Urgent additional notes

Hare Krisna Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

I forgot to tell you that we are reading SB second canto chapter eight during the morning SB class.

Another topic for SB discussion could be MOE work and viplavah.

We are trying to develop a Gurukula here!!

At your service,

Nikunja bihari das.

HpS - we can deal with all these topics. Maybe Saturday after the Sankirtan and Sunday before and during the Festival

reporte de bhakta Rodrigo de Chile

Todas las glorias a Radha y Krishna

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitai

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva

Por favor reciba mis reverencias

Espero que se encuentre muy bien, acá Bhakta Rodrigo de Santiago de Chile.

HpS - Realmente pensamos en usted mucho y somos feliz cuando oigo de vd.

Entiendo que usted está en Perú para luego viajar a Brasil.

HpS - "Art and the Sacred (Peru)", GBC College (Campina Grande)", Ya en transito en Sao Paolo (30-million people) y manyana Turkish Airlines a BsAs.

Tal vez usted se encuentre en Brasil al momento de leer esta carta.

Lamentamos mucho  no escribir antes a usted.

HpS - Monstro!

En mi última carta (12 de enero 2018) usted al final de su respuesta me pide “Escribanos de sus actividades!”.


Entonces yo espero poder resumir mi nueva carta de hoy lo mayor posible:

*Durante casi todo noviembre 2017 estuvo en Santiago de visita Prabhu Visuddha-sattva, él vive en Venezuela. Yo tuve la oportunidad de estar bastante con el devoto, yo pude grabar muchas clases de él.

Él y yo tuvimos muchos momentos juntos, mucha asociación y ahora tenemos una muy buena relación. Mucho contacto por email y whats up.

*Desde el 7 de diciembre 2017 mi madre estuvo en el “Hospital Salvador” muy grave. Durante su primera  noche en el hospital  su cerebro estaba sangrando y era muy seguro que iba a morir.

Sin embargo, Krishna tenía otros planes para ella y mi familia. Mi madre estuvo todo el mes de diciembre en el hospital muy mal de salud. Mi padre, mi hermano, yo y mi familia visitábamos todos los días a mi madre.

Yo cantaba rondas (sigo cantando rondas) y todas las noches cantaba Nrismha kavacha pidiendo por la salud de mi madre. También muchos devotos y devotas orando por la salud de mi madre. También personas católicas y evangélicas. Muchas personas.

HpS - Hmmm.  Posible sus oraciones estan deteniendo ella de ir a mejor sitio. ISKCON de Srila Prabhupada en su proxima vida.

Mi madre fue operada de su cerebro el día 30 de diciembre, tenía un tumor en su cerebro y la operación fue un éxito gracias a Krishna, pero pudo haber muerto porque la operación era muy delicada.

Creo que mi madre volvió a casa el día 8 de enero.

*Todo enero y febrero estuvimos cuidando a mi madre en nuestra casa durante el día y en la noche. Ahora en marzo ella está muy bien, gracias a Krishna está mejor que nunca.

Pienso que Krishna dio una nueva oportunidad a mi madre, pienso que Krishna nos dio una nueva oportunidad a mí y a mi familia.

ASA - Hare Krsna.

Yo desde siempre he tenido una relación muy difícil con mi madre, desde que yo era un niño pequeño porque ella era muy violenta conmigo.

Sin embargo, puedo decir que desde diciembre del año pasado estoy verdaderamente amando a mi madre. Krishna me dio una nueva oportunidad para amar a mi madre, para aprender a amar a mi madre.

Mi madre ahora es una nueva persona: Está más alegre, tiene mejor ánimo, ya no es agresiva. Dejó de fumar (fumaba 600 cigarillos cada mes) y dejó su adicción a la Coca Cola.

*Marzo: Seguimos trabajando en el almacén (neighborhood store) de nuestros padres. Seguimos cuidando a nuestra madre y estamos retomando nuestros proyectos con Dharma Comunicaciones.

Desde el año pasado Dharma Comunicaciones también es una editorial, ya hemos publicado 3 libros.

