your final instructions

3 weeks, 6 days ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna adored and remenbered Gurudeva!🙏🎶🌹

Please accept my obeisances tou your lotus feet🙏

All glories to srila prabhupada!

All glories to You!!

I am shortening my previous letter: I recently dreamed that the devotees were talking near the door of Your room that You would soon depart from this world. I see from my present situation that it may be impossible for us to go and see You.

Therefore I would very much like to have a last writing from You with Your final instructions for me. I would also like to have a small piece of cloth from Your clothes to worship when You are no longer present. I just wanted to say this.

Thank you for Your time.

I will continue to do my sankirtan in various ways, especially with the dance videos.

Please forgive any offense in this letter. I am very sorry to know that I may not be able to see You again.

My eternal obeisances to Your wonderful and merciful feet.

always trying to serve him:

Radha japa Prati Jalpa devi dasi

HpSwami ASA.... super.

We may stay longer, this may be our final breath.

We don't have any final instructions.

There is no end to our association if you want it.

We are going to Nabadvipa?

You too?

If we 16/4 sincerely we have Srila Prabhupada's eternal instruction and there will be no end, just improved Sankirtan, perfecting our service.


All respects to Gopal and all.

Hare Krishna Maharaj

1 month ago by lakshmi108 in Other

Hare Krishna Dear Maharaj,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Dear Maharaj,

This is Lakshmi, daughter of Raktak Das and Acyuta Priya Devi Dasi. It has been a very very long time since I have written to you,

HpS-ASA -- AgtSP, yes, but we are also slow in responding.

...and this is the biggest shame of my life. I have always thought and thought to write you, but never actioned these desires. I have a million things to write to you, and how I want to have your association, but I am also following you on Twitter, and I know you are in Radha Kund now, perhaps ready for the next phase of your soul's existence.

HpS - now spain

I have been scared for years of this, of your departure. You are the only one I have ever seen as worthy for me to take guidance from, the only one I wanted to. But as it is, I have been stuck in Maya. My spiritual life is lost, I personally feel very lost and I don't know what I am doing and where my life is headed, spiritually or materially. I don't want to write too much as I am aware you are also very busy and do not have much time to read too much.

I suppose, I am simply asking for your guidance, some last instructions from you. I want to know. I wish I could be there in Vrindavan, able to have your association and serve you, and learn from you.

Dear Maharaj,

Please forgive me for my negligence in contacting you. I hope I may hear from you soon. That will make this life successful. And I hope that I can receive some instructions from you.

I really hope you are okay, I know the health of the body deteriorates, but I wish that you are well. I hope you are not suffering. My relatives visited you recently I believe, they are the most fortunate. I am so happy they did that.

Please give me some instructions.

I am forever in your debt.

I wish I could've fixed up myself and taken initiation from you years ago. Now I am more lost than ever. I am so selfish, even at this stage, I am still asking for your help, rather, please Guruji, let me ask you, how may I help you actually. Please tell me if there is anything I can do.

Hare Krsna.

Your servant,

Lakshmi .

HpS-ASA - Really nice to hear, agtSP, from you.

How is the Bhima?

You could be worse. Could be thinking being in Maya is great.

We may live, as turnips, in this body for 20 more years

Don't know.

Just making best estimate.

90% of our instruction is to chant Hare Krsna, read the KRSNA book and follow us on Twitter.

We only hope to be a door to Srila Prabhupada.

There are many.


Write again December 14th.

Get hold of yourself.

Become the genius you are supposed to be.


Thank you Guru Maharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to HH Hanumat Presaka Swami Guru Maharaj. Please accept our humble obeisances at Your precious, sweet lotus feet.


I guess we all have sweet, precious lotus feet. Yet now they are covered with fog, fog, foggy, fog, from the material, swampy bog.

if you can see our lotus feet, you must be an avatara!

haw haw haw ray!

our feet swell up if we sit in a chair too much.

how about yours?

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj,

Hope You are in the best of everything at Español. We feel You are surrounded by great devotees who take utmost care of You dear Guru Maharaj.

