Urgente respuesta de invitación a Perú

6 years, 8 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a usted Guru Maharaja

Acepte mis reverencias a sus pies de loto, gracias por si visita a México me sirvió de mucha inspiración y me ayudo a que debo de comprometerme y trabajar más en la misión de Srila Prabhupada me estoy esforzando   por cantar 16 rondas y seguimos 4 principios,

HpS - TlgaSP!!!

. . . ahora con la sugerencia de Prabhu Maharshi estamos entrando a raja bhoga los miércoles, nos quedamos a dormir en el templo el martes  y hacemos mangala aratik temprano y de ahí nos pasamos a la cocina también  estoy limpiando la sala del templo dos días en las noches después del programa de la tarde  en lo que sale algún otro servicio , tal como sugirió que por lo menos tres veces a la semana.

HpS - ASA --   Puede hacer el mismo servicion para Radha & Gopal in Goloka, no?

 . . . me sirvió de mucho la asociación con los devotos y el servicio porque había tenido problemas de salud y ahora me siento mucho mejor e inspirado para crecer espiritual mente,

HpS - En el Hitopadesa, el rey de los tortugas dijo al rey de los ciervos, que esta mundo es un arbol de quien todas las fruita son acidos o venenoso, sino dos, poesia y la compania de caballeros. Es decir Krsna katha y Sadhu sanga!

. . . paramatma me ah dado buenos consejos a través de buenos vaisnavas.  me esforzaré para no volver a perder el entusiasmo y avanzar más en el camino de vuelta a casa o en el servicio devocional.

HpS - Gopal necesita su servicio particular !!!!

También quisiera  preguntarle con respecto a la sugerencia que me dio que tal vez pueda llevarme  a Perú  ya hice los arreglos para tener el laksmi para el  tiquete  y    si usted  lo considera  adecuado podría ir a tratar de ser su sirviente pues no creo poder servirle en algo mas    y no solo ser una carga.  he platicado con mi esposa respecto al viaje y está de acuerdo si usted lo considera apropiado me gustaría viajar con usted Gurudeva.

HpS - Viajar con mi no es de mucho valor. Son un Sannyasi y no tengo mucho occupar un ayudante   ....   pero   ...  pienso era bueno connectar con los devotos de Peru para participar en el Sankirtan por alla. Posible puede ser un Pujari para unos meces. Posible hablar con La Asta-sakhi Devi Dasi acerca de visitar a Peru yatra para servir como esta serviendo ya en Mexico, y entonces puede ir su estimada esposa con Vd. proxima vez.

Muchas gracias por la oportunidad de tener su asociación en el Yatra de México ahora escribiré más seguido al blog

Su aspirante a sirviente  Arya –srestha das

HpS - Desculpa nuestras faltas. Su ayuda durante nuestra visita era increible: Doctor, clases, universidades, devotos!!   Si cantamos buenas rondas, El Harinama inspraanos con ideas como adelantar el Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada.  Como todo el mundo puede oir El Libro KRSNA!!


6 years, 8 months ago by berniebg in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva, receive a cordial greeting and best wishes, may Krishna and Radha bless you and always accompany you in your arduous task.

HpS - ASA -  We hope they also give us less arduous tasks!

I hope that your eyes do not hurt as you read this letter.

HpS - Your hopes fail. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" /><img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" /><img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" /> [Just a little]

Gurudeva, Thank you very much for your response, in relation to your question, I happily get up early, although these last months due to health problems has cost me a little more.

On the other hand, Sananda is well, we are both looking for a Job, at the moment we live on our savings.

ASA - Working for Krsna? He pays well.

We have rented an apartment away from the hustle and bustle of downtown, in a residential and quiet area.

We intend to stay in Madrid, if we find a Job and if not, at the beginning of 2019 we would finally go away, we have three options, Cardiff, Milan or Lima.

Regarding your answer, I have a doubt. If with first it is enough to reach Goloka, Second initiation is only a social question within ISKCON?

HpS - It has different perspectives, but it is necessary for those whose service is Priest, Teacher, Administrator or high class Merchant. It is nice.

P.S. If you need anything please let us know.

Thank you very much for your attention.


Your aspiring disciple

Bhadra vardhana.

HpS - You have seen the dates we will be visiting Spain, no?      If we can develop some service then, that is nice.   Books are the basis.

