[Potatoes Gauranga] CMDD

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I hope this meets You 👍

It's been a long time since I wrote to you. Well actually I didn't have anything relevant to tell you. But now I do.

Due to a discount in hours in one university I was obliged to apply to two more universities. It is insane I know. Nevertheless in some way I am handling it. MMM 🤔 I am going to start in the new university teaching calculus I. Teaching math is kind of relaxing I am recalling many things and realizing that they were stored in my past memory. My sister says that this is good for not having azhemier haha 😂.

TB - Ha! Ha! Hare. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWwAOutgWBQ

On the other hand, next cycle, I am going to quit one because it is too much burden for me. I will see which university is better for me.

TB - They are lucky to get you.

Yesterday I went to Shakti. Jaya Laksmi's preaching center. They performed Abhishek to my Lord Nrismhadeva. I could say that He felt really pleased. I ran into elder devotees like M. Mathura (JPS) she was a former cook for Radha Madhana Bihari. It was really refreshing to talk to her. I can tell that even if you do not go to the temple so often in your heart you will always be a devotee.

Jambavan was also there serving Maha prasadam. Raghunatha, Lanka Vijaya, Visala were doing service as well. I gave a picture of You to them. They were thrilled. Raghunatha said ohh my Gurudeva 🙏☺️🐒. He is innocent like a Kid. I like his energy.

The day before Nrismha Caturdasi it was the celebration of the appearance of Virgin Mary in Fatima. I went to the church across my home. My heart was filled with a special sentiment, the priest gave a nice dissertation and emphasized the importance of praying. Pray with your rosary he said . It is like GET UP EARLY AND GET YOUR ROUNDS DONE ✅👍

HpS - My Catholic brother.

Those couple of days were very refreshing to us

That is all I want to share with you Gurudeva.

I hope to see you 🔜

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

HpS - It is very nice. If others can read this news, and they also post, then there is a nice orchestra of different instruments making a symphony. Reading a few ASA Blog posts helps purify and illuminate your day.

It (the position of the Sun) is 10.30AM here in Boise, Idaho. Every day is intense. Even when we try to do nothing and next... at 11.30AM we have the Snana yatra of Lord Jagannatha!

Radhika ramana, Amrta keli and the boys always remember Peru and the hospitality of the devotees.

[KDv-PC = Potatoes Gauranga] - 3 puntos

2 years, 7 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - ASA - Piyari mohan Das wrote us a nice letter but asked us to edit it because a lot of it was very personal content that should be addressed in individual, but some of the points he brings up are should be discussed in our Blog because they have general relevance, they also remind us of related questions from others.

  1. Srila Prabhupada comments that every human being in the material world is anumat - half mad, neurotic. The same point was made in our class on psycho-pathology at the university. Everyone, you also dear read, no, have some mental illness eg. too shy, too aggressive, substance abuse? In some cases it is psychosis, pramatta, and we talk with ourselves publicly, and are non-functional in society. What is the Krsna conscious solution? How do we deal with the mind when it is harassing us criminally to indulge in illegal intoxication? I would say from my limited perspective that the answer is basically Srimad Bhagavata. There are so many different examples of people with these problems and the situation and it's results and solutions. Find your case study in SB. Find inspiration from Bhagavatas, devotees, with mental illness like yours. Eg. Epilepsy is common in devotees, society, so you can consult with nice professional people and others who are like you. Even more specific, chant Hare Krsna, Vaisnava songs, SB/BG. This is certified mental medicine for Kali yuga. If it does not work, chant louder. Keep the mind with some perspective while you are getting intoxicated, intoxicated and recovering. The Mantra will give you a float and once the intelligence, memory, goes though the whole cycle with the Holy Names, you will have so much perspective on the situation, maybe eliminate years of addiction with one episode in the company of Harinam.
  2. Should be get married, stay Brahmacari? That again is a very specific question. Talk with a lot of nice devotees, family who know your specific situation. In general we would say that Varna Ashrama Dharma has very little value in Kali-yuga unless you are a devotee. Focus on getting your rounds and 4-principles regulated before making focus on Grhastha or B'cari ashrama. If you have to make decisions while not fixed (for two years) in the 16/4 then do it, but don't expect much from the choice. "I had to make a decision and I'm not expecting that I will chose a great automobile. Focus before or during t,hat kind of marriage is to get you 16/4 together." Another point is you can also enter into Vanaprastha life. Boy or girl finds a partner who does not want gross connection but wants the emotional or economic, practical connection, of the Ashrama. Vaisesika Das, Vira bahu Das et al have taken advantage of this Ashrama, no?
  3. Devotees ask us to delete or edit a previous post, but unless the exact address is given to us, we can't always find them. Eg. this letter is https://monkeywarrior.com/edit/13278/

