard1108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja,


My sincerest apologies for being...well me.

I have failed to correspond and update you Maharaj and have been less than ideal in conduct and demeanor since our my initiation.

I hope you will forgive me, and trust that my future efforts might serve as a basis for any such forgiveness.


. . .

HpS -  AGTSP.   We are in emergency contact through whatsapp. Please whatsapp us if you get this letter. We post the general news in the Kapi Dhvaja every two weeks. Go to the webpage. www.jayarama.us and get it.

There we posted that we are only answering mail that is noted as "Urgent" while traveling. Traveling since middle of February. So, please send again.   Thank you !!!!

. . .

Your servant,

Janardana-hari das.

(Your spelling is of course better!) 


6 years, 9 months ago by [email protected] in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias y mis respetos a usted querído gurudeva.

Estamos pasando por un momento crítico existencial

Estamos luchando con este cuerpo. Sentimos ganas de llorar.sentimos que cada día hay menos fuerza para mantener este cuerpo. Muchas dudas de por qué tanto esfuerzo en este mundo! Cada día se vuelve a empezar ..... Estamos nostálgicos ....

Aveces nada parace tener sentido. La mente dice una cosa y el cuerpo otra ....

Somos insignificantes.

No hablamos de ser desagradables con el cuerpo que no nos sentimos cómodos con este ni siquiera ... 

Algo a cambiado dentro nuestro ....

Por favor, pido que me de su institución.

Su sirvienta 

Malati Dharani 

PD: escribimos dos cartas más anteriores.

HpS - AgtSp Paoho. Translate.google.com
Gracias por su carta. Todavía estamos en tránsito. Ayer llegamos a Houston con nuestro cuerpo agotado tras 10 semanas de viaje. Aquí descansamos un poco y viajamos mañana nuevamente a Tenessee, nuestro campamento base. Allí estaremos basados ​​por tres meses. Entonces esperamos que nuestra energía se recupere y podamos responder al correo con mayor regularidad.
No puedo entender muy bien tu carta porque está en español y trata cosas sutiles, pero según tengo entendido, tu problema podría ser algún tipo de reacción física que afecte la mente. También podría ser un estado profundo de desarrollo espiritual que está dando como resultado la renuncia física.
No puedo darte muchos consejos detallados de tan lejos de la situación, así que habla con devotos locales que te conocen. Canten 16 rondas agradables diariamente y sigan estrictamente los 4 principios, incluso si esto conduce a la pobreza, la defamia y la muerte. Por supuesto, esto significa Mangala arati y Kirtan y Japa y SB durante las horas de la mañana y luego unirse al Sankirtan de acuerdo con su naturaleza y capacidad. El Upadesamrta explica todo esto. Haz que sea la base de tu estudio SB. Si así lo hacemos, este éxito está garantizado y Krsna en nuestros corazones nos dará una buena inteligencia.

Permission urgent

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



I hope U are fine. As U said this material body means illness.

Thank U so much for your visit. I have learned that I need a lot to work on. I hope in your next visit I will be with better conscious. I am getting use of my unsane schedule and setting priorities.

We are going to install a Murti of Srila Prabhupda in Wilson on Nrismha Caturdasi. (any suggestions?),

HpS - ASA - Don't do it. Ha! Ha! Ha!    Have you got approval from GBC authorities? Putting a Murti on the Vyasa asana is not like formal installation. I hope that is what you mean, because from what I hear we are struggling to maintain the installed deities that we have now!

...also participate in the abhishek,puja etc.. I will have a strong FMP in order to do a better service.

I want to ask permission in order to go to Alachua or the San Francisco Ratha Yatra. I will also love to visit U in Nashville. I would like to know the place which is your base. But I do not know if it is proper.??? What shall I do?? I need a break from work and I will love to join any of these places.

Please kindly forgive my offenses

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Hare Krsna. It is very hard to see the screen with this eye infection. Has not improved so we will see a doctor today. Still is so nice to Blog with you all from Lima.

