graduating from the Jack Kerouac ashram of aimless adventuring

6 years, 8 months ago by bhaktadaniel108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja! All glories to Gaura Nitai & Radhe Shyam! All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to Vaisnavas such as yourself!

As the years pass I learn so many new things, such as this world is so very horrendous and difficult to exist within, it can be easier if one is intelligent and fixed in determination, however I neither have much intelligence or spiritual determination. I am grateful for the last 6 years of becoming exposed to Krsna Conscioussness and associating with many different devotees and sanghas since then,

however, I feel that I was so naive and immature when I "joined" iskcon and that is why my practice never has solidified or remained consistent for more than a few months at a time. Due to my fickle mind and unstable material circumstances I always would end up back at my parents farm or I would run off and travel around, sometimes with devotees and sometimes not. 

The last year has been very eye opening, although sadhana and assocation hit zero at some points. I see that I am totally a crazy person that has no stability, but I have seen enough random places, events and people that I am piecing together my own self and ambitions. Somehow Krsna keeps sending young people my way mostly via social media and I try to be a friend and share what I know about and generate some interest in higher consciousness with them.

If they are ripe I go right into Bhakti philosophy. A few of these kids are actually living in temples now or chanting on beads and reading SP books. So in this regard I feel my seemingly random life and travels has amounted to something positive and productive.

ASA - Vartmana pradarshika guru.

If things continue on this trend it looks like there will be an army of radical youngsters following  me and I shall use that opprotunity to build eco-villages, orchards and gardens all over. And also I will encourage some to finish  college and go on to infilitrate culturally signifigant positions in society. In this way I believe it will be possible to drastically improve the situation on our Planet.

This is all strategy and theory......of course the real thing is pure bhakti, but if it is possible to create a more favorable social landscape then perhaps this Krsna consciousness philosophy would spread faster and sink in deeper due to generating a more sattvic and concious undertone in human society. 

With that all being said.... I hope that I am done being a wandering dreamy hipster and I can start to really hone in exclusively on my Krsna Consciousness practice. If my tendency is to be a leader to young hippies then I hope that can safely be engaged in service to the Sankirtan movement. 

Please give your blessings that I can progress closer to the goal of Vraja Prema. I hope to see you soon and somehow render some service.  Maharaja I am very frustrated with myself and the people in general and this material world.

You are one of the only people that I still believe in and trust.....So what do you think Maharaja? Is there hope for me, or am I severely delusional and need to just get my act together or I will end up in Hell?



HpS - Hare Krsna!    Is good report.     At every level there are challenges to advance.  From Vaikuntha to Mathura for example.   Join the Full Morning Program on line regularly. Write here regularly.

We go back to Nashville tomorrow.


6 years, 8 months ago by Andrea Ramirez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

  All the glories to Srila Prabhupada

   Dear Maharaja accept my most humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

 I'm glad I get to read a response from you after 2 months Maharaja, I know how busy you were and saw many pictures of your activities and the initiations back in Buenos Aires. i hope you are in good health and enjoying being back.

HpS - ASA - @#$% THis is the material world!!   Back to Godehead, but the pain here is push to go there, be there here.

 well, this should be a report, but the truth is that there is no report at all. I started working as a chef in a place and that job caught me everyday life, for two months, i just got fired a few days ago, due to an argue I got into with the owner of the place for not getting paid for my work. 

i stopped chanting 6 weeks ago. i also stopped going to the temple, and reading, all i kept doing was attending my deities at home. till today, today i started chanting again, and i came to the temple, im meeting with Vrajendra Kumara Das.  i'm starting to rebuild myself again because i felt empty all this time. and now i feel guilty...

ASA - Be more careful!    Don't let it happen twice.   Krsna will never punish you for chanting 16-nice rounds [morning program [sankirtan]]]. He will always reward you.  Figure out how many rounds you owe Krsna and then start to pay them back.  He will be very, very pleased with you.  You can become a preacher on the level of Narada muni.

Trivikrama das from chile

6 years, 8 months ago by trivikrama das in Personal Sadhana Reports

<samp> PAMHO</samp>

<samp> AGTSP</samp>
<samp> Dear Gurumaharajai</samp>

<samp> hope you are very well, I am studying a diploma course, which makes me very busy, sorry for not having written before. I am singing my rounds and following the regulative       principles, I continue cooking for the deity, I worship Sri Sri Gaura Nitay and by special mercy I am taking care of Srimati Tulsi devi, finished the diploma that I mentioned I will     finish the preparation for the "bhraminic" exam to have the "paperwork" ready for your next visit to Chile, I attach some images of offerings of Raja Bhoga  </samp>

<samp>   Thank you very much for your birthday message,</samp><samp>Narayan gave it to me thanks for such a nice detail </samp>

<samp>   your eternal servant </samp>

<samp>   Trivikrama das</samp>

<samp>ASA - Thank you!!!   Are there Tulasi leaves on the offerings??  What is the Diploma, Civil Engineering?</samp>

Gracias por las bendiciones

6 years, 8 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS! Please accept our humble obeisences ...please

Thank you so much.....Thank you so much Guru Maharaj!!

