urgente; reporte

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krsna querido Gurudeva, porfavor acepte mis humildes reverencias, estuvimos perdidos en el estudio, la tesis, el trabajo, la familia.

En el transcurso de estos meses, estuvimos cantando 16 rondas, levantándonos a las 3am, cocinando temprano para llevar el almuerzo al trabajo, durmiendo tarde para presentar el informe final de tesis, obtuvimos el unichek por el asesor, ya está todo listo para la exposición de la tesis, también estudiando.

Hicimos el bhisma pancaka con frutas y agua, después hicimos una limpieza del hígado a lo cual nos sentimos muy bien de salud, ya no renegamos, jajaja, y tengo mucha hambre más que antes, aprendimos un poco de clases de kunfu, pero la verdad es que no somos para eso, nuestro cuerpo no tolera la rudeza, así que lo dejamos y seguimos con la natación y corriendo en las mañanas, pranayama y hatha yoga.

Este año ha sido muy duro para mi mente, me he vuelto muy emocional, cosa que antes no lo era, pasé muchas pruebas en mi matrimonio, mi esposo fué muy comprensivo conmigo, me ayudó como un amigo de verdad, mi padre me decía que el matrimonio es para valientes, jajaja, pero creo que la fortaleza son krsna, Prabhupada y el Guru, he entendido que a veces uno debe rendirse completamente y dejar que krsna haga lo demás, "si tu no puedes, dejar todo en las oraciones", ése es mi lema, por más que intentaba controlar la situación no pude, yo en lo personal no tengo la fuerza suficiente, pero Prabhupada estaba conmigo todo el tiempo.

Pasamos navidad con mis padres y familia, fué todo muy bonito, hicimos pachamanca vegetariana, nuestros cumpleaños fueron de P. gadai el 18 de diciembre y el mío el 26 de diciembre, pero festejamos un mismo día con regalos y una cena especial.

Este mes no hice sankirtana de libros, pero mi esposo es un guerrero del sankirtana, él siempre con su ejemplo me sigue enseñando, así que daré la mitad de mi sueldo para que compre más libros y los distribuya, espero salir de vacaciones y viajar con él como antes lo hacíamos, en verdad es un gran honor tener como esposo a un gran sankirtanero como él.

Gracias por un año más llena de pruebas, enseñanzas y realizaciones espirituales querido Gurudeva, porfavor nunca me suelte, me agarraré más fuerte de su manto ésta vez.

Hare Krsna

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi



All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna, Dear Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances, we were lost in study, thesis, work, family.

HpS - Have you joined Nimai in His school in Nadia?

In the course of these months, we were chanting 16 rounds, getting up at 3am, cooking early to bring lunch to work, sleeping late to present the final thesis report, we obtained the unichek by the advisor, everything is ready for the exhibition of the thesis, also studying.

We made the bhisma pancaka with fruits and water, then we did a liver cleanse to which we felt very healthy, we no longer deny, hahaha, and I'm very hungry than before, we learned a little Kung Fu classes, but the truth is is that we are not for that, our body does not tolerate roughness, so we leave it and continue with swimming and running in the morning, pranayama and hatha yoga.

ASA[TB} - Google: Super girl? Queens of Dvaraka would play tennis on the roof!

This year has been very hard for my mind, I have become very emotional, which I was not before, I passed many tests in my marriage, my husband was very understanding with me, he helped me as a true friend, my father told me that Marriage is for the brave, hahaha, but I think that the strength is Krishna, Prabhupada and the Guru, I have understood that sometimes one must completely surrender and let Krishna do the rest, "if you can't succeed, leave everything in prayers" That's my motto.

HpS - Draupadi's conclusion. She is kind of a Ksatriya girl like you, no?

As much as I tried to control the situation, I couldn't, personally I don't have enough strength, but Prabhupada was with me all the time.

TB: 🙏

We spent Christmas with my parents and family, it was all very nice, we made vegetarian pachamanca, our birthdays were P. gadai on December 18 and mine on December 26, but we celebrated the same day with gifts and a special dinner.

