following you

4 years, 1 month ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humbles obeisances

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada, and All Glory to Sankirtan Movement by Gaura Nitay

Dear Gurudeva: This year has been full of complications to gather people and preach to them, however, I continue to promote Krishna consciousness, SP teachings, mainly the holy name and the science of self-realization, I continue to study the Srimad Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad Gita, we have also distributed some Tulsi, and I am aware of them. I've been chanting japa with SP recording.

I hope you are in very good health, I pray that I can serve you properly.

your crew member AniruddhaKrsnaDasa

HpS-Asa -- Thank you. AgtSP. Paoho. Any more details? What kind of programs have you been doing? Describe a typical one?


4 years, 1 month ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna Gurudev comienzo mi reporte contando que estuve muy ocupada en un trabajo quitando pañales a un pequeño de un año cinco meses por eso mi demora en el reporte, además de estar con dos pequeños con lecto escritura de seis años por zoom, sigo mi sadhana muy firme rondas, lectura en la mañana con el Prabhu Laksman y en la tarde continuamos con nuestro programa los días que estamos en curso leemos menos versos del bhagavad Gita y los días libres leemos veinte minutos, hermoso programa a pesar de la distancia. le responderé lo que pregunto la última vez , la chicas que les leo aumentaron a quince de ese grupo tres son profesoras una diferencial (trabaja con niños con problemas de ceguera-sordos, intelectuales, sociales etc.. ) dos son profesoras de música , una fonoaudiologa el resto con trabajos comunes que recién comienzan en la conciencia de Krishna, estudiantes y devotas iniciadas que viven lejos las acompaño con mi lectura además de responder sus preguntas para que avancen en su vida espiritual sin precionar siendo amorosa. mi familia muy bien ellos son muy buenos pongo música devocional y es mi forma de predicar junto con él Prasada en un comienzo fue difícil hablar de krishna por que no creen en nada pero a pesar de eso son muy respetuosos y amorosos en estos años han cambiado su forma de ver a Krsna y su avance es sorprendente la forma que aborde el tema con ellos permitió ver este progreso. por último le cuento que estamos reconstruyendo el jardín del templo que con la pandemia no pudo surgir pero ya di donaciones de bellas flores y así tener una hermosa entrada al templo. muchas gracias por su atención estar a mi lado junto a Srila Prabhupada y krishna para hacer un buen servicio de predica se despide su humilde sirviente Raman Reti devi dasi



All glories to Goura Nitay

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna Gurudev started my report by saying that I was very busy in a job removing diapers from a little one of one year for five months, that's why my delay in the report,

HpS - I used to do that!

In addition to being with two little ones with six years of reading writing by zoom, I continue my sadhana Very firm rounds, reading in the morning with Prabhu Laksman and in the afternoon we continue with our program on the days that we are in progress we read less verses from the bhagavad Gita and on free days we read twenty minutes, beautiful program despite the distance.

HpS - Super. Es como las parejas en Vaikntha.

I will answer what I asked the last time, the girls that I read to you increased to fifteen of that group three are teachers one differential (works with children with blindness-deaf, intellectual, social, etc.) two are music teachers, one Speech therapy the rest with common works that have just begun in Krishna consciousness, students and initiated devotees who live far away.

I accompany them with my reading in addition to answering their questions so that they advance in their spiritual life without presuming being loving.

my family very well they are very good I play devotional music and it is my way of preaching together with him Prasada.

At first it was difficult to talk about Krishna because they do not believe in anything, but despite that they are very respectful and loving in these years they have changed Their way of seeing Krsna and their advancement is amazing.

The way that I approached the subject with them allowed us to see this progress. Finally, I tell you that we are rebuilding the temple garden, which with the pandemic could not arise but I already gave donations of beautiful flowers and thus have a beautiful entrance to the temple.

Thank you very much for your attention to be by my side together with Srila Prabhupada and Krishna to do a good preaching service, your humble servant Raman Reti devi dasi says goodbye

HpS - Hare Krsna!!! Espero hay un foto del jardin de Nitai Y Nimai! Preaching, preaching, preaching (= reading) con la meta que sus alumnos comienza la misma, leyendo los libros de SP a otros!!!

Espero poder responder todo

4 years, 1 month ago by manjari.devi.dasi. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Todas las glorias a usted.

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto

Respondiendo a sus preguntas anteriores tengo 3 hermanos, mi hermana mayor llamada Draupadi Devidasi, junto con mis hermanos menores Krishna Bhakti y Nrisimha Balarama.

con su siguiente pregunta yo vivo en el templo desde hace unos meses. No estoy trabajando me dedico al servicio devocional. Con respecto a mis servicios yo me encargo del cuarto de flores, de la coordinación en el asram, sankirtan cuando me encuentro la oportunidad, voy a colectar el boga cuando se requiere y tengo el dulce del día los días domingos.

