Adored Gurudeva

6 years, 7 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudev Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.

ASA - AGTSP...  We are still working on the lotus feet. Celery or carrot feet might be better description.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you will be happy, happy in your wonderful and inspiring sankirtan. Last month Jaganatha came to the house with an elephant trunk! a beautiful wooden deity that Franco carved several years ago and had given it away. but apparently Jaganito wanted to go back to the one who carved it and several weeks ago that he is already with us. One more deity was added to our little altar. the truth is that I do not treat them very well for one reason or another, but Sri Jaganatha is so merciful that he comes in spite of my bad attentions. This deity of jaganatha is like a baby! As soon as you see it, you see a baby wanting to hug you, he is very tender.

So before I had three babies, ladhu gopal, makanchor gopal and my son krsnaram gopal. and now that my son was six years old, and he is no longer a baby, I had two .. But when I get jaganitho, I feel like an elephant, I think a baby came, so it's still three ¨)

<pre data-fulltext="" data-placeholder="Traducción" dir="ltr" id="tw-target-text"> We were recently watching one of the videos that I frankly look at about permaculture and there is a naturist called Fukuoka who was an expert in cultivating without chemicals and without plowing the land. We saw his beautiful way of respecting the earth and suddenly images of him come out, dancing in the temple of ISKCON in India. All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!! Fukuoka danced very happy always smiling and saw many devotees jumping happily in the gaura artik. We thought of Srila Prabhupada's great love that his ISKCON continues to give what He wanted, the opportunity to sing and dance about Krsna. Frankly I was a little sad at that time, when Jaganatha arrived and when we saw Fukuoka and I realized that our Lord Krishna is so sweet and merciful that He shows Himself to His devotees when they most need it.</pre>

HpS - ASA -- It seems that part of your letter was lost.  We have been worried not to hear from you. Especially after you stopped joining the programs in Cordoba while we were there.

Our respects to Franco.

We hope you are eliminating your attachments to the material world, getting rid of Anarthas. We can use our intelligence to find how to dovetail these problems into service, but just following the regulated process of hearing and chanting and Puja gives guarnteed progress.

Chant 16 nice rounds/day minimum!    You will never lose anything you need and Krsna will bring things you need if you focus on that!  No pictures of Jagannatha!


Priya Sakhi dd

6 years, 7 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepta mis respetuosas reverencias.


Gurudev, de acuerdo a Su pregunta; para Sri Sri Gaura Nitai cocinamos la ofrenda de la tarde; Arróz, subji, Capatis, ensalada de frutas, té de hierbas o lassy, samosas y a veces puris.

Estoy trabajando hace 3 meses en un After School; cuidando niños. Hay que sevirles almuerzo, pero mi compañeras, que es de la iglesia Mormona, comprendió muy bien que no puedo servir carne, y ella ha hecho eso todo éste tiempo, Yo sólo sirvo ensalada, frutas y jugos a los niños. 

También hemos compartido mucho acerca de Krishna y ella del libro del Mormón. Está comprendiendo de a poco, la importancia del vegetarianismo.

Full Morning Program ha estado muy difícil para mí. Mi hija me despierta muchas veces en la noche y quedo agotada. Espero aún poder entrar en algún momento.

Ésta semana estoy en proceso de revisión de examenes del curso de Discípulos.

Luego le envío fotos de la entrega de diplomas.

Mis reverencias GM.

Hare Krsna

HpS - Lucha con la Buja!!!    Buen rondas son la prioridad. De eso proviene dinero, fama y beleza   y     despierta su conciencia original!!!!

Hay El Libro de Mormon    yyy    Doctines and Covenants. En ese libro, Dios tiene un diálogo con los Momons estableciendo las reglas para ellos. Dijo que, en lo que respecta al consumo de carne, preferiría que no lo hicieran del todo, pero podrían tomarlo en poco en tiempos de frío extremo o dificultades fuerte!.

Japa!!!!    Jaya!!!   Mas noticias.

Introduction - Shelter

6 years, 8 months ago by Aja Jai Ishwara Kripa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear Maharaj,

My name is Aja Kripa, I currently live in the Bramachari Ashram on New Govardharna Farm & Temple in Murwillumbah Australia.  I greatly enjoyed your visit to New Govardharna last year and had been listening to as many of your lectures as I can ever since.  Dhruva O'Shea Prabhu has let me know that this is the best way to contact you as I had discussed with him the possibility of opening a relationship with you with the hope of being able to take shelter at your lotus feet.

