
6 years, 9 months ago by Nick Delffs in Personal Sadhana Reports

Thank you for all of your enlivening  responces, Maharaja.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!!!!   Sorry it has taken a week to answer this letter!   Traveling we are constantly meeting with devotees and no time to handle anything but URGENT mail!!!  We are back in our Base Camp now.


The sun is rising at 6:52 here in Boise. I have been waking up at 4am. I am trying to see the bed as an enemy and cultivate the desire to play in Prabhupada’s band.

HpS - Super Dog!!  (See attached photo).

My apologizes for the two letters that were similar. I thought the first one didn’t get posted so I wrote it again. I am still getting acquainted with the blog here.

HpS - ASA ---  Another sign of a pure devotee . . . NOI Three. 

I will give you an update in a month. 


Thank you again, Maharaj. 

Your aspiring servent, 


HpS - You seem to be on the right path and making enormous progress. At this pace we shall get to The Emeral City in just a few more days and then meet The Wizard of Oz and he can tell us how to get back to Kansas (or rather Goloka!).   Thank you so much.   Will your family come for the initiation???

Rohini Kumar das

6 years, 9 months ago by Rohini kumar das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Haré krsna GuriGur por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Seguimos en vrindavan es una bendición estar aquí , los ekadasis vamos a Govardhan parikram por las mañanas tengo servicio en la cocina para los devotos . Ayer que fue ekadasis fuimos a parikram y un baba me regaló una sila, me dijo que se llamaba Gopal Giriraj, entonces mi pregunta es si usted me da sus bendiciones para adorarla?

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!    Have you been following a strict Brahminical standard for six years???   It is very serious thing. It is like having a baby. You can't just forget Him because you are tired of Him!!

También quiero informarle que deseo formalizar mi relación con una devota que conocí en paraguay y que me ha acompañado hasta en mi viaje a india es discípula de Hridayananda Maharaja , es de paraguay su nombre es Nitya Rupa dd.

HpS - Awk!   Esposa, Sila!!      What do you mean "me ha acompañado hasta en mi viaje a india". You are traveling alone with an un-married girl!!   Dios Mio!   Es un escandulo!   Please more details. Do here parents, Temple President, Guru, know that the two of you are exchanging smiles and intimate talks?  Both the Sila and the Wife could be O.K. but let's be careful here!

Estamos viendo que será lo que Krsna nos tenga preparado , por ahora la idea es regresar a Asunción-Paraguay y distribuir prasadam y además estamos llevando deidades y lo necesario para un centro de prédica . Usted que piensa Gurudev?

HpS - ASA -- ---    It could all be very, very nice!   Of course it could be a catastrophy also. Waiting for your answers. Follow what you read in Prabhupada's books, chant 16-nice rounds and discuss your plans with sane devotees and sane people, and you should be O.K.  Super!

Perdone mis ofensas y siempre agradecido por su guía y inspiración que me permiten seguir adelante .

Su teterno sirviente Rohini kumar das.

ASA - Your association is always very nice for us!!!  Cooking for devotees in Braja is no small honor!

Rukmini Devi Dasi from Lima

6 years, 9 months ago by Rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are in better health.

HpS - It is. AGTSP.  Paoho. It will probably be about three weeks before it is fully recovered if we are good!

I would like to apologize for not informing you about the situation and for not approaching to talk about it. Thank you for your infinite mercy.

HpS - Situation with The Esteemed Tattva-vita Das.      Yes!    Is good to include guru, family, friends in these relations. They are very powerful and very, very dangerous. We can get damage that can last for a life time!!!   Also benefit in the same degree.

Sincerely, after know him for a couple of months, I felt in love with him. I would like to have a formal relationship with him. We made a lot of mistakes, as you know, about what we did and said, but now we want to do the things properly under a guidance. In the other hand, I won’t like to cause more disturbance to the family.

We talked with p. Abhirama, few days ago. P. Abhirama recommended him to travel abroad for a while.

I beg for your instructions and what you think is better for everyone in order to the advance of the spritual life and the service to Krishna.

Thanks a lot for your mercy and association.

Your useless servant,

Rukmini dd

HpS - ASA --- You are a very good person, Rumini Devi Dasi. Anybody who has you as a friend, daughter, wife, sister, mother, employee ...   is very lucky.   Just be careful.   We need a letter from Tattva with his ideas about this relationship.   Do you want to associate?   Exchange ideas, letters?   See each other at the Temple?  Is this all with the goal of entering Grhatha ashrama together!?

