papas Gauranga

2 years, 7 months ago by gadadhara_gosai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte mis reverencias todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudev, seguimos tratando de seguir sus instrucciones paso a paso, el camino de vuelta a Krishna es un arte y estamos aprendiendo a ser seguidores con buena asociación viviendo una vida simple tratando de servir el movimiento de Sankirtan.

Consientes de su próxima visita a México nosotros pensamos que Krishna es el tiempo es eterno y estamos ansiosos y felices de su visita, muchas situaciones pasaron y seguimos vivos.

Para nosotros sería una gran misericordia si visita Monterrey. Tenemos la capacidad de recibir devotos de todo el mundo, el hostal (Hotel Hare Krishna) tiene capacidad para 40 devotos hospedados, en la misma propiedad tenemos una sala de prédica y restaurante en el centro de Monterrey.

Prabhu Adhoksaya mantiene la adoración de la deidad Sri Krishna Balaram y la prédica cada domingo. El restaurante tiene un equipo de devotos el devotos que preparan el prasadam, el devoto que dirige la cocina es prabhu Kardama Muni. Yo estoy desarrollando la huerta y el goshala así como proyectos en relación de la finca y desarrollando nuevos proyectos.

La finca está ubicada a 60km de la cuidad de Monterrey cuenta con instalaciones completas para su estadía & devotos también servicios como internet satelital, luz, agua potable, cocina etc...

Nuestro Sankirtan, educación de nuestros hijos y una buena relación con mi esposa Ananda es mi prioridad así como servir a los vaisnavas, mantenemos buena sanga con los devotos y tenemos contacto en 3 universidades de Monterrey así como también con comunidades adventistas que son vecinos de nuestra finca Hare Krishna.

Cantando japa, cultivando Bhakti Yoga la misericordia de Krishna nos permite poder servirlo a usted y Srila Prabhupada.

Su sirviente Gadadhar Gosai Das 


Please accept my obeisances all glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear Gurudev, we keep trying to follow his instructions step by step, the way back to Krishna is an art and we are learning to be followers with good association living a simple life trying to serve the Sankirtan movement.

Aware of his next visit to Mexico, we think that Krishna is time is eternal and we are anxious and happy for his visit, many situations have passed and we are still alive.

For us it would be a great mercy if you visit Monterrey. We have the capacity to receive devotees from all over the world, the hostel (Hare Krishna Hotel) has capacity for 40 lodged devotees, in the same property we have a preaching room and restaurant in the center of Monterrey.

Prabhu Adhoksaya holds deity Sri Krishna Balaram worship and preaching every Sunday. The restaurant has a team of devotees the devotees who prepare the prasadam, the devotee who runs the kitchen is prabhu Kardama Muni. I am developing the garden and the goshala as well as projects related to the farm and developing new projects.

The farm is located 60km from the city of Monterrey and has complete facilities for your stay & devotees also services such as satellite internet, electricity, drinking water, kitchen etc...

Our Sankirtan, education of our children and a good relationship with my wife Ananda is my priority as well as serving the Vaisnavas, we maintain a good sangha with the devotees and we have contact in 3 universities in Monterrey as well as with Adventist communities that are neighbors of our Hare Krishna estate.

Chanting japa, cultivating Bhakti Yoga, Krishna's mercy enables us to serve you and Srila Prabhupada.

His servant Gadadhar Gosai Das

HpS - ASA - thank you ... agtsp... paoho.... hare krsna!!!! in other letter today we discuss this with asta sakhi devi dasi. it sounds good. of course, we have to keep communication. we are making our sankirtan plans and maya is making hers!!

thank you!!

very best wishes for supreme intelligence in how to preach lord caitanya's message.

[Shree Knee Vase] Gotas de misericordia

2 years, 7 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna querido Guru maharaja

Por favor acepte mis rendidas Reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada, de quien emanan múltiples cualidades.

Todas las glorias a usted y a todos los fieles seguidores de Su Divina Gracia.

Primeramente, permítame agradecerle por llevarnos en línea con usted a sus viajes, nos sentimos muy afortunados y bastante cerca a pesar de la distancia. 

