Nuestros esfuerzos

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Disculpe que no he respondido pronto, respecto al tema de los requisitos para iniciaciones y lo establecido por el GBC, hablé con prabhu Tejas vit, corrobora que el GBC conoce la propuesta de México, le pedirá que se comunique con usted. 

Por otro lado, para reducir contagios del covid -19 declararon semáforo rojo para la ciudad de México hasta el 10 de Enero, el templo mantendrá sus puertas cerradas, los servicios para la Deidad continúan dándonos oportunidad de seguir regando la raíz, quizás es oportunidad de que trataremos de ofrecer más limpieza interna y externa a Sus Señorías.

Recuerdo que una vez le comenté que había preocupación de las pujaris respecto a qué tipo de sari usamos en el altar y Usted me respondió que todo era importante, pero más importante era evitar la crítica y ofensas entre los pujaris.

Estoy tratando de reflexionar en como a pesar que no hubo pureza en el canto de Ajamila obtuvo la liberación y esto sucedió porque no hubo ofensas, honestamente creo que las únicas ofensas en el canto del Santo nombre que podria estar evitando es que no considero el nombre de los semidioses iguales o independiente del Señor Visnu, no blasfemo la literatura vedica y somos respetuosos con las que concuerdan.

Mi pregunta sería cuál es la literatura sagrada que no concuerdan ? Por esta naturaleza femenina a veces soy muy sentimental y podría confundir.

Seguiré esforzándome.

Recuerdo una vez haciendo sankirtana en el bus presenté el libro acerca de la reencarnación, una señora empezó a gritarme que era cosa del diablo, tuve que hablar poco porque la voz de ella era más potente que la mía, me acerqué y la saludé lo más amable que pude; unos minutos antes alguien me había regalado una hermosa imagen del Señor Jesucristo, así que le regale esa imagen y simplemente derritió su corazón, empezó a ser cariñosa y felicitarme por mi labor de predica mientras apreciaba el libro, me despedí, bajé del bus y ella seguía gritando a distancia " sigue adelante!, está bien lo que estás haciendo, que Dios te bendiga"

Imaginé que el Señor Jesucristo también me acompañaba.

Ella no llevó el libro pero felicito el servicio y les dijo a todos que era correcto lo que estaba haciendo, nunca había visto un cambio tan drástico.

Feliz Navidad a los lectores del blog.

Disculpen mis estupideces por favor.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Excuse me that I have not responded soon, regarding the issue of the requirements for initiations and what is established by the GBC, I spoke with prabhu Tejas vit, he corroborates that the GBC is aware of Mexico's proposal, he will ask him to contact you.

On the other hand, to reduce COVID-19 infections, they declared a red light for Mexico City until January 10, the temple will keep its doors closed, the services for the Deity continue to give us the opportunity to continue watering the root, perhaps it is an opportunity to that we will try to offer more internal and external cleaning to the Honorable Members.

I remember that I once commented to you that the pujaris were concerned about what type of sari we wear at the altar and you answered me that everything was important, but more important was to avoid criticism and offenses among the pujaris.

I am trying to reflect on how even though there was no purity in Ajamila's chant he obtained liberation and this happened because there were no offenses, I honestly believe that the only offenses in the chant of the Holy Name that I could be avoiding is that I do not consider the name of the equal or independent demigods of Lord Visnu, I do not blaspheme the Vedic literature and we are respectful of those who agree.

My question would be what is the sacred literature that does not match?

[Mi pregunta sería cuál es la literatura sagrada que no concuerdan?]

HpS - Is very nice letter, but we could not understand your question??? I think it is a comparison but we do not see what things are being compared.

Due to this feminine nature I am sometimes very sentimental and could be confusing.

I will keep trying.

I remember once doing sankirtana on the bus, I presented the book about reincarnation, a lady began to shout at me that it was the devil's thing, I had to speak little because her voice was more powerful than mine, I approached and greeted her as much kind that I could; A few minutes before someone had given me a beautiful image of the Lord Jesus Christ, so I gave her that image and it simply melted her heart, she began to be affectionate and congratulate me on my preaching work while I appreciated the book, I said goodbye, got off the bus and she I kept shouting at a distance "go ahead! It's fine what you're doing, God bless you"

I imagined that the Lord Jesus Christ was also with me.

