[Nityananda is coming]. Feb Check In

2 years, 11 months ago by bhaktabigfoot in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

ASA/UG - AGTSP!!! Paoho. There should be a comma after "Hare Krsna".

Please accept my humble obesiances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Guru Maharaja I am very happy that you will be in Houston next month. I can't wait to see you.

ASA - That's what the ...... wolf told Little Red Riding Hood.

I will be there as much as possible. I am also happy to hear that although you had Covid you didn't have any symptoms. I am going to have to take credit for this as I pray to Lord Radha-Kalachandaji to protect you.

I am just playing of course, you are very dear Lord Krsna and Srila Prabhupada and they always take care of Their unalloyed devotee.

HpS - Him whom the Lord favors looses all his clothes!

Kalachandaji is very strong, his shoulders are very broad , he would be the best of football players and the star of the Dallas Cowboys and the whole league. Jerry Jones, the owner of the Cowboys, would be wise to pray to Krsna that he descend to earth and play football for them and they would win every Super Bowl for as long as He wanted. I wonder what kind of austerities he would need to preform.

ASA - Football in our favorite sport. Stop to think. Plan.

I appreciate your response to my last letter, the yearly report. I have been doing Brahma muhurta alone, I get up about an hour before it starts. Wash up, do Gurvastakam, Kirtan and chant my 16 rounds. Takes about 2.5hrs. Sunrise right now in Dallas is 7:21am. I did go 3 days without going at one point. I really felt my enthusiasm decrease, my heart wasn't softening, I didn't like that. It felt bad.

I am really going to work on if I miss a day that at least I get up the next day for sure.

No more multi days off. Of course the goal is not to miss any days. As for reading Krsna book, I have been listening to the dramatic narration audio book by Amala Bhakta Swami. Is that ok?

HpS - Sure! He is the BIGGEST CLOWN in Iskcon. All we smaller clowns dance at his feet. {Photo Attached} He is such a nice friend.

I also been keeping a Journal. Right now its mostly just what I have read and done for the day. I figure its a start and I will get better at it. I started this 13 days ago. I noticed it gives me a chance to keep some stats.

They say in baseball that stats won't win you the game but good stats sure give you a better chance to win.

I have written some stats below. I am hoping that its something you like.

HpS - Unless I write what I did in a day I always chastise my self very unfairly for being a lazy, useless, hypocrite who does nothing.

Stats for Jan.

Brahma muhurta - 15/23 = .653

I started keeping track of this after you instructed it. I will work to improve it this month.

31 books distubuted

$216 donated to Radha-Kalachandaji ($108 each ekadashi)

These are from the last 12 days of Jan when I started the journal

Rounds per day = 313 (26.08 avg)

Noon Arati = 9/12 (.750)

Listened to

NOI 2.5 times

Krsna Book 29 chapters

Srimad Bhagavatam w/ purports 2 chapters (1.10 & 11)

Srimad Bhagavatam translation only Cantos 1&2

10 Srila Prabhupada lectures

Valmiki's Ramayana 48 chapters

ASA - Oink!!

When I work, I get to listen to audio books. I do about 8 hours or more of listening to audio books by Amala Bhakta Swami or Srila Prabhupada lectures. Then during lay overs between my routes I get to chant some extra rounds. There is sometimes when I can't focus as much as is appropriate of course but still it really has done a lot to improve my consciousness.

ASA - Whoop! Whoop!

One of my focuses lately has been "Keep your eye on the ball" I say this to my mind and it can help to re focus. The ball in KC being the Maha Mantra Hare Krishna/Hare Rama, Krsna's

Lotus Feet, Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet, Your lotus feet. Keep your eye on the prize they say. Did you know that a baseball players has about .45 seconds to decide if they are going to swing or not when a ball is pitched? To know what pitch is coming hitters read the rotation of the seams on the ball, then they can know if its a fastball or a curve ball. That's quite a bit of focus.

