Lost, Surviving, Seeking Shelter

Dear Hanumat Presaka Maharaj,


I've been focusing on my book, applying for grants, teaching and trying to use social media platforms to publicize KC through dance.

Maharaj, I wanted to ask for some advice regarding this...I feel like maybe there is a calling to do something with regards to reaching out to many people through KC and dance.

However my digital platform is quite small still. I'm feeling a bit lost and it's really difficult to survive after leaving my dance school. Seeking some transcendental vision, knowledge and light🙏

You're aspiring servant,

Yajnaseni D D

HpS - Thank you for your letter and association.



In Kali-yuga we can see that women (like you), children, old men (like us) and animals are all in very difficult position, but there is one Greatly Good Thing. Just chant HK! and get liberated and go to Goloka and learn how to dance from Lord Balarama.

He is a a very great dance teacher.

So, the real thing is how much we can be engaged in kirtaniya sada harih. Am I writing this letter without chanting??? Stop!!

Krsna writes the best letters.

Within that then 16-enthusiastic rounds, Kirtans morning and evening... then!

We can see our Dharma well.


Music, Dance, Drama are Gandharva veda. We are doing GV, not Vastu, not Ayur, not Danda... LC was always dancing out the meaning, Bhava, of the songs, no?

So..... it is great preaching.

We need and ISKCON Dasa-avatar to show to other traditions.

We need Gaura-arati dance. It is a very descriptive son.

Jaya Radha Madhava. Udillo aruna. So many songs need to be put into dances.

  1. Who are you?
  2. Who are we? Find maybe five people who have some good idea about the first question and then connect with them.
  3. Then What is the Plan?
  4. What Things do we need.

Set a standard of rounds you are going to do until the next Purnima. Really consider what you can do, live or die.

Hmmm. 4/day... 11/day... 1/year on Janmastami... but DO IT. Then you will advance in "Who am I". (NOD)

Then.... Krsna will put you in contact with different people.

Was life easy for Kunti?





Devahuti?? Hmm. How is it going to be for Yajnaseni D D.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhqkRGISQr8 (4.36.00)

There are several girls working in this area. One I know but she is in Spanish language. She writes here. Prati-jalps.

Do what you can do now, but get your Japa down

Hope this helps a little.

Hare Krsna Hare Rama.