Dhruva teaches us how fast we can advance if we want.

5 years, 10 months ago by Ramananda in Calendar Development

His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami will give class on the 4th Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam on e-sanga.org on Thursday, April 11th at 6:00 AM Hawaii time. The verse describes instructions to Dhruva as follows:

SB 4.8.23 — My dear Dhruva, as far as I am concerned, I do not find anyone who can mitigate your distress but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like lotus petals. Many demigods such as Lord Brahmā seek the pleasure of the goddess of fortune, but the goddess of fortune herself, with a lotus flower in her hand, is always ready to render service to the Supreme Lord.

If you'd like to participate please join the meeting useing this link: Live Broadcast

HpS - At 7AM Hawaii time we have our Latin American GBC Meeting. Awk.

Check in & Boise Visit

Maharaj Dude,

Joking about the dude part but I thought it was quite funny when you mentioned it last letter. :) Probably inappropriate on my part.

HpS - We appreciate it from a sincere person!




I hope your health is well and you are in good spirit.

HpS - We are dying of old age. It started about 71-years ago. We are in good spirits because we hope to have a better body for Sankirtan in Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan in the future.

Currently I am 2 months following Hari nam initiation requirements. Waking at 3:30am, Mangala Arati, Kirtan, 16 rounds as nice as we can in the morning, SB class (Srila Prabhupada lecture), 4 regs. Finishing up reading YEW. Listening to Amala Bhakta Swami's Krsna book narration and in the 51st chapter. I have read now the SB intro of Lord Caitanya and NOI. Next either Science of Self Realization or LOB . Trying to get in at least 1 hour of reading in each day, goal of 2 hours daily. Trying to please Nitai-Guaranga and Srila Prabhupada (photo attached).

We are currently going to Iskcon Hillsboro (Suburb of Portland) every Sunday. The Temple President there is JaiSacinandan Prabhu and he is very nice. We come an hour early, start Kirtan with the family and encourage other devotees to come. Alicia is doing Sunday School very nicely and kids really enjoy her as a teacher. JaiSacinandan Prabhu is engaging us in helping with events. Right now I am helping find a venue for a youth Kirtan seminar where Bada Hari Prabhu and Amala Harinam Prabhu will be attending in June. Its a simple task but we hope to do it nicely, maybe Krsna will give us more service. Inspired by your book distribution we talked to JaiSacinandan about starting book distribution where we encourage devotees to take a BG and distribute it any way they are inspired to. Then each week we encourage them to get another at the temple and distribute it. The books are already sponsored or the temple will pay for them, so no pressure on the devotees to sale but just try to be inspired to get Srila Prabhupada's books out. Then we can try to find ways to inspire devotees to see more books being distributed if it goes well.

The whole family we are visiting Boise March 27-April 1st. Alicia and I are discussing moving back to Boise or to a community. Something with some more association for her and the kids. Where we are now in Salem we are about a hour and 20 mins from the temple and there is 1 devotee family anywhere close. She thinks it will help her KC and the kids. I believe my position is support our wife and kids in their KC so I am just trying to be encouraging, engage them in KC activites and not stick my foot in my mouth (which I do a lot, a lot lot). Trying to learn to control the tongue. Mostly trying to get out of Krsna's way so he can do his thing and we can make advancement doing our things for him.

Then during your visit there I will likely come for a 4-5 days with just myself if it is alright.

HpS - Sounds great.

I would like if it isnt trouble to attend with you any programs that allow, or anytime that allows. For instance lunch home visits to devotees and such. I wont be a bother,

HpS - Seems fine.

O. K. I will do my very best not to be a bother, but I would like to be there in your company if possible. I can even sit out side the door or where ever I can be within ear distance I hope. Or whatever way I can be in service please. Your assoiciation is very inspiring for us in desiring to be apart of Srila Prabhupada's mission.

Thank you for your association Maharaj and please forgive me for my offenses.

Your aspiring servant,

Bhakta Big Foot (Nathen)

ASA - Dear Mr. Big foot. What was your father like? Like you? Mother's Grandfather. Your activities in Portland sound very, very nice. Make a program you can maintain for a planned time eg. readering standard for one month, two weeks.

What is your phone number. We will not publish it.

Do you own a weed whipper? Respects to your family. Did you see the article on Sunday School teachers in the Viplavah mentioned in the last Kapi Dhvaja?

Urgent: Boise Visit

5 years, 10 months ago by Boisekids in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We are looking forward for your upcoming visit to Boise.

Please let us know if the following schedule is OK. Also if you can fill in the topic you would like to speak on that would be great.

April 8th Monday - Home Program <Topic>. HpS - Every Devotees is a Book Distributor

April 9th Tuesday - Boise State University <C G Jung>

April 10th Wednesday - Columbia Village Club House <Topic> Save Your Family, Save Yourself.

April 11th Thursday - Srinivasacarya Das's Home <Topic> You Chose.

April 12th Friday - Temple <Topic> Ananta Rupa Das chose.

April 13th Saturday - Rama Navami - Temple <Topic> The Bhagavatam is Ramas Army in Kali Yuga.