She did not carry the book but she complimented the service and she told everyone that what she was doing was correct, she had never seen such a drastic change.

HpS - This is why it is so amazing that we hear people saying that the whole universe operates according the rules of mathematics.

Merry Christmas to the blog readers.

Excuse my stupid things please.

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - Thank you very much. Enlivening letter. We go ahead with improving our service. Don't have to wait for others. If we really improve then it is help to them to advance.

Prédica de Navidad a los vecinos - PMD

Contents of the Brochure that follows for asa[e], interfaith dialog, christmas information.

Google Magic

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Yesterday, Wednesday December 23rd, was a beautiful day, Krishna helped everything to go well. A few days ago I had finished the article for the neighbors, they are quotes from Srila Prabhupada about Jesus Christ, just as you advised me in the FMP chat a few weeks ago.

The night before I asked Prabhu Muni Priya to help me with printing, he works in that field. The same Wednesday he was able to print it and I went to look for it at his work. Before that, I went to buy bhoga to make sweet balls to share with the neighbors. Prabhu Enrrique from Harinam donated part of the bhoga and packaging bags to us. Mother Phyllis from the temple helped us with the preparation, with the help of Prabhu Marcelo. We printed 100 brochures and made 100 sweet balls

Then when everything was ready, I asked Prabhu Vasudeva, the temple brahmacari, to accompany me to distribute the flyers, and he agreed. At around 6:00 p.m. we went out to the square in front of the Santa Isabel supermarket, one block from the temple. There a Christmas fair is brewing. We set up a table with books, which I was attending, while prabhu Vasudeva handed out the brochures and prasadam.

It was a success, we distributed all the flyers, the prasadam, a Bhagavad gita, two collections of books and other small books.

Here I share the article I wrote:


Jesus Christ - Eternal Teacher

Hello Neighbors! We are ISKCON, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, commonly known as "The Hare Krishna." On the Christmas of this intense pandemic year, we share with you excerpts from our books from the publisher Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, written by Su Divina Gracia A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. They talk about the life, glory and importance of Jesus Christ.

Understanding Krisha and Christ

This is an excerpt from our book "The Science of Self-Realization"

- Krishna or Christ: the name is the same-

Year 1974. Near the ISKCON center in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Śrīla Prabhupāda and several of his disciples go for a morning walk with Father Emmanuel Jungclaussen, a Benedictine monk from the Niederalteich monastery. Father Emmanuel, noticing that Śrīla Prabhupāda wears meditation beads similar to the rosary, explains that he also prays a prayer continuously: "Lord Jesus Christ, be merciful to us." The following conversation resulted from it.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: What is the meaning of the word Christ?

Father Emmanuel: Christ comes from the Greek cristos, which means "the anointed one."

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Christs is the Greek version of the word Krishna.

Father Emmanuel: That is very interesting.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: When a Hindu invokes Krishna, he often says "Krishta." Krishta is a Sanskrit word that means "attraction." So when we address God as "Christ," "Krishta," or "Krishna," we are pointing to the same fully attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead. When Jesus said, "Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Your name," that name of God was "Krishta" or "Krishna." Do you agree?

Father Emmanuel: I believe that Jesus, as the son of God, has revealed to us the true name of God: Christ. We can call God "Father", but if we want to address Him by His real name, we have to say "Christ."

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes. "Christ" is another way of saying "Krishta", and "Krishta" is another way of saying "Krishna", the name of God. Jesus said that one must glorify the name of God, but yesterday I heard a theologian say that God has no name, that we can only call him "Father." A son may call his father "Father," but the father also has a specific name. Similarly, "God" is the general name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose specific name is "Krishna." Therefore, whether you call God "Christ," "Krishta," or "Krishna," you are ultimately addressing the Supreme Personality of Godhead himself.