Felizmente leímos en el Kapi Dhvaja la posibilidad de que usted visite México en el 2023. ¡La sola idea nos hizo muy muy felices! Muchas gracias por la inmerecida misericordia de considerarnos Guru Maharaja. Oramos sinceramente a Lord Krishna que por favor nos conceda la oportunidad de participar de esa visita…

La posibilidad de que usted visite México durante su gira de consolidación, me ha hecho preguntarme ¿Hay algo realmente útil con lo que yo pueda contribuir a su sankirtana?... ¡Estoy segura que NO!... Sin embargo, solo por la misericordia sin causa de Sri Krsna, de Srila Prabhupada, de usted y de varios vaisnavas, creo que esta existencia no será completamente inútil.

Entonces, es solo por vuestra misericordia que aspiro servirle. Por favor Gurudeva, ocúpenos en su servicio e inclúyanos en el trascendental sankirtana de Srila Prabhupada, para algún día complacer a nuestros amorosos amos Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva y Srimati Subhadra.

Esperando no ser una molestia y eternamente en deuda con usted.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble Obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada, from whom multiple qualities emanate.

All glories to you and all the faithful followers of his Divine Grace.

First of all, let me thank you for taking us online with you on your travels, we feel very lucky and quite close despite the distance.

HpS - T. Brown and B. White try to make good videos.

Happily, we read in the Kapi Dhvaja the possibility that you will visit Mexico in 2023. The very idea made us very, very happy! Thank you very much for the undeserved mercy of considering us Guru Maharaja. We sincerely pray to Lord Krishna to please grant us the opportunity to participate in that visit...

The possibility that you will visit Mexico during your consolidation tour has made me wonder: Is there something really useful that I can contribute to your sankirtana?... I am sure NOT!... However, just for the causeless mercy of Sri Krsna, Srila Prabhupada, you and various Vaisnavas, I believe that this existence will not be completely useless.

So, it is only by your mercy that I aspire to serve you. Please Gurudeva, engage us in his service and include us in Srila Prabhupada's transcendental sankirtana, to someday please our loving masters Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva and Srimati Subhadra.

Hoping not to be a nuisance and forever in your debt.

Your would-be servant

Karuna Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - We feel the same way toward Srila Prabhupada! Anandamaya Devi Dasi is suggesting staying in Monterrey in her letter. We were thinking is opportunity for devotos hispanicos to visit without USA visa and other problems.

Mexico will save the world.

(PC-Papas Guraranga) Nuevas noticias del campo. Mexico Visit.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Gurudev

Deseo con mi corazón que se encuentre bien.

Deseo contarle un poco de cómo nos encontramos.

Yo me encuentro muy bien mi sadhana está más estable 16 rondas y 4 principios gracias a mi esposo me ayuda a mantenerme entusiasta.

También le quería contar que Prabhu Adhoksaya actualmente vive en Monterrey en nuestro hostal hace un año. P. Adhoksaya hace todos los días servicio de ofrecer el prasadam del restaurante y los domingos da clases de Bhagavad Gita en nuestro pequeño centro de prédica en el edificio del restaurante, entonces krishna a puesto un buen equipo de trabajo. Mi esposo se encuentra muy bien, entusiasta en el servicio y adorando a la deidad en casa le manda sus reverencias🙏

Gracias por compartir que podría venir a México en 2023 definitivamente es una noticia que nos alegra mucho a sus discípulos. Mi esposo Gadadhar Gosai le ofrece la invitación a visitar Monterrey pero todo depende de su misericordia y claro prioridad su salud.

En Monterrey y en la finca contamos con hospedaje y transporte para recibir devotos del resto del país y de otros países.

Definitivamente es un proyecto con potencial que a prosperado de manera favorable por sus bendiciones e instrucciones.

Por último quiero agradecer su tiempo y no deseo quitarle más así que me despido ofreciéndole mis humildes reverencias Gurudev.

Tu sirvienta Anandamaya devi dasi


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my humble obeisances Gurudev

I wish with my heart that you are well.

HpS - ASA - Thank you!!! AgtSP!!! Paoho..... We need your prayers.

I want to tell you a little about how we found ourselves.

I feel very well my sadhana is more stable 16 rounds and 4 principles thanks to my husband it helps me to stay enthusiastic.

HpS - That is a good husband.