HpS: Reflection of the birthday partys you will have together in the spiritual world!

This month I did not do book sankirtana, but my husband is a warrior of sankirtana, he always with his example continues to teach me, so I will give half of my salary to buy more books and distribute them, I hope to go on vacation and travel with He, as we used to do, is truly a great honor to have a great Sankirtanero like him as a husband.

ASA - A Good Man is Hard to Find!

Thank you for another year full of tests, teachings and spiritual realizations dear Gurudeva, please never let me go, I will hold on to his mantle tighter this time.

Hare Krsna

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS - AGTSP. Paoho. I think you express the feelings of a lot of people. I think you express them well, and I think you set a good example for a lot of ladys in our company.

I have been through very similar experiences and sometimes it is just like Draupadi's situation. It takes a lot to make a grown man cry, but I think you ask any devotee, man, in ISKCON, and they will say that sometimes they have been through things with Krsna, devotees, that left them just like Draupadi. Both hands in the air and, "Hey Govinda!", and He responds! He does big or little miracles. We just have to go on chanting, "Hare Krsna, Hare Rama // Hare Krsna, Hare Rama" and They will give us clear intelligence to get back into the fight!

Thank you. We hope you, your husband, poppa, everyone has a very successful New Year in Krsna's battle with Evil.


Raghava Pandit Das 2020 Letter

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you receive this in good health and spirit.

HpS - Only by Guru krpa! Other wise we should have died at about 65.

I've read in your updates about your physical struggles, and since my body is also giving me trouble with ageing, i can appreciate it more. I admire your strength in maintaining your purpose. Please find below a general update.

Tom Brown - Please find attached a photo of General Ape.

We are still a family, two daughters 8 and 5, doing relatively well. Surroundings are below average, kids education and development above average. Physically going through challenges. No strength of determination to chant 16 but i do 5 or 8. Listen to classes and audio SB or CC, read with children (Hanuman / Ramayana, Krishna Book for Children, right now Dr Edith Best's Learning English books with spiritual stories, and with the eldest we always read the "Golden Book" Srimad Bhagavatam First Canto for children before sleeping.) We listen to devotional music at home, but not all the time. Plus the children are half Russian, so that also gets attention.

TB - Top half? Bottom half?

I have devotee friends with whom i meet regularly and others with whom i call. We visit home programs, and we organise kirtan events occasionally, also in connection with ISKCON Amsterdam. Occasionally a book goes out (i carry them with me on walks). So it's still going steady, but at the same time i don't meet my vows with chanting. Some days i don't have the time or the mental (+ spiritual) energy, and some days i just relax.

My favourite days are when i have insomnia and get down to chant in the middle of the night, because the rounds are usually the best, but sometimes it is too much and i just have insomnia and no strength to chant. To chant while undergoing mental or physical challenges is really next level chanting. I never quite managed to pull that off.

HpS - Just lie on your back with your eyes half open and your beads in your hand and chant: Haw!



Na! .... Realizing that EVERYTHING in the three worlds will the maximum benefit from yhou sacrifice.

As for internal matters, i experience progress in seeing Krishna in everything and everything in Krishna.

TB - !

That's basically my life in a nutshell. Basically i do believe that Sri Sri Radha Gopinath or Sri Sri Karuna Nitai Gaurachandra still accept me because i do feel connected, but finding myself a wayward disciple because of the above, i don't feel very much part of our monkeywarrior yatra. I seek your blessings in finding a siksa guru with whom i can physically associate.

HpS - Me too! Krsna is so, so, so, so kind, no? https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/3/2/23/

Before i forget it, you mentioned Journey to the West, and i've read Monkey (the Arthur Waley Edition), and it was such a fabulous story!! A good reason to burn incense.

ASA - And be celibate, and only drink monastic wine, and be vegetarian, and try to get an as you like it cudgel. Then you could become the Duke of Amsterdam and set things in more order.