Father Emmanuel: Yes. If we speak of the true name of God, then we must say "Christs." In our religion we have the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that we can know the name of God only through the revelation of the Son of God. Jesus Christ revealed the name of the Father, and therefore we take the name "Christ" as the revealed name of God.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Actually, it doesn't matter - "Krishna" or "Christ" - the name is the same. The main thing is to follow the injunctions of the Vedic literatures that recommend chanting the name of God in this age. The easiest way is to chant the maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. "Rama" and "Krishna" are names of God, and "Hare" is the energy of God. So when we chant the maha-mantra, we are addressing God, and also His energy. This energy is of two kinds: spiritual and material. Today we are in the grip of material energy. Therefore, we pray to Krishna asking him to kindly release us from serving the material energy and accept that we serve the spiritual energy. That is our whole philosophy. "Hare Krishna" means: "Oh God energy, oh God [Krishna], please engage me in Your service." Our nature is to serve. In one way or another, we have put ourselves at the service of material things, but when this service is transformed into service to spiritual energy, then our life is perfect. To practice bhakti-yoga [loving service to God] means to be free from designations such as "Hindu," "Muslim," "Christian," this or that, and simply to serve God. We have created the Christian, Hindu and Mohammedan religions, but when we come to a religion without designations, in which we do not think that we are Hindu or Christian or Muslim, then we can speak of pure religion, of bhakti.

His sacrifice

“In history there are many examples of devotees of the Lord risking their lives for the spreading of the God consciousness process. The favorite example is that of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was crucified by non-devotees, but sacrificed his life to spread the God consciousness process. Of course, it would be superficial to believe that they killed him.

[Bhagavad-gītā 11.55, purport]

Always kind

“Apparently, Jesus Christ was put in one of those great difficulties by being crucified by the ignorant, but he never got angry with the evildoers. That is the way to accept things, whether they are favorable or not.

[Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.17.22, purport]

Singing their names

Jesus Christ has undoubtedly changed our lives, and continues to do so. Chanting Hare Krishna does not imply changing your religion, the Krishna consciousness process goes beyond the faith we have. We follow the instructions that Jesus Christ gives in his Father Our Father: "Hallowed be your name."

For this era of Kali Yuga, an era of quarrel and hypocrisy, the chanting of God's names, the sanctification of his name is vital to keep away all the eventualities that disturb our life, such as sickness, poverty and lack of spiritual life.

Immanuel, Yahvehn, Adonai, Jehovah, Elohim, etc. Only in the bible do we find many names of God.

In our Vaishnava culture (Hare Krishna) there are also an infinite number of ways to name God, and the most prominent are Krishna and Rama. Hare is the name of its energy, just as the sun generates light, there cannot be light without its source and the sun without its light. Krishna is the Supreme attractive and Rama the source of pleasure.

The important thing is to sing his names, where you name him, he is present.

Go ahead and sing:

Hare krishna

Hare krishna

Krishna Krishna

Hare Hare

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Branch branch

Hare Hare


International Society for Krishna Consciousness

Jose Miguel Carrera 330 / @iskconcl

Contact: …….


I want to please you, I want to serve you.

Soon I will share the Christmas carol that I promised.

My obeisances Gurudeva.

Hare Krishna!

His Clown

Piyari mohan das

HpS - Is very nice. We did not read all the citations, but they look very thorough for new people. I feel that Srila Prabhupad would be very pleased with this effort and Krsna will send innocent people to get potency and intelligence from this work!



Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Ayer, miércoles 23 de diciembre fue un día hermoso, Krishna ayudó a que todo saliera bien. Hace unos días había terminado el artículo para los vecinos, son citas de Srila Prabhupada sobre Jesucristo, tal cómo usted me aconsejó en el chat de FMP hace unas semanas.

La noche anterior pedí a prabhu Muni Priya que me ayudara con la impresión, el trabaja en ese rubro. El mismo miércoles lo pudo imprimir y lo fuí a buscar a su trabajo. Antes de ello fuí a comprar bhoga para hacer bolitas dulces para compartir con los vecinos. Prabhu Enrrique de Harinam nos donó parte del bhoga y bolsas para envasar, madre Phyllis del templo nos ayudó con la elaboración, con la ayuda de prabhu Marcelo. Imprimimos 100 folletos y se hicieron 100 bolitas dulces.