Ahora a fines de abril espero tener en mis manos mi libro “Visiones, sueños y mantras”, es un libro de poemas místicos surrealistas y está dedicado a usted y a Srila Prabhupada.

Junto a la Embajada de Portugal tenemos dos proyectos para junio: Se celebran los 130 años del nacimiento de Fernando Pessoa, uno de los poetas más importantes de Portugal. Ya estamos trabajando en esto.

Con Dharma Comunicaciones tenemos muchas buenas ideas y proyectos pero NO  sabemos cómo conseguir dinero, necesitamos encontrar alguna persona que tenga cualidades de vaisyas (vaishyas).

Nuestra idea y meta es poder vivir económicamente con nuestro trabajo que hacemos en Dharma Comunicaciones. Ganar nuestro dinero para poder tener nuestra propia familia, ayudar a nuestros padres, poder hacer eventos culturales  y ayudar a la prédica a nuestro maestro espiritual.

Querido Gurudeva, antes de terminar esta carta quiero  preguntar lo más importante:

¿Cuándo usted piensa visitar Chile?

Un año sin usted es mucho sufrimiento.

Pensando mucho en usted, siempre.

Su aspirante a sirviente,

Bhakta Rodrigo  Hernández Piceros

HpS -  Ya viene el typhoon. Thunder in the afternoon sky. Cielo de tarde.  Pienso vamos a Chile en Noviembre. "Arte y lo Sagrado" en Lima, biblioteca nacional 24-26 Octubre con otros eventos antes y despues. Misericordia para los almas caidas. Socorro!

Vamos juntos a Goloka?   Si, es buen idea esforzar obtener dinero de su editorial. Si haz lo, otro medios de dinero va a entrar y salir automaticamente, como razgar su nariz.

Como esta el Presidente, del Templo....  (((y Chile))))

Hace muchos anyos no tuve contacto con Visuddha satva Das. Era uno amigo mio y B. S. Damodara Swami.. . . .

praying for help

6 years, 10 months ago by apsaragopi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

please accept my humble obeisances

hare krsna dear gurudev

I am very happy to see you in La Paz, , in my life you are the light in the darkness, you give it true value.

some time ago I lost against maya, however, after praying and suffering, praying and crying, today I can thanks to your infinite mercy even try to crawl like a baby  in krsna consciousness. being aware, your lotus feet are my only refuge, my only protection.

I wake up early to sing my rounds, for the moment at 6:10 am, striving to wake up earlier and earlier and sing the holy name with enthusiasm and atention. I also read the srimad bhagavatam and the caitanya caritamrita, and listening to classes of both. without his mercy I am nothing. please excuse my offenses.

every day I pray to be able to serve under your guidance, keep your instructions in my heart at every moment and remember you three times a day.

Always waiting to be useful in the service at his Lotus feet.

your aspiring servant

apsara gopi devi dasi 

HpS - Hare Krsna.     Only when you are detached from your gross body, look at it like a tool, can you appreciate what it is like to be with Krsna again. He is anxious for you to return. Everyone in every world really wants for you to become self realized and act in your Svarupa. Send news of the Yatra as you have a chance.  Our respects to everyone!!!!!   Many wishes for good consciousness for Ekadasi in the hospital.



Por favor acepte mis reverencias.

Estimado Gurudeva, el sabado 31 de marzo haremos por la mañana la ceremonia annaprasana de mi hija Govinda Lila, en el templo de Bs As. Quería invitarlo a participar, seria muy agradable contar con su presencia.

HpS - Aparece bueno, pero tiene que co-ordinar con La Rati-manjari Devi Dasi por que hay otros programas.

Sigo haciendo servicio fijo en la organización del Ratha Yatra Bs As, y este año estoy haciendo servicio en el departamento de educación del templo y colaborando con comunicación de Iskcon Argentina.

Estamos muy felices porque en unos días se estrena la película Hare Krishna! en nuestro país. Estoy agradecida de poder hacer servicio en la difusión de la película, todos deberían ir al cine a verla! 