Guru Maharaja I was looking on your disciples list and noticed that I wasn't on it. If you think it appropriate can I please be added?

If so my bio is.

ASA - My God!!!

MY GOD!!! Of course. . . Thank you and any others for helping us with our efforts to serve Srila Prabhupada!

Nathen Ray Wanty 07/22/1979

Initiated on March 22 2020.

Guru Maharaja I am looking at going to India in Oct. to join you and the devotees there if you would approve. Would that be ok? If it is ok with you, my situation is I have limited vacation time from work and was thinking it maybe best to use it for India. I would love to go to Spain to meet you and the devotees then go to India but I don't know considering the time restriction. What do you advise Gurudeva?

HpS - https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/13113/

Now we run to the locker room to get our bath (3.35AM), put on our uniform, rush to the stadium to turn on the lights, and play the game.

We are coming from Dog and Hog Karma. Meat eaters and murders. Unless clean our bodys and minds daily for several hours we again become those things. People from 1st class countrys don't have to work so hard.

Thank you so very much!

The challenge, The victory, Guru and Krsna's Mercy!

Your servant,

Nanda-braja das

[Dandavats] Hare Krsna

2 years, 11 months ago by nicole_silva in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Maharaja. ¡Hare Krsna!

Por favor acepte mis eternas y humildes reverencias.


Ha pasado muchísimo tiempo desde la última vez que escribí en el blog. Por favor, disculpe mi ausencia.

Tengo muchas cosas que contarle, pero prefiero no abrumarlo con una carta gigante.

Escribiré las cosas que considero más importantes y luego enviaré otras cartas con otro detalles.

Tenía muchas ganas de ir a Santa Eulalia a compartir con usted y los vaisnavas. Mi intención era estar presente en su Vyasa Puja, pero por cordinaciones en el trabajo no pude realizarlo. Añoro mucho poder compartir con usted, entendiendo que cada vez queda menos para su retiro a India. Espero poder ir próximamente, de todas maneras.

Mi sadhana a flaqueado mucho. Me cuesta levantarme temprano para poder cantar mis rondas... Y a veces no he alcanzado a cumplir con mi meta diaria 😭

Me enojo conmigo misma por no cumplir con aquello con lo que me comprometí... Tratar de conectarme con Krsna mediante sus Santos Nombres. Pero voy mejorando, tratando de volver al estandar comprometido 😁

Siento la diferencia cuando no me puedo levantar temprano a cantar mis rondas (intentando cantarlas con atención), y las veces en las que las canto de forma desatenta.

Cantar con la bolsa de japa, sentir como las cuentas pasan por mis dedos, y como los Santos Nombres aparecen susurrando en mi oído, es algo que valoro mucho... Y extraño.

Actualmente, por el horario, no puedo ingresar diaramente al FMP. Extraño mucho el programa. Es un bálsamo para mi corazón. Generalmente a las 6.30am ya me estoy preparando para ir al trabajo, pero las veces que ingreso más tarde, puedo tomar más atención al programa y me conecto a escuchar con alegría y atención.

Mañana preguntaré nuevamente por el código de prioridad en el FMP. Así continuo con mi relato en otra carta (Si me lo permite 🙏

). Hay cosas que me gustaría contarle con mayor detalle.

Muchas gracias por permitirme acompañarlo, de alguna forma, en su sankirtan, y por acompañarme día a día con su inspiración.

Mis reverencias eternas, Maharaja.

Que tenga un muy buen descanso.

Se despide atentamente,

Bh. Nicole Silva.


Dear Maharaja. Hare Krsna!

Please accept my eternal and humble obeisances.


It's been a long time since I last wrote on the blog. Please excuse my absence.

I have a lot to tell you, but I prefer not to overwhelm you with a giant letter.

Tom Brown: Thank you!!! AGTSP! Yet, we want to hear your adventures with Krsna.