Luego cuándo todo estaba listo, pedí a prabhu Vasudeva, brahmacari del templo, que me acompañara a repartir los volantes, y accedió. A eso de las 18.00 salimos a la plaza que queda frente al supermercado Santa Isabel, a una cuadra del templo. Allí se está gestando una feria navideña. Colocamos una mesa con libros, la cuál estuve atendiendo, mientras que prabhu Vasudeva repartía los folletos y el prasadam.

Fue un éxito, distribuimos todos los volantes, el prasadam, un Bhagavad gita, dos colecciones de libros y otros libros pequeños.

Aquí le comparto el artículo que redacté:


Jesucristo - Eterno Maestro 

¡Hola Vecinos(as)! somos ISKCON, la Sociedad Internacional para la conciencia de Krishna, comúnmente nos conocen cómo “Los Hare Krishna”. En la navidad de este intenso año de pandemia, les compartimos extractos de nuestros libros de la editorial Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, escritos por Su Divina Gracia A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. En ellos se habla sobre la vida, gloria e importancia de Jesucristo.

Entendiendo a Krisha y a Cristo

Este es un extracto de nuestro libro "La ciencia de la Autorrealización" 

- Krishna o Cristo: el nombre es el mismo- 

Año 1974. Cerca del centro ISKCON de Francfort am Main, Alemania, Śrīla Prabhupāda y varios de sus discípulos salen a una caminata matutina con el padre Emmanuel Jungclaussen, un monje benedictino del monasterio de Niederalteich. El padre Emmanuel, notando que Śrīla Prabhupāda lleva unas cuentas de meditación similares al rosario, explica que él también reza una oración continuamente: «Señor Jesucristo, sé misericordioso con nosotros». La siguiente conversación resultó de ello.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: ¿Cuál es el significado de la palabra Cristo?

Padre Emmanuel: Cristo proviene del griego cristos, que significa «el ungido».

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Cristos es la versión griega de la palabra Krishna.

Padre Emmanuel: Eso es muy interesante.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Cuando un hindú invoca a Krishna, frecuentemente dice «Krishta». Krishta es una palabra sánscrita que significa «atracción». Así que, cuando nos dirigimos a Dios como «Cristo», «Krishta», o «Krishna», estamos señalando a la misma plenamente atractiva Suprema Personalidad de Dios. Cuando Jesús dijo: «Padre nuestro, que estás en los cielos, santificado sea Tu nombre», ese nombre de Dios era «Krishta» o «Krishna». ¿Está usted de acuerdo?

Padre Emmanuel: Yo creo que Jesús, como hijo de Dios, nos ha revelado el verdadero nombre de Dios: Cristo. Podemos llamar a Dios «Padre», pero si queremos dirigirnos a Él por Su verdadero nombre, tenemos que decir «Cristo».

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Sí. «Cristo» es otra manera de decir «Krishta», y «Krishta» es otra manera de pronunciar «Krishna»,el nombre de Dios. Jesús dijo que uno debe glorificar el nombre de Dios, pero ayer yo oí a un teólogo decir que Dios no tiene ningún nombre, que sólo podemos llamarlo «Padre». Un hijo puede que llame a su padre «Padre», pero el padre también tiene un nombre específico. En forma similar, «Dios» es el nombre general de la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, cuyo nombre específico es «Krishna». Por lo tanto, bien sea que usted llame a Dios «Cristo», «Krishta», o «Krishna», en fin de cuentas se está dirigiendo a la misma Suprema Personalidad de Dios.