I also wanted to tell you that Prabhu Adhoksaya is currently living in Monterrey in our hostel for a year. Q. Adhoksaya does daily service of offering the restaurant prasadam and on Sundays he teaches Bhagavad Gita classes in our small preaching center in the restaurant building, so krishna has put a good work team. My husband is very well, henthusiastic in the service and worshiping the deity at home, he sends his reverence🙏

HpS - Pictures. News from him. We don't see any Annual Report for either of you in the Blog. What am I to tell Srila Prabhupada if he asks?

Thank you for sharing that he could come to Mexico in 2023, it is definitely news that makes his disciples very happy. My husband Gadadhar Gosai offers you the invitation to visit Monterrey but everything depends on his mercy and of course his health is a priority.

In Monterrey and on the farm we have lodging and transportation to receive devotees from the rest of the country and from other countries.

It is definitely a project with potential that has prospered favorably due to your blessings and instructions.

Finally, I want to thank him for his time and I do not want to take any more away from him, so I bid him farewell offering my humble obeisances.

HpS - Super!!!

Hari Bolo.

Later news of the children.

(((papas Gauranga))) Franco Bone's letter

2 years, 7 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and His infinite mercy.

All glories to the International Society for Krsna Consciousness, all glories to my spiritual master pouring out his mercy on this sinful soul like me:

Hare Krishna dear Gurudev. Please accept my obeisances at Your lotus feet.



Thank you for your patience with this homeless hippie, many things have happened since the last time I wrote to you, the most important for me:

I had a motorcycle accident in which I almost left my body, the impact was so great that the people who He saw that he thought I was dead, they were surprised to see that I got up,

took my motorcycle (I was hit by a motorcycle from behind) and walked out. I suffocated because the impact was so great that it took all the oxygen out of my lungs.

I thought... how difficult to think of Krishna at the time of death in practical terms.

My ribs hurt, these days I go to a traumatologist to do some studies and plates. Otherwise I'm fine, just sore.

ASA - Relevant Foto Attached

The cool thing about this accident is that it's 1:50 in the morning and I'm singing my rounds.

I feel lucky because it helps me wake up, I've been asleep for a long time.

Jay Gurudev!!! thank you, thank you, thank you.


2.- I spoke with the zonal GBC of the Ratha Yatra, and for now he doesn't want to know anything about it, they recently operated on him, and even so he is in charge of the program.

HpS - He needs an assistant, no?

It really is admirable. I didn't mean to bother him, I'll talk to him later.

He told me that when we started it we were able to do it in a certain spontaneous way and we skipped Some technical regulations that require Him as a zonal GBC, so forgive me for being such a boaster and thinking that I can do a Ratha Yatra by myself.

ASA - 🐽

Ratha Yatra means work in society, at that time we started three bhaktas (two bhaktas from Uruguay and one from Córdoba) Of which only I follow without initiation. In 2013 they gave me recommendations to get started, but tests happened and I couldn't overcome them.

The same dear Gurudev I promised you to make a Ratha Yatra, so I am thinking of making a Ratha Yatra kids for the children or a happy jaganath party. I feel sad that children cannot see Ratha Yatras.

HpS/ASA - Super! Small cart, small dieties, big Kirtan! Video, photo graph it. Make a movie.

When I just came to Córdoba, once walking to work I saw an ambulance under your foot... they were discounting a girl who committed suicide, then another day, coming back from connecting, another young girl's body was lying on the sidewalk, He had thrown himself from a building.

If these girls had gone to a Ratha Yatra and gotten Prabhupada's books, would they be happy and alive? .I am convinced that yes.

HpS - I was coming home from working for Master Card at 11PM. Walking to the Temple through the Tenderloin, a very rough area of San Francisco with bad bars, clubs etc.

I saw one Mexico guy walking along very depressed like he had lost his job, come home, got in a fight with his wife, slapped her hard and then walked out on the street.

Just spontaneously I said, "Don't forget God", and he stopped and his face lit up!

He looked at me like, "Yes! Yes! Thank you. Thank you. I forgot Him. He can help us even in the biggest mess."

Krsna consciousness is a must. Thank you for being motivated to continue in Ella, despite our limitations.