O.K. Chant Hare Krsna. Write to the Blog with the results of your Hari kirtan and success is guaranteed.


Moving out

2 years, 8 months ago by yajnasenidd in Personal Sadhana Reports



I have shifted in with my parents. I have very few things here. Difficult to stay for 1-2 years without the rest of my stuff. I was wondering if I should go back and get the rest of the stuff from my husband’s home (he don’t live there anymore, lease gets over in August). Over the past 2 years he’s asked me several times how to divide the furniture and others commodities. Should I take what I’ve been using there?

your aspiring servant,

yajnaseni dd

TB/BW - Hare Krsna. Is very difficult for HpS to answer such specific questions without knowing the specific situation.

Also he has Sannyasa personality.

You have Mataji personality.

He has heard and contemplates: A book bag, a blanket, a bucket and beads - these will satisfy all your personal needs.

Yet, for Sankirtan, when he flys in planes, he may check a bigger bag.

Take what you need for your Sankirtan.

Without Sankirtan, in Kali-yuga, there is no hope.

🙂 🙂 🦍 ...

(fmp pc=black monkey ) IMPORTANTE - YASODA DEVI DASI -PERÚ

2 years, 8 months ago by yasoda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja 🙏

Todas las glorias a SRILA PRABHUPADA 🙏

Por favor acepte mis sinceras reverencias 🙏

Algunas veces el karma nos lleva a cumplir con el dharma, por más que no era mi deseo volví a trabajar de profesora. Estaba probando otros trabajos diferentes y la sensación era tan incompleta que KRISHNA me hizo volver al servicio de profesora. Actualmente estoy en la ciudad de TACNA Perú (frontera con Chile) trabajando en un colegio de nivel inicial con niños menores de 5 años, me nombraron coordinadora de las "maestras shadus o sombra" de los niños con necesidades especiales (TDAH, AUTISMO y otros) algunas colegas me preguntan cómo hago para que se calmen los niños cuando tienen crisis (gritan, muerden, se golpean la cabeza,etc) pues les cantó el mantra del Señor Nrsimha, algunos se tranquilizan de manera natural y otros son como "exorcismo".

Mi asociado llegó desde Europa para conocernos y formalizar lo acordado en la relación a distancia que teníamos por la época de cuarentena. Cómo usted recomendó mi familia está dando sus bendiciones y ayuda.


Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja 🙏

All glories to SRILA PRABHUPADA 🙏

Please accept my sincere obeisances 🙏

Sometimes karma leads us to comply with dharma, although it was not my wish, I went back to work as a teacher. I was trying other different jobs and the feeling was so incomplete that KRISHNA made me go back to teaching service. I am currently in the city of TACNA Peru (border with Chile) working in an initial level school with children under 5 years old,

I was appointed coordinator of the "shadus or shadow teachers" of children with special needs (ADHD, AUTISM and others). ) some colleagues ask me how I make the children calm down when they have crises (they scream, bite, hit their heads, etc) because I sang the mantra of Lord Nrsimha, some calm down naturally and others are like "exorcism" .

My associate came from Europe to meet us and formalize what was agreed in the long-distance relationship we had during the quarantine period. How you recommended my family is giving your blessings and support.

HpS - You know Krsna, you teach Krsna.

Srila Prabhupada gives you laboratory and experiments to know Krsna.

