Querido Gurudeva 2

Dear Gurudeva, please if you wish it, I accept [offer] my humble and respectful obeisances. All the glories to Srila Prabhupada. I am in the administrative commission as a 2 alternate vowel and is for all the Argentina [Not clear. You are doing some administrative service!] . And in the play of the Ratha Yatra I was doing several voices that of Citraketu Maharaja, that of the guards and the voice in off that presents history and my son Hair of 10 years made the role of the prince, it was very inspiring for all, from that day Heri began to sing 2 rounds of the Mahamantra daily and everything we owe it to you dear Gurudeva. Prostrate at your feet of lotus Nanda Raja das.

HpS - Very nice to hear from you. HOw many children do you have? Where are you working?

Amado gurudeva

All glories to Srila A.C Baktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

All glories Ss hanumatpresaka Swami

Dear Guru Maharaja please accept my humble and respectful obeisances at your lotus feet, let some of this dust fall on your head your humble servant

HpS - If we get any from Srila Prabhupada we will pass it on!

Several events have happened since my last letter, for the mercy of Krsna at the beginning of the year my wife became pregnant, the pregnancy lasted only two months, the embryo did not develop and a heart never beat, we do not know Krsna's plans, my wife recovered

HpS - Srila Prabhupada wrote to Mahi-Bharata Das in a similar case that some times a Yogi has just a little bit of Karma to finish so Krsna let's him pass 2-months in the womb of a devotee, take Prasadam and then go to Goloka!

We have worked on what followed me in our last letter, adoration at home, a small morning program, offering food, some music and in the afternoon a small offering, my wife helped me a lot so that this can be done and my son he likes to play the cártalos, as well as to open and close the altar of the house, we continue in the temple on Sundays in my service, now I am in the pujarís room keeping the clothes of the deities and sleeping to Prabhupada on Sundays.

We continue in the bhakti sastri in line with mother Candramukhi devi das de Peru, we absent ourselves a little for lack of laskmi but we already resumed the course, we also studied the second initiation course with Prabhu jiva sakti das online every Saturday with the We finished in mid-October, we took a Jaya course with Prabhu Setukara Das as well as the baghavagita study guide.

Talk to mother Asta Sakti devi das about taking second initiation, we already have the temple recommendation letter

This year we are also studying a degree in business administration, online as well

We hope to serve you a little the smallest of all your humble servant Mandali Bhadra Das

HpS - Hare Krsna! We cannot remember you! Awk. We saw you in Mexico??? We have a rough memory of you but no details. Who are you? (Good question, no?)

Hari Hari Gurudeva, MPD from Arg

Pamho, AGT SP!

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva! Hope you are fine in all aspects. So many time not reporting here, i think since you were here in Cordoba, life comes with intension, minds and hearts moves with tempest intensity when forgettin its life porpuse, getting clean making visible the soul chanting.

This has been a harsh nd soft year, still in a long long adaptation to life with a baby, a spouse with baby, very sweet and very sour. Continue developing my work with yoga, meditation, sound therapy, ayurveda,Astrology. Many oportunities sharing the names of Radha Krishna in that enviorment and then is when life gets real sense. Also started studying a degree in Psychology.

This last November I was as from 2012 i think carrying foward the meditation area of the Ratha Yatra of Bs As, but this time it was really enormous, many many people in the RY, much more than normaly, and like 200 inocent people chanting japa on beads for first time :)

Principles are OK, following, rounds are 16 most of the times, but some days could not finish them and not always recovering them, trying to improve Sadhana so life could also get better in every aspect, really belive in this. With some projects/ideas seeking internal strength to accomplish…Doing some programs at home eventualy , mostly festivals and when important personalitys come, yesterday we do a projection of the Hare Krishna movie with pizza, lemonade, popcorn, etc, like 40 devotees come, a big number for cordoba. 

Now we are organizing for your VP a little festival in here, I read you are planning visitin argentina like may, june, hope you can come here this time again.

Thank very very much Gurudeva, for all your efforts,service and presence.

Tring to become a disciple,

Madhavendra Puri Das

HpS - AGTSP. Paoho. SOrry we are little slow T answer. Trip to Houston - Mexico - Houston - Franklin was busy. Thank you for the report. Everything we want to accomplish will be easier automatic if we chant 16-nice rounds a day. I tell you that. I tell me that!!!! Keep track of how many rounds you do not finish and catch up!!

Yes, Plan is June-July in Argentna. More letters. Come with us.

Jayanta desde Madrid

6 years, 1 month ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna Gurudev: Pamho. Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada y sus seguidores fieles.

