[shree knee vase] - Recordings please

2 years, 7 months ago by asacarnaval in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias 

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 

Muchas gracias por llevarnos (en línea) con usted, intentamos seguirlo humildemente y esperamos ser útiles en su ofrenda a su Divino Maestro. 

Atendiendo su sugerencia, escribimos para preguntar si es posible que comparta con sus sirvientes las grabaciones de las siguientes clases:

Mayo 14 (Matutina) 

Mayo 16 (vespertina) 

Mayo 18 (Matutina) 

Mayo 20 (Vespertina) 

Mayo 23 (Vespertina) 

Mayo 25 (Conferencia universidad estatal Boise) 

Gurudeva, con la finalidad de no saturar el Blog, ¿le parece bien si hacemos las peticiones de grabaciones cada semana? 

Muchas gracias por su misericordioso ejemplo. Quedamos atentos a sus instrucciones. 

Sus Sirvientes 

ASA Carnaval 

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Please accept my deepest obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Thank you very much for taking us (online) with you, we humbly try to follow you and hope to be useful in your offering to your Divine Master.

HpS - ASA --- OUR DIVINE MASTER. ISKCON Samstapaka Acharya Srila Prabhupada Ki Ji!

At your suggestion, we write to ask if it is possible for you to share with your servants the recordings of the following classes:

May 14 (Morning)

May 16 (evening)

May 18 (Morning)

May 20 (Evening)

May 23 (Evening)

May 25 (Boise State University Conference)

Gurudeva, in order not to saturate the Blog, is it okay if we make recording requests every week?

HpS - AgtSP. We are drowning in work: Travel to Spain and India for HpS/Movie crew. Boise Rathyatra, University, Temple work.


We tried to download last night's class and it came, but it took some work.

Now to send it will take more work.

Seems that we can try to to do important classes like the one last night and maybe some more later.

Where should we send last night's class?

Let us try to transfer that one first.

Send your e-mail address. We won't publish it.

Thank you.



Thank you very much for your merciful example. We remain attentive to your instructions.

Your Servants

ASA Carnival

Karuna Sakti Devi Dasi

[PC - Papas gauranga] Reporte

2 years, 7 months ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Hare krishna querido Guru Maharaj, porfavor acepte mis sinceras reverencias.

Mi reporte es el siguiente; Estoy levantándome a las 4 am, aveces 5:30 am, cantando 16 rondas, 4 principios, siguiendo los ekadasis, cantando los gayatris, leyendo el Srimad Bagavatam canto 4 cap. 1, atendiendo a las deidades de Gaura Nitay, Narashinja, Murti de Srila Prabhupada, los sábados ayuno medio día y baño a los deidades y las cambio de ropa, ofrezco flores y esencia, todos los días cocino para las deidades, estoy trabajando de casa y preparándome para mi sustentación de tesis "Costos de los productos ecológicos y gestión del Emprendimiento en la Dirección de Producción del Gobierno Regional de Huancavelica", que se llevará a cabo el día 03 de mayo del 2022 a las 10 am.

Quería expresarle y comentarle algunas cosas con mucha sinceridad; Intente hacer una vida de vanaprastas a los 22 años cuando conocí a mi esposo, quise hacer esa vida por voluntad propia, y fuí muy felíz, esto no significa que fuí vanaprasta, sinó que lo intenté, jamás me arrepiento de tantos viajes, austeridades y puyari, pero al pasar el tiempo hace 5 años me entró el deseo de tener una familia, nunca manifesté esto a mi esposo, después manifesté esto hace dos años, hubo desacuerdos con mi esposo, y problemas de incompatibilidad muy fuerte que decidí separarme, fue muy difícil para los dos, ahora estamos mejor nos hemos perdonado y llevamos una buena relación de amistad, algo que siempre quisimos, en verdad siempre quise que haya un amor superior entre nosotros, y finalmente puedo ver a mi esposo sin rencor, sin odio, sin reclamos, mantenemos buena comunicación y buena amistad.

Creo que el lazo del matrimonio de fuego une de por vida a esa persona, espero tener una mejor relación en el mundo espiritual o en la siguiente vida, Pero quiero que ese lazo sea algo superior algo muy espiritual. Creo que desde niña aprendí a perder lo que mas quiero, perdí a mi madre a los 9 años, y siempre viví con la idea de sacrificarme por mis seres que amo, y renunciar a los que quiero, es un aspecto psicológico que he analizado en mi persona y lo único que es seguro en esta vida es que afrontaremos la muerte solos, pero con guru y krsna en el corazón.


