Report of months Padmanabha and Kartika

Please accept my humble reverencias, remembered Gurudev. I wish that this letter finds you happy and in good health in your marvelous conscience of Krsna. All the glories to Srila Prabhupada! Thank you very much for your questions and for your answers.

In my previous letter, the word to which I was referring was Sri Damodara and I was requesting your blessings to advance in His conscience.

HpS - I don't understand? Have to cite the previous letter for us monkey brains.


Thank you for asking about Franco. He is very much engaged working in the orchard and other things. Therefore he is not carving any sculpture though he is willing to do it. He had kept some trunks for this. And Gopal has requested him to sculpt Baladeva with elephant trunk and Subhadra with elephant trunk so that together with Jagannath elephant trunk all them will be complete.

ASA - Interesting.

Last time Sara´s son who helped her sending the photos could not do it as the first time. So she was worried because it would be uncomfortable for you to open them. We apologize for the inconveniences and hope that you have been able to look at them.

HpS - No problem opening attached photos. We like them.

On page 435 of the "Nectar of Srila Prabhupada" there is a letter which says:

"... with respect to the instructions of the spiritual teacher, there is no need to take his instructions received in a dream while the teacher is still present..." When I read this I thought that I was wrong in taking your instructions in my dreams Gurumaharaja.

Please could you instruct me on this?

HpS - Prabhupada says that dreams of the Guru and Krsna are not ordinary. If we get some instructions in dreams we should of course confirm it with Sastra. Physically present Guru, and devotees. 💪

I thank you very much for your merciful answer to this question. I have read that after the last Ekadashi of these holly months of Purusottama and Kartika and in the last five days of Purosottama and Kartika it is possible to keep on fasting as much as possible. Then, is it necessary to eat grains in order to break the Ekadashi if during those five days no grains have been eaten?

HpS - I think you need to take a little halavah, chapati, to break it on Dvadasi. I don't know.

Franco prepares for Ekadashi and together with Gopalito both follow it strictly. Therefore my concern when there are two Ekadashis so that they do it correctly. Thank you very much for your answer. Thank you for taking your valuable time for reading this letter.

HpS - What do you mean Two Ekadasis? Yes some times it happens but we just act as if there was one. In the Vaisnava Calendar it gives instructions which to follow. We publish it in the Calendar in the Kapi Dhvaja. Happy Hari Calendar.

With your blessings I will be able to use what I learned as a child and a teenage, my university career, the dance, etc. all of which I dedicate to your divine feet. You teach us with your perfect humbleness how to use our studies on the service of the preaching of His Divine Grace, so that everything can serve to support the movement of sankirtan! As an atom in front of your feet I wish to be always! All the knowledge given by Krsna let it return to Krsna! We only beg to have a small service which can please your lotus feet.

Honestly I had almost forgotten these studies, my title of graduate in Communication Sciences and my theater studies. All I only remembered was dancing. Thanks to my mom who send me photos and made me remember! The dancing school will start for now only through my youtube channel.

Kindly forgive any offense committed unintentionally. Please accept our humble and respectful reverences to your lovely dancing lotus feet in the eternal sankirtan of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada whose books are now our only association, our only comfort.

Missing a lot your Association we stay at your feet: Franco, Gopal and Radha japa pratija devi dasi.

HpS - Hope you meet nice partner for you School and can teach a few students physically. Maybe you can all live together in the forest.

Iskcon Butte, Montana

4 years ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

RNPD Wrote:

Hare Krishna!

Pamho. Agtsp!

Raghunatha Puri checking in. All is well. Still liking Butte [Montana]. Thank you for giving Jagat Bandhu Das my phone number. We've been chatting regularly. Nice to have a little devotee association.

The people in the hotel are nice, but they're not devotees yet. I give them Rams prasad (trail mix) so at least they're getting a chance to become purified. So how are you? Hope all is well. Jai Hanuman!


HpS - ASA -- You can see that we are moving slow. Taken so long to answer this letter. It happens with the Whatsapp mail especially. So, I will open an account for you here in The Blog, and Whatsapp you the Secret Codes. We publish our news in the Kapi Dhvaja. We should have it out before Sunrise tomorrow.

We are struggling to engage our sense in the service of Krsna. We must have been big yogis in our last lifetimes to be so attracted to ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada, but are we making progress or just drifting through on our previous credits.

Your association is big part of our life.

Thank you.

Got a Rat?

Jay Krsna-Balarama!!!!...Pandaveya Spain.

Hare Krsna Maharaja!!

Agt SP !!!

Agt Nimai and Nitai !!!

I hope you do very well.

ASA - In hell! 😉

Material world.

Thank you very much for your answers. It is very nice to be able to talk to someone about these things, with someone sensible.

You asked me “What are Siva and Parvati called in the spiritual world” in my opinion? I dont know really, but, i simply can imaginate that Siva And Parvati are a singular part of the mitologycal adventures of the kids of Vraja. The Gods of Their adventures...I dont think possible Vraja without they.

ASA - In Vaikuntha they are Sada siva and Parvati, as I know. They are more like in Santa rasa as far as I know, and then They project them selves in to the material world to help people. Very much like Maha-visnu et al. I think there is more about them in the CC. If we have a certain kind of consciousness then these things are practical.

Remember, in Braja, Lord Siva wants to enter but he will scare baby Krsna, mother Yasoda thinks, with all the snakes, so she asks him to guard the door. So he is Gopisvara Maha deva. Four forms, Siva lingas guard the four directions of entrance into Braja, and then four other forms within Braja to specifically guard Mathura etc. etc. etc.