Mis padres tienen deidades yo aun no, tienen varias al final de la foto le mandare una foto ya que esta semana me mandaron a casa por que me lastime el tobillo.

El devoto que aparece en la foto atras de Su Santidad es mi padre Hari Bhakti Das

Espero acepte mis reverencias con muchos deseos de servirle su aspirante a aspirante.

¡Jay Srila Prabhupada!

¡Jay Maharaja!


Hare Krishna.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you.

Please accept my most humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS - Lettuce feet. AGTSP!!!

Answering your above questions I have 3 siblings, my older sister named Draupadi Devidasi, along with my younger brothers Krishna Bhakti and Nrisimha Balarama.

with your next question I have been living in the temple for a few months. I am not working I am engaged in devotional service. Regarding my services, I take care of the flower room, the coordination in the asram, sankirtan when I find the opportunity, I go to collect the Bhoga when it is required and I have the sweet of the day on Sundays.

My parents have deities, I don't yet, they have several at the end of the photo I will send you a photo since this week they sent me home because I hurt my ankle.

The devotee in the photo behind His Holiness is my father Hari Bhakti Das

I hope you accept my obeisances with many wishes to serve your would-be aspirant.

Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Jay Maharaja!

HpS - Thank you!!! Very nice. You are on the most potent path in the universe. You should expect very rapid progress if you continue like this. Expect opportunities, but to accept them we have to act like Arjuna, we have to sacrifice our material relations with people even though it is comfortable! It is really for their welfare, not our manipulation of them for our enjoyment.

Thank you.

Ankle is lesson also.

Personal Sadhana Report

4 years, 1 month ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Guru Paramparah, A.C.Praphupada ki Jay!

Radha Krsna Ki Jay, Gouranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay, Goura Bhakta Vrinda Ki Jay

H. H. HpS Maharaja! Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s Padama Charan that I am so happy to get Guruji Maharaja's reply so soon, and it is the same address written not to write in this blog.

HpS - AGTSP!!! Thank you. I don't understand "it is the same address written not to write in this blog". Is the answer going to a bad address? The whole world wants to hear about Manipur.

In my last letter I attached the Murties I worship daily, please comment. Please prefix 91 in the mobile no. 8787511206 to use watch up [whatsapp].

HpS - We just sent you a message from our fallen planet!

I am reading Bhagavatam 11.21.6.

“ The words nama-rupani-visamani refer to the system of varnasrama dharma, in which members of human society are designated according to four social occupational divisions. Those dedicated to intellectual or religious perfection are called brahmanas, those dedicated to political perfection are called Ksatriya, those dedicated to financial perfection are called vaisyas and those dedicated to eating, sleeping, sex and honest work is called sudras.”

Because the sun is the sources of heat within this world, (we use the sun is the sources of all energies) an object that approaches the sun becomes hotter and hotter until it merges into fire. In the same manner, as we approached the transcendental nature of the Personality of Godhead, we automatically become surcharge with absolute goodness.


“The word samskarana also indicates that the purity or impurity of a particular object is ascertained according to the regulations of ritualistic performs. For example, a flower to be offered to the Daity must be purified with waterBut we heard and practice to purify the flower to be offered to the Daity by mantra “ Om puspe, puspe ……….. hung fut svaha [aum phat svaha?]” Please explain this example.

HpS - Just seems like two kinds of purification: One by gross elements, wash the flower with clean wather, and two purify it by words that touch the heart of Krsna?

Sometimes please ask spiritual related questions, so as to remember, whatever we discussed or read in previous or in future.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamuneswara Das

HpS - Who is Krsna speaking to in this chapter? For how many verses, chapters, does Krsna speak to him? What has Krsna discussed to far with him?

If we are like fire, a single match, then there is no limit to how big a fire we can ignite by our own simple efforts.

No pictures.

El año de las voces de las madres

4 years, 1 month ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudeva, me alegra saber que piensa venir el próximo año, ojala fuera a Chosica. La vez pasada le preguntaba acerca de cómo son los pasos de la danza rasa, pensaba que los bailarines de Manipur se asemejan, me gustaría aprender.

Continuamos en el servicio de pujari, podemos seguir si seguimos siendo estrictos en la dieta, recuperando salud, esperando que todo se normalice para incorporarme a otras actividades. estoy enseñando a vestir a las deidades.