HpS - Very good, but never expecting perfect mother and father any wherre in the material world, no?

Makes us smile.

We feel enlightened by Guru Maharaj's transcendental practical application of Srila Prabhupada's teachings at Sri RadhaKund. Never have I felt so happy, calm and blissful in my life. We felt Guru Maharaj's mercy all along. Thank you Guru Maharaj. Thank you for Your patience and tolerance. We disturbed Guru Maharaj so much. We could see a part of Guru Maharaj in each of our godbrothers and godsisters. Our only wish is that we get this loving association again and again.

I keep in my heart all the instructions given . They will remain as the only spiritual weapon till I leave this material world.

My japa simply goes to Sri RadhaKund, I can't help it. Srimati Radharani in Her liquid form overflowing with prema. How merciful of You dear Guru Maharaj for giving us so much love and compassion. We will never find a spiritual master like Guru Maharaj even if we have to be born a million times or more.

Continuing with our daily SB classes. Doing all my services from home. We wish to continue with ' The Light of Bhagavata' with Guru Maharaj whenever Guru Maharaj feel convenient.

Sorry we could not take the Manipur trip. Someday we pray that all our godbrothers and godsisters visit Manipur with Guru Maharaj...kirtan and Katha with Guru Maharaj....and our humble prasadam. We keep meditating on that.

Your insignificant servant always,

Sarad Gaurangi DD.

hps//asa - monkey and piggy apolgize for not being able to write sooner.

some delay seems legitament. other our sloth and ignorance!

we are as much now near radha kunda as we were when we were camped at par colony.


your letters are like lamps on our life.

try to die to the temporary, limited, daily.

3.26 pm here in NVM near Brihuega Spain. Divali. Friday. Now get ready and go to Dhoop arati and offer, agtSP, service to Radha Govinda Chandra and Vaisnava!


Quick Share from a Lion

1 month ago by chas d lind in Special Category A

An old friend from the past has brought...


the poignant and relative to the surface from the great depths of Bhakti-yoga.

your old friend from your days in goloka? kind of blue color?

Prabhu Gauracandra's timing and posting are as impeccable as his words. We should all try to apply and remember his practical message.

who is gauracandra????

Then, we may work with a commitment of Love and support.

Gaudacandra Das Adhikari

he posted about giriraja maharaja's condition, no?!!


Giriraj Swami’s condition is a sensitive and complex topic. Let's approach it with compassion and understanding:

1. Spiritual advancement and physical disease:

- Even spiritually advanced persons can be affected by physical diseases, including those affecting the brain.

noi 6 !!!

- The body, including the brain, is material and subject to decay and disease.

the mind is subtle, can/does exist without the physical body,

- Dementia, including frontotemporal dementia, affects the brain's physical structure and function.

2. The soul vs. the mind:

- In Vedic philosophy, the mind is not the soul but an instrument of the soul.

- Diseases like dementia affect the mind and brain, not the soul itself.

- The soul's spiritual progress remains intact, even if its expression is hindered.

3. Challenges for the spiritually advanced person:

- May struggle to maintain previous levels of materially based spiritual practice

- Might exhibit behaviors inconsistent with their spiritual values

- Could be more vulnerable to exploitation or temptation due to impaired judgment

4. Community responsibility:

- It's crucial for the spiritual community to protect and support affected individuals

- Understanding the nature of the disease helps prevent misinterpretation of behaviors

- Maintaining respect for the person's spiritual journey and accomplishments is important

...but even if there is no community support KRSNA will personally come a protect him, his, her, its spiritual self, no?!!

5. Reputation and karma:

- Actions performed under the influence of such diseases may not accrue karma in the same way

- The community plays a role in preserving the person's reputation by educating others about the disease

6. Spiritual perspective:

- This situation can be seen as a test of the community's compassion and understanding

- It provides an opportunity to serve a great soul in their time of need

- Reminds us of the temporary nature of the material body and the importance of spiritual cultivation

7. Practical considerations:

- Ensuring proper medical care and support

- Creating a safe environment to prevent exploitation

- Continuing to involve the person in spiritual activities as appropriate

8. Lessons for devotees:

- The importance of building strong spiritual habits early in life

- Understanding that spiritual advancement doesn't always manifest in expected ways

- Developing compassion and non-judgmental attitudes

Remember, how we treat those affected by such conditions reflects on our own spiritual understanding and compassion. It's an opportunity to deepen our service attitude and broaden our understanding of the complex relationship between the soul, the mind, and the body."