En primer lugar espero que se encuentre bien de salud cuando reciba este mensaje.

ASA -- TlgaSP Haw! Haw! Hare! Eso es el mundo material. Esta cuerpo ES un enfermida. Mejor uso de una mala ganga, no?

Bueno mi informe de 2018 es parecido a 2017. El sadhana es: de lunes a viernes, nos levantamos a las 4:40 am, aseo, despertar Deidades, seis rondas, breve lectura, desayuno y trabajo. El resto de rondas las hago durante el dia. Principios bien (aunque esperamos mejorar todavía). Sabado y domingo el horario es mas flexible. Nuestro sankirtan sigue como el año pasado. Sat Sanga semanal ( 3 viernes y 1 sabado al mes). De vez en cuando en el trabajo llevo ladhus y alguna conversación interesante de forma puntual. Algún domingo nos invitan al Templo de Madrid a compartir nuestra realización en la fiesta del domingo. Vamos tambien a algunos festivales siempre que podemos a diferentes templos.

Esperamos mejorar el sadhana de fin de semana este año 2019 y tambien mejorar un poco el resto.

Aprovecho para presentar mis humildes reverencias a todos los vaisnavas que participan en este blog y espero que este nuevo año puedan seguir todos avanzando en la asociación de los devotos año tras año y vida tras vida. Y espero recibir vuestras bendiciones para que este torpe aspirante a devoto pueda ir profundizando poco a poco hasta hablar cara a cara con Krisna Kanaya y poder ser un delincuente trascendental.

Sin mas se despide su aspirante a discipulo

Jayanta das

HpS - Gracias. Tiene almuerzo en trabajo? Puede leer durante almuerzo?? Esperamos visitar Espanya Abril o mas. Tuvimos unos dias aqui con Yadunanadana Swami!

i'm here

6 years, 1 month ago by Yamuna Tiravana dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharj , pamho, agtSP .

No se bien como empezar y dirigirme a usted; estuve desaparecida y cuando vino a córdoba lo vi fugazmente , quiero escribirle hace mucho tiempo,pero aun no se hablar en ingles y es difícil ademas hablar para mi , mas por este medio.

Quería decirle que aquí estoy y sigo. Bueno tengo vaivenes dolorosos y buenos ,de cualquier forma estoy bien mi fe sigue allí.

Reportes de la vida:

-Sigo en la universidad y voy a ser mama (aun no se si es nena o nene y no se nombres)... ¡? Estoy en pareja, considero una persona piadosa con quien puedo compartir , estamos juntos y bien.

HpS - ASA -- Muy bien! Mas notcias. El Papa es un ser humano, un angel, un super-hero?

-Mis rondas no están bien , siento inercia en mi, como si el tiempo pasara delante mio, me siento un zommbi.

HpS - Si puede respirar, puede cantar.... hare krsna, hare krsna.... la hace y cada mantre va a priducir un resultado bueno en TODOS los aspectos de su vida, mas que cualquiere otro activida. Dinero, familia, sociedad, sankirtan!!!!!

Tengo problemas de descanso pero eso ya de siempre, aveces mejoro y por la mayoría del tiempo no ando bien de descanso, eso es muy molesto para mi , creo que afecta el 60% de mis actos.

HpS - Lucha con la problema!

No tengo mucho mas para contarle , estoy tratando de organizarme en todo esto, me enfoca el sentirme madre, estoy bien con eso.

ASA - Cuando es apraacio de su hijo?

Espero siga bien este año querido Gurudev , y pronto es su VP :) ..esta en mi corazón y memoria cada día. Espero me siga considerando su discípula ..discúlpeme realmente trato , aveces tengo mejor determinación y aveces no.

Hari! yamuna tiravana dd

HpS - Hare Krsna!!! Muy bien oir de Vd. Pienso tenemos dos colares de Vd. que utiliza Senyor Nrsmha!! Mu bien. Esperamos oir de su esposo.


Hare Krisna Estimado Guru Maharas HPS.


Deseo saludarte en viasa puya y expresar una vez mas mi profundo agradecimiento al Señor Krisna y a SP por haberme encontrado con Ud.

             … una calle desolada, en pronunciada pendiente

…   realza el brillo bajo los pies del sannyasi,

   Concentrado en amor trascendental por el Acharia

 … su cuerpo, sus palabras, su mente, su inteligencia

  Cometido ejemplar

… visible al mundo

Por favor, perdona todas mis ofensas.

Hare Krisna. 

HpS - Ooof! Gracias pero no nombre! Gracias devota devoto no conocido. TlgaSP!