Querido gurudeva perdone las ofensas, estoy recuperando mi vida espiritual y cantando mejor mi yapa, agradezco a mis hermanas espirituales que me están ayudando, y a iskcon, jamás deseo dejar iskcon , iskcon es mi hogar, es mi familia y Srila prabhupada y usted son mi vida misma y mi motivo de seguir viviendo en este mundo.

Quiero agradecer públicamente a mi hermana espiritual Gaura gadhadara Dasi, ella es una buena coaching de ayuda, un día ella me llamó y me dijo como yo estaba, en ese momento yo estaba en una depresión muy fuerte, deseaba día y noche morir y tuve dos oportunidades de dejar el cuerpo y no tenia miedo, también vinieron a mi ideas de suicidio, intenté pero no puedo tolerar dolor en mi cuerpo así que lo dejé, percibí seres infernales, esa semana soñé con el puyari de radha madhana vihari, una semana soñando y el ultimo día llegué a los himalayas, Hanuman era el guardián y me dejó entrar y me dio agua de manantial, pero me dijo que tenia que volver... al día siguiente me curé del covid, y entendí que debo seguir viviendo y retomar mi vida espiritual. Gaura Gadhara Dasi, me dio tips para recuperarme como; escuchar el purusasukta, recitar el ugra narashinja kavacha, hacer deporte, adorar a las deidades, hacer ayunos, leer el bagavatam, hacer pranayama, hablarme al espejo y valorarme como mujer..., escuchar música alegre y kirtans, tener pensamientos positivos etc. y seguí todo al pie de la letra, y ahora me siento muy bien, ella salvó mi vida


Estoy estudiando ingles, ultimas semanas para sacar la tesis, trabajando de casa, me siento tranquila y sin ansiedad, espero viajar e irme a vivir a india, quiero que la otra mitad de mi vida sea en india, espero sobrevivir al calor intenso, quiero dejar mi cuerpo en india, pero quiero que mi vida espiritual sea fuerte e intensa, quiero asociación de devotos visitar templos, hacer parikramas.

Mi padre esta cantando rondas, llega a 16 otras veces a 12. Me gustaría llevármelo a mi padre a india, es lo que mas amo en esta vida.

Bueno querido Gurdeva doy las gracias por todo lo bueno y malo en mi vida, seguiré viviendo y luchando en este mundo material, no es fácil a veces, tengo días negros, pero son pocos días ahora

Atte. Nadiya Nivasi Dasi


All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare krishna dear Guru Maharaj, please accept my sincere obeisances.

My report is as follows; I am getting up at 4 am, sometimes 5:30 am, chanting 16 rounds, 4 principles, following ekadasis, chanting gayatris, reading Srimad Bagavatam chant 4 ch. 1, Attending the deities of Gaura Nitay, Narashinja, Murti of Srila Prabhupada, on Saturdays I fast half a day and bathe the deities and change their clothes, offer flowers and essence, every day I cook for the deities, I am working from home and preparing for my thesis support "Costs of ecological products and management of Entrepreneurship in the Directorate of Production of the Regional Government of Huancavelica", which will take place on May 03, 2022 at 10 am.

HpS - ASA --- Super!! but is May 3 or June 3?

I wanted to express and comment on some things with great sincerity; I tried to make a life of vanaprasta at the age of 22 when I met my husband, I wanted to make that life of my own free will, and I was very happy, this does not mean that I was vanaprasta, but that I tried, I never regret so many trips, austerities and puyari, but as time went by 5 years ago I felt the desire to have a family, I never said this to my husband, then I said this two years ago, there were disagreements with my husband, and very strong incompatibility problems that I decided to separate, it was very difficult for both of us, now we are better, we have forgiven each other and we have a good relationship of friendship, something we always wanted, in truth I always wanted there to be a superior love between us, and finally I can see my husband without rancor, without hatred, without complaints, we maintain good communication and good friendship.

ASA - 🐵

I believe that the fiery marriage bond unites that person for life, I hope to have a better relationship in the spirit world or in the next life, but I want that bond to be something higher, something very spiritual.