I hope this note keeps a moat between any misunderstandings around you, for I, too, am beginning to sense the changes in my body's fleshy boat.

thank you so much. exactly the thoughts we were thinking except the few comments we added.

every day as our body dissolves we try to transfer all our important possessions and ideas to the maha mantra.

teach your maha mantra to sing the gurvastakam??????

Conectándonos con nuestro Guru

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga

Todas las glorias al sankirtana eterno de Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krsna querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto

HpS// ASA -- AgtSP!!! paoho. this letter is so long that even won't translate it.

makes us laugh!

please send again, with google english translation!!!

we read a little bit!!

Mi reporte es el siguiente: Cantando 16 rondas, tratando de hacer un canto bueno, 5 am mangala artik, 4 principios, 3 gayatris, ekadasis, leyendo el srimad Bhagavatam Canto 4, capitulo 11, tex.15, atendiendo a mis deidades gaura nitay, narashinja y Pralada, cocinando todos los días, y haciendo artik una vez al dia.

Me siento muy bien de salud, espiritualmente, emocionalmente, mentalmente. Hice nuevas amistades femeninas me siento feliz y satisfecha con mis nuevas amigas, pero siempre voy con cuidado, porque me consta que la naturaleza de la mujer es envidiosa y celosa.

Yo pude tener la afortunada dicha de tomar darshan de Ud. quizás no pude hablar directamente con usted, pero cada vez que lo veía de lejos mi fe y mi compromiso como discípulo se fortalecía y mis promesas espirituales con usted de cantar 16 rondas y seguir 4 principios estaban muy fuertes para tomar como mi ultimo refugio y promesa hacia ud.

Cada vez que lo veía de lejos mis lágrimas caían y Yo decía en mi interior Ud. es mi guru!, esto es una palabra tan profunda y poderosa.

Quedan hermosos recuerdos en mi corazón de Ud. no se si vuelva a verlo otra vez físicamente, mi relación hacia Ud. siempre ha sido servicio en distancia, pero quiero que sepa que en todo momento ud. esta en mi corazón y mis oraciones y que mi relación de discípulo jamás se romperá siempre estare conectada a ud.

Muchas gracias por los dulces en el aeropuerto, me gusta mucho los dulces, asi que despues los tome para mi viaje, me sentí como una niña cuando su padre le complace con sus deseos.

Tengo una curiosidad, hace algunos años adore salagram silas y en mi sueño una sila vino hacia mi y me dijo que ella sería mi deidad personal yo la acepte, ella es muy hermosa, redonda con una protuberancia de una boca y después de un tiempo en mi sueño abrió su boca y vi sus chacras dentro y me dijo que era ugra Narashinja y vi su forma matando a Hiranyakasipur, acepte esta sila por unos años como mi deidad personal, pero luego deje de adorarla porque entre en un periodo muy difícil emocionalmente, hace unos dias volvi a soñar a esta salagrama ugra narashinja sila, y me pidio que queria estar conmigo, sentí mucha tristeza y estuve meditando todo el dia en esta sila y la extrañaba era como si me hubiera vuelto a encontrar con esta sila que debería de hacer querido gurudeva?,

HpS - Ooof. we don't know.

too much mental work for us at our age.

we have an old head.

send again shorter.

do you belong to an ISKCON yatra?

thank you.

consulte a algunos devotos brahmanas especialistas en silas y me han dicho que los sueños con deidades y con los devotos son reales y debería retomar mi adoración.