Padre Emmanuel: Sí. Si hablamos del verdadero nombre de Dios, entonces debemos decir «Cristos». En nuestra religión tenemos la Trinidad: el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo. Nosotros creemos que podemos conocer el nombre de Dios sólo mediante la revelación del Hijo de Dios. Jesucristo reveló el nombre del Padre, y, por lo tanto, nosotros tomamos el nombre «Cristo» como el nombre revelado de Dios.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: En realidad, no importa - «Krishna» o «Cristo» - , el nombre es el mismo. Lo principal es seguir los mandatos de las Escrituras védicas que recomiendan cantar el nombre de Dios en esta era. La manera más fácil consiste en cantar el maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. «Rama» y «Krishna» son nombres de Dios, y «Hare» es la energía de Dios. Así que, cuando cantamos el maha-mantra, nos dirigimos a Dios, y también a Su energía. Esta energía es de dos clases: la espiritual y la material. En la actualidad nos encontramos en las garras de la energía material. Por lo tanto, oramos a Krishna pidiéndole que tenga la bondad de liberarnos de servir a la energía material y acepte que sirvamos a la energía espiritual. En eso consiste toda nuestra filosofía. «Hare Krishna» significa: «¡Oh, energía de Dios!, ¡oh, Dios [Krishna]!, por favor, ocupadme en Vuestro servicio». Nuestra naturaleza es prestar servicio. De una forma u otra, nos hemos puesto al servicio de las cosas materiales, pero, cuando este servicio se transforma en servicio a la energía espiritual, entonces nuestra vida es perfecta. Practicar bhakti-yoga [servicio amoroso a Dios] significa quedar libre de designaciones tales como «hindú», «musulmán», «cristiano», esto o aquello, y simplemente servir a Dios. Hemos creado las religiones cristiana, hindú y mahometana, pero, cuando llegamos a una religión sin designaciones, en la que no pensamos que somos hindúes ni cristianos ni musulmanes, podemos hablar entonces de religión pura, de bhakti.

Su sacrificio 

“En la historia hay muchos ejemplos de devotos del Señor que arriesgaron la vida en aras de la difusión del proceso de conciencia de Dios. El ejemplo predilecto es el del Señor Jesucristo. Él fue crucificado por los no devotos, pero sacrificó su vida para difundir el proceso de conciencia de Dios. Desde luego, sería superficial creer que lo mataron”. 

[Bhagavad-gītā 11.55, significado]

Siempre Bondadoso 

“Aparentemente, Jesucristo fue puesto en una de esas grandes dificultades al ser crucificado por los ignorantes, pero él nunca se puso furioso con los malhechores. Ésa es la manera de aceptar las cosas, ya sean favorables o no”. 

[Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.17.22, significado]

Cantando sus nombres 

Sin duda Jesucristo ha cambiado nuestras vidas, y lo sigue haciendo. Cantar Hare Krishna no implica cambiar de religión, el proceso de conciencia de Krishna va más allá de la fe que tengamos. Seguimos las instrucciones que Jesucristo da en su padre nuestro: "Santificado sea tu nombre".

Para esta era de Kali Yuga, una era de riña e hipocresía, el canto de los nombres de Dios, la santificación de su nombre es vital para mantener lejos todas las eventualidades que perturben nuestra vida, cómo la enfermedad, la pobreza y la falta de vida espiritual. 

Emanuel, Yahvehn, Adonai, Jehová, Elohim, etc. Tan solo en la biblia encontramos muchos nombres de Dios. 

En nuestra cultura Vaishnava (Hare Krishna) también existen una infinidad de maneras de nombrar a Dios, y los más resaltantes son Krishna y Rama. Hare es el nombre de su energía, tal como el sol genera luz, no puede existir luz sin su fuente ni sol sin su luz. Krishna es el Supremo atractivo y Rama la fuente del placer. 

Lo importante es cantar sus nombres, dónde lo nombres, él está presente.

Anímate y canta: 

Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna

Hare Hare

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Rama Rama 

Hare Hare


Sociedad Internacional para la conciencia de Krishna

José Miguel Carrera 330 / @iskconcl 

Contacto: …….


Deseo complacerte, deseo servirte.

Pronto compartiré el villancico que prometí.

Mis reverencias Gurudeva.

¡Hare Krishna!

Su Payaso

Piyari Mohan das

Jay Govinda - Advice

Hare Krishna, Dear Hanumat Presaka Maharaj, please, accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

A year ago, I have heard about you and your preaching, but not so much. So I decided to write to you and if possible to speak. My name is Akshaya Krishna das, based in Lithuania, in connection with movement since 1989.