Retomando sadhana, 16 rondas (hay días en los que cuesta terminarlas, con bebe pequeña es difícil cantar temprano!) Principios bien, estrictos!

HpS - Cantando ser buena Madre.

Como le dije en su ofrenda de VP, se que soy torpe y que no siempre sigo sus instrucciones en tiempo y forma, pero en mi corazón, Usted es mi maestro espiritual, y espero poder servirlo siempre. Me gustaría que me acepte como su discípula, poder tener una foto suya en mi altar y cantar su pranam mantra. 

Estamos aguardando su llegada!

Quien desea servirlo,

Bktn Lali .

HpS - Hare Krsna.

Our gratitude and respects to you, Sir

6 years, 10 months ago by Madhumanjari in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful and humble obeisances to you.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Constant meditation on Guru-disciple relationship as one of my main pillars, duty. Not any more as obligation, it is becoming more like a loving, precious need; based on what is the real and main goal of life = Loving relationship with Krsna. Of course, it cannot be separated from the means = Guru (You, Sir); Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON - devotees; and the HOLY NAME.

HpS - ASA -- We hope to learn from you how to increase our own efforts in this regard!

Today, thought of you and how much we are missing you overwhelmed us. A strong sentiment of guiltiness due to realising that we are not serving and glorifying you enough. These days appreciating more your greatness and spiritual advancement, which goes far beyond our limited perception, but by Krsna’s special help a small glimpse of your greatness can be shown.

I cannot remain in lamentation for the wasted time – the past; that I could not see, serve and please you. Awareness of that misfortune is pushing me to change, turning more toward you, in a despaired mood. Time is running, I am afraid of 2024 = Fear of losing you, Sir.  So, no anymore meaningless and shallow words, thoughts and actions. But, an unqualified condition (lack of spiritual intelligence and strength; poor knowledge and weak renunciation attitude) is limiting us. How to come out from there without your kind loving compassion, which is our only hope and shelter.

We are sat at Srila Prabhupada’s room in the temple. Time spending with GURU, chanting the holy names, JAPA, mending a bit the old blue rug that Srila Prabhupada step on (a treasure); reading a bit, and writing to you, Sir.  It is a humble attempt to please you out of the awakening gratitude and love. We are very grateful to Srila Prabhupada and Krsna because of you, Sir. You are our good fortune. Certainly, all your followers have realisation of this true (in different degree). Thank you Gurumaharaj for being a Gurumaharaj for all of us. (somehow and other, an urge to glorify you is overwhelming my thoughts, should I stop it and keep material for another adequate time – vyasapuja offering?  No, but, can anytime, moment be vyasapuja time, and opportunity for a disciple to glorify his gurudev? 

But, I must remember the purpose of this time, writing to Gurumaharaj, seeking to please him, serving him and fostering and nourishing the bhakti-lata.  So, what could be more pleasing for Gurumaharaj?  Ummmhhh. Spiritual inquiring? Or both.?, ummh it seems to me that both are beneficial to everybody!!   Is that right Sir?

Please forgive me for this letter Gurumaharaj, I have been thinking what to write about. Some questions related to how to know when to surrender and when to endeavour in the performance of our devotional practice and activities and relationships.  We should surrender to Krsna’s will, since He already planned things for us, but at the same time, our constant, honest endeavour is required.

Sometimes keeping low profile is a safety measurement for a” peaceful spiritual practice’.  How this can be reconciled with the sense of purpose and need of productivity impelling us towards improvements – changes? or assessing the effective use of our potentials? False vairagya vs yukta vairagya. Question related to efficiency in devotional service.  Actually; what is a peaceful spiritual practice? Should we aim for it? how to avoid falling in stagnation? sort of comfort zone, Is that a healthy spiritual practice?

For other hands, I want to thank you Sir, for Giriraj. It is about 10 years since you, very mercifully authorised me to worship Giriraj. It was on Nityananda trayodasi 2008 that you very kindly said, that we can take care of Giriraj and you welcomed Him. The current circumstance that I am living now is conducive for the development of a more personal, loving relationship with my little baby – Giriraj, who expresses the mood of a kind, sociable and sweet boy.  We offer Him, a daily simple puja and small bhoga (nuts and dried fruit generally). This time, our worship is more constant that before. Any advice regarding Giriraj’s worship and care? Please!!

