Dallas Rathyatra>

5 years, 10 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

On Monday, February 25, 2019, Nitya-ananda Das, Temple President, ISKCON Dallas, wrote:

Hare Krsna, dear Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Your Divine Grace and Srila Prabhupada.

I pray this meets you well.

Please accept this email letter as an invitation on behalf of our (the Dallas Fort Worth Hare Krsna community) presiding Deities, Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji, Their Associates and devotees. We are so very honored to request your presence at our Festival of Joy, Sri Jagannatha Ratha Yatra Festival, that will be held on Saturday, March 30th, 2019.

You are welcome to also give the Sri Caitanya Caritamrta class the next morning on Sunday. That afternoon, we will schedule a panel of speakers at the Sunday Feast program at 5pm, with you as one of the speakers. The other speakers are likely to be HH Giriraja Swami and HH Rtadhvaja Swami. The theme will be about devotees coming together to chant (including reading Srimad Bhagavatam aloud, daily), feast and dance our way Back to Godhead.

We understand you will travel to Houston on Monday, April 1st and you're welcome to give the Srimad Bhagavatam class that morning.

Hare Krsna! Thank you!

Your servants' humble servant,

Nityananda dasa

Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji Dhama


ASA Answered:

Hare Krsna, Prabhu,

AGTSP, paoho,

Long time, no see, hear!!!

We're in room 103 of the Gada building in Sridhama Mayapura.

We would love to visit Dallas for the Rathyatra etc.

We just have to co-ordinate our work and transportation with Radha-krsna Das, Hari-lila Das et al.

Copy of this letter to them and our Blog.


P.S. Any comments from Bloggers?

Urgent:Boise Visit

5 years, 11 months ago by Boisekids in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am sorry to bother you in your busy schedule. We were just trying to make a tentative plan for your trip to Boise in April. I remember you saying that you will come from April 8th-15th. Is this correct Maharaj? I had a few questions about the program in BSU. The audience could be students and professors from Psychology, Sociology, Social work, Philosophy, Environmental studies and History Departments.

1.      What should the title of the talk be?

2.      Is Wednesday, April 10th at 4.30 p.m. a good date and time?

3.      For the title you choose, can you please give me hints on what the description should be in the flyer?

Thank you so much for your mercy Gurudeva.

Your servant,

Sugopi Radha dd

HpS-ASA - AgtSP Paoho. It is not a bother. Thank you. Yes 8-15 April. What topic might the audience like? Yoga, Christ and Reincarnation? C. G. Jung and Indian Mysticism. The Lord in the Heart?

April 10th seems fine.

Urgent Sunday 20th BG 18.63 class online

6 years ago by bhaktanicasio in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna beloved Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Here is the link for the online class next sunday.

The class is scheduled for 13 to 14 pm Argentina time, 10 to 11 am Nashville time.

Here is the link for the meeting. We will invite many devotees to join online.

Thank you Gurudev,

At your service,

Nikunja Bihari das.

Tema: Clase BG 18.63 por HH Hanumatpresaka Swami

Hora: ene 20, 2019 1:00 PM Buenos Aires

Unirse a la reunión Zoom


HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna. We will be there riding on our old donkey. Thank you. By hearing BG one can have all victory, all morality and all opulence, and even better leave this materialistic consciousness and always be with Krsna in any circumstance.

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    +1 408 638 0968 Estados Unidos (San José)

    +1 646 876 9923 Estados Unidos (Nueva York)

    +1 669 900 6833 Estados Unidos (San José)

ID de reunión: 389 353 194

Encuentre su número local: https://zoom.us/u/acksRVlVeC

Visit to Argentina

Hare krishna guru dev



we are very happy for your future visit to Argentina.

June and July are the options to visit us?

HpS - We are just working on this.

we can help with your visit and calendar development here. how long you will stay in argentina. you want to visit Bs As Cordoba and mar del plata?

HpS - Aaaah! Travel can be so difficult, but that is our austerity. We can start discussing the details.

Do you have any sankirtan program that you want to present here?

hope we can help in your sankirtan and srila Prabhupada mission.

thank you guru dev

your servent Ambarisa das

HpS - We will start to make plans! Thank you so much for the enthusiasm!!

Hawaii Class - The Glories of Lord Siva

6 years ago by Ramananda in Calendar Development

Next week is the last time His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami will be able to give class on e-sanga before resuming a hectic travel and preaching schedule until he returns at the end of March. Please come to attend his class on Thursday, January 17, 2019 @ 6:00 AM Hawaii time. We are in the 4 Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, on the chapter describing the glories of Lord Siva, his abode, his qualities and his mercy. If you'd like to join us here is the info:


Dial-in number (US): (319) 527-2528

International dial-in numbers: https://stme.in/i/esanga

Online meeting ID: esanga

Join the online meeting: https://join.startmeeting.com/esanga

For 24/7 Customer Care, call (877) 553-1680

urgent cal development

6 years ago by harsh_horse in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Maharaj,PAMHO, AGTSP

we will try to come to kolkata between 18-23 , feb.

HpS - SUper! Let us talk as soon as we get to India!

You can please try to invite Mahatama Das of education meeting in USA.

please have look at http://mahatmadas.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/108-Management-Mistakes.pdf

this combines wonderful experience.

all articles by him can be found at http://mahatmadas.com/articles/


kneeling horse

HpS - We had like one hour discussion with him and Janmastami Das about three weeks ago. Tapan misra Das from MOE is also working with them. You have to get a grant to travel and do research on education in USA!