HpS - AGTSP! A honor to meet you. I just looked at the history of Lithuania in the Britannica, It is amazing. Was so powerful at one time. It is amazing how so many places have been powerful empires at one moment and then the gone. Britannica does not mention famous Bishops, poets or literati.

In the beginning we try to become pure devotees, but later we realize we need to undergo quiet many social things in order to balance all sides of our life. So I have few questions about it. If possible let our conversation be private.

With best wishes


HpS - Oooof! We really like to talk with nice people. They are very interesting, but. . .

. . . before this Blog we were getting like 500-letters a month. Impossible, so we started this Blog.

  1. We cannot give detailed advice without prolonged detailed knowledge of the situation. So first advice is to follow Canakhya Pandita's advice that success comes from good advice and good advice comes from many counselors. So our advice is to cultivate relations with people who know your private life well and then follow that advice.
  2. Present your challenges in a general fashion and we gave general advice, here in the Blog. That satisfies about 80% of the enquiery. If more is needed then we can start to talk more confidentially but already having gone over the general principles.
  3. Use a pseudonym. Eg. Captain Midnight.

Hare Krishna Maharaj

Hare Krishna Maharaj, please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am happy to write to you about my sadhana after several months.

Now, I am waking up between 4 and 4:30 am to attend your FMP sessions and then join the chanting call with Sugopi.

My rounds are becoming more and more enthusiastic ever since.

However, on some days, I fail in my morning Sadhana and then lose confidence. But I try to remember your instruction from other letters - fall down, get up, fall down, get up, make progress.

I am still trying to arrange my morning schedule to include mangala aarti every day. I am also offering incense and flower to the Lord daily. I am regularly attending your Srimad Bhagavatam lectures and Srinivas Prabhu's classes every week. I am reading Srila Prabhupada's books regularly, even if it is just a few lines on days when I have too much school work.

I am also helping Kamagayatri Mataji in the Sunday school by doing Srimad Bhagavatam related activities and verse recitation with kids.

HpS - This is such an intense program that it would seem you could make light bulbs in the grocery store glow just by looking at them. Very nice. You are good disciple of Srila Prabhupada.

In your reply to my previous letter, you had asked about my family, community, and work. My parents live in Bangalore, Karnataka, and even I grew up and studied there. I introduced them to Krishna consciousness, and my mother has been enthusiastically chanting 16 rounds for almost a year now and preaching to other family members. My father is still chanting 4 rounds, but we are motivating him to increase the count. At school, I work part-time as a math tutor, teaching assistant, and research assistant.

For the past one and half years, I have been chanting 16 rounds regularly, following 4 regulative principles strictly, and eating only prasadam. I request you to please initiate me. I beg for your mercy and blessings to be able to keep up my sadhana and make it stronger.

Your aspiring servant waiting for your mercy


HpS - Seems that all you need is letter of recommendation from Temple Authorities and complete the Disciple Course. You already did that, no?

1st initiation, 2nd initiation, 3rd initiation . . . . 143 initiation. . . . .

Que es misericordia 2

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada, quien es una manifestación personificada de la misericordia de Sri Krsna.

Y todas las Glorias a usted, su fiel seguidor.

Oramos para que su salud se encuentre bien. ¿Cómo es el invierno en su localidad? ¿Le permite continuar con sus caminatas regulares?

Yo me encuentro sufriendo a causa de mi propia estupidez, estoy tratando de aprender de eso.

Sigo tratando de entender un poco sobre la misericordia: La iglesia católica menciona “7 obras espirituales de misericordia”: Enseñar al que no sabe, corregir al que se equivoca, Dar un buen consejo al que lo necesita, Perdonar injurias, Consolar al triste, Sufrir con paciencia los defectos del prójimo, Orar por los vivos y los muertos...