HpS - ASA (Anjana Suta Academy) -- More likely Lettuce Feet.   AGTSP!

Please excuse any deficiencies in etiquette I may display in this request, I am quite nervous and not the most proficient communicator.

HpS - Seems like you have all the qualification to join this Blog!

I can at least tell you a few things about myself so you may better understand how I am placed.  I am forty-five years old and first had contact with Krsna Consciousness in the early 1990's when I would attend sunday feasts and stay at the Temple some weekends for the period of a year or so.  I had always kept some contact with ISKCON Temples and Centres throughout my life to listen to lectures and take Prasad.  I've also always had copies of Srila Prabhupada's books in my library, despite this I had lived a very material life for many years.

Still I have chanted on and off over the years and always kept a spiritual practice throughout my life.  I was raised a Jehovah's Wittness practicing under my parents until I was 16, so I was well educated in religious and spiritual concepts from an early age.

My spiritual practice became much more focused in the past five years or so, although this was mainly a mix of Hindu philosophy with a very strong japa, meditation and asana practice.  A year ago I came to New Govardharna as I was quite interested to see the various changes that I'd observed within ISKCON over the years since my first contact with the vaishnavas and I have stayed here at the Temple ever since. 

I began staying in the 'Yoga Village', which I found quite challenging, and then entered into the first batch of the Krsna Pada program (a kind of half-way ashram) before finally ending up at the Bramachari Ashram.

HpS - Sir, you are making rapid progress!

During this time I have been fully engaged in devotional service, sometimes at the cost of my study time, however I have completed the Guru Disciple Course.  My mentor is Nrshima Kavaca Das and I have discussed with him my intention of seeking shelter at your lotus feet with a view of takeing Diksha which both he and Ajita Prabhu have approved of. 

My main service is the care of Tulasi Devi and I work in the Deity Department repairing the Deity jewelry and accessories and assisting with the Deity's clothing as well as dressing Prabhupada.  I also assist the Paraphernalia manager training new Prabhu's in the care of the Lords Paraphernalia as well as performing these duties myself. 

I attend the Bhakti Sastri course run by Shanti Parayan Das four nights a week.  I greatly enjoy Mangala Arati each morning and am sure to maintain a strong Sadhanda under the watchful eye of Nrshima Davaca Das.

This is my situation in a nut shell, though I am happy to provide any further information or answer any questions that you may have.  I am sure too that both Ajita and Nrshima Kavaca would be happy to provide any necessary information you may require.  My self expression has always been somewhat lacking however, I can say that the material world has always left me feeling very much out of place.  I have never had any sympathy with the general western dirve to 'achieve', 'succeed' materially and strive for social status, especially considering that my initial conditioning with my parents was 'to be in this world but not of it', we were raised to always be separate in concept and association.  Krsna Consciousness, all glories to Srila Prabhupadda, has provided me with the understanding for a sense that previously seemed almost awkward in the context of this material system of conceptualization.  This is that my constitutional position is that of Servant of Krsna and for this recognition I am eternally grateful.  I have never comprehended the driving factors of this material system of things, especially the emphasis on control, judgement and ownership all of which clearly belong to the Supreme Being and not to the miniscule entities here in this small realm.  Many thanks for your kind consideration in this matter and I look forward to your reply.

Humble Sincerity

Aja Jai Ishwara Kripa

Hare Krsna

HpS - Jaya!!!   My Lord, how did you get this name, Aja Jai...??   It is very nice to meet you. Diksa in part is a formality but not a meaningless formality. It is like the wedding ceremony as part of getting married.  Here we are getting married to Krsna, no?

Send a few photos of yourself?

What about taking initiation from some who lives closer to you. whom you will see more often, and taking us as a Siksa guru, advisor?