Today I have remembered the Vrajamandala parikrama, and the Chira Ghata especially. This has been funny, because I remembered a photo that I have of you under that tree or another, I don't remember exactly now. I will try for the next moon to be able to send it to you.

HpS - 🙄

I have to let you know that lately, my meditation is getting much deeper. I can only summarize it, as if Krsna, Balarama, Visnu surely, Siva-Visnu, blinked in many places on a daily basis, and it is as if those blinks reset the time value.

I remember Gaurakisora Das Babaji a lot, for some reason, I always felt a lot of closeness or affection towards him. I love his samadhi in Radha Kunda. Surely, along with the Samadhi of Haridas Thakura in Nilacala, Jagannatha Puri, are the sites that most enchanted my mind.

I always remember those places a lot thanks to your taste for Vrndavan Mahimamrta. Who knows why?

And I am always envious of those who can eat the Maha prasadam of Krsna Balarama Mandir in Vrndavan, especially sweets. And the Maha prasadam of Mayapur. I love pizza. I hate I can't eat them every day.

HpS - Next life. Very soon! Packages in the mail.

I have to admit that over the years, among so many devotional impressions, some have been disappearing, and others remain as Meru mountains. Many are book covers, such as the Prarthana painting of Narottama das thakura. Deluxe version.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

Have a good days.

HpS - Thank you. Have you tried, drawing, painting. Look at different kinds of art. Surrealist art?? For Krsna?

HpS - Aaaah! I don't see the attachments until I 'save' the file. Your attachments are great!! Did you do those??

Algún día llegaré

Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias. TLGASP.

Espero que este bien de salud y Krishna y Radha siempre lo protejan.

16 rondas por día, 4 principios ok. Estoy estudiando para poder en un año o dos poder emprender un negocio y financiar el poder alquilar una casa para vivir.

Espero que antes de 2 años pueda realizar esto. Lo que estoy estudiando tiene que ver con los negocios, liderazgo, marketing... Todo se puede aplicar también para predicar.

También estoy haciendo 3 horas de bicicleta a la semana, 1 hora cada día 3 veces por semana. No somos el cuerpo pero hay que cuidarlo.

Algún día llegaré a GOLOKA VRINDAVANA...

Gracias Guru Deva por su misericordia. Y perdone las ofensas de este pobre tonto ignorante.

Jharikhanda-gaura Das.

HpS - Un devoto muy agradable, nuestro amigo, Atreya rsi Das, fue a la Escuela de Administración de Empresas de Harvard. Dijo que realmente todo lo que aprendió allí fue básicamente: comprar barato, vender caro.😂

I hope you sell very high!

Un año mas y otro menos

4 years ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna Gurudev. Espero que al recibir esta carta se encuentre bien (conectado con Krisna).

Mis revencias a usted y los demás blogueros.

Bueno, estamos finalizando el año y pienso que quizás estemos siguiendo el sadhana un poco mejor. La vejez y quizás la practica parece que estan disminuyendo el poder de los sentidos.

A pesar del virus seguimos reuniéndonos (Sat Sanga) todas las semanas, aunque un grupo mas reducido y sin hacer publicidad. También estamos en un grupo de estudio del B.G. dos días a la semana.

Desde la jubilación me estoy levantando un poco mas temprano de lunes a viernes, canto 10 rondas y a las seis menos cuarto me pongo a cocinar para que Purnamasi y los niños puedan llevarse la comida recién cocinada al colegio.

También estoy dedicando un tiempo para el cuidado del cuerpo. Suelo ir al gimnasio de tres a cinco dias a la semana, hago ejercicio para fortalecer la espalda (bicicleta estática escuchando una extatica clase de Prabhupada) y natación. Parece que me está haciendo bien.

Estamos haciendo ajustes continuamente en un mundo tan cambiante pero pienso que vamos en la dirección correcta. Suelo escuchar clases de Prabhupada diariamente y también estoy escuchando algunas clases de ASA.

Pienso que estoy caminando hacia la muerte de un modo consciente, tranquilo y con gran confianza en que lo mejor está por venir.

Gracias por dedicar su vida a ayudar a los demás en el camino de regreso a Dios y por ayudar a Srila Prabhupada con su ISKCON.

No quiero ocuparle mas tiempo del necesario. El tiempo vale mas que el oro.

Su sirviente

Jayanta das

HpS - ASA - Gracias por las noticias. ¡Yo, Dios, te envío un camino de predicación asombroso! ¡Suficiente de esta bicicleta estática! 😁 TAN BUEN FOTOS!

kind of the programs

4 years ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and All Glories to Sankirtan movement by Gour Nitay

Dear Gurudev: For now I only eventually attend face-to-face programs with more devotees, but I listen to virtual classes, I also visit some friends to help offer food, chant japa, cook, and to read Srila Prabhupada books.

I share lectures on the science of self-realization, and other lectures by Srila Prabhupada, I receive many questions, I try to answer, I share some songbooks (these contains songs as guru astak, Sik astak, Tulasi kirtan). I also visit sick devotees, and with them I sing Hare Krisha and share prasadam, many times they ask me to speak with their families or friends.

This is how I have participated in the preaching in this time of contingency

Thank you for your valuable example and thanks for your attention.

I pray that I can serve you and the Vaisnavas.

Your crew member, AniruddhaKrsnaDas

HpS - Hope you can go and live in Vrndavana South of Delhi one day soon and see the long shadows of the Sun in the late after noons of the month of Kartika.