(PC-Hanuman) Our Spiritual Travel

2 years, 7 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudev, muchas gracias por todo Su servicio y ejemplo. Por su disciplina y determinación.

HpS - ASA -- 99.999999999% es austeridad de Srila Prabhupada.

Espero que todos sus proyectos de servicio a Krsna se sigan realizando con éxito.

ASA - Gracias!!! La misma para Vd.

Le escribo para reportarme. Ya estamos en nuestro nuevo hogar, un lugar muy agradable para continuar con nuestros servicios.

Seguimos con el curso Bhakti Sastri, ya tomé los primeros exámenes de los primeros 6 capítulos de Bhagavad-gita.

En BVB estamos en exámenes de los capítulos 5, 6, 7 y 8 del canto 3.

Estamos dando clases todos los días de Srimad-Bhagavatam a través de zoom y canal de Youtube de "Departamento Educación". Tenemos una asistencia de 4 a 9 devotos y devotas como oyentes. Y 8 devotos y devotas que damos las clases. Hoy comenzamos con el capítulo 2 del primer canto.

Uno de los oradores nos sugirió no dar las clases públicas, sino solo para devotos. ¡Qué piensas?, ¿es mejor dar las clases de SB sólo para devotos y no públicamente?.

ASA - SB 2.2.12 ultimo parafo ayuda tomar decision. Usually only initiated devotees or serious Bhaktas come to the SBclasses, so we can use our common sense. Consult with good devotees and decide what content should be in the classes. Yes, there are advanced topics that SP did not discuss, in the books.

Jagannatha Caran, continúa con sus estudios de Ingeniería y BVB y su servicio en administración.

HpS - En proxima carta communica que tipo de engineria! Como utilizar para Krsna.

Sukadeva e Indira están asistiendo a la escuela diariamente, y cantando japa antes de entrar.

Escuchando Krsna Book antes de dormir. Indira está asistiendo a clases de Odissi en el templo.

Sé que visitará México en el 2023. Nosotros estamos planeando viajar pronto, quizá podamos coincidir con Su visita 😊

HpS - Si, aprece Mejico va a ser sitio disponible para muchos. Es un bromo, Mexico es una suburbia de Los Angeles.

Estaba pensando en las actividades piadosas. Las Gopis y otros asociados íntimos de Krsna dicen, que quizá ellos han ejecutado muchas actividades piadosas en vidas pasadas para poder asociarse ahora con Krsna.

En el BGcapítulo 6, Srila Prabhupada explica que quienes han ejecutado servicio devocional sin llegar a la perfección, nacen en familias de trascendentalistas, pero que es un nacimiento muy raro.

Pensaba en mi situación. Quiero ejecutar servicio devocional toda mi vida, y quiero aumentar mi servicio, pero no sé si logre la perfección en esta vida. ¿Es posible para mi nacer en familia de devotos o quizá tenga la fortuna, sin ser perfecta, de volver con Krsna?.

HpS - Maybe you will take birth as a very favorite parrot of Mother Saci.

Gracias Gurudev por darme la oportunidad de escribirte.

Tu aspirante a sirviente

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

ASA - Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna. We just made carrot potato soup for Lord Nrsmha deva's 4.00PM offering. Everything in the blender and boil it!!!

We really miss the Temple. Alameda.

Personal News, India Calendar, Pausing the Wifi in the Boro While you are away

2 years, 7 months ago by sriram in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

My personal sadhana is going well Guru Maharaj, especially after Sadhu Sanga kirtan retreat. I feel a boost. I also spent a day with at Radhika Raman Prabhu's and it was wonderful.

I am chanting 16 rounds and following the 4 regulative principles. I am doing the FMP on most days and trying to make it so that i dont miss.

Thank you so much for giving me and my parents your association in April. It was a blissful afternoon and my parents were overjoyed that you could spend that time with us.

HpS/ASA - The feeling was very mutual. We spent about 1/2-hour preparing. Decorating!

Was very nice.

Hope they are realizing Lord Chaitanya's vani.

We had Rath Yatra and Panihati festival in Atlanta last week and it was ecstatic.

I saw in the Kapi Dhvaja that you'll be in India from September to January. Thats great news Guru Maharaj. I am also visiting India for my Visa stamping at the end of October and will be there till end of December.