In the last letter we wrote about HH Siddharth Swami Maharaj. We are sending a photo of Maharaj. Banamali Prabhu told us that HH Siddharth Maharaj was the head pujari at the Radha Rashbihari temple in Juhu way back in 1977 when Banamali began his training at ISKCON. HH Siddharth Maharaj is the temple president at Raigarh district of Chattisgarh at present.  Maharaj also talked fondly about our Guru Maharaj HpS. 

Yesterday , we had a wonderful Nagar kirtan. We are sending a photo....the onlookers are all Muslims and they have happily accepted Radha Krishnachandra prasadam. We feel so happy. 

In the month of July this year, ISKCON , Manipur will be organizing a series of lectures as a part of our preaching programme. It is an interactive value-based lecture programme for students and the school staff. Have been given the liberty to choose a couple of topics for the programme. Have chosen 'Positive Learning' and "Values and Ethics". Kindly instruct us for Krishna's pleasure dear Guru Maharaj.

HpS - Jaya!   One topic we use is: What is an Educated Man?

We are sending the photos of Our Silver armoured (plated) Nrshimha.....and the pond....

Thank you Guru Maharaj for the wonderful Mexico news.....we will try whatever we can to promote the pastimes of Govindaji through the dances.....we only need Guru Maharaj's mercy

We hope to hear from Guru Maharaj very soon.

Your unworthy servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS -ASA   Thank you for your news.  We are in Houston and should be fixing your calendar for India with a few months. We will come in end of November or January and stay until beginning of March. The temple and your activities seem great. The magic will not be done by you nor me, nor any living being. The magic will be done by Krsna when we become pure devotees of Krsna!

I don't remember Maharaja!    Maybe we will meet him soon.

solicitamos su guía!

6 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta Martin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna querido guru maharaj, por favor acepte mis reverencias, le deseo toda fortuna y bendición... deseo comentarle una situación que estoy viviendo, y humildemente solicitar su ayuda para mi avance espiritual...

HpS - ASA - AGTSP.   Paoho...  We will give what help we can!

...bueno aquí estamos en el templo de buenos aires, argentina, siguiendo sus pies y los de srila prabhupada... estamos asistiendo a mangal artik, cantando mínimo 16 rondas, saliendo a distribuir libros, saliendo a harinama-sankirtana, asistiendo a los programas de la tarde (gaura arati, clases de bhagavad-gita), dando clases de bhagavatam los jueves, y 1 ves por mes clases de bhagavad gita los jueves también, buscando el bhoga al mercado, la fiesta de domingo, sabado de maha-sankirtan 6 horas o más, lunes libre que no es libre porque siempre hay algo por hacer jaja, entonces para qué le comento todo esto... y es que si bien hay muchas actividades que nos permiten revivir nuestra conciencia de krsna latente, el cuerpo y la mente me hacen sentir agobiado. se que tengo un cuerpo de joven, pero tengo unos dolores de espalda muy fuertes, a veces me siento triste, agobiado, deprimido, porque hacemos tantas cosas que la purificación es tan fuerte que no aguando gurudeva... se que krsna explica que somos el alma, y que si a veces estoy triste, o sufriendo por diferentes cosas, es la mente la que sufre, pero el alma, que soy yo, no puede sufrir... a veces pienso en usted, en todas las cosas que debe hacer, y solo puedo decir que estoy a sus pies, pero necesito saber cómo puedo hacer para trascender las miserias del cuerpo y la mente y mantenerme feliz ejecutando las labores diarias del templo con entusiasmo... a veces hay dias en los que no leo nada porque hay muchas cosas por hacer, y eso me frustra... tambien por otra parte siento que me estoy purificando mucho, pues, por qué habría de sufrir si estoy en el proceso mas hermoso? y me respondo; estoy sufriendo porque tengo toneladas de anarthas que ahora, y solo ahora, porque krsna lo permite, ahora puedo ver. antes no los veia gurudeva, antes era yo y mis anarthas eramos uno, pero ahora siento que soy yo el alma eterna y sirviente de usted y de krsna, lidiando con la mente, con los sentidos, con lo anarthas, con las gunas, etc. entonces he comprendido muchas cosas, pero no he llegado a una realización profunda para poder sobrepasar esta tormenta. por eso recurro a sus palabras, que seguiré dando mi mejor esfuerzo, pues sinceramente, deseo avanzar, paso a paso, en esta vida he sido muy afortunado pues lo he conocido a usted, a los acaryas que son como el everest en mi vida, y que decir de krsna, radha, gauranga, nitay... que son mi vida y alma... en este momento una parte de mi esta cansada (cuerpo y mente) pero otra parte esta muy entusiasta y alegre, y haciendo nuevos proyectos, como reestablecer la fiesta de prabhupada (viernes o sábado), empezamos aqui bhakti-sastri también, tenemos programas inter-religiosos, etc... entonces krsna me muestra que lo que estoy viviendo es temporal, y que tengo muchas cosas por hacer, que todo es parte de su misericordia y que lo acepte. por favor deme su visión para dar un paso mas, de manera firme, y seguir los pasos de brahmacaris avanzados que me dan su ejemplo...