I will write the things that I consider most important and then I will send other letters with other details.

I really wanted to go to Santa Eulalia to share with you and the Vaishnavas. My intention was to be present at his Vyasa Puja, but due to coordination at work I could not do it. I really long to be able to share with you, understanding that there is less and less left for your retirement to India. I hope to be able to go soon, anyway.

HpS - Krsna will arrange the external meetings. Look for His indications.

My sadhana has faltered a lot. I have a hard time getting up early to be able to sing my rounds... And sometimes I haven't reached my daily goal 😭

ASA: Prabhupada said one time, keep trying ad eventually you will become perfect in this practice. Even an ape can do it.

I get angry with myself for not fulfilling what I committed to... Trying to connect with Krsna through his Holy Names. But I'm getting better, trying to get back to the compromised standard 😁

HpS - You learn the tricks of Maya and how to surpass them. Bigger challenges are coming.

I feel the difference when I can't get up early to chant my rounds (trying to chant them attentively), and the times when I chant them inattentively.

Singing with the japa bag, feeling how the beads pass through my fingers, and how the Holy Names appear whispering in my ear, is something that I value very much... And I miss.

Currently, due to the schedule, I cannot enter the FMP on a daily basis. I miss the show so much. It is a balm for my heart. Usually at 6:30 am I'm already getting ready to go to work, but the times I come in later, I can pay more attention to the program and I connect to listen with joy and attention.

HpS - Full evening program? Tell us how we can serve you better.

Tomorrow I will ask again for the priority code in the FMP. So I continue with my story in another letter (If you allow me 🙏). There are things I would like to tell you in more detail.

Thank you very much for allowing me to accompany him, in some way, in her sankirtan, and for accompanying me day by day with his inspiration.

My eternal obeisances, Maharaja.

Have a very good rest.

Kindly say goodbye,

Bh. Nicole Silva.

HpS - ASA ---- Bh. Vinode Thakur says that light work in the best rest.

Now it is 5.44PM. We had a near perfect (Brahminical) day today with ArtD, PTD, JgD, Carolina-Rasarani-Madhavi (She is standing up by herself with no help for the first time), MvDD and now everyone in the Blog etc.

We will go for the FEP.

Our health is much improved.

We have to each very simply or the pitta element gets to big and scatters all of ther body. Could destroy it!


(Varaha is Coming) Trip back to Zürich

2 years, 11 months ago by [email protected] in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

First thank you very much for these wonderful 2 weeks full of strong sadhana and associacion with you and the devotees. was really inspiring and a good experience.

so also the way back to zurich was an experience. hahahah.....2.5 days takes me finally.

HpS - Yes, travel and especially international travel is very hard. Sometimes first class makes it better, but not much.

I have to wait 24 hours for my connecting flight in Miami. So I decide to visit the Lord at the ISKCON temple in Miami...on the way there I meet a devotee from Peru, very nice asociacion.

so we went together, take darshan and eat a really nice prasadam at the end....

HpS - Wow! In the Krsna book Prabhupada says, this: Great devotees travel from places of pilgrimage to others, and on the way meet many interesting people and deliver them from Maya.

it was a very nice arrangement from Krishna :) it was a wonderful day in Miami at the end.

finally in the night i took my last plane to Zurich successfully.

YS Bh.Dave

HpS - ASA --- Zooom! ZOoom! ZOO O M!

After a few days tell us about your new life in Switzerland. You come back as a new person so your relations with others will be new.

(HARMONIUM ) Soldado reportándose

2 years, 11 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna querido Guru Maharaja 

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Y Todas las Glorias sean a usted y a los fieles seguidores de Su Divina Gracia. 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

Muchas gracias por su respuesta a mi carta anterior, fue liberadora. 