If you'll be there in Vrindavan during Kartik, i'll also plan to be there for at least a week during my trip so that i can have the good fortune of participating in parikrama with you.

HpS - We can coordinate a calendar. We may be able to accomodate some guests in Radha kunda for a few days!

Also, with regards to your travel Guru Maharaj, i wanted to ask if there will be someone at the ashram in Boro while you are out of the US for the better part of a year? If its going to be empty, can we put the Wi-fi on hold like we did during your South America trip last year?

Your humble servant

Srirama Krishna Das

HpS - Jaya! paoho.... No one will be in the Ashrama, so maybe best to terminate and restart again when we are back from India (?) next Februrary, March? Whatever is best.

If we terminate, then they have to come before we leave town, because there is stuff to pick up for them.

We can always us the hot spot on our AT&T service.

Your Brother and Sister in law are here. They are a wonderful example to everyone.

Focus in becoming purified so that you can help Krsna in His Sankirtan. Everything else will follow automatically like the sun rising every day.

Thank you.

[[[Nrsmha Bhoga]]] Sadhana y canciones para Prabhupada

2 years, 7 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

please accept my obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

I wish that everything is going well in your sankirtan. I am currently living with my uncles in a place called Villa Alemana, it is an hour from the institute, which is in Viña del Mar. A few days ago my uncle Marco Silva left his body, so I have had to accompany my aunt and Cousins ​​here, life is very harsh when we lose a loved one, that's how this world works, birth and death.

ASA - Hare Krsna!!! Arjuna didn't even want to kill EVIL family members!

I'm fine, I'm happy to read mother Guru Govinda's letter. I don't think my reintegration into the community of devotees will be quick, but I'm sincere and I know that this process is correct. I want to serve, thanks to the association of devotees I have been able to experience drops of the nectar of serving Guru and Krishna and I want to dedicate myself to the process. Away from the devotees it has been very difficult, there is no strength, I need push to continue enthusiastic, I have been very low in my devotion, but I have remained stable with my rounds and my principles after stabilizing myself from my psychotic crisis.

TB - I think maybe Krsna and Radha cry a little hear you effort. Really appreciate how much pain your slip caused others and take it as impetus to pray to Krsna to adjust everything!!!

Yes, "There is no mistake we can make that we cannot rectify", Rama said to Laksmana as we remember.

I don't know how much he resists being so far from the devotees, sometimes I think of living in the Cabildo and preaching there, but nobody is a prophet in his land, said Jesus. The good thing is that there I have the security that my family gives me, regarding my condition, but I would like to return to Santiago to be closer to the devotees, and well, I also have travel karma, so the trips will also come in my life. In short, I have realized that I am very dispersed, the bipolar thinks one thing and then another, we do not know how to find the midpoints.

HpS - By chanting HK.HR at the feet of Srila Prabhupada.

I have distributed books in high school, at a book fair, and also to teachers and classmates. I also recently went to the nearby subway and distributed some books there, and I dedicated that offering to my uncle for his benefit.

A famous singer came to the institute and I went to give her some books, since she is a lover of Indian music, she was very happy with her.

I think my sankirtan is oriented towards artistic expressions, preaching to artists so that they can bring others closer to Krishna with their art (In high school I learned that Kandinsky has a book that relates art to spirituality). Do you think that this be my way to preach?

HpS - You can certainly try it!!! Go ahead.

I am preparing myself to start my musical and artistic career soon, I wish I could be useful to you and Srila Prabhupada with my art.

I am also doing puja on my altar, but I have not been very correct with the schedule, I am not being very regulated.

I am struggling with sleeping and eating, I am a godasa, servant of the senses. I am sleeping a lot and eating a lot. If I can't consume toxic substances, I get drunk with food and sleep, I'm a rogue.

HpS - ... but a civilized rogue!

Of the songs of the Acaryas are ready: Udilo Aruna and Narada Muni Bajay Vina, I chose the latter since you several times name it as a song that Prabhupada has quoted in full in one of its meanings, and I based on that comment for adapt it to the Spanish version.

Could you give me a list of songs that you would like me to work on? Please Gurudeva, it is very important to me.

HpS - ASA - Let us hear these two first, please.