Yazoda Devi Dasi = Scientist.

Her students become full human beings.

Thank you.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, hare hare!!!!!!

🙂 🙂 🦍🙂🙂

[fmp pc = RED LORD] Yugala K. D. Reporting

2 years, 8 months ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hk pamho

Querido Gurudeva aquí reportándose “La Leona” así me dice una hermana espiritual, estoy tan cansada que tomará más que una semana recuperar energía, me alegra que coincidan las fiestas con mis vacaciones de una semana. Tengo mucho trabajo aun así Krsna manda mucha ayuda para lograr las metas trazadas este año.

Primero que todo le pido disculpas creo que mi carta anterior no fue de su agrado, entiendo lo de sus documentales, que son para un público diferente, no devocional, más observé que en su equipo no había una profesional femenina, de eso se trataba mi comentario. Ud. llegará a muchos intelectuales femeninos. Sólo era una sugerencia, pero que se yo, sólo sé que nada se.

La semana pasada tuve una reunión con P. Gandharva, es complicado más no imposible comprenderse entre educadores y alumnos, entendí que hay que reeducar a muchos devotos. Salieron cosas muy buenas de esa reunión. Amo los libros de Srila Prabhupada y deseo estudiarlos muy profundamente durante toda la vida, más ahora ese es el reto. Debo organizar tan bien mis tiempos, para cumplir con mi deber, ahora más que nunca el tiempo es muy valioso.

Esta semana es de reencuentro con mis parientes, descanso y reflexión.

Sucedieron cosas muy fuertes en el colegio un día con una audiencia de más de 100 espectadores la conexión colapsó, el ambiente entre los docentes fue muy tenso, daba pena verlos, para un devoto es fácil auto-controlarse, pero para quien no sigue ningún proceso es muy penoso. Si los padres y alumnos pudieran haber tirado tomates creo que hubieran sido bien podridos. En otra oportunidad me quedé trabajando hasta tarde y encerrada dentro del colegio, tuve que salir al estilo Yugala, trepando algunos transeúntes me ayudaron a bajar, era una situación full adrenalina. Hay mucha diversión. La directora del colegio es una dama, muy educada y pacífica, a veces enfrenta situaciones muy difíciles, siempre apela a la humildad, a la vez es firme. Son buenos ejemplos. Por eso estoy contenta.

Pido sus bendiciones por mi papá, tiene 70 años, espero pronto pueda partir para renovar su energía, le llevo audios y leo el Bhagavad Gita, fue un buen padre, todos mis hermanos son personas responsables y sin vicios. Ese fue el ejemplo que nos dio.

Me alegra tener un Maestro espiritual que me corrija cuando cometo errores de lo contrario no podría crecer. Gracias Gurudeva que tenga una feliz fiesta de Sita Devi.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi


hk pamho

Dear Gurudeva here reporting "La Leona" so a spiritual sister tells me, I am so tired that it will take more than a week to recover energy, I am glad that the holidays coincide with my one-week vacation. I have a lot of work yet Krsna sends a lot of help to achieve the goals set this year.

First of all I apologize, I think my previous letter was not to your liking, I understand about your documentaries, which are for a different audience, not devotional, but I noticed that your team did not have a female professional, that is what my commentary. You will reach many female intellectuals. It was just a suggestion, but what do I know, I just know that I don't know anything.

HpS - I don't remember and document that you sent that was not to our liking.

Hmmm. Our "Team" has many ladies, no? You, MVDD, CMDD, Lalita gopi DD... Subra, Govinda Pramodini???

Hmmm. Can explain?

Last week I had a meeting with P. Gandharva, it is complicated but not impossible to understand each other between educators and students, I understood that many devotees must be re-educated. Very good things came out of that meeting. I love Srila Prabhupada's books and wish to study them very deeply throughout my life, but now that is the challenge. I must organize my time so well, to fulfill my duty, now more than ever time is very valuable.

HpS - ASA - Can you find a few minutes every day for different books eg. before breakfast, during lunch...