Mientras leo y escribo esto, pienso en múltiples ejemplos de Srila Prabhupada, de Usted y otros fieles seguidores de Prabhupada practicando cada uno de estas "obras"… ¡Si los devotos no poseyeran esta cualidad, con seguridad estaríamos perdidos!  Entonces, parece ser que de cierta forma, ¿Todos los seguidores de Srila Prabhupada deberíamos desarrollar esta cualidad?

Cuando leí por primera vez el Bhagavad-Gita, hubo un verso que me dio mucho miedo:

“A aquellos que son envidiosos y malvados, que son los hombres más bajos de todos, Yo los lanzo perpetuamente al océano de la existencia material, en varias especies de vida demoníaca” BG 16.19

Me asustó porque pensé - Entonces ¿Nunca tendré la oportunidad de salir de este pantano? – Pensé que estaba perpetuamente condenada - ... Ahora, poco a poco parece que estoy entendiendo (a profundidad) que SOLO la misericordia del Maestro espiritual – y de los Vaisnavas- puede salvarme.

"Sin la misericordia del maestro espiritual uno no puede hacer ningún avance"

Por ahora, solo me queda rezar para obtener la misericordia de aquellos a quienes he lastimado. Ahora puedo ver que mis errores me han lastimado más a mí misma, que a las personas contra quienes los cometí… (Me siento avergonzada y arrepentida de eso) Así que creo, que debido a que soy muy tonta, solo esa cualidad de los Vaisnavas (La misericordia) puede salvarme. He cometido y sigo cometiendo muchos errores, pero estoy tratando de aprender de ellos, porque no quiero abusar de vosotros. 


Gurudeva, usted me otorga su misericordia constantemente de distintas formas, Por favor, perdóneme por no ser capaz de aprovecharla. Estoy tratando de aprender desde mi limitada posición. Gracias por ser un ejemplo e inspiración constante.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna- Sakti DD


Posdata: Gurudeva, ¿Existe alguna categoría en el blog, en la que deberíamos colocar las ofrendas de Vyasa Puja? (Quizá eso le facilite identificarlas de las cartas regulares)


Hare Krsna Gurudeva. Please accept my bowed obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, who is a personified manifestation of Sri Krsna's mercy.

And all glories to you, your faithful follower.

We pray that your health is fine. What is winter like in your area? Do you allow him to continue his regular walks?

HpS - For our age we are in the top 15% of good health, but teeth, eyes, ears, memory are all dimishing. That is good. Pushes us on to the intellectual, Buddi, wisdom platform.

Still walk every night.

Some snow here but nice when the sun comes out. Enough rain.

Thank you for asking.

I find myself suffering because of my own stupidity, I am trying to learn from that.

ASA - It seems Socrates said that also et al.

I keep trying to understand a little about mercy: The Catholic Church mentions "7 spiritual works of mercy": Teach those who do not know, correct those who make mistakes, Give good advice to those who need it, Forgive injuries, Comfort the sad, Patiently suffer the defects of others, Pray for the living and the dead.

HpS - There seems to be some redundancy in the list??

As I read and write this, I think of multiple examples of Srila Prabhupada, You and other faithful followers of Prabhupada practicing each of these "works" ... If the devotees did not possess this quality, surely we would be lost! So, it seems that in a way, all of Srila Prabhupada's followers should develop this quality?

HpS - Prayers by the Vedas Personified: Krsna's greatest quality is mercy, not justice based just on truth, so servant of Krsna is like that.

King says to criminal that he has heard all the evidence and if he acted just according the law then the he should kill the man, the criminal, but he says that and then says, "but I can see that things were very difficult for you, so this time I am going to be merciful, now get out of my court and I don't expect to see you back here ever again".

Criminal: Yes, Sir! Yes, Sir! Thank you, Sir, thank you Sir. Never again."

When I first read the Bhagavad-Gita, there was a verse that scared me very much:

"Those who are envious and evil, who are the lowest men of all, I perpetually cast into the ocean of material existence, in various species of demonic life" BG 16.19

It scared me because I thought - So I'll never get a chance to get out of this swamp? - I thought I was perpetually doomed - ... Now, little by little it seems that I am understanding (in depth) that ONLY the mercy of the spiritual Master - and the Vaisnavas - can save me.