O.K. We go to Friday night program now.     Wait for news from the Tattva.

Guillermode argentina

6 years, 9 months ago by Guillermo paez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna 

Soy guillermo de los cocos (cordoba,argentina) estoy viviendo cerca ambarisa das. queria mandarle mis humildes reverencias espero que se encuentre bien justo hoy ambarisa nos vino a visitar y nos agrego para nos podamos comunicar con uste desya le estamos muy agradecido por su asociacio muchas gracias Maharja

HpS - Jaya!!!!  Era muy inspirador visitar a Ambarisa, Madhavendra, las Damas y bebes y todo Vds. en Cordoba. Claro, muy bien oir de Vd.    Quantos anyos tiene. Esta carpentero, Brain Surgeon???

Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

6 years, 9 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay

HpS - All glories to Srila Prabhupada and B. S. Damodara Swami!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s padmacharan that  yestarday, Sunday the 29th April 2018 we three members went and participate Narasingha Jayanti at Imphal ISKCON Manimandir.

HpS - Jaya!!!!

Morethan 300 prabhujis and matajis assembled at the closing function with arati then prasadam. The function started from the 28th morning upto evening of 29th. The function ended at 9.30 pm.

In all my letters, I did not used the word URGENT because all the information is not urgent. I have read Dr. Sarada D D's letter with Guruji's answer in the blog and saw the vedeo. In the Rasa-Lila the artist are seniors it will be better if boys and girls below 13 will be the suitable.

HpS - Yes, I also noticed that but it was still very good video. We showed it in Mexico and it has generated a lot of interest. We must fight Maya in the area of culture.

It is my simple observation. The Rasa Lilas performed by Sri Krsna and Gopis are all ages of below 13, it was mentioned clearly in Bhagavatam and other related books.

I want to know Guruji's opinion of publishing Srimad Bhagavat Gita As It Is of A.C. Prabhupada  translated by Partha Sarathi Das into Manipuri. Now I am doing the work of proofing from manuscript to printed book form.

HpS - I don't know how well Prabhuji has translated.  You can see that for yourself. If the translation is good then it sounds very nice. You can use it for a lot of teaching in Manipur. You can even take individual puports and distribute those according to time and circumstance.

You news is always URGENT but it is a sad fact that while traveling we are meeting dozens of people everyday who want to talk. When we go to Manipur we talk with all of you and only answer URGENT letters on this Blog.   It is so nice to hear from you. I think of Mani-mandir and Thoubal.   Of course, our body is exhausted after all this travel but at heart we seem to be stronger than ever and already improving. We will sit here for three months and then go to India in the Spring of next year.  More news in a two weeks!

Your ignorant servant,

Yamunesvara Das


6 years, 9 months ago by Janard1108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja,


Maharaj thank you for answering the letter I sent in early March (via the site).

I simply wish to let you know my Sadhana has been strong now for the past six months (since your visit to the Gold Coast) and my job is going well.

I am feeling much steadier.  :)

I also have prospects of marriage and have received the generous blessings of Srimati Saradiya Rasa Dasi's guru maharaj, Indrayumna Swami for this to proceed.

Naturally I beg for your blessings too in this matter, in order to proceed.

HpS - All I can say, is "Hare Krsna!  We don't know Mataji or even yourself to be of too much use in blessing or warning against the Holy Union, but I really feel that she must be a nice person and you seem to be a very nice person, so it should be a big step forward in K. C.   Grhastha ashrama is to prepare for Vanaprastha Ashrama.

Please also instruct me how I may offer any remote menial service to you.

HpS - Just send interesting news from time to time of yourself, family, Yatra, and universe!!!

Your struggling servant,

Janārdana-hari dās.

PS - I have also been able to gain access to my super fund (401K), and have a legal way of utilising this to start a Bhakti Centre in Burleigh Heads, QLD. I am now looking for a lease, (and have my eye on some nice 24" Gaura-Nitai Deities in Jaipur). Begging your blessing for the success of this project.

HpS - ASA -- Sounds very nice!   Just let people see who you are and what adventures you are finding that they can join!   Send an update in a few weeks.   Read other letters and posts here.  Especially the bi-monthyly Kapi Dhvaja at the web-site.

Thank you!!