Hare Krishna! I send you some drawings :)
HpS - We look for them.
HpS - AGTSP. Paoho. We are not 100% successful. Cook for Krsna, for Srila Prabhupada, much as possible then it will be easier to control the sense.
At your service, Arina :)
HpS - ASA --- Thank you for the letter. We feel that we are associating with a very great person, like you were a very elevated Monja in your previous life. Initiation will be at NVM. It is late but it still might be possible. If not, then when we return from India, middle of October.
You have to have been chanting 16-nice rounds and following the four principles strictly and associating with ISKCON institution for six months, one year.
Jaya! More news larer.
NitayGouraPremanande!!! querido y siempre recordado Gurudev,
por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias,
Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!!
disculpe la tardanza en escribirle, se me han presentado mas complicaciones en mi salud,(al parecer un tumor en la tiroides)........ el alzheimer de mi padre cada vez avanza mas, tiene momentos en que pierde la noción de la realidad, ...necesita mas cuidados del que le puedo dar yo, le gusta salir a pasear y visitar a sus amigos, pero, lo expone a los accidentes, casi no ve, su glaucoma le ha avanzado,.... es inútil darle consejos, no me hace caso o se le olvidan las recomendaciones, sólo me queda encomendarlo al señor Nirshimha!!!! ....... estaba recordando la carta astrológica que me hicieron hace muchos años, cuando recién estaba conociendo Conciencia de Krishna,.... en ella me decían que tenia un pésimo Karma con mis parientes y la salud, y que todo esto se agudizaba aún mas en Perú, ....en esa carta astral me decían que por Karma estaré confinada a vivir en Perú (puro sufrimiento, un futuro oscuro y desolador) pero, a pesar de los malos presagios dichos en esa carta astral , me agarro de los Santos Nombres y el Sankirtan!!! deposito mi fé en la protección de Gouranga!! y en su instrucción querido Gurudev de estar en este lugar,,, eso apasigua mis miedos y temores..... me gusta soñar que estoy en Vrindaban puedo oler su aroma (es tan diferente al resto del planeta) m. oyasvini d.d. me compartia toda su estadia en Mayapur (safaris, Parikramas, clases ....) y, recordaba el aroma de Mayapur .... cuando quiero relajarme y olvidar la vida material desastroza que llevo, recuerdo las aguas dulces del yamuna yo estoy allí bañándome recibiendo el sol en mi rostro..... y, realmente soy feliz...... agradecimiento eterno a ud. querido Gurudev, por otorgar tanta misericordia a esta insignificante sirvienta .....
HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna, Jambavati Devi Dasi. Es muy agradable saber de ti. Ojalá pudiéramos responder más rápido, pero nuestro Sankirtan ha sido tan rápido como el tuyo, casi. Recibimos dolores de cabeza con demasiada computadora, pero su carta es una prioridad.
Todo lo que necesitas para terminar este drama es maldecir a la arrogante hija de un Brahmana para ser mordida por un pájaro serpiente.
Krishna Krishna Krishna Tenemos muy poca energía, pero KRSNA puede enviarla como quiera. Aquí o allá solo somos Sus herramientas. Ruego estar en su asociación en la fiesta de Sankirtan. ¡Tu vida es una verdadera demostración de Yoga para muchos de nosotros! ¡Canta un Maha-mantra para tu papá por nosotros!
Hare Krishna! Maharaja you mean much to me!
I really am inspired by you and I love the way you present Krishna Consciousness and connect so many topics back to this philosophy. I have tried to also follow your ways and promote Krishna Consciousness in this broad universal style.
From 2018 until now I have sort of distanced myself from devotees and the movement, there was a lot going on in my mind I needed to sort things out, re-calibrate my existence and find direction. I have a tendency to be a "people pleaser" and I noticed in temple settings I would lose my personality and morph into whatever the devotees around me wanted me to be.
I felt this wasn't right on my part and sometimes I felt taken advantage of. I also feel that in general many devotees are very sectarian and do not present Krishna Consciousness in a way that is attractive to new comers. Plenty of people visit the temple each week, very few stay or come back. I felt that there is a better way to connect with the public.
Partially this is why I have created a new image for myself, I have sort of positioned myself on the fringes of the movement so new people feel comfortable talking to me, I am very gentle with them and gain their trust before nudging them forward. I have noticed some benefits to this. In the last few years I helped to cultivate 20-30 new people about half of which are very serious, they are practicing more than myself. They are full time engaged in an ashram, traveling sankirtana or at their house. The other half are still at the very beginning stages but they are interested and it's only a matter of time until they fully jump in.
Although my practice has dwindled still I would talk with these young people and answer their questions or try and guide them to a temple or anything to help them, this somehow kept me engaged in devotional service from a distance.
I regret distancing myself from the movement and the fact that my sadhana went down to nearly 0, the only thing I managed to do is sometimes chant in my mind, listen to a kirtan, or just think about how glorious Srila Prabhupada is. I can't regret it too much though because I see now that life is not a straight line, there are many bumps and turns and this is what forms our character.
After my friend Prahlad commited suicide, my sister died of cancer, and my girlfriend of 5 years left me I had a lot to process. I just turned 28 yesterday and over the past month I have realized it is time to get back on track. I was doing a temporary job which had me traveling and staying in a hotel up by Chicago for a few weeks. While there I got to visit the temple and celebrate Balaram's appearance day, Janmastami etc. It was very refreshing to spend the night in the ashram, go to Mangal arti, and serve along side devotees. I remember how beautiful this movement is. So now I am doing much better than I had been. I chant on my beads and read each morning, I hear lectures and all of the old feelings and inspiration I once had are returning.
ASA - !!
For future plans I have come across a chance to work with some Russian devotees from the Sri Caitanya Saraswath Matha, they have a project in the arts district in downtown LA. They have these big domes where they host events, have artists display their work, they are attracting the young new age hippies, and subliminally planting higher consciousness into the mix. The project is called "Wisdome-LA" here is a link https://wisdome.la/
I don't really know what to do, but this seemed like something that would fit with my style and nature. As I get serious again I feel that this online preaching will take off and help connect many people with Krishna consciousness.
Hope you are well and thank you for all the wonderful things you are doing!
Hare Krishna, Dandavats
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
HpS - It is very nice to hear from you. Your results seem fantastic! Of course, the danger is SB 1.3, no? Last part. Vyasadeva got involved in preaching TOO indirectly and was not satisfied..... so, it is your fine line to draw!
More news as it grows! Daniel in the "City of the Angels"!
please cancel my suscription to this blog
We will try. Hare Krsna.