We are Infinity

Please accept my respectful obeisances Gurudeva

All Glory to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Dear Gurudeva, it is difficult for me to express myself to you, time changes people and I am not the same as before, the process makes me feel better, discovering new revelations every day and feeling closer to you through vani.

HpS - !!Jaya. AgtSP!!! You really must have been a very introspective, rather deep, person in your last life.

For now I am chanting the holy name with great respect, avoiding any kind of offense, because of this I cannot finish my 16 rounds.

HpS - I face the same problem.... but we get them done some how. If we are chanting with respect, the Krsna will personally chastise the Goddess of fortune with a stick if She does not supply the Prasada!

I think that the holy name is like the wishing trees, and therefore it should be chanted with the mind perfectly controlled, a bad thought can throw us very far down.

I am following the four principles correctly by Gurudeva, although the stubborn mind moves like the wind... In the last 6 months I have distributed approximately 50 Bhagavad Gitas Maha Big, now I cannot remember all the stories, the last one is Gorge a young man from Monterrey who started reading the Bhagavad Gita 3 months ago and is now also distributing the Bhagavad Gita in his Sweet Shop, he is very enthusiastic.

I reiterate my gratitude for your Gurudeva blessings and pray fervently to always remain in the shelter of your Lotus feet.

My wife Mani Kundali dd's operation has been postponed to the month of February or March, I will soon write another letter to inform her about the situation.

Your servant Sacinandan Das

HpS - She is the third lady today who has surgery!

Some one else tried to commit suicide!

Ladies body is like a flower, gopis say, blossoms and is very, very, beautiful, attractive to her and all, but then, it quickly fades and wilts.

Best to get married young, have kids and then be a funny, wise, granny!

Best use of a bad bargain!

Join us for next Blog post!


Hare Krishna beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO

On December I got the news that my gallbladder must be remove from my body. I am leaving one thing at a time. Ha Ha.

ASA - Was I in a female body in my last life time. Very sincere, but just could not become completely purified, so got a Sannyasi body in this lifetime. Use the damaged machine to the very end for Krsna and then your next body will be a Mercedes! Rolls Royce!! 😎

I am on recovery it seems that I am ok. When you have surgery you see life with other eyes. We do not want to waste time with nonsense. I am starting an online course today.

Ulysses has a younger brother. 2 months old. Zeus !!!!!

HpS - Maybe he is your Father or Mother? 😆

This world is a joke.

We think, "Oh, I lost my father, mother.... 😢", but we can't lose them even if we want to. We have Karma together. Krsna Karma! The most sticky!!

Thanks for being there Gurudeva


HpS / ASA - In the next Blog post!


Home Altar Pictures and Approaching Radharani

1 month ago by srinath in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

Thank you so much for your association in Houston. In spite of your health, you gave us so much of your time. I have attached pictures of our home altar as you asked.

ASA - 🐵





You named our Gaura Nitai as Nitai Navadwip-Chandra. Divya painted the Kusum Samovar backdrop.

Guru Maharaja, you mentioned many times in your lectures that you had dressed Radha Gokulananda at least 1000 times. And that Radharani is not fit for Darshan when not dressed. So you need to have a proper attitude when doing the service. You have also referenced nikuñja-yūno rati-keli-siddhyai verse in this context.

We dress Radha Govinda here in Dallas twice a week and want to know how to approach the service, especially Radharani. When I was doing pujari service, you told me in this letter (https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/11709/) that we practice Raganuga Bhakti Yoga as soon as we realize that Krishna is a person and add some feeling to it. For Eg, when we are offering Bhoga, instead of it being mechanical, we think how does Mother Yasoda offers lunch to Krsna, the cowherd boys. So, we can try to say the prayers with that attitude, see the altar with that attitude, not to enjoy Krsna, but to try to give some more feeling for Krsna.

How should we apply this principle when dressing Radha Govinda Gurudeva?

HpS - ASA --- I don't know the details of your relationship with Radha Kala-chandji! Try different attitudes that seem natural. You know enough about Mother Yasoda's attitude to Krsna, the Gopis yo Radha and Krsna.

That is the adventure. Bhakti yoga forces us onto the mental, intellectual, spiritual platform.

Chant Hare Krsna while you dress them. You know that Mother Yasoda does not know except maybe a faint glimmer of the conjugal relation of Radha and Krsna. You know enough about the Majnari's and non-material sentiments to experiment.