 Please Sir, accept my most respectful obeisances to you along with my sincere gratitude. I do pray to you Sir, to help me serve you as you deserve. (I am seriously meditating on your instruction of story writing service, I will do it, SIR.. please bless and empower me!!)

Thank you


Your puppet disciple

Madhumanjari dd

HpS - "Once upon a time there was a girl from Peru who went to Australia. Her name was ... After many years she wrote a letter to her little sister about what had happened."

We guess we are trying. We come before Radha Madhava in Mayapura and offer our obeisances after many months, a year of traveling and preaching and hope that all the pain and suffering of this Sankirtan effort will come out of our heart as an offering to Them and they will appreciate our efforts.

We are in La Paz now. It is 5.38PM. We are a little lonely, a little depressed. The sun is going down. We are in Om Kesavaya Das nice home. We can see the inspiring view of the mountains and sky and city. You know it, no? The airport is 13,333 feet. Last night was full house in Cusco and intense Sankirtan discussions.

Tomorrow is same in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Our only center is the Maha-mantras at the feet of Srila Prabhupada.

Most, if not all, the good qualities you see in us are His effort.

It is not all lost time. Whatever mistakes we make we can use as stepping stones forward. It is not just disobedience, demonic character when we choose sense gratification instead of renunciation. Sometimes we just don't know where to draw the line between needed Bhoga and artificial Bhoga. We must become great devotees to distinguish this.

When Srila Prabhupada left his body there was separation but also more intimate connection. In any case if we all just keep on going like we will all be together in Goloka playing ball soon.

Yes, keeping a low profile in contrast to preaching is an important topic. I am engaged in the same decisions now in terms of the Ministry of Education, GBC College, ISKCON Peru, ASA. etc.

It is also a never ending challenge for all of us. Eternal learning process. Seems Text Three of NOI is the key. Enthusiasm is more important than patience. Enthusiasm means using your intelligence to expand the mercy. Stop, think how this is important to Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan, the well being of everyone, and then go ahead with enthusiasm. Patience, keeping a low profile, then follows naturally. If you get politically shot full of holes then you can't go on. So naturally we learn to duck. Also we learn that we will get help, we will realize that the people we fear are not so bad as we go out to preach our message.

O.K. Abbhaya is preparing half milk, half water, whole bananas and raisins and then we go to the evening program with 1,000 +/- devotees.

Dear Guru Maharaja.

6 years, 10 months ago by Bhakta Francisco in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja, please. If you wish, accept my humble and respectful obeisances at His Lotus Feet.
All Glories To Srila Prabhupada.
All Glories To You Gurudeva.

Maharaja thank you for your mercy and blessings. We are very happy waiting for your arrival in Argentina.
You are our source of inspiration and joy. For his mercy we continue to sing Hare Krishna, we follow the four principles we take Tulasi Devi to our house and it is wonderful to see her grow, she gives us quantity of Manjaris. We continue trying to serve the Devotees, helping to serve prasadam to the guests at the Temple festivities, a small service that gives me great joy, I feel very happy to be part of the Srila Prabhupada Family and I owe everything to you. . I am very grateful to you for giving me Brothers and Sisters who always help me to better understand what Devocation Service means.
Always hoping to be useful in service.
At his Lotus feet his aspiring servant.
Nandaraja das.

Traducido del Español por Google.

HpS - Hare Krsna, Nanadaraja Das!   We see that you are a candidate for second initiatin soon. That will be very nice. Your report is very nice. Your future looks very nice. The future of the world looks very nice.

As the nice mercy of Lord Caitanya expands it begins to penetrate, become profound, also. Accept the austerity of becoming a leader. It is natural to do this and easy to remember and remind others that we are just a ray of the Param-para both through initiation and also from hearing from other bonafide Siksa gurus in ISKCON.

See you in a few days!!