Still with mixed feelings of dedication and fear of rejection,

Your aspiring servant,

Raghava Pandit das

HpS - Hey, could be a L O T worse. You seem to be on the right path. As you get older and your daughters marry young men just like you, you will get a lot of impetous for Sannyasa life. You wife will be pleased with that and your daughters will fight over with whom see stays.

Work on getting more energy. How to honor Prasadam better. Does your donkey need more Pasta?

Start your own business.

Don't work for others.

Detalles Vyasa-puja 2021

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Ya falta únicamente dos semanas para la celebración del Sri Vyasa-puja, por favor nos puede decir cuál es su recomendación de ofrendas de alimentos por favor. 

Alguna o algunas preparaciones en particular que podamos ofrecer con amor y devoción? 

Muchas gracias por ocuparnos en el trascendental servicio al Guruparampara en una de las actividades que más complace al Señor Supremo y a sus devotos.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - Realmente ofrecemos todo al Señor Nrsmha Deva. Le gusta el caldo de hinojo y guisantes. Cuece las semillas y los guisantes en agua un rato con un poco de sal y luego extrae el caldo y ofrécelos con naranjas, yogur, para el desayuno.

Utilice las semillas y los guisantes que le quedan a Kitri en la tarde. P.ej. agregue avena y zanahorias y un poco de mantequilla o aceite de oliva.

Por la noche batata al horno con mantequilla.

Por supuesto, siempre le gusta la pizza con ensalada verde fresca y sopa minestrone.

Le gusta la pasta.


Sorbete de jugo de naranja congelado mezclado con leche.

Etc. Le gusta lo que quiere cocinar con amor.

Pregúntale a Rupanuga qué cocinar.

regarding your suggestion of interviewing people

4 years ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!

Dear guru maharaj,

Please accept my dandavat pranams.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

Regarding your suggestion "Why don't you write? Interview people. Make comments on modern world? Krsna will give you opportunities."

The more I am getting older, I am realizing what a dumb headed fool I am.

HpS - Awww! That was Socrate's realization. He is pretty famous guy.

I was thinking that if I try to open my mouth, my foolishness is revealed. I honestly don't have any skills, guru maharaj, and kind of simpleton.

Even my chanting is mechanical and I have to walk or do something else physically so that I don't fall asleep.

I don't have slightest determination guru maharaj.

HpS - I can't believe that or your would not be bathing and smell bad.

Probably one of the most disqualified that you have as a disciple.

HpS - No!!! There was one worse! What was his name?? I forget. 😁 He only bathed once a week.

I am very much attached to money and other things. If I talk about Krishna consciousness, I would sound like a hypocrite.

your aspirig servant

Nc das

HpS - Why are you attached to money? Write for the Blog. How much money is enough in the modern world? Dollar amount with explanation? What would you want with the money?

Monthly report on sadhana

Hare Krsna Srila Gurudev

Dandavat pranam at your lotus feet [lettuce feet].

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krsna,

Hope you are in good health and spirit.

HpS - Ha! Ha! Hare! A doctor asking if we are in good health. Body always has some ache, no?

This year we are missing your physical association in India. Every year since last few years it was a routine to travel with you and learn, but due to covid pandemic we are missing your vapu.

HpS - It has e-vapu-rated, no? Krsna is pushing us to another level. You need to become a Big Professor, Doctor, with a Big House et al.

On the sadhana front . My Kartik vrat was very nice . 16 rounds , 4 regulative principles intact with mangal aarti on regular basis ( lots of improvement needed ) , hearing classes on internet .

HpS - ! ! ! We are embarrassed by your sincerity. We will try to be as sincere as you. Eg. lot for a five year old to do 16-rounds. So, when they do, we feel he is much better devotee than us.

I took a 4 hours seminar on deity worship rituals and Pancha- anga puja on a day before Kartik rasa .Also did the Practical demonstration and vaishnava homa on rasa purnima for satisfaction of Nitai and Nimai as taught by H.G.Mukunda Datta Prabhu during my stay in vrindavan .