I think that since I was a child I learned to lose what I love most, I lost my mother when I was 9 years old, and I always lived with the idea of ​​sacrificing myself for my loved ones, and giving up those I love, it is a psychological aspect that I have analyzed in my person and the only thing that is certain in this life is that we will face death alone, but with guru and Krsna in our hearts.

Dear gurudeva forgive the offenses, I am recovering my spiritual life and singing my yapa better, I thank my spiritual sisters who are helping me, and Iskcon, I never want to leave Iskcon, Iskcon is my home, it is my family and Srila Prabhupada and you are my life itself and my reason for continuing to live in this world.

ASA - 😯

I want to publicly thank my spiritual sister Gaura gadhadara Dasi, she is a good help coaching, one day she called me and asked me how I was, at that time I was in a very strong depression, I wanted to die day and night and I had two opportunities to leave the body and I wasn't afraid, thoughts of suicide also came to me, I tried but I can't tolerate pain in my body so I left it, I perceived infernal beings, that week I dreamed of the radha madhana vihari puyari, a week dreaming and the last day I arrived in the himalayas, Hanuman was the guardian and he let me in and gave me spring water, but he told me I had to go back... the next day I was cured of covid, and I understood that I must continue living and return my spiritual life.

Gaura Gadhara Dasi, gave me tips to recover like; listening to the purusasukta, reciting the ugra narashinja kavacha, playing sports, worshiping the deities, fasting, reading the bagavatam, doing pranayama, talking to myself in the mirror and valuing myself as a woman..., listening to happy music and kirtans, having positive thoughts, etc. and I followed everything to the letter, and now I feel great, she saved my life

ASA - Guru Gaura gadadhara Devi Das. We have not heard from her for a long time. I wonder about her and her husband.

I am studying English, the last weeks to get my thesis, working from home, I feel calm and without anxiety, I hope to travel and go live in India, I want the other half of my life to be in India, I hope to survive the intense heat, I want leave my body in india, but I want my spiritual life to be strong and intense, I want to associate with devotees, visit temples, do parikramas.

ASA - Not all of India is hot.

My father is singing rounds, he reaches 16 other times to 12. I would like to take my father to India, it is what I love most in this life.

Well dear Gurdeva I give thanks for all the good and bad in my life, I will continue to live and struggle in this material world, it is not easy sometimes, I have black days, but it is few days now

Atte. Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS - Very nice. It would seem like you have very strong association!!! ?? I am glad Hanuman gave you the anti virus.

Were you Indian Sannyasi in last life?

[PC: Papas Gouranga] Asta sakhi Devi Dasi, Sadhana Report.

2 years, 7 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

En los últimos tiempos su agenda parece bastante ocupada con los proyectos de Sankirtana para beneficio del mundo, la película será un gran éxito, nos sentimos implícitos en el fragmento "bienvenidos a la lectura diaria del Srimad Bhagavatam" esperamos se mantenga esta parte en el resultado final, es la distancia más cerca a Usted detrás de nuestros celulares a través de gotomeeting. Nos falta mucho realizar la mejor asociación a través de vanih.

Tratamos de no escribir para no ocupar Su valioso tiempo, estuve un poco deprimida por no tener su asociación vapuh, empecé a estudiar bhakti sastri online en la escuela de prabhu Aravinda para superar un poco nuestro sentimentalismo y salir de la confusión y lamentación.

Le escribo para agradecerle la gran misericordia de considerar a México como probabilidad para visitar en el 2023.

Una vez me dijo que únicamente un milagro lograría tal visita, el devoto puro de Sri krishna siempre bendice a los demás con actos que representan verdaderos milagros en la vida de los demás, despertandonos del letargo que nos condiciona.

Oramos al Señor Nrisimhadeva para que siempre le proteja en su Sankirtana y nos bendiga para purificar nuestro corazón y seamos herramientas útiles de Sri Guru y Sri Gauranga.

Nuestros hermanos espirituales de este lado del mundo están muy entusiastas y optimistas con la noticia.

Quedamos atentos a sus instrucciones.

Muchas gracias y por favor disculpe nuestras ofensas.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


Dear Gurumaharaja.

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

In recent times his schedule seems quite busy with Sankirtana projects for the benefit of the world, the film will be a great success, we feel implicit in the fragment "welcome to the daily reading of Srimad Bhagavatam" we hope this part will be kept in the result final, it is the closest distance to you behind our cell phones through gotomeeting. We have a long way to go to make the best association through vanih.