Srinivasa Das got the Tava Pache Pache, so now we can distribute them!!!

We hope we, or someone, can write a cover letter for the LOB/NOI/TLC as a nice, progressive, study module.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

UG: Awk! Brank!! Grok!!! We can't open the HEIC format photos! Can send in JPEG??


reporte anual y vyasapuya

Dearest Gurudev, please accept me my humble obeisances, all the glories to Srila Prabhupada. All the glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!

Primero que todo disculparme por no haber enviado mi reporte anual por el conducto regular establecido, pero este ultimo ano para mi ha sido muy diferente, el tiempo y la salud me han mostrado una realidad diferente, donde ya he terminado mi tratamiento de quimioterapia en el cáncer de seno y ahora deben realizar la cirugía para extirpar los residuos que han quedado, gracias a Krsna, a los devotos, a mi esposo Syam Krsna Gopal y los médicos, todo ha sido más llevadero.

Feliz Cumpleaños querido Gurudev todo lo mejor para usted en donde quiera que este, si usted es feliz siempre mi corazón saltara de alegría.

Agradezco infinitamente a Srila Prabhupada por haber seguido la instrucción de su Guruji y expandir el conocimiento de la conciencia de Krsna en occidente, donde usted con un sequito de almas compasivas y rigurosas han tomado sus votos y determinación para llevar la antorcha de conocimiento a seres tan ignorantes y caídos como yo. Krsna ha puesto a merced de grandes almas, con diferentes cualidades, todo el entendimiento para cambiar nuestras vidas a una mas sublime y austera.

He seguido con las 16 rondas diarias, los cuatro principios y los tres gayatris a pesar de las irregularidades de mi salud.

Esta mañana estaba escuchando un kirtan de Radhika Das de Londres, hecho en un teatro y pensaba, wou que bien suena el violín, el saxo, la guitarra en ese kirtan, miraba al público y pensaba, wou sin embargo ellos solo están gratificando sus sentidos, Maya nos quiere derrumbar en mil pedazos en este mundo material!!! por qué esa gratificación es la que nos envuelve en querer mas y mas y llena cientos de teatros en música, pero un kirtan, eso, nos acerca mas a Krsna, bailamos para Krsna y transformamos esa lujuria en amor como dice Bhakti Tirtha Swami.

Agradezco que mi mente y mi corazón se sientan atraídos al sadhu sanga, del cual estuve alejada por mi salud y solo me relacioné online, ahí es donde vi quienes son realmente mis amigos en Conciencia de Krsna, las oraciones de los devotos son poderosas y sus acciones también.

Todo lo que profundizamos en las escrituras védicas son pequeñas perlas que vamos hilando en nuestro collar para ofrecerlo a Krsna, ojalá pueda hacer para los 6 Goswamis también, sus bendiciones siempre son requeridas para nuestro avance.

Cuando oí que estuvo en el hospital por una arritmia, me desespere, porque no iría a Houston y solo estaría en casa ofreciendo junto a mi esposo un prasadam para los dos, me sentí egoísta y además era primera vez que estaría aquí en Gainesville para su Vyasa Puja, el año pasado pudimos ir a visitarlo y el anterior hicimos un prasadam para los devotos de Puerto en su honor, ¡pero este ano Krsna Caitanya! quería con todo mi corazón compartir sus glorias en asociación. ¡Para mi sorpresa llego una devota hindu justo esa noche que supimos del estado de su salud y me devolvió una parka que le había prestado para Janmastami (cuando hicimos las guirnaldas en el frio cuarto de las flores) y me dejo una donación por mi estado de salud, lo que inmediatamente pensé oh le haremos un Vyasa Puja a Gurudev! En menos de tres días empezamos todo, solos con Syam, toda la comunidad de Krsna House esta en Puerto Rico y casi todos los devotos estaban en su último día del año, por lo que pudimos celebrarlo y glorificarlo junto a 10 devotos con quienes cantamos, glorificamos y un devoto de Miami llamado Isvaku Das, dio una excelsa clase, cada devoto dio una glorificación a su persona y un devoto que no lo conocía vio una clase e investigo sobre usted y la impresión que tuvo es exactamente como es usted.