También me quede muy impresionada con las voces de las madres, muchas cartas, todo sea para mejorar, me parece que para el movimiento es el año de las madres, me alegra conocer a muchas hermanas y devotas, le agradezco por su esfuerzo por inspirar a las madres a predicar.

Este año ha sido de muchas revelaciones, quienes son veraces, quienes no lo son, tengo nuevas amistades, personas que buscan progresar espiritualmente y son amantes del servicio.

En Perú ya se puede ir a lglesias, el templo se está rezagando a falta de trámites. El pánico paraliza, los países vecinos abren, la soledad puede volverse lo habitual, es mejor interactuar unas horas con gente nueva, diferente y luego regresar al claustro. Me siento muy a gusto en mi estado célibe, por el momento seguiré con mi humor femenino, si ser monja es vestir sin gracia, entonces solo soy célibe, un peregrino, un misionero, más adelante podemos ser mas renunciados, por el momento mejor ser natural.

Se inició la maratón de Diciembre, para mi será maratón de lectura, deseo darle ahora tiempo especial a la lectura y por supuesto dejare unos días para realizar ese hermoso servicio, unas horas, por Prabhupada. Aun no se mis actividades del próximo año, espero mejoren las cosas para continuar con mis planes antes de pandemia.

Hubieron muchos programas on line, le mando algunos darsan de las deidades,

Sus bendiciones para cantar mas atentamente, por enfermedad, tuve dificultades para cantar, concentrarme, ya estoy mejor graciasa la lectura.

Muchas gracias por su paciencia y sus bendicones mucha ayuda, siento cada dia la presencia de Krsna, en mi vida, sus bendiciones para cultivar buenas cualidades, y asi mejorar mi servicio.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi.


Dear Gurudeva, I am glad to know that you plan to come next year, I wish it were Chosica. Last time I asked you about what the steps in the rasa dance are like, you thought that Manipur dancers are like them, I would like to learn.

HpS - Maybe have to take birth in Manipur. Krsna can arrange many things!

We continue in the pujari service, we can continue if we continue to be strict in our diet, recovering health, waiting for everything to normalize to join other activities. I am teaching how to dress the deities.

I was also very impressed with the voices of the mothers, many letters, everything is to improve, it seems to me that for the movement it is the year of mothers, I am happy to meet many sisters and devotees, I thank you for your effort to inspire mothers to preach.

HpS - Visnupriya was just as great a Sannyasi as Lord Caitanya, no? She had to express it differently.

This year has been one of many revelations, who is true, who is not, I have new friends, people who seek to progress spiritually and are lovers of service.

In Peru you can already go to churches, the temple is lagging behind for lack of paperwork. Panic paralyzes, neighboring countries open, loneliness can become the norm, it is better to interact for a few hours with new and different people and then return to the cloister. I feel very comfortable in my celibate state, for the moment I will continue with my feminine humor, if being a nun is dressing without grace, then I am only celibate, a pilgrim, a missionary, later on we can be more renounced, for the moment better to be natural.

HpS - When you die you can have a tomb with your statue in marble with nice robes: The little lady of our Great Lady of Cosica. 😎

The December marathon began, for me it will be a reading marathon, I want to give special time to reading now and of course I will leave a few days to perform that beautiful service, a few hours, for Prabhupada. I still do not know my activities for next year, I hope things improve to continue with my plans before the pandemic.

HpS - Let us plan to chant Hare Krsna, this breath! ! ! !

There were many online programs, I sent you some Darsan of the deities.

HpS - Thank you!!

Your blessings to sing more attentively, due to illness, I had difficulty singing, concentrating, I am already better thanks to reading.

Thank you very much for your patience and your blessings, a lot of help, every day I feel the presence of Krsna, in my life, Her blessings to cultivate good qualities, and thus improve my service.

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kishora Dasi.

HpS - ASA -- Some one told me recently, Yugala-kishora Dasi is very special lady. She is always smiling! Always! [Of course, some ladies can be very, very evil when they smile. Ha!! Ha! Ha! (Be careful of them!)]. Thank you so much for your service. Improve.

The last part is cut!!

Los tropiezos en la vida del devoto

4 years, 1 month ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

A menudo el Señor Supremo me mantiene ocupada y no puedo expresar algunas cosas personales, es un arreglo del Señor ya que es mejor ser empática con otros y no profundizar en mi ego, sin embargo conozco una situación que me da una profunda tristeza, esto hace que vea mi sentir en esa experiencia. 