If you are keeping 4-principles, 16-rounds, morning program etc., then it is nice to take second initiation. You should be a formal leader in our society!

Hare Krsna Gurudev : Update from Pune

6 years, 8 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Guru parampara.

We are able to see your busy schedules on blog. Please take proper rest, breakfast, Lunch, dinner on time. Hope devotees would manage
1 or max 2 programs in a day.

ASA - Our idea exactly!   But Krsna is 'yamuna tira vanachari', so He is also creative, Dude!   Always new ideas. But his "new" doesn't destroy the "old", no?   Just fits in an makes it better. Concentric innovator.

For to stay in Pune, would have need a job to manage all, so looking for a job for some time. Rest is fine. 16x4, temple seva, reading,
hearing etc. all going as usual. Extra work on BG going on, thinking to start workshop on BG soon. Also planning to visit chhattisgarh
again for preaching purpose.

Thank you so much Gurudev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - This letter was two months ago when we were traveling and could only answer URGENT letters.  What's the latest news?   Got a job planning a richman's business flow?


sankirtan harinama report

<big>Dear Gurudeva<img alt="heart" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.png" title="heart" width="23" /></big>

<big>Pamho AgtSP</big>

<big>You Are mi inspiracion  </big>

<big>thanks for take care of my spiritual live.</big>

<big>now im traveling for europa making Harinama Sankirtan<img alt="laugh" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png" title="laugh" width="23" /></big>

<big>in this month of Purusotama Masa im chanting more than 20 round diary</big>

<big>mangalarti and Harinama programs of 4 hours Diary</big>

<big>I am trying vigorously to follow the 4 regulative principles but the lust appears every so often and it shows me that I am still an insignificant fake.</big>

<big>the devotis in panama send me a tiket for make Harinama Sankirtan in the rathayatra this 1 of june, </big>

<big>after Jala Yatrha in monterrey mexico 14 y 15 of may.</big>


<big>I apologize again but I would like to know your answer on whether it is possible that I adore the Giri Raja that I was given in the Harinam Parikrama in Govardan, I am still traveling with her but it is still in my bag, I know that she is sore in her eyes and has to answer Many letters, but I would like to have her blessing. </big>

<big>your servant  </big>

<big>Vrajendra Kumara Das </big>

<big>Praha Czech Republic </big>

<big>Sunday, 20 2018</big>

HpS - ASA 

Thank you for your letter and the inspiring news. From my point of view it would be dangerous to worship Giri-raja-sila unless you are on the platform of Raghunatha Das Goswami. At least very Brahminical in your nature. He is like a little child and becomes very angry about people with lusty thoughts pouring water on Him and burning his body.

More news!

Worship your Japa beads, get little Gaura-Nitai!!!!!!!

Kirtida Devi Dasi from Buenos Aires

6 years, 8 months ago by Bhaktin Carolsita in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja:

All the glories to Sri Sri Radha Krishna

All the glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you

Please accept my humble obeisances

I still live in the temple, I keep working, I continue with my services, here I have less privacy but more association, I can attend more classes, I really enjoy going to Mangala arati, I can not get up every day because I can not stand it, it makes me very sleepy at work and then I do not feel well, I would like to have unlimited energy. There are days when everything feels very austere but the spiritual gain is much greater than any austerity. We are being happy.

HpS - Learn the word by word meaning of the Gurva-astakam, Mangala arati prayer, and then chant with meaning!

I have a question about the last letter, I'm going to copy and paste that part:

"Sometime ago I wrote you about Micaela, one of my best friends, she left the body a year and a half ago, I miss her so much, I think if she took birth in a human body she could be a baby now, sometimes when I see a baby I ask myself if she is. The other day I saw an image of Lord Gauranga with tears in his eyes, I had tears in my eyes too because I was thinking about Micaela and how much I miss her, my feelings are material?

HpS - Probably 50%, right? Do not give up the feelings, purify them. "

How do I purify my feelings? How is a pure feeling?

HpS - Example is Kapila teaching Devahuti. He tells her so much Sankhya, analyzes the bodies elements, how it passes through different changes, then he says, "Bamini", "Mommy".    You have this love for me like your baby, son. That is the best thing to think of, but always keep some Sankhya there.