We try not to write so as not to occupy His precious time, I was a bit depressed for not having his vapuh association, I started to study bhakti sastri online at prabhu Aravinda's school to overcome our sentimentality a bit and get out of confusion and lamentation.

I am writing to thank you for the great mercy of considering Mexico as a probability to visit in 2023.

Once he told me that only a miracle would achieve such a visit, the pure devotee of Sri Krishna always blesses others with acts that represent true miracles in the lives of others, awakening us from the lethargy that conditions us.

We pray to Lord Nrisimhadeva to always protect him in his Sankirtana and bless us to purify our hearts and be useful tools of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

Our spiritual brothers on this side of the world are very enthusiastic and optimistic about the news.

We remain attentive to your instructions.

Thank you very much and please excuse our offenses.

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - ASA -- Thank you for your tireless efforts in Sankirtan. We hope your Senyor, husband, is doing well. Ask him to write us if he can!

Yes, even a fool can have pretty steady engagement in the service of Gaura-Nitai by Their divine grace!

We had long talk with H. G. Jaya Krsna Das and that pushed us to try and clarify the ASA schedule after Karitka in Radha kunda.

Now looks like best plan is to stay there until end of January and then go back to Spain, and Houston 3rd week in February..

Then we could be based in Houston with trips only to Nashville and Mexico.

Anyone from Latin america could visit us in Mexico, no?

How is Aravida Das' school program? Are you doing any drama's like Wizard of Oz 20-years Later?

Is you Sadhana driving your Sankirtan?

What is our eternal place in Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan team?


[We don't like Twitter. Too many unsolicited discussions, advertisements. Maybe we can start our own "Twitter" - "Chatter", "Barking".

🐒 🐶🐶🐶

PAPAS GOURANGA ; guru govinda dasi

2 years, 7 months ago by gurugovinda.dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna.

Maharaja, reciba mis humildes reverencias

todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hace mucho tiempo tenía el deseo de escribirle, para contarle un poco de como ha estado mi vida espiritual y material.

Desde agosto estoy viviendo lejos de la comodidad familiar, me vine a compartir hogar en un barrio muy hermoso en providencia, junto a mi templo, mi pieza y Tilak, en septiembre después de cumpleaños tome mi segunda iniciación, ha sido muy mágico hasta el momento me ha gustado mucho conectarme con la meditación desde el Gayatri, con la adoración del altar, tengo servicio fijo 3 días a la semana, también me ha tocado la misericordia de cubrir algunos días la ofrenda, ahí cocino y luego yo misma ofrezco ( era un sueño cumplido) he tenido muchas realizaciones.

En mi reporte Sankirtan, gracias a guru y krishna me ha mantenido siempre en predica con mis mismos pacientes, hace unos meses una de ellas canto el Maha Mantra muy sinceramente, hace unos días me escribió contándome que comienza su día con maha mantra y cada día se apega más a el.

En mis realizaciones materiales, este tiempo logre terminar mis estudios de Vastu sastri, Bhakti sastri, y estoy a unas clases de ya titularme de Astróloga vedica, estoy muy feliz por los logros educativos, siento que se amplían mis oportunidades de predica y servicios a las personas.

En mi sadhana personal, he estado muy fija haciendo diariamente mangal arati, termino mis 16 buenas rondas antes de la clase de SB, me gusta cantar en este tiempo siento mi mente callada y el mantra es mas meditativo, hace unas semanas termine de leer Venu Gita, estoy avanzando al 7 canto de SB, y he estado estudiando mas formalmente el Upadesamrita y el sri isopanisad.

Me mantengo maravillada con las asañas de Krishna y me ha gustado aprender cada día de las gopis, sus cualidades, sus conversaciones y el aprecio por los asociados de Krishna.