When we get to Houston, USA, we can start to work on the calendar more. Best place to visit it were you have girl friends, devotees.  Hmmm? Houston?

Write again after one week, please. Thank you for al the help in LIma. Thanks to everyone.


6 years, 9 months ago by Nick Delffs in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, PAMHO AGTSP

Thank you so much for your response and the buatiful pictures! 

I have been attending Mangal Aarti at the boise temple twice a week. And every morning on the way to work I(and with Aja every other week) listen to the Mangal Aarti prays sung by HG Swarupa Damodar Das and prabhupadas version as well. I am trying to commit the prayers to memory and also understand the meaning of the words. 

Lately I’ve been very inspired by Prabhupada’s Lilamrta.

I’ve started a new job at Micron as an industrial carpenter. It’s the first steady job that I’ve had in a long time and I am learning to appreciate the strict schedule. The consistency is proving to be helpful in many ways but it all depends on how early I get up and if I chant at least eight rounds before I go to work. What helps tremendously is if I take simple and light prasadam early in the evening. This makes all the difference. You told me this once and I’ve known it to be true but now I am really putting it to the test. 

I am still playing music. Not traveling very much. Focusing on piano. I’m finally realizing that the bar atmospher is not condusive to spirtitual life. So I get in and out as fast as I can. 

I have been receiving SB verses from a friend and we discuss via text but it is not enough. I will try to make reading SB apart of my morning program. I would very much like to meet this requirement. 

I will be checking in more frequently. Thank you Maharaj. I am very grateful to have instructions from you and thankful to have this ,platform to receive. 

Hare Krishna, Hari Bol


HPS - This seems like an edited version of the last two letters.
You seem to be doing very, very well!   What I have understood from Prabhhupada is that without keeping this full morning program, mangala arati, KIRTAN, SB, then it is impossible to chant really enthusiastic rounds, and eventually we get frustrated and leave.

So, when doe sthe sun rise. in Boise. We have to be up 1-1/2 hours before Sunrise and chanting HK/HR. Then daily SB reading, class, then we will be hot-class servants of God even in Micron.

Thank you for your association.

I failed to mention before

6 years, 9 months ago by Nick Delffs in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj, just a few more things that I failed to mention before.

I will read the Guru-tattva tonight.

I will attempt to read from SB everyday. 

Thank you so much Maharaj!

Hare krishna,


HpS - Thank you. For the rigid practitioner, success is guaranteed. We will be playing music for Radha Krsna in Srila Prabhupada's band. Last letter.


6 years, 9 months ago by Nick Delffs in Personal Sadhana Reports
Hare Krishna,
I am still doing music but not traveling so much. Been focusing on piano mainly. I am finally starting to see how the bar atmosphere is not conducive to spiritual life. So I try and get in and out of there as fast as I can. 
I failed to mention in my update that I have been attending Mangal Aarti at the boise temple twice a week. And every morning on the way to work at 6am, I (and Aja every other week) listen to the Mangal Aarti prays sung by HG Swarupa Damodar Das and Prabupadas version as well. I am trying to commit the prayers to memory and also understand the meaning of the words.
Lately I’ve been very inspired by Prabhupada’s Lilamrta.
I’ve started a new job at Micron as an industrial carpenter. It’s the first steady job that I’ve had in a long time and I am learning to appreciate the strict schedule. The consistency is proving to be helpful in many ways but it all depends on how early I get up and if I chant at least eight rounds before I go to work. What helps tremendously is if I take simple and light prasadam early in the evening. This makes all the difference. You told me this once and I’ve known it to be true but now I am really putting it to the test. 
I recently purchased a copy of the Srimad Bagavatam First canto. A friend has been sending verses and purports and we have been discussing via text. But this is not frequent enough so I need to read more on my own. 
Thank you Maharaj for your responses. I will keep you updated more frequently.
Hare Krishna, Hari Bol!
HpS - O.K. We'll look at the other letters.