This week is a reunion with my relatives, rest and reflection.

Very strong things happened in the school one day with an audience of more than 100 spectators, the connection collapsed, the atmosphere among the teachers was very tense, it was sad to see them, for a devotee it is easy to self-control, but for those who do not follow any process is very shy. If parents and students could have thrown tomatoes I think they would have been very rotten. On another occasion I stayed working late and locked inside the school, I had to go out Yugala style, climbing some passersby helped me down, it was a full adrenaline situation. There is a lot of fun. The director of the school is a lady, very educated and peaceful, sometimes she faces very difficult situations, she always appeals to humility, at the same time she is firm. They are good examples. That's why I'm happy.

HpS - Is she a devotee eg. Evangelical?

I ask for your blessings for my dad, he is 70 years old, I hope he can leave soon to renew his energy, I take him audios and read the Bhagavad Gita, he was a good father, all my brothers are responsible people without vices. That was the example he gave us.

HpS - !!! Bhisma.

I am glad to have a spiritual Master who corrects me when I make mistakes otherwise I could not grow. Thank you Gurudeva have a happy Sita Devi party.

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - I don't really feel like your father, more like your brother with Srila Prabhupada as our father. Hmmm.


Thank you!!!!!

March 2022 Check in (FMP/PC = Jaya Hari das)

2 years, 8 months ago by bhaktabigfoot in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!

Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

First in for most, Our 16 rounds are going well. We are improving. And 4 regulative are going strong 💪


I am looking very much to seeing you in Houston this July. It was so nice seeing you this last visit to Houston. I, like Divya Mataji, am hoping you could arrange a couple days in Dallas. You fly out of Dallas to Spain, maybe you could stay the couple days here in Dallas before flying out?

HpS/ASA--- We also thought of that but we just don't have the strength any more. We have to focus on one theme and do it.

We go to Houston to edit the move.

Please make it your life and soul also.

Be a part of a block buster video.

Us poor hearted grhastas are so in trapped in family life that we foolishly miss out on the opportunities for associating with the Vaishnava devotees of the Lord that are fearlessly preaching this Krsna Conscious movement. We really need for you to come to our homes, pull out of the water we are drowning in, slap us up side the head and tell us to wake up, wake up wake up! If somehow by Krsna's and yours mercy please come to Dallas even for just a couple days. We beg of this Gurudeva.

HpS - If our flight from Dallas to Madrid gets delayed then we may have to stay over. God can do what ever he wants. We have a section in the movie where a devil enters the house of a Grhastha and...

Things are going well for us hear in Dallas. Nityananda Prabhu is very kind and giving us direction on how to travers the Holy Dham of Radha-Kalachandji. We have been given the service recently to head up the Darshan Room program. Darshan room is our introductory preaching program for new people here in Dallas. We are quite excited about this service. We also have started the Bhakti Sastri course. We are listening to Srila Prabhupada's books while we work, driving bus. We finished NOD last month and are about 2/3rds into Teachings of Lord Chaitanya right now. However, as amazing as it is to hear Srila Prabhupada's books by audio, it purifies our consciousness so much but we don't necessarily get to study and dive deep as much as we need to. So we will continue to listen like that but the addition of systemically studying with Bhakti Sastri has us hoping we can add some better arsenal to our preaching.

Rama Rama! Krsna Hare!!!

We heard from our dear friend, Srinivas Prabhu, sometime ago that while talking with you Gurudeva you mentioned to him that Dallas would be good for us. It has been wonderful in so many ways and we really feel that it is your blessing and mercy. We are here and making progress in the quest to do some service for Srila Prabhupada, Radha-Kalachandji and you Gurudeva. Thank you so very much. We will continue to work hard in trying to purify our hearts and our service. The challenge, the victory, Guru and Krishna's mercy!

HpS - Krsna can put the nicest people on the bus. You just have to figure out how give them books without any musss.


Your servant,

Nanda-braja das

ASA - Thank you for your inspiring example. How can we not think that it makes Rama smile... but the room for improvement is the biggest room in the world.