Este tiempo he meditado de la temporalidad, la vida y la muerte, hace dos meses me toco dar una asistencia personal con un devoto desde su exploración médica hasta su muerte, fueron un poco mas de 2 meses, teníamos profundas conversaciones del alma y su cambio de cuerpo, le enviaba a diario audios del libro mas allá de la muerte, le iba enviando oraciones de la reina kunti, y estuvo mas de un mes día a día recitando el hanuman chalisa, me contaba que le ayudaba con los dolores de su cáncer. En el ultimo momento antes de su muerte le fui a visitar a urgencias, le puse unas hojas de tulsi bajo su lengua, le cante maha mantra en su oído y mantra de nrisinha, y en un momento de lucides que tuvo cantamos maha mantra junto a Srila prabhupada, el día que abandono su cuerpo su familia me fue a buscar luego de mi servicio de puyari y me toco ir a vestirlo, lo bañe con agua del ganges, decore su cuerpo con tilak y cante mantras para el, fue muy lindo realizar el servicio al devoto. Por esos días leía de la importancia del servicio a los devotos y como krishna valoraba mucho esa clase de servicio, en su despedida en su funeral un montón de gente se beneficio de oír el maha mantra, en los últimos momentos se puso como música de fondo a "GOVINDA" fue hermoso y mágico al mismo tiempo, se fue como un gran devoto pude realizar como Krishna nunca olvida a su devoto, sus servicios y el hace los arreglos para acompañar a su devoto y glorificarlo, realice como siempre el cumple las promesas que encontramos en el BG.

Mi adoración a Tulsi devi crece cada día tenemos 2 hermosas y grandes tulasis y ahora estan creciendo 9 tulasis que pronto estarán en nuevos hogares.

Maharaj, estaba atenta a su respuesta y vi un reporte de sadhana de Pyari Mohan Das, quiero abrirle mi corazón y contarle que él, ya no se debe atormentar con mi perdón ya que yo hace mucho le perdone de corazón, en el festival de Balaran pasado, ahí cumplo años como devota y tuve una meditación muy intima con krishna de mi corazón y llegue a la conclusión si uno esta en limpieza constante con el maha mantra no se puede albergar odio ni resentimiento por alguna ofensa, yo mas bien veo que fuimos instrumentos para un hermoso plan de sus señorías Parama Karuna, que nos orillo a muchos a entregar nuestros corazones y nacimos muchos por segunda vez, firmamos un acuerdo en el fuego de consagrar nuestro servicio por una año, lo que al menos a mi me ha dado una inmensa alegría y plena satisfacción.

Le cuento también que estoy en conversaciones para irme a un templo fuera de Chile a servir en la adoración y vivir en un templo, estoy muy feliz por un lado y por otro trabajando desapegarme por un tiempo de mi perro TILAK, no puedo negar que me ha sido muy difícil, pero ruego si en algún momento poder llevarlo donde me encuentre.

Sin mas que reportar agradeciendo su asociación y educación, atraves de ASA, y sus programas de FMP y clases de SB.

Se despide su sirvienta

Guru Govinda Dasi🙏


Hare Krishna.

Maharaja, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

A long time ago I wanted to write to you, to tell you a little about how my spiritual and material life has been.

Since August I have been living far from family comfort, I came to share a home in a very beautiful neighborhood in Providencia, next to my temple, my room and Tilak, in September after my birthday I took my second initiation, it has been very magical so far I have really liked connecting with the meditation from the Gayatri, with the adoration of the altar, I have a fixed service 3 days a week, I have also had the mercy of covering the offering on some days, there I cook and then I offer myself (it was a dream come true) I have had many accomplishments.

In my Sankirtan report, thanks to guru and krishna, he has always kept me preaching with my own patients, a few months ago one of them sang the Maha Mantra very sincerely, a few days ago he wrote me telling me that he begins his day with a maha mantra and every day gets closer to him.

In my material achievements, this time I managed to finish my studies of Vastu sastri, Bhakti sastri, and I am a few classes away from graduating as a Vedic Astrologer, I am very happy for my educational achievements, I feel that my opportunities for preaching and services to the persons.

In my personal sadhana, I have been very fixed doing mangal arati daily, I finish my 16 good rounds before the SB class, I like to sing at this time I feel my mind is quiet and the mantra is more meditative, a few weeks ago I finished reading Venu Gita, I am advancing to the 7 canto of SB, and have been studying more formally the Upadesamrita and the sri isopanisad.

I remain in awe of Krishna's asanas [?] and have enjoyed learning every day from the gopis, their qualities, their conversations, and appreciation for Krishna's associates.