Acabo de darme cuenta, que hace tiempo no le escribo respecto a mi Sadhana y sankirtana ¡Por favor discúlpeme!…

Por su misericordia sin causa y la de Srila Prabhupada, hemos podido: Cumplir con nuestros votos de iniciación; 16 Rondas mínimo, 4 principios - mantenemos algunos apegos por comer en exceso, estamos tratando de mejorar cada vez -


-Mangala Aratika regular (a veces fallo 3 o 4 veces al mes).

-Lectura diaria de los libros de Srila Prabhupada. 

-Escucho clases de Srila Prabhupada regularmente y 

-Asisto frecuentemente a las clases de la ASA y otras (principalmente de SS Yadunandana Swami, Urmila DD, SS Guru Prasad Swami y SS Bhakti Sundara Goswami) 

*En casa atiendo a Sus Señorías, de forma muy básica y simple, nos esforzamos por ser puntuales y limpios (como usted indico)


-El problema original en el cerebro persiste porque es inoperable, pero parece que hemos aprendido a vivir con eso. 

-Después de nuestra última cirugía cerebral, nos hemos recuperado casi 90%. Aunque los problemas de memoria son irreversibles y experimentamos otras secuelas, parece que somos funcionales como cualquier otra persona. (Quizá todos estamos enfermos o un poco locos) 

-Hace tiempo que no tengo un trabajo estable... Así que, nos mantenemos sólo por la misericordia sin causa que Sri Krsna envía a través de mi madre y algunos buenos amigos. 


-Al fin terminamos nuestro estudio Bhakti Sastri bajo la guía de SS Yadunandana Swami ¡ha sido una experiencia maravillosa!... obtuvimos nuevos y agradables asociados y hemos recibido instrucciones muy valiosas de Su Santidad. 


-Retome servicio en el templo, asisto solo 2 días a la semana y realizo un par de servicios humildes. Oramos a Srila Prabhupada para que los acepte aún con nuestros defectos. 


- Crecer Vaisnava – Aunque MUY lentamente, continuamos con este proyecto (online) de educación infantil. Y ya tenemos algunos trabajos que, ¡Krsna mediante!, este año saldrán al público.  

- ASA Carnaval – Estamos apoyando tanto como podemos para mantener la página de Facebook ASA Carnaval. A varios vaisnavas les resulta muy útil esta plataforma.  (Si le parece bien, informaré a detalle en otra carta.)


-Aunque hace casi 2 años vivo separada de mi esposo, me mantengo fiel a él. Él no está físicamente y quizá no volverá jamás. Pero yo siento que sólo ha ido a un largo viaje y mantengo mi relación de afecto, respeto y lealtad hacia él, aunque de una manera más sutil. Él es un buen vaisnava y yo oro constantemente por su bienestar. 

- Aunque tarde -, he encontrado tres devotas que me están ayudado mucho para aprender de mi paso por el Grihastha Asram y he tomado algunas asesorías con el Grihasta Vision Team. Estoy tratando de aprender tanto como puedo de esta experiencia, esperando que mis errores sirvan a otros como señales de alerta. 

Muchas gracias Gurudeva, de no ser por su misericordia y la de Srila Prabhupada, esta batalla habría acabado conmigo desde hace tiempo.  

Gracias por mantenernos vivos y luchando. 

Su aspirante a discípula 

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 


Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my deepest obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

And All Glories be to you and to the faithful followers of His Divine Grace. 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

Thank you very much for your response to my previous letter, it was liberating.

I just realized that I haven't written to you about my Sadhana and Sankirtana in a long time. Please excuse me!…

By his and Srila Prabhupada's causeless mercy, we have been able to: Fulfill our initiation vows; 16 Rounds minimum, 4 principles - we keep some addictions to overeating, we are trying to improve every time -

HpS - ASA - So are we!


-Mangala Aratika regular (sometimes I fail 3 or 4 times a month).

-Daily reading of Srila Prabhupada's books.