HpS - Perpetually means, God's time. The king puts his son in the prison. The decision is eternally in force, but the king can finish it in one day or as long as he wants. Until we change our personal relationship with the king we are damned to hell.

"Without the mercy of the spiritual master one cannot make any progress"

For now, I can only pray for the mercy of those I have hurt. Now I can see that my mistakes have hurt myself more than the people I committed them against ... (I feel ashamed and sorry about that).

ASA - Us too. It is very embarrassing, but there is no mistake you can make that you cannot correct!

So I think, because I'm very dumb, just that quality of Vaisnavas (Mercy) can save me. I have made and continue to make many mistakes, but I am trying to learn from them, because I don't want to abuse you.

Gurudeva, you constantly bestow your mercy on me in various ways. Please forgive me for not being able to take advantage of it. I am trying to learn from my limited position. Thank you for being a constant example and inspiration.

Your would-be servant

Karuna- Sakti DD

Postscript: Gurudeva, is there a category on the Blog, in which we should place the offerings of Vyasa Puja? (Maybe that makes it easier for you to identify them from regular cards).

HpS - AgtSP! I think Personal Sadhana is the best, but with declaration of a Vyasa puja Offering in the Subject field. 🙄


Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna Gurudev, comienzo mi reporte un poco atrasada, en estas semanas he estado ocupada haciendo exámenes de salud glicemia, minerales, anemia, hígado etc..... (salieron muy bien) recolectando mi historial médico, medicamentos, recetas para llevar a Perú. le cuento que continuó mi programa diario con p. LAD mañana y tarde inspirador para el día . Estoy llendo al templo a limpiar y organizar el servicio de limpieza y jardín para que siga funcionando a pesar de que no esté presente. me comunicaré con las devotas a diario por que es el mismo grupo al que le leo los libros de Srila Prabhupada, lo seguiré haciendo desde donde esté, las chicas estan muy felicen dicen que aprenden y les gusta como pongo énfasis en la lectura, terminé la biografía de Srila Prabhupada ahora continúo con biografía de El señor Caitanya a las demás estoy con krishna book, luz del Bhagavata y Néctar de la Instrucción después de la lectura hago la explicación de conceptos o alguna idea, para su comprensión según lo que dice Srila Prabhupada en otros libros del tema.Para terminar mi trabajo lo conservare seguiré con Hermán y dos niños más a la distancia. ya queda poco para viajar así que organizando... 😅. Trato de siempre mejorar en todo lo que hago, cada día un hermoso servicio para krishna con la inspiración de Srila Prabhupada y usted podré lograrlo.

se despide su humilde sirviente Raman Reti devi dasi

pd las fotos del jardín y las chicas de lectura en el reporte anual


All glories to Goura Nitay

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna Gurudev, I start my report a little late, in these weeks I have been busy doing health exams blood glucose, minerals, anemia, liver etc ..... (they went very well) collecting my medical history, medications, prescriptions to take Peru. I tell him that he continued my daily program with p. Inspiring morning and afternoon for the day. I am going to the temple to clean and organize the cleaning and garden service so that it continues to function even though I am not present. I will communicate with the devotees daily because it is the same group that I read Srila Prabhupada's books to, I will continue to do so from wherever I am, the girls are very happy they say they learn and they like how I emphasize reading, I finished the biography of Srila Prabhupada now I continue with biography of Lord Caitanya to the others I am with krishna book, light of the Bhagavata and Nectar of Instruction after reading I do the explanation of concepts or some idea, for your understanding according to what Srila Prabhupada says in other books on the subject. To finish my work I will keep it I will continue with Hermán and two other children at a distance. there is little left to travel so organizing ... 😅. I always try to improve in everything I do, every day a beautiful service for Krishna with the inspiration of Srila Prabhupada and you will be able to achieve it.

his humble servant Raman Reti devi dasi says goodbye

ps the photos of the garden and the reading girls in the annual report

HpS - ASA --- Very nice!!! We make an "Urgent" reply also! Write a cookbook with Laksmana agraja Das. Stories and philsophy also.