Él es alguien muy cualificado, Krsna le bendijo con una memoria privilegiada al servicio de los demás, siempre nos dijo que esto era porque Usted le dió esa bendición, pero ¿quién puede ser perfecto? Tampoco él lo era, así que detalles de carácter causaron que muchos se olvidarán de su rendición y servicio prestado, un día le pidieron que se vaya con amenazas de golpearlo sino lo hacía, él estuvo buscando ayuda pero no la encontró, estaba en ansiedad y triste, al poco tiempo se fue y su ausencia nos entristece. De esta historia real me surgen muchas preguntas. 

¿Nos corresponde tomar el destino de otros en nuestras manos pensando que tenemos el don de saber la verdad que hay en su corazón? 

Escuché que Srila Bhaktisiddhanta dijo: no trates de descubrir la verdad a través del ejercicio de tu imaginación... muchas veces la imaginación es demasiado grande. 

¿Es necesario usar la violencia a tal grado para hacer correcciones?

La violencia a veces es física pero también hay violencia psicológica y moral como resultado de las críticas y difusión esmerada por empañar la moral de otra persona ante los demás, generando vergüenza y deseos de alejarse. 

Nos gusta hacer leña del árbol caído sin imaginar que "ese árbol" también tiene sentimientos y no sabemos a dónde le puede llevar su tristeza, pero si alguien se mantiene en su devoción se puede decir que es caído ?

Incluso si es caída accidental en el SB . 11.20.36 dice que el Señor disculpa rápidamente una caída accidental y no premeditada, y todos los miembros de la sociedad deben compartir los propios sentimientos del Señor excusando a un devoto sincero. 

También en el BG se dice que no debemos ridiculizar ni burlarnos de estos tropiezos ya que estás manchas son tan insignificantes como la huella de un conejo que no obstaculiza la luz que irradia la gran luna, los devotos son como la luna. 

Por favor bendiganos con su iluminación que es más refrescante que millones de lunas juntas. 

Usted es el capitán del barco de nuestra vida, nos hacemos viejos, el tiempo va pasando y no aprendimos a navegar de otra forma. 

Disculpe por favor nuestras estupideces. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd.


Hare Krsna, dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Often the Supreme Lord keeps me busy and I cannot express some personal things, it is an arrangement of the Lord since it is better to be empathetic with others and not deepen my ego, however I know a situation that gives me deep sadness, this makes me see my feelings in that experience.

He is someone very qualified, Krsna blessed him with a privileged memory in the service of others, He always told us that this was because You gave him that blessing, but who can be perfect? Neither was he, so details of character caused many to forget his surrender and service rendered, one day they asked him to leave with threats to beat him if he did not, he was looking for help but could not find it, he was in anxiety and sad, soon he left and his absence saddens us. Many questions arise from this true story.

Is it up to us to take the destiny of others in our hands, thinking that we have the gift of knowing the truth that is in their hearts?

I heard that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta said: don't try to discover the truth through the exercise of your imagination ... many times the imagination is too big.

Is it necessary to use violence to such a degree to make corrections?

The violence is sometimes physical but there is also psychological and moral violence as a result of criticism and careful dissemination to tarnish the morale of another person before others, generating shame and desire to get away.

We like to make firewood from the fallen tree without imagining that "that tree" also has feelings and we do not know where his sadness can lead him, but if someone remains in his devotion, can he say that he is fallen?

Even if it is accidental fall in the SB. 11.20.36 says that the Lord quickly excuses an accidental and unintended fall, and all members of society should share the Lord's own feelings by excusing a sincere devotee.

Also in the BG it is said that we should not ridicule or make fun of these stumbles since these spots are as insignificant as the mark of a rabbit that does not obstruct the light that radiates from the great moon, the devotees are like the moon.

Please bless us with your enlightenment that is more refreshing than millions of moons put together.

You are the captain of the ship of our life, we get old, time goes by and we did not learn to navigate in any other way.

Please excuse our stupidity.

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd.


HpS - ASA -- Thank you for your letter. If we first look for an answer in Srila Prabhupada's book, where he is living at this very moment, it seems that there are many that might match this story as you describe it. For a doctor to give specific treatment he has to know specific details of the situation and then adjust the cure as the patient reacts.

For example, if we look at one of the first stories in the Bhagavatam that might match your situation, then we come to the story of Asvatthama.

How does that match the situation you are describing?

Asvatthama was a very, very respectable person, qualified son of a great Acharya. Then he made a mistake, but there was also great justification for what he did.

Some wanted corporeal punishment, some didn't. Srila Prabhupada gives explanations. He talks about the natural feminine tendency when judging such things.

Does this story help?

Is your criminal/victim like Asvatthama?

Thank you!