-I listen to Srila Prabhupada's classes regularly and

-I frequently attend ASA and other classes (mainly from HH Yadunandana Swami, Urmila DD, HH Guru Prasad Swami and HH Bhakti Sundara Goswami)

HpS - Super!

*At home I attend to Your Honors, in a very basic and simple way, we strive to be punctual and clean (as you indicated)


-The original problem in the brain persists because it is inoperable, but we seem to have learned to live with it.

-After our last brain surgery, we have almost 90% recovered. Although memory problems are irreversible and we experience other consequences, it seems that we are functional like any other person. (Maybe we're all sick or a little crazy)

ASA - !!!

-I haven't had a stable job for a long time... So, we support ourselves only by the causeless mercy that Sri Krsna sends through my mother and some good friends.

HpS - Keep learning to understand your body etc. and trying to fit into the Sankirtan movement of Lord Caitanya and your social economic situation with improve. You will be able to make respected contributions to society.


-At last we finished our Bhakti Sastri study under the guidance of HH Yadunandana Swami, it has been a wonderful experience!... we got new and nice associates and we have received very valuable instructions from His Holiness.


-Return service in the temple, I attend only 2 days a week and perform a couple of humble services. We pray to Srila Prabhupada to accept them even with our flaws.


- Crecer Vaisnava – Although VERY slowly, we continue with this project (online) of children's education. And we already have some works that, Krsna willing!, will be released this year.

- ASA Carnaval – We are supporting as much as we can to maintain the ASA Carnaval Facebook page. Several Vaisnavas find this platform very useful. (If it is okay with you, I will report in detail in another letter.)

HpS - Please, I hear about devotees using it all the time.


-Although I have been living apart from my husband for almost 2 years, I remain faithful to him. He is not there physically and maybe he will never come back. But I feel that he has only gone on a long journey and I maintain my relationship of affection, respect and loyalty towards him, although in a more subtle way. He is a good Vaisnava and I constantly pray for his welfare.

- Although late -, I have found three devotees who have helped me a lot to learn from my time at the Grihastha Asram and I have taken some advice with the Grihasta Vision Team. I am trying to learn as much as I can from this experience, hoping my mistakes will serve as red flags to others.

Thank you very much Gurudeva, were it not for his and Srila Prabhupada's mercy, this battle would have finished me long ago.

Thank you for keeping us alive and fighting.

Your would-be disciple

Karuna Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - We are just products of His Divine Grace. Love exists because Krsna is so kind. You are connecting with The Ocean of Mercy. Look at Vasudeva Dutta and how he grew as he came in contact with Lord Caitanya.

Let us look at some more letters.

Your report is inspiring to all!!

[Harmonium] Thoughts

2 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Well, it's been a while since I wrote to the blog. Since I arrived from NY everything was moving so fast. I call recall my 2 hours call with LATAM in order to change my flight so I can be for the Sri Vyasa Puja. It was an interesting VP but I can say that most were overjoyed.

I want to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart to Palika dd and Jambavan das due to I was in NY they were handling all the organization pretty well. Jambavan and Jana pavana made a susbtantial effort in order to have and present a nice offering.

HpS - The variety and excellence of distribution of the Prasdam offerings was incredible! AgtSP!

I asked Radhika Raman prabhu's offering in advance due to he always present a very deep, sober and profound offering. While I was translating it I realized that I was speechless, haha what can I say. He had already covered everything.

HpS - We can smile and wag our tails.

In my last flight I saw two movies once with a Dog's story haha. But one part of the first movie was about a young boy who was neglected by his family, but one teacher was taking care of him and his education, she wanted to adopt him, nevertheless his evil family do not permit that, she and her husband became attached to him due to the little boy was living with them for a little time. And when she was about to say good bye to him, she told him "You can become whatever you want, you just have to believe in yourself"

Years pass and she passed away, but his husband one day open the door and there it was the little boy now as an adult. With a picture of her teacher. He is a famous artist now. And he said: I was always recall the words from my beloved teacher: The one who actually believe in myself and gave me support. "You can become whatever you want, you just have to believe in yourself" and I did he said: I am an artist now. He gave some financial support to his teacher's husband.