PS: The letter you wanted me to delete is this: https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/12562/?query=urgente+privado

ASA - Puffff! Gone!!!

Thank you very much Gurudeva, I have thought if in 2024 I can travel to see you in India, it is something that I think from time to time, but I do not want to bother whoever is there or bother you.

HpS - Maybe India!! Trip starts here. Paoho. More work to do. We all have so many violent crimes to pay for.

Looking at photo of your Uncle we chant one Maha-mantra!!!!

Try to do more.

Well that, all glories to Srila Prabhupada and you.

Your servant Piyari Mohan das


Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis reverencias 

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Deseo que todo esté marchando bien en su sankirtan. Actualmente estoy viviendo con mis tíos en un lugar llamado Villa Alemana, queda a una hora del instituto, el cual queda en Viña del Mar. Hace unos días abandonó su cuerpo mi tío Marco Silva, por lo que me ha tocado acompañar a mi tía y primos aquí, la vida es muy cruda cuando perdemos un ser querido, así funciona este mundo, nacimiento y muerte. 

Yo estoy bien, contento de leer la carta de madre Guru Govinda, no creo que mi reinserción en la comunidad de devotos sea rápida, pero tengo sinceridad y sé que este proceso es el correcto. Quiero servir, gracias a la asociación de los devotos he podido experimentar gotas del néctar del servicio a Guru y Krishna y quiero dedicarme al proceso. Lejos de los devotos ha sido muy difícil, no hay fuerza, necesito empuje para seguir entusiasta, he estado muy bajo en mi devoción, pero me he mantenido estable con mis rondas y mis principios luego de estabilizarme de mi crisis psicótica.

No se que tanto resista estar tan lejos de los devotos, a veces pienso en vivir en Cabildo y allí predicar, pero nadie es profeta en su tierra dijo Jesús. Lo bueno es que allí tengo la seguridad que me entrega mi familia, respecto a mi condición, pero a mi me gustaría volver a Santiago para estar más cerca de los devotos, y bueno, también tengo karma viajero, así que los viajes vendrán también en mi vida. En definitiva me he dado cuenta que soy muy disperso, el bipolar piensa una cosa y después otra, no sabemos encontrar los puntos medios.

He distribuido libros en el instituto, en una feria del libro, y también a profesores y compañeros. También hace poco fui al metro cercano y allí distribuí algunos libros, y esa ofrenda se la dediqué a mi tío para su beneficio. Vino una cantante famosa al instituto y fui para entregarle unos libros, ya que ella es amante de la música de la India, estaba muy contenta.

Creo que mi sankirtan está orientado a las expresiones artísticas, a predicarle a los artistas para que ellos acerquen a otros a Krishna con su arte ( En el instituto aprendí que Kandinsky tiene un libro que relaciona el arte con la espiritualidad).¿Cree usted que este sea mi camino para predicar? 

Estoy mentalizándome para comenzar pronto mi carrera musical y artística, deseo poder ser útil a usted y a Srila Prabhupada con mi arte.

Estoy también haciendo puja en mi altar, pero no he sido muy correcto con el horario, no estoy siendo muy regulado.

Estoy luchando con el dormir y el comer, soy un godasa, sirviente de los sentidos. Estoy durmiendo mucho y comiendo mucho. Si no puedo consumir sustancias tóxicas, me embriago con la comida y las horas de sueño, soy un pícaro. 

De las canciones de los Acaryas ya están listas: Udilo Aruna y Narada Muni Bajay Vina, esta última la elegí ya que usted varias veces la nombra como una canción que Prabhupada a citado completa en uno de sus significados, y me basé en ese comentario para adaptarla a la versión en español. 

¿Podría usted darme un listado de canciones que a usted le gustaría que yo trabajara? Por favor Gurudeva, es muy importante para mi.

PD: La carta que quería que borrara es esta: https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/12562/?query=urgente+privado

Muchas gracias Gurudeva, he pensado si en el 2024 pueda viajar a verlo a India, es algo que pienso cada cierto tiempo, pero no quiero incomodar a quién esté allí ni tampoco incomodar a usted. 

Bueno, eso, todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a usted.