Querido gurudeva, esta vida material es tan corta e inestable, no hay nada seguro, lo unico seguro es que moriremos, cuando estuve en vrndavan, casi dejo el cuerpo por una infección estomacal por el excesivo calor, estuve en emergencia 3 dias y solo pensaba que si dejara el cuerpo en vrndavan seria algo grandioso, la verdad en ese momento no tenia preocupación por nada 😏

, pero no fui afortunada y todavia sigo aqui. Nose lo que me espera en el futuro y no tengo miedo, solo se que pase lo que pase siempre sere tu discípula, siempre con mi yapa en la mano seguiré adelante.

Gracias por seguir conectada a ud, querido gurudeva, Ud. y Srila Prabhupada son mi ultimo y verdadero refugio.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

Hare Krishna HPS reporte de Jahnava Devi dasi (?)🩷


Gloria a Srila Prabhupada y al Dorado Movimiento del Misericordioso Caitanya Mahāprabhu!

Toda Gloria a Nityananda Prabhu!!!

Reverencias Gurudeva (?)

HpS -- NoI-5 ! !

Hace tiempo que quiero escribirle y contarle mis últimas experiencias en el templo de Río de Janeiro y en Santiago en Chile.

En mi opinión ya no son templos, son centros de prédica, pero el GBC y las autoridades aún no quieren aceptarlo.

Pienso que es igual en todo latinoamerica. Nuestra vida a corrido peligro en ambos yatras (no exagero) pero El Señor Krishna aún me quiere aquí.

Es lamentable la condición humana, incluso mi condición, sin dudas, pero intento no ser hipócrita con Krishna a quien nadie puede engañar.

ASA - The whole world seems a ess. the two candidates for president of the USA seem like primary school children with either stupid and or selfish petty desires.

only satisfaction is that in ISKCON there seems to be coming the thirds, phase, we are becoming respected enough that people are beginning to ask us serious questions.

the brahmanas, you, have to guide and inspire the administration, GBC et al if you see problems.

Como le decía hemos podido salir con vida de los "templos" y por supuesto la vida afuera es igual!! hahaha...Hare! 🥲 ...entonces en esta vuelta a la vida fuera del "templo" no podemos completar las 16 rondas debido a nuestras responsabilidades actuales, así que oficialmente ya no soy su discípula., pero tener fureza 'catch up' on your delinquent rounds as quick as possible.

for me, the only reason not to put 16-rounds first, is an inability to breath!


No contaremos más detalles porque, como le dije en cartas anteriores, hay practicantes de Bhakti Yoga que no tienen buenas intenciones al leer nuestra experiencia en la conciencia de Krishna.

Hemos aprendido a identificar a las personas que directamente odian que tengamos personalidad y nuestra propia opinión de la existencia y la Conciencia de Krishna y nos mantenemos lejos de ellas.

NoI 5, no???

Por supuesto seguimos cantando Hare Krishna, estoy leyendo el SB y escuchando clases de Srila Prabhupada exclusivamente y clases suyas y de otros maestros espirituales. Seguimos adorando a Nitay Gourasundar y agradeciendo cada día haber conocido a Srila Prabhupada y el movimiento de Sankirtan, sigo distribuyendo libros siempre que puedo y tomando prasadam. 😇

Entiendo todo esto como parte del proceso de Bhakti Yoga así que haremos el esfuerzo de volver al estándar 4/16.

Sin dudas este es el camino para una vida con sentido!!!!!

Agradecemos también cada día conocer a Hanumatpresaka Swami ya que es un claro ejemplo de la misericordia de Srila Prabhupada y El Señor Krishna. Lo admiramos realmente, verdaderamente. Gracias por todo.

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a Sus Santos Pies, usted es el amor verdadero personificado y agradezco a Krishna poder decírselo.

🌿🌿🌺Hare Krishna!!!!🌺🌿🌿

without chanting our rounds and following principles, we feel it is like attending class in the university without being a registered student.

maybe we learn something, but we don't get any credit for it toward being accepted as a 'real' doctor.

when we arrived at radha-kunda we were almost like vegetables.

we were so exhausted that we were sleeping many hours daily... but doing some japa daily and some easy things, like walking to THE KUNDA.

so we fell behind a few rounds daily and now have about 75-rounds to catch up!

thank you.