Yesterday with Radha JPJ we were listening to one of Your classes, It was talking about the Gopis and Vrndavam, and for a moment my humble home was transformed into Vrndavam thanks to You.

Thank you for bringing Vrndavam into this world.

These days with the help of Radha JPJ and with the mercy of Jagannatha I am resting to recover, we are reading Her Blog with Radha, we are happy to enjoy Her Tracendental adventures.

I would like to make a private consultation to work on my service.

Please forgive any offense committed inadvertently in this letter.

Trying to please him:

Bhakta Franco

HpS - I don't see any offenses. To quote Jani Joplyn -- Honey! You doin jus fine! [Doing just fine].

Go ahead... Expect a nice plateau in your Yoga. Waking up!!!

You are not Fanco. You are an angel made of light, you have been in a very great auto accident. Wake up!!!! Wake up!!!

(((Papas Gauranga))) Summary of reports

2 years, 7 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your beautiful lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

I hope the present finds it fine and very happy in your sankirtan.

Summary report months keshava, narayana, visnu and madhusudana 😊:

One of the most beautiful events is that Tulasi Devi finally came to our home!!!💜 She is in the greenhouse now and Franco is heating it with a wood heater, so that she is comfortable. For me, it is wonderful to visit her, sing to her, water her, pray to her, circumambulate her, and chant the maha mantra near her. I feel such a special friendly energy... I ask you to be happy in this place and not to abandon me.

HpS - ASA -- 👍

It happened that I went to dance at an event at Adi Sakhi Devi dasi's house about three hours and more... from home and she gave me a tulasi. At this event prasadam was distributed and there was also a small table with Srila Prabhupada's books. we met prabhu Radha Raman from Argentina and his wife. It was wonderful when he told us that he helped build the temple of chosica...!!! When He told us that... we just fell at His feet because we remember our first spiritual home...😂😂😂

Then I decided to interview him so as not to miss all the wonderful and hard events that happened in his life at that time. One of the things he told us is that the most static moments of his spiritual life were those kirtans with the devotees in Peru....!!!

Otherwise Gurudev, I am following my early sadhana, chanting my rounds and following the principles. Sometimes it seems that I have insomnia 😀 because I get up at twelve or one in the morning but I prefer to stay awake because if I go back to sleep I'll get up late. And then after my sadhana sometimes I walk by or sometimes a little nap before I go to collect. I remember your class where you tell about a devout grijasta who would take a nap after lunch until ten at night, say good night to his family😊 and he would stay up until mangalartik, make poems...etc. Then I had a short nap before going to work. We try to follow his example and sing, dance and write at dawn...

HpS - Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura!

Thank you for telling us stories of Vaishnavas that inspire us so much to follow our spiritual life at the most important hour 😃

Now I just need to live this saying: the past is history The future is a mystery And the present is... a gift❤💙 ....

ASA - Hari Bolo! '@'pop~

Sushila Dasi gave us Lord Jagannatha books and Vaisnava compassion to distribute. We have already given away some. But someone very cute...

Came in the package...

a beautiful puppet of ..

Srimati Radharaniiii!!!!!!!😀😀😀😃 So I am going to visit Srimati Tulasi Devi with Srimati Radharani😊😊😊 and I really feel happy!! Maybe I'm just a girl.. because I really love playing with this puppet and I feel really accompanied, it's amazing...

Gopalito turned 10 last Sunday, May 15... he always does wonderful things and loves puppets... Franco taught him how to sew and he has sewn his own various puppets!! and Franco helps him a lot. Franco also made a Krsna soft toy and I tried to make a Sri Radharani soft toy for Gopal😊.

Please, I ask Your precious blessings for the spiritual life of our son.

HpS-ASA - Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna... Hare Rama.... HARE RAMA!!! Gopal. May he become a very profound person.

I overextended myself. ..I was thinking of writing a short letter..but I can't help it. . Happily it is a summary of several months😊

Please, I ask for your valuable prayers for Franco's recovery. He had a very bad motorcycle accident... he tells you the details in his letter. Thanks to our beloved Krsna, He is recovering well.

Thank you for your valuable time and for being our Gurudeva!!!!!

Please Gurudev forgive any offense committed unintentionally, in this letter.