Su sirviente Piyari Mohan das 

[[[Nrsmha Bhoga]]] Carta laksmiradhadd second part

2 years, 7 months ago by laskmiradhadd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna! TlgSP!!! Accept my humble and respectful obeisance with all heart my dear and transcendental affection Gurudev at his holy feet.


I want to apologize to you that the letter i sent before was duplicated by mistake, because I wanted to add some photos that were not added, I had also mentioned that we took our beloved Gopalito during the trip.

This life change has been completely favorable to us in our process to serve the devotees and our Gurus, it is like a fairy tale, where each devotee gives us their blessings to move forward.

This weekend we participated in a japa seminar with His Holiness Sacinandana Swami and it was a very healing experience for me.

Well, time passes very quickly, I've been living in Gainesville in community for 6 months, I feel like I'm on fire all the time, doing service, studying. I can no longer connect in the mornings, it's a shame on the one hand, but here it is important to participate in the daily programs.

HpS - Once every two weeks?

LRDD -Of course!!

HpS - ASA ---- Very good news. Yes, take second initiation. Are you living like a Dama. Shyama has second? Temple President will recommend you?

LRDD- deeply grateful and hopeful to be able to serve you better each time.

SKGD – I have no second Maharaja, but my Gurumaharaja already gave me the go-ahead a few months ago, he told me that it was only to wait for the right moment, if this is necessary or facilitates the process I can tells to him.

LRDD – yes, Sruti Sagar Prabhu president of Krsna House would give me the letter of recommendation, I asked him.

HpS - So everyone take second initiation on the same day?

[[[Nrsmha Bhoga]]]Carta laksmiradhadd

2 years, 7 months ago by laskmiradhadd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna! TlgSP!!!

Reverencias a sus Santos pies transcendentales querido Gurudev!

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP!

Bueno, el tiempo se pasa muy rápido, ya llevo 6 meses viviendo en Gainesville en comunidad, siento que estoy todo el tiempo en el fuego, haciendo servicio, estudiando. Ya no me puedo conectar en las mañanas, es una pena por un lado, pero acá es importante participar en los programas diarios.

La vida con Syam Krsna Gopal se ha hecho favorable en todo aspecto, tuvimos la buena fortuna de viajar por la costa este recorriendo los Templos establecidos por Srila Prabhupada, empezamos por New Goloka en Hillsborough, luego a Richmond, Gita Nagari, Washington, Philadelphia, hasta llegar a New Vrndaban y presenciar el Festival de la Inspiración, todos los lugares con maravillosas asociaciones, discípulos de Prabhupada, devotos llenos de shakti que nos contagiaron en el Seva, a veces creían que yo era hindú jejeje. El viaje permitió que Syam y yo estemos en la misma página y hacer de nuestra vida el mejor intento de bhakti yoga. Nuestra deidad de Syam Gopal (Gopalito)viajó con nosotros y es el centro de nuestra vida.

Esta realidad ha superado increíblemente mi visión y mi compromiso, espero ser digna de sus instrucciones querido Gurudev. Quisiera poder tomar segunda iniciación para realizar mejor servicio, los domingos vamos a Alachua que queda a 20 minutos de Krsna House y tomamos darsan de sus Señorías Raman Reti, Gaura Nitay y Krsna Balaram, al principio, en mis primeras visitas, me quedaba al lado de la vyasasana de Prabhupada impactada por tanta devoción, dedicación y amor ….Love is in the air🎶.honramos prasadam, tomamos asociación de devotos latinos y ahí podría hacer servicio en un futuro no lejano.

Gurudev, deseo con toda mi alma poder empaparme de este conocimiento, cuando vamos a los Ratha Yatras, que son uno por mes, distribuyo prasadam o libros gracias a la misericordia de sus Señorías Jaganatha, Baladeva y Subhadra y los devotos que lo organizan. He tenido la suerte de poder distribuir libros en español a los latinos.

Rendida a sus pies,

Laksmiradha DD y Syam Krsna Gopal Das.


Hare Krsna! TlgSP!!!

Salutations to your holy transcendental feet dear Gurudev!

HpS-ASA - TlgaSP!

Well, time passes very quickly, I've been living in Gainesville in community for 6 months, I feel like I'm on fire all the time, doing service, studying. I can no longer connect in the mornings, it's a shame on the one hand, but here it is important to participate in the daily programs.