We are very happy to serve you in many capacties.   You have a lot to do in this world.

taking examples from spiritual future brothers

6 years, 8 months ago by Andrea Ramirez in Personal Sadhana Reports




 Please Dear Maharaja, Accept my most humbles obeisances!

 why is this so hard for me? getting out of Maya? Is it maybe there is not true desire in my heart to become a good devote at least? i keep questioning myself every day. the only place i feel happy its at the temple, doing service for Krishna and the devotes. as soon as i leave, Maya gets me, everything gets difficult. i keep my principles up, not eating any meat or eggs, not gambling, not illicit sex, I'm back into chanting my rounds (the ones i still own to Krishna) but still sometimes its harder to keep track on my chanting, i guess that's the most difficult part. I read about Narada muni and he was a planet traveler, so, it may be recommended for me to start traveling to get the association with another devotes from around South America? attending to other temples? keep track of my chanting and finding more confidence in myself to keep me chanting in a disciplined way? its been 7 months since i asked for you shelter, but i guess since the big fail of the past two months i may start over again. I'll deeply appreciate if it is so Maharaja. Say hi to monkey, pigg, and scientist and tell them i need their advice.  Vrajendra Kumar Das and Japa Nama Rama Das are here in Panama so i might take them as advisors to help me keep track on my sadhana. try to become a little be as good as they both are. 

HpS - ASA --  We typed about three pages of answer to your letter and then it got erased..... Agan....  1) You are a neophyte pure devotee. You can only see God in your church, your Acharya, your....    just innocent of how to see him in borader aspect.   So, take instructions from Prabhuapda through his books and devotees and then you will know. Move as fast as you can. Avoid as many falldowns into pizza and salad from the zoo that you can.

Yes, you have to connect with ISKCON on a broader basis than Panama.  Maybe your will go to a different coutnry for a while.

It will happen.

Today is Ekadasi.  We can't see the screne clearly. OUr eyes have not recovered from the infection from Argentina, we have four more rounds to do, it is 5.30PM. We got a LOT of Sankirtan/work done.

At 6.15PM we have to start heading to meet with Dr. Desai for our regular walk.

Our life is like your life.  We just have been doing it for 40-years more than you. You will make faster progress than we have made.

Make a vow of how many rounds you will chant each day minumum until the next Ekadasi. It may not be 16-yet, because this you HAVE to do. Something you know you can do!!

Wonder Woman chants Japa.

Send the vow here to the Blog URGENT.

Dandavats. PabloParikrama

6 years, 8 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja


Agt Gaura Nitay

Jay Radha and Krsna.

How are You Maharaja? I wish fine.

So nice the FMP and classes. Thanks.

Thank you very much for your answers.

Yadunandana Swami has told me to take the discipleship course in August, and he gives me the letter of recommendation for initiation.

ASA -- @#$#$ Jaya! @#$

I would really like the initiation when you come to Spain, of course if you approve it.

HpS - If you have been following the four principles and chanting 16-rounds a day and living in the Temple for six months you can take 1st initiation, but for 2nd initiation (and 3rd) there must be more consideration.

I have been in Nueva Vrajamandala since the end of November or the beginning of December. Totally strict principles some months more.

HpS - Got it.

I would like to ask more questions, but when I listen properly, as in the classes, I feel pleased and from my heart I have no doubts. It is writing about something when the desire to ask appears in me. I say this because I never ask in class, but that's why, not for anything else.

HpS - Liberated stage,but then we go beyond that and we start have questions about life beyond liberation.

In writing, without the inducing effect of Krsna Katha, I am asking more questions, but in general, I'm not having doubts, I'm more of a discussioner on points of view.

HpS - Yes!  Really almost ready for 2nd initiation.

Many times I feel that I ask for asking, when in reality I am satisfied. By arguing I feel more free to expose my points of view. When I listen, I focus on understanding what the speaker says, nothing more.

For this, I'm going to do a blog or something, where I can write for a few days as a diary, and then, during other days, create discussions about my diary or another devotee, and so I can discuss constructively.

HpS - Become a sage in Spain.

I love to expose and discuss.

Again, thank you very much for all Maharaja.

I am thinking very seriously to go to another temple the next year. I think that the next month I will be sure.


Hare Krsna

HpS - Yes, that is opulence of B'cari and Vanaprastha....  They can travel. G'hasta has family and social network in one place, so he can feel strong and defended. Prabhupada said it is natural, but just make some co-ordination with the institution and then it becomes very effective. They may even point out travel options that you did not think of.....  See you in August!!!

Good luck with your Blog, "Perlas para San Pablo"?

Hare Krsna Maharaj

6 years, 8 months ago by lakshmi108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Please accept my humble obesiances! 

It's nice to hear from you Maharaj :)

When I received the email that you had edited my post, I became very happy ;) I was actually surprised. It'd been so long XD. 

We are wating for your next visit to Australia Maharaj! It was so so nice to have you here last year and we HAVE to do it again. Our yatra needs some inspiration XD. 