So think of your friend, but remember that her body is a leather bag of intestines, lungs etc.   What is it that you miss?  Who is it that you miss? If you go on looking for the spiritual relationship that is O.K.  Perfect.  Good luck.

I try to practice tolerance, but I feel that I do it in a superficial way, because when someone does something that I dislike I get angry, I don´t say anything, I just hold my negative feelings to not transmit them, I don´t think this is good, I don´t know how can I do it in a healthy way.

HpS - NOI 3.... Communicate your feelings but for their benefit.  Give positive criticism, With some patience.  But enthusiasm, NOI 3, is more important thatn patience.  Only things close to your heart can irritate you.

I always carry books with me as you told me, Krsna is giving me the chance to give them to innocent people.

HpS - !!!!!

Krsna is really really beautiful, He leaves me breathless.

ASA - WHoop!      Whoop!        Onk!   Oink!

We hope you are getting better, we care about you, we love you.

Kirtida Devi Dasi

HpS - Our respects to everyone.  We hope the new administration is going well.  We all have to become big boys and girls and take Mommy and Daddy's position.

(Remember be friends to Dog, but worship God)!

Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

6 years, 8 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Gloris to Sri Guruji Maharaja, Sripada Maharaja and A.C. Prabhupada

Radha Krsna Ki Jay, Gouranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay,

Goura Bhakta Vrinda Ki Jay

Guruji Maharaja! Dandavat Pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s padmacharan that I got Gurujis reply and downloaded for my personal copy though it is late. I feel happly to think that I am now direct contected with Guruji, as fish can’t live without water.

HpS - He breathes air from the water, no?

Last Saturday, I went to Partha Sarthi Das’s house to handover the completed proof read chapters. On that day he talk me about a small book “Madanamohan” bigrah which is worship during the period of Kingship of Churachand Maharaja in a place of known as Kongba of Manipur. This bigrah is brought from Brindavan made of bronz and the story is based on Brahma Samhita. This book is also about to publishing stage. Interesting news is Prabhu Partha Sarthi Das’s article ‘Mathur Ras’ pulished in Bhagavat Paojel, monthly journal printed by ISKCON Imphal. It is so nice and a new knowledge for us. I came to know that these artiles are already written book form and if we produce it will be very helpful in future to know the Krsna Lilas of Brindavan.

HpS - !!!

Like Partha Sarthi Das, in Manipur especially in Thoubal side, such person could not found for giving Krsna knowledge, Sangskrit Slokas, meanings and inner ideas of Krsna. It is very helpful to me to get Krsna knowledges, so I have decided to go and sit totether for asking, hearing on different topicks, meanings of samskrit words, slokas and about different books. But until my service retirement is completed, I could not involve active roles in spiritual activities.

HpS - Very nice plan.

Guruji! In the Krsna Lila, Krsna came Brindavan in two forms four handed and two handed. That also with fluit and peacock feather (bangsi/murali) and without. Like wise Gouranga Maha Prabhu did not left even a single step from Navadvipa but Sri Krsna Chaitanya went from different places to another place to preach “Hare Krsna Maha Mantra”. Is there any story of Gouranga’s two form? It is my personal eagerness to know if so, please highlight me from my darkness.

HpS - In Vraja Krsna is almost always only with two handed form, no?  We hear that sometimes He shows four handed form just to play with the Vrajabasis and also gave Darsana to Brahma of four handed form.    When He goes to Mathura his Vasudeva portion goes but His Shyamasundara form stays in Braja in His Lila-smarana-svarupa.  Even a more intimate form. Bigger blessing for the Braja vasis.

I think Lord Caitanya was the same. He took Lila forms during different pastimes but usually manifested His Gaura Rupa.  Once sat on the altar and recieved full worship. That is the Gaura arati song.  That is all we have heard so far!

My son discontinues his service due to closing of the office. Will he get a new service in his life?

HpS - We don't know.     We do know that Krsna wants to use him if he is willing. Then he may die at 16-years like Abhimanyu or he may stay in the Himalayas for 1000 years like Uddhava.  Watch for Krsna's work!!!  That will be fun.   He will show it!

Yours fallen servent,

Yamunesvara Das.

HpS - Wating for your next letter.   Our respects to Partha-sarathi Das.   Notice, nice report from Sarad gaurandi Devi Dasi also...  Between you two we feel very happy with news of our Manipur.