This time I have meditated on temporality, life and death, two months ago I had to give personal assistance with a devotee from his medical examination until his death, it was a little more than 2 months, we had deep conversations of the soul and its change of body, I sent him daily audios of the book beyond death, I was sending him prayers from queen kunti, and he spent more than a month day by day reciting the hanuman chalisa, he told me that it helped him with the pain of his cancer . At the last moment before his death I went to visit him in the emergency room, I put some tulsi leaves under his tongue, I sang maha mantra in his ear and nrisinha mantra, and in a moment of lucidity we sang maha mantra together with Srila Prabhupada, the day he left his body his family went to look for me after my puyari service and I had to go dress him, I bathed him with Ganges water, decorated his body with tilak and sang mantras for him, it was very nice to perform the service to the devotee. In those days I was reading about the importance of service to devotees and since Krishna highly valued that kind of service, at his farewell at his funeral a lot of people benefited from hearing the maha mantra, in the last moments it was played as background music to "GOVINDA" was beautiful and magical at the same time, he left as a great devotee I was able to realize how Krishna never forgets his devotee, his services and he makes arrangements to accompany his devotee and glorify him, perform as always he keeps promises that we found in the BG.

My adoration of Tulsi devi grows every day we have 2 beautiful big tulasis and now 9 tulasis are growing that will soon be in new homes.

Maharaj, I was attentive to your response and I saw a sadhana report of Pyari Mohan Das, I want to open my heart to him and tell him that he should no longer torment himself with my forgiveness since I forgave him from my heart a long time ago, at the Balaram festival past, there I celebrate years as a devotee and I had a very intimate meditation with krishna of my heart and I came to the conclusion if one is in constant cleaning with the maha mantra one cannot harbor hatred or resentment for any offense, I rather see that we were instruments for a beautiful plan of your honors Parama Karuna, which led many of us to give our hearts and many of us were born for the second time, we signed an agreement in the fire to consecrate our service for one year, which at least has given me immense joy and full satisfaction.

HpS - I think many people may cry to hear you say this. Of course, glory to the merciful people we become, but glory to Srila Prabhupada who awakens this compassion in our heart.

Thank you.

I also tell you that I am in talks to go to a temple outside Chile to serve in worship and live in a temple, I am very happy on the one hand and on the other working to detach myself for a while from my dog ​​TILAK, I cannot deny that I It has been very difficult, but I pray if at some point I can take it where I am.

HpS - Yes, it is very good thing to do. Get ready to die well.

Without more to report thanking him for his association and education, through ASA, and his FMP programs and SB classes.

Your maid says goodbye

Guru Govinda Dasi🙏

HpS - Thank you!!!! You must have be a monk or a nun in you last life.

Thank you.

Now we have 15 minutes until Sunday, Snana-yatra, festival.


2 years, 7 months ago by jagatbd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna Guru Mharaja, PAMHO AGTSP!

How are you doing? I hope you are in good health, I am just writing to offer my obeisanses to you and to Lord Hanuman, I am still alive in this wonderful world full of miseries but also, full of opportunities to see God´s creation everywhere. I still live in the south area where my father inherited me, Baladeva and Subadra are ok.

Your Servant,

Jagat Bandhu Jagannatha Swami dasa

Mr. Jesús Rosas

HpS - Thank you so, so much. We wonder about you, no news.

I didn't know your father passed on!

We are well in body for a 74-year old person, and our Sankirtan is going on by the mercy of God and little of our effort.

Are you teaching? Is that how most of your time is occupied?

{{{[[[(((Papas Gauranga)))]]]}}}

2 years, 7 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances at Your Lotus Feet

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada

El Sadana continues well, we have had to fight with the distractions, at the same time today has been a very good day, very good rounds, we even called 4 extra rounds and maybe we will call 4 more extra rounds by the end of the day, that's 24 rounds. I'm singing more because I owe rounds of the year 2020.

HpS - Special mercy!!

In relation to Your questions in the answers to My previous letter:

HpS // ASA -- Thank you Adi-yajna Das!!! You seem to be on the proper path! Is your experience of the chanting of the Holy Names as separate from your gross body increasing?

...not as much as that, but I have connected with the prayers of all the daily programs and it has been a feeling of great happiness and gratitude

HpS - I think I am not advancing but then I think about my Lord Nrsmha deva getting lost on the airplane of something and the thought is devastating. We don't realize how attached, much love we have for the Holy Names, dieties until they go away!

Does your heart begin to melt? Even a little bit?