As for school, the same old story goes. I learn the most irrelevant things and it is so boring. I am completely fed up from this jail sentence and I want to leave already. I wish I had dropped out after year 10. But many people disocurage this. They may say that studying can be used in the service of Krsna. They do have a point, but in the end, we are not studying anything relevant, it's all just for a piece of paper. Rather, we should spend our time more wisely finding other ways we can make money in this world (to maintain ourselves and serve Krsna with). Anyway, now I have just over 5 months remaining till I'm free, free from all this havoc. I'll try my best (or to some extent of it) to get a good OP. After that I'll have some months available till I'll be having to go to Uni. Yay, more studing XD. Still I am unsure of what I want to do but I hope in time, Krsna will reveal it to me. In the meantime though, I think I'll pursue a business degree to keep my options a little broad. In that way, I can study something and always work on other 'projects' on the side. After some time, maybe I'll have enough money to then open a restaurant (as my father wished). 

Family is quite well. Everyone is just living by, sustaining themselves in this world. Acutally Maharaj, 2 weeks ago, we all ended up in an accident. I was driving, my mother was supervising me, and Nandini and Bheemsen were in the back. We got hit by another car and it pushed us toward the traffic pole. The car was completely smashed from the front. It was actually a car that a devotee friend recently gave me to use for driving. Anyway, thank you to Krsna that none of us were severly injured. I am quite shocked, considering the damage incurred to the car. Besides all of us having some minor bruising, my mother got a dislocated thumb. We're all okay now. Krsna really saved us back there. It's quite amazing. But I'm now scared of driving and I don't think I will be for a little while now XD. 

Sadly Bheema hasn't won the lottery yet XD. If he did, he's spend most of the money on games <img alt="cheeky" height="23" src="" title="cheeky" width="23" />

Temple is great. It's one thing that keeps me half-sane throughout this dreadful high school. I generally attend Harinam every Friday when we have it here in Brisbane. It's so fun. It's hard to convince the others my age to come though XD. Also, we've recently started to do 2 hours of Kirtan before the program on Saturday feast. It's so nice. I'm learning some new tunes on the harmonium. 

Maharaj, I have been using my father's chanting beads since his passing. I was wondering, is that okay? One prabhu was wondering also.

HpS - AGTSP paoho.   Hmmmm?   It is probably nice that you have been using them, but you should probably put them on your altar now in a very nice box, and then buy a nice set for youself.

I have some more questions: 

How should I answer to people when they ask why I don't eat egg? Because they say that not all eggs have chickens in them, or something like that. Since the hen always lays eggs, but it doesn't have chickens inside...

ASA -  As far as we understand the whole thing is to minimze violence so we can see things clearly. Normally all the eggs are fertilized. So, we are creating violence by locking up the chickens and stealing their eggs.

Of course, we have seen that eggs are terrible food. They may be good for gorillas with fangs but not for gentle folk who want to learn to fly on magic carpets and go to interesting places.

Also, what is the actual explaination for why we don't eat onion, garlic and mushrooms? Something to with them growing from demon's blood?

ASA - Don't know the esoteric stories too well, but heard from good Ayurvedic doctor that onions and garlic stimulate your lower Chakras to produce energy, Tamasic; Red and Black pepper stimulate your middle chakras to produce energy, Rajarshidk;  and Ginger and Parsely produce heat from higher Chakras, Sattvick.

Mushrooms I think it is because they grow in nasty places, like grave yards and horse manure, if they are grown in Sattvick place they may be O.K.  Don't  know>>> We doubt offering them to Lord Nrsmha deva. He might die!

I hope your health is in good condition, Maharaj!! 

Yours servant, 

HpS - We give you 71 out of 73 possible points for this letter, report!!   It is wonderful news.

We heard that the important thing is College is to look for good, interesting professors. Take any courses you can from them and get to know them and the students and teachers around them.

You can probably fit it into some specific diploma. Go to the university to meet nice people and do Sankirtan. The money and family/community life will follow.

First is not what you know, it is who you know.

Better than a Restaurant is a Club, no?   Good food and good music!

Our respects to everyone.   Maybe we can get to Australia in December, January??

What about art?    Have you tried any water color painting?   Look for some good classes at the University.  Try a lot of stuff. You have abilities and passions you don't know about yet.

Tell Bhima he has to become an airport traffic transportation officeer.