p.d: hace 2 semanas participamos en una presentacion de un libro de una mujer anciana favorable al templo que estuvo en india, ella hablo sobre el yoga y el misticismo de la india, entonces fuimos invitados a cantar el maha mantra y hablar un poco. por decision del grupo tuve que hablar, y estuvimos detras de el telon. cuando abrieron el telon y nos presentaron vi que habian cientos de personas y fue wow! senti el peso de hablar frente a muchas personas y estuve muy nervioso, me sudaban las manos y se me secaba la garganta... sentia una presion terrible sobre mi, pero krsna permitio que dijera lo necesario y justo para que la gente se sintiera comoda... cantamos y nos fuimos entre aplausos... en ese momento paso por mi cabeza las charlas que usted da, frente a muchas personas, y me pregunto ¿de dónde saca la fuerza para enfrentar estas cosas usted? en general en la vida, que es una sorpresa, ¿qué es lo principal que debo saber para dar buena predica? ¿y qué actitud debo tener?

se me sale el corazón al escribir esto guru maharaj, pues son muchas emociones y pensamientos de muchas vivencias que he tenido, espero que esto me haga crecer... reverencias a usted y que sri nrsimhadeva le muestra su misericordiossa mirada siempre... su aspirante a sirviente mandara sakha das

HpS - Jaya!     Thank you for your letter.  It is long and we do not read Spanish so well, but we ran through it well. Thank you so much.

The answer is that we are not doing pure devotional service. We are not doing all these things, austerities, completely for Krsna. The SB is our means of success. All the answers are in there and in CC we see Lord Caitanya's demonstration on how to use it.

There are so many subtle material attachments. I do many things so I will think that I am St. Peter, or Hari das Thakura et al.

Really it is 50% for glorifying my false ego. I want my material personality, mask, and its vehicle to be noticed, glorified.

Just continue with the process. Keep good rounds and four principles strict as your standard. Adjust your Sankirtana and Temple work to improve those two things.

Then gradually, rapidly, you, we, will become more and more pure.

If we want to serve Krsna then we have to see how his instruments, auto, body, computer, are being cared for properly.

Of course, this is the material world and there are problems everywhere, but if we are in KC then we see how these problems are perfect impetous to advance.

O.K. Go ahead for Krsna!!!

Sri Hari Das

6 years, 8 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Super.    We are in Texas until Wednesday.   Maybe we we the Aja!!

We see other letters from you.  We look at them.   We will come to India in Nov or January.

On Tuesday, May 22, 2018, 11:46:22 PM CDT, Sudhir Goyal, Sri Hari Das, wrote:

Dear Maharaja,


Maharaja, it has been a long time that I communicated with you. I raed your Kapi Dhwaja regularly. As you may already know, Shatakshi got married to a boy of Mumbai situated in Pune and aspiring from H H Radhanath Maharaja. Both are under the counselling system of Maharaja.

They have their own newly married couple stuggle and both are doing exceptionally well. Aja is in Kingville, Texas and job wise he is trying to get a regular tenured faculty job. Always busy and not chanting very super well and hoping he will fix more time to chant.

My job here in GLA University as Head of the Civil Engineering Dept is very peaceful and nice. I am able to rise at 3:40 am and after full morning program, four principles, and 16 rounds, I go to job at 10 am and return at 6 pm. Driving time is about 15 minutes. Management, faculty and staff here are mostly all brajvasis and there fore lot better consciousness.

They have allowed me to start a 4 credit Open Elective Bhagavad Gita course in English dept. I was able to draft the outcome based syllabus only due to your mercy, guidance, and association through your online Bhakti Sastri and Bhakti Vaibhava classes. What ever little bit of understanding of BG and SB I have is only due to your online classes. The syllabus is attached for your comments.

Maharaja, how is your health and when you are planning to visit India.

With my best regards,

Yours Servants,

Shri Hari Dasa