My heart has changed, there is still a long way to go because the passion is still active and predominates. but there are little nectars, much gratitude to the devotees, and much hope that we can take the mercy of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda.

Is your Sankirtan taking form as a long term project?

hIf, in the future, I preach much more, now serving the devotees from the Pujari, and giving some classes, it is very austere for My travels, my mind cannot be abstracted or I lose introspection, and I remain all the time in a extrovert modality, and this causes me a lot of suffering, since I cannot sing the rounds well, read, or even go to bed early. I have tried to develop it over the years traveling but I have not had the capacity, perhaps when the passion decreases more and detachment matures I can remain more introspective

HpS - I think it will.

 Are you beginning to feel to whom you are supposed to preach?

I don't know Gurudev. Personally, in the classes I teach, my focus is that everyone who comes (both devotees and new people), are looking for the shelter of the Lord and His devotees, or even some hope to continue in life and What I intend is to contain and nurture people's lives with the knowledge of Srila Prabhupada's Books and the teachings and realizations of the devotees. There is much to continue maturing. We know that it is very rewarding to be able to speak of the revealed scriptures


On the other hand, here we celebrated the Nrisimha Caturdasi festival, it was very nice, approximately 60 people came, there was abisheka, kirtan, class (they invited me to present the pastime, it was the first time that I give a class for Lord Nrisimha) and also a lot of prasadam , the entire congregation from Mar del Plata came and many new guests, several devotees from other cities in the country

At Your Service Adi Yajña Das

HpS - Thank you. More news of our Sankirtan soon and then maybe you will see some help you can give!!


Hare Krishna querido Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a Sus Pies de Loto

Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada

El Sadana sigue bien, hemos tenido que luchar con las distracciones, a la vez hoy a sido un dia muy bueno, muy buenas rondas, incluso cantamos 4 rondas extras y quizas cantemos 4 rondas extras mas para el final del Dia, eso 24 rondas. Estoy cantando mas por que adeudo rondas del año 2020.

En relacion a Sus preguntas en la respuestas a Mi carta anterior

HpS // ASA -- Thank you Adi-yajna Das!!! You seem to be on the proper path! Is your experience of the chanting of the Holy Names as separate from your gross body increasing?

tanto como eso no, pero he conectado con las oraciones de todos los programas diarios y a sido una sencacion de mucha felicidad y agradecimiento

Does your heart begin to melt? Even a little bit?

Mi corazon a cambiado, falta mucho aun por que la pasion sigue estando activa y predomina. mas hay pequeños nectares, mucho agradecimiento a los devotos, y mucha esperanza de poder tomar la misericordia del Señor Caitanya y el Señor Nityananda.

Is your Sankirtan taking form as a long term project?

Si, en un futuro, predicar mucho mas, ahora sirviendo a los devotos desde el Pujari, y dando algunas clases,es muy austero para Mi viajar, mi mente no se puede abstrae o sea pierdo la instrospeccion, y quedo todo el tiempo en una modalidad extrovertida, y esto me genera mucho sufrimiento, ya que no puedo cantar bien las rondas, leer, ni siquera acostarme temprano. lo he intentado desarrollar a lo largo de los añoss viajando pero no e tenido la capacidad, quizas cuando baje mas la pasion y madure el desapego pueda mantenrme mas introspectivo

Are you beginning to feel to whom you are supposed to preach?

No lo se Gurudev, Personalmente, en las clases que precento, mi centro es que todo el que viene(tantos devotos como personas nuevas), estan buscando el refugio del Señor y Sus devotos, o incluso alguna esperanza para continuar en la vida y lo que intento es contener y nutrir la vida de las personas con el conocimiento de los Libros de Srila Prabhupada y las enseñanzas y realizaciones de los devotos. Hay mucho para seguir madurando. Sabemos que es muy gratificante poder hablar de las escrituras reveladas

Por otro lado aqui festejamos el festival de Nrisimha Caturdasi, fue muy lindo vinieron aproximadamente 60 personas, hubo abisheka, kirtan, clase(me invitaron a Precentar el pasatiempo, fue la primera vez que doy una clase para el Señor Nrisimha)y tambien mucho prasadam, vino toda lacongregacion de Mar del Plata y mucho invitados nuevos, varios devotos de otras ciudades del pais

A Su Servicio Adi Yajña Das

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