HpS - Soooooo o o o ! Nice. You purify the three worlds.

Need to read the Bhagawatam properly now .

Sri Narasimha Dev installation and Nitai Nimai birthday was done with great joy and very nice prasadam on Rasa purnima . It was a nice program and opportunity to preach . I have noticed that I am good in preaching through deity worship and related samskaras .

At one time I can preach /talk only to two or three people that also in more conservative lines. That keeps my own self also in line .

When I try to do it for larger groups I exhaust myself and it affects me negatively .I am better with few people only.

HpS - So was Karl Marx. He was good writer but not good in big groups, but he became rather famous, no?

In this regard I will also like to request you for re - initiation into gayatri mantra diksha , if you allow .This time the mood is suitable , I have given it a lot of thought before requesting this time .

HpS - Following everything for one year? All the Japa? Would be super for you if you can keep the work.

My preaching efforts as I have noticed are more on brahminical lines in the place that I currently stay.

I need to work on my self confidence . I feel like I have underestimated my abilities to change myself and also influence like minded people . With chanting good rounds I feel like I can help myself and also others .

HpS - Yes, confidence comes from hearing evaluation of other: Krsna, Guru and innocent people who hear us.

All in all everything is very positive currently by Krsna's mercy on both material and spiritual life .

Next month I plan to go to Sridham Mayapur and puri dham.

On mokshada ekadasi I have been invited to do a small puja and preaching in a local family home .

HpS - !!

On material academic front my masters program is going good .

My parents are also chanting little bit.

Back home ----Father is retiring from job next month . He had a stent put in his heart .They convey their pranams at your lotus feet.

HpS - My respects to them!!! A photo of them attached?

Hopefully if they become devotees then they can receive initiation someday .Main problem I feel is the fish :( being Bengali they find it difficult to leave it .

They have reduced eating fish but still they do eat .

HpS - Learn to cook "somebody" else, no?

Srila Gurudev , hope you visit India soon . Missing the mangal aarti with you in Mayapur .

Hare krsna

Rturaj Krsna Das

Shillong , meghalaya

P.S. pictures attached

HpS - We miss India also. It is India. It is more alive. The West is very mechanical. Every thing is so "lifelike". Let's answer some more letters. Come with us.

Your situation seems very nice. As long as you are chanting HK you are making progress and little by little you become transcendentally fixed.

Let's do it in one lifetime Don't come back again as a beautiful woman, and become a famous European opera star.

request for matriculation 2

previous letter node: 11878

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP

thank for your reply.

"Four principles strictly and 16-enthusiastic rounds and basic standard"

till now we had issue with fourth rule strictly, but we think we come to that level now.

16 enthusiastic rounds, we are working on this, but we get 16 rounds done ( v r [v r = ???] demon)

basic standard-- improving on this also.

getting up early/morning program.

we get up in the range of (0130 am - 0330 am 85%) (0330am-400am 14%).

our [and?] then we hear BG all slokas with translation from one chapter at least two times, this from application on the phone.

ASA - Very nice.

then if there is some interesting verse, we read it or hear some gita . We thank your grace to let us stick to BG, it is helping a lot, v r able to connect to them.

V [V = ?] make sure we see run [Sun] rising from our window. the orange sun reminds us of Krsna's love and grace.

HpS - 😊

other things bath/ chanting /exercise --is little fickle esp it depends on our health, environment etc.

we have 75% times attended virtual mangal arti on mayapur.tv.

HpS - It is not virtual for Radha Madhava, no? They know you are there.

we are trying to get Arti/ chanting , done before sun rise... this has been struggle. but primarily its not due to get connection with Deity/chanting.

but we will get to it we are sure in short time.

so we are are up before sun rise, but activities are little varying.


suicide bomber

HpS - Sounds very nice. Six months like this and you can be a formal Candidate. We need recommendation from an administrative authority in ISKCON. Any people you know??? Very nice.