Life with Syam Krsna Gopal has become favorable in every way, we had the good fortune to travel up the east coast touring the Temples established by Srila Prabhupada, starting at New Goloka in Hillsborough, then Richmond, Gita Nagari, Washington, Philadelphia, Until arriving at New Vrndaban and witnessing the Festival of Inspiration, all the places with wonderful associations, disciples of Prabhupada, devotees full of shakti who infected us in the Seva, sometimes they thought I was a Hindu hehehe. The trip allowed Syam and I to be on the same page and make our life the best attempt at bhakti yoga. Our deity of Syam Gopal (Gopalito) traveled with us and is the center of our life.

This reality has amazingly surpassed my vision and my commitment, I hope to be worthy of the instructions of him dear Gurudev. I would like to be able to take second initiation to perform better service, on Sundays we go to Alachua which is 20 minutes from Krsna House and we take darsan of their Lordships Raman Reti, Gaura Nitay and Krsna Balaram, at first, in my first visits, I stayed next to of Prabhupada's vyasasana impacted by so much devotion, dedication and love….Love is in the air🎶.

Gurudev, I wish with all my soul that I can soak up this knowledge, when we go to Ratha Yatras, which are once a month, I distribute prasadam or books thanks to the mercy of Your Lordships Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra and the devotees who organize it. I have been fortunate to be able to distribute books in Spanish to Latinos.

Surrendered at his feet,

Laksmiradha DD and Syam Krsna Gopal Das.

HpS - AgtSP!!!! Thank you news. Real devotee! Example for others. Second initiation is O.K. 16/4 very fixed? Regular Brahma muhurta and full morning program? Need letter of recommendation from Temple President, certificate of Disciple's Course, evaluation letter from couple of nice devotees, Brahmanas.

Service is continuous, then concentrated, then all pervasive.

[[[Nrsmha Bhoga]]].

2 years, 7 months ago by i8themaha in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna///*****--+++-**++-**+-*+

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Maharaja,

I am guessing that the Boise trip is fantastic! I wish I could be there for the movie premiere. But at least I'll be there for Ratha Yatra!!

I'll see you this weekend!!

HpS - I think tomorrow, no??

I'm still chanting 16 rounds and following the four regs.

HpS - Me too!

I did have a question though....

Recently I was in Utah at Sadhu Sanga. I was helping out in the kitchen for the Prasad preps.

I was remembering the lecture you gave? Or maybe I just remember this?? when you were glorifying Jayananada Prabhu for his tireless service during one Ratha Yatra. He served for three days straight and then sat in front of the Deities and chanted his 48 or 64 rounds to catch up for the rounds he owed...

I was remembering this when I was in the kitchen...because apparently I had no idea that chefs start at 2 or 3 in the morning...

I had a choice to be in the kitchen (tent) and learn how to cook, but I just couldn't justify it in my heart and head to be there during Japa time.

I knew if I went to that kitchen that early then how would I catch up on my rounds for a week??

So I normally would chant my rounds plus FMP and then go to the kitchen...

Was this the correct thing to do? I know it sounds silly to ask, but my question is about chanting and sadhana verses helping to serve all the devotees Prasad.

HpS - It seems correct to me. Firs service to Srila Prabhupada is chant Hare Krsna. then Bloga, diety worship. Deities are not happy with Bhoga offerings that are not based on Hari Kirtan, no?

The prayer to be of service verses service to the devotees.

So what I ended up doing was chanting, and then I would join the kitchen around breakfast time. It was a compromise for the kitchen, but not the sadhana.

I was thinking that this would definitely qualify as a situation like the special occasion of Ratha Yatra, but I didn't want to risk it, so I chanted.

Plus I thought it would be pretty weird to be at a spiritual retreat and be behind on my chanting, huh??!!

What do you think, Guru Maharaja??

Your servant,

Jaya Hari Das

Oh ! P.s..... It's looking like the spiritual world in Utah!

Lots of beautiful mountains, Llamas, white and blue/green peacocks, and parrots saying, "Prabhuuuuuuuu".

The parrots apparently also chant Hare Krishna, but I never heard.

Hare Krishna!! (Imaginarily said in my imitation of the parrot chanting)

HpS - Thank you!!! See you tomorrow.