The whole point to this story, is that you as our Spiritual Master has already touched our lives in such a way that we feel support, confidence, gratitude. That is the power of an Superb Master.

HpS - "The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things. Of ships and sails and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings, and why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings", Louis Carol, maybe "Alice in Wonderland".

If we Monkeys and Piggys have wings, have helped anybody it is because Srila Prabhupada can make even pigs fly!!! 😳 Whatever good qualities you find in us are maybe very little due us and all due to him, Krsna!

I called ARTD in order to have the possibility to go and visit You and my good friend Carolina, the kids, this weekend, but he told me that it was impossible, I was expecting that he asked me to do the covid test but he didn't even ask me that. I have my vacinnations and the booster shot. Anyway. I hope to see you in Nityananda Trayodasi.

HpS - Yes, we discussed it. I said ask Carolina and he said that she was seeing so much difficulty even with the testing that she was afraid that the children might get infected from visitors.


We are more controlled now with children here, but maybe later!!

For sure we are planning on visiting Chosica temple for many hours on Nitya-ananda tryodasi.

I am giving a summer course, but not English, this time I am giving statistics. I remember oh yes I am an Engineer too haha. It is really nice I am revising my notes. Journalists do not like numbers. So I have a very hefty challenge there.

HpS - Making numbers fun!!

Tomorrow I am giving the Class for Iskcon Chosica. This is my only current practical service.

Thanks for all Gurudeva

I hope to see you soon


HpS - Now you must become a Guru. You must find ways to introduce BG and SB into your circle of contacts. The external form does not matter as much as the concepts.

There is a reason why things happen to us.

Next life you be the Gandhari?

Have 100 sons!!!!

From bad to worse, but see Krsna face to face ....


[CP-KD - Varaha] is Coming

2 years, 11 months ago by natyelligarza_108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Hare Rama

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!!

Please Maharaja, accept my must humble obeisances.

Just write this letter to thank all the effort and dedication you do day by day.

HpS - ASA -- The same to you from Krsna and Rama!

I am very confused about how to serve you, how to be grateful for all the causeless mercy.

HpS - Basis is Sankirtan. Thank Lord Caitanya, Parampara, by Sankirtan. Basis of that is 16-enthusiastic rounds and four principles strictly! .... Rest follows naturally. 🙂

Im chanting my japa with more enthusiasm than ever, it is maybe because of your mercy and the blessings of the devotees, that it seems that finally we can see the ligth. (maya maya)

However, we know this is only an opportunity to advance a little in this process. We are totally indebted to you. Thank you Thak you soooooo much! 🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️

...by the way, the test have already started, we just got sick with covid, only only mind...

As you always tell me in last letters, we are trying to do it well. So, we already gave one more step. We talked with my parents and they gave us blessing to get married. So, next thing is to have a piggy bank for a small meeting for our families and have a civil wedding, then fire wedding. Too much plans and new horizons are coming.

Guru Maharaja, in the last Kapi Dvaja you mention about not finding my recomendation letter, so here it is. 👩🏼‍🦯

HpS - Thank you. What we needed was your secular name and date of birth. Asta sakhi Devi Dasi sent it to the Blog in another letter and we posted the updated www.jayarama.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt file. Globat, our internet provider, has been really slow. It took us 1-hour (!) to open the four webpages necessary to up date it, but that was O.K. because it allowed us to go from 20 to 25-rounds!! Our goal is 50-rounds per day.

Well Gurudev, with no more important things to report you, hoping that you enjoy a lot of health and enthusiasm, your eternal aspirant to servant. Nandini Devi Dasi.

HpS - Super!!! Get ready to play Draupadi or Gandhari etc. in your next life!

The photos are very nice!