April 14th Sunday - Sunday Feast - Temple <Topic> Again ARD please chose.

Your servants,

Srinivasacarya Das, Sundari Radhika dd and Sugopi Radha dd.

Proxima visita a España

5 years, 10 months ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

Hare Krisna Gurudev: Pamho. Gloria a Prabhupada y sus seguidores fieles.

Sí, me parece bien que pueda venir despues de Abril. Si cuando viene aún está la Universidad activa hablaré con Mónica para ver si podemos ir a su clase (Antropología). Si viene mas tarde estudiaremos que se puede hacer.

Un saludo

Su sirviente

Jayanta das

HpS - Gracias Senyor! TlgSP! Pranrh. Aqui en India pasando mucho como esperado. Ya idea es ir a Espanya en Septiembre. Entonces va con Yadun. Swami a India para renuion de trabajo con Board Of Examiners (BOEX) de Ministry of Education, y entonces regresa a Espanya. Entonces podemos pasar tiempo, eventos, ir y volver. No es el mejor para los universidades en ir, pero en volver puede ser bueno? Nos gusta hablar mas con los profesores que los alumnos, aun ambos son super.

Como esta Vd.?

URGENT: NOI Commentary and Dallas Ratha Yatra

5 years, 11 months ago by srinath in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

NOI Commentary

I said I would update on NOI Commentary on a biweekly basis. But I think if the updates are monthly, they might be good. They will have something tangible to report.

HpS - Yes, that seems good. Abraham Lincoln said that a man's legs should be long enough to reach the ground.

I have completed transcribing Text 1. Radhika Ramana Prabhu will start editing them next week during his spring break. Once he does the editing on Text 1, we will have a fair idea of how long it takes for him to edit and how soon he will need the transcribed files.

HpS - I hope that it does not take too much of his time and that it is a useful project. Maybe some one else can do a preliminary edit and then he can just do an overview.

Ratha Yatra

I was talking with Caitanya Caritamrita Prabhu about him coming to Dallas for the ratha yatra and he is still not sure about it. We will know about it soon.

HpS - I think I will travel with Hari-lila Das. We are in dialog to determine the best schedule. We need to focus on Sastric Education with the devotees in Houston.

I wanted to request you for a book signing event, like the one in Houston, when you come to Dallas for the ratha yatra. It can be on the ratha yatra day or on the next day's Sunday feast program. I can talk to the sankirtan team here about the scheduling.

We would feel very fortunate if you can stay with us in our house during your visit here. We live at a 5 minute walking distance from the temple or a 2 minute drive.

HpS - Thank you. Can you call Hari-lila Das and work out the details? CCD has his phone number if you do not.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - Thank you so much. We will see you in just a few days.

Urgent . Manipur Programme

5 years, 11 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj !! Please accept our humble obeisences at Your lotus feet.

HpS - ASA - Lettuce feet! AGTSP

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

We discussed with HH Haridas Goswami Maharaj and few senior devotees of ISKCON, Manipur about Guru Maharaj's visit from 12th March to 22nd March. As suggested by Guru Maharaj we are organizing a programme at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), the same venue where Guru Maharaj spoke on Science, Psyche and Spirituality last time. This will be a part of our Medical Society conference (MESOCON 2019). We would like to request Guru Maharaj to suggest a topic for the presentation. The audience will be Medical fraternity comprising of a variety of specialities. This will be on 16th of March.

HpS - Again, all we can suggest is "Science, Psyche and Spirituality - The Encounter of the Best of the Western Psychology Tradition and the Mysticism of Eternal India"

Then we plan for kirtan and a class ( Guru Maharaj's choice) at Toubul on 17th. Daily temple programme , we have SB classes. As suggested we wish to have intensive classes on NOI daily. Kindly suggest how best this can be done.

  1. Copies of the Book.
  2. Good translator.
  3. Song Book - Gauranga Bolita Habe..., O He, Vaisnava Thakura... Krsnot-kirtana gana...

We also plan for a local TV programme with Guru Maharaj and HH Bhakti Ananda Haridas Goswami Maharaj . We have requested Sadhubhushan Das Prabhu to make the necessary arrangements which he gladly agreed. And...here is the special one....initiation ceremony on Gaura Purnima (21st March). Some of us wish to be initiated and if Guru Maharaj agree we would like to inform Eknath Prabhuji to submit the list to Guru Maharaj. Eknath Prabhuji wants the email id of Guru Maharaj. Which id would be most appropriate?

HpS - [email protected]

As in every year, we are going to have the Holika bonfire on 21st March. Once the topics are finalised we would send the final programme to Guru Maharaj as soon as possible. We request Guru Maharaj's advice and suggestions.

Waiting eagerly for Guru Maharaj's reply.

Your ignorant servant always,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - We saw ...mani Das here in Mayapura! We have no suggestion other than full morning program with SB. Then Krsna will give us good daily intelligence. We plan on taking the time in Manipura to answer a lot of mail and Annual Disciple Reports so we need some access to internet. I think Sadhu Das is arranging.

Thank you. Now we go to Mangala arati at SP Samadhi.