Please accept Franco's and Gopalito's dandavat Her attempted disciple:

Radha Japa Prati Jalpa Devi dasi

P.F. Ekangui Devi Dasi asked me to tell you that he is very happy with your response, Gurudev and thanks you very much.

HpS - ASA -- See attached foto of Lord Jagannatha. We think of her! What is happening with her life? It should be a great adventure.


2 years, 7 months ago by Bhakta Loren in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva,

danvadat pranam.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

really thankful for your encouragement and your mercy on me in the letter. When i thought back on it while worshiping at my home altar, at once i also felt a similar kindness and mercy from them making it past my hard-heartedness/poor self image. You and the Lordships helping me up, dusting me off, fixing my collar and patting me on the back.

I read the sikstastikam daily with my japa circle group and pray that i can become humble and tolerant enough to serve spontaneously and constantly without (or with ever decreasing amount of) offenses and never fall down again. At 44 i may be 1/2 way into my lifespan with so much to learn and un-learn.

Around the time covid restrictions started there was talk about possible supply-chain issues when it came to food etc and i started to build a greenhouse from a kit in the backyard. The last step of fixing all the plexi panels was challenging using the provided hardware and the greenhouse sat 95% finished for almost 2 years. When i found a better way to mount the panels it was finally off the to-do list and that created a domino effect in the backyard where Cecilia followed up with a lot of runs to home depot and lowes for trunk-loads of material, and the backyard really came to life. We chant at least one mahamantra and panca tattva a day offering our food. Im not sure how the details of my current life will change or stay the same as i try to lay my life down at the feet of Guru and Krishna and try to let go of anything that is not compatible with that. Her father passed away spring 2019 at 82 and her mom is in her 80s at a nice senior facility in daly city. She’s a very caring and loyal person and gives me the freedom to do what i like, but i can’t twist her arm to come to the sunday feast- for a newcomer it takes some time to become familiar with the community. Her mom like mine is Catholic. Cecilia does a lot of work advocating for people at odds with church dogma. And works hard at it.

There’s an amazing devotee in SF from mexico, Vaninath, that will spend his last cent on books to give to other devotees, newcomers, etc and wait in bread lines for food. He lives in an sro in the tenderloin- used to live at the berkeley temple and served as a pujari there. He tells me the story he was kicked out because there was another devotee from russia that was standing with his feet on one of the prep tables in the kitchen and when he asked him not to there was fight or conflict and Jagannath Swami told Vaninath that he’s an illegal that just showed up, and this other devotee required a fair amount of money to bring to the us to also serve as a pujari there. He was kicked out and told me some pretty gnarly stories from his next four years living homeless. The last book he gave me was a beautifully illustrated large format telling of the Ramayana, the one before that was a Bhagavatam set he wanted me to give to my sister. I have my own Bhagavatam set, but that boxed set, i still have it and haven’t given it to her as he asked, because as much as i would love to pay forward this blessing im just not expecting her to have the right association where she can appreciate or understand it. If im wrong here please help me! Ive given all my family members smaller books like isopanisad, beyond birth and death, also Bhagavad Gita (Jaya!). I think the only one that’s been read was beyond birth and death becuase i asked my mom and dad to read the whole book with me on my birthday around 8 years ago. My parents have stayed at new vrindavan in WV with me during Gaura Purnim. One year for a christmas gift i asked them to avoid eating meat for a week- THEY DID IT! My mom has been painting photo-realistic water colors since the early 80s, she painted a picture of Srila Prabhupada for me for christmas 5 years ago.

My studio music is in a mostly idle state. I hope to get a chance to use it in the future as a platform to help spread the holy name and facilitate others that do this. I dont see kirtan as it is lacking anything needed to do this though. I also like to use music technology to explore/inquire into sound/time/rhythm/timbre/texture- just been more busy with getting up/going to bed early. At the moment im trying to get better/get started on harmonium and mridanga. Id like to be able to learn and help preserve some of the things Prabhupada gifted us without too much unnecessary embellishment.

hope you are having enlivening inspiring times at New Biharavan and look forward to seeing you there

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!

thank you

your servant,

Loka Bandhu Rama Dasa

hps - We are running to arati etc. your letter is too long for our little brain. so we had to start scanning it after first paragraph. it is great.

green house

celia catholic