 Gracias a la ayuda de los devotos para guiarme en los detalles: Madre Rasa Manjari de Peru, Prabhu Laksmana Agraha, Candra Mukhi Dasi, Prabhu Ram Narayana de Republica Dominicana y del laksmi de Cintanami Dasi de Chile y de Vaisnava Dasi de Alachua,lo logramos Gurudev, usted siempre nos ha dicho que habiendo kirtan, devotos, prasadam se puede celebrar un Vyasa Puja, completamente cierto Gurudev!


Postrada a sus pies su sirviente

LaksmiRadha DD.

Adjunto las fotografías de su Vyasa Puja Gurudev y como dirían los Beatles “With a Little help from my Friends”: 


First of all, I apologize for not having sent my annual report through the regular established channel, but this last year has been very different for me. Time and health have shown me a different reality, where I have already finished my chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer and now they must perform the surgery to remove the residue that remains. Thanks to Krsna, the devotees, my husband Syam Krsna Gopal and the doctors, everything has been more bearable.

HpS//ASA - Death is the sum-total of all possible bad experiences: Srila Prabhupada. Yet for a purified devotee it is fun, like have a would lanced and drained, forever!!

Happy Birthday dear Gurudev, all the best to you wherever you are. If you are always happy, my heart will always jump for joy.

I am infinitely grateful to Srila Prabhupada for having followed the instruction of his Guruji and for spreading the knowledge of Krsna consciousness in the West, where you, with a retinue of compassionate and rigorous souls, have taken your vows and determination to carry the torch of knowledge to beings as ignorant and fallen as I am.

Krsna has put at the mercy of great souls, with different qualities, all the understanding to change our lives to a more sublime and austere one.

I have continued with the 16 daily rounds, the four principles and the three gayatris despite the irregularities of my health.

This morning I was listening to a kirtan by Radhika Das from London, performed in a theater and I thought, wow how good the violin, the saxophone, the guitar sound in that kirtan, I looked at the audience and thought, wow, yet they are only gratifying their senses.

Maya wants to tear us into a thousand pieces in this material world!!! because that gratification is what envelops us in wanting more and more and fills hundreds of theaters with music, but a kirtan, that, brings us closer to Krsna, we dance for Krsna and transform that lust into love as Bhakti Tirtha Swami says.

I am grateful that my mind and heart are drawn to the sadhu sanga, from which I was away due to my health and only interacted online, that is where I saw who my friends in Krsna Consciousness really are, the prayers of the devotees are powerful and their actions too.

Everything we delve into the Vedic scriptures are small pearls that we string together in our necklace to offer to Krsna, I hope I can do it for the 6 Goswamis too, their blessings are always required for our advancement.

When I heard that he was in the hospital for arrhythmia, I despaired, because he would not go to Houston and would only be at home offering prasadam for the two of us with my husband, I felt selfish and it was also the first time that I would be here in Gainesville for his Vyasa Puja, last year we were able to go visit him and the year before that we made a prasadam for the devotees of Puerto in his honor, but this year Krsna Caitanya! I wanted with all my heart to share his glories in association. To my surprise, a Hindu devotee came the very night we learned of his health and returned a parka I had lent her for Janmastami (when we made the garlands in the cold flower room) and left me a donation for my health, which immediately made me think oh we will do a Vyasa Puja for Gurudev!

In less than three days we started everything, alone with Syam, the entire Krsna House community is in Puerto Rico and almost all the devotees were on their last day of the year, so we were able to celebrate and glorify him together with 10 devotees with whom we sang, glorified and a devotee from Miami named Isvaku Das, gave an excellent class, each devotee gave a glorification of him and a devotee who did not know you saw a class and investigated about you and the impression he got was exactly how you are.

Thanks to the help of the devotees who guided me through the details: Mother Rasa Manjari from Peru, Prabhu Laksmana Agraha, Candra Mukhi Dasi, Prabhu Ram Narayana from the Dominican Republic and the Laksmi of Cintanami Dasi from Chile and Vaisnava Dasi from Alachua, we succeeded.

Gurudev, you have always told us that with kirtan, devotees, and prasadam, a Vyasa Puja can be celebrated. Absolutely true, Gurudev!

Your servant prostrates at your feet

LaksmiRadha DD.

I attach the photographs of your Vyasa Puja Gurudev and as the Beatles would say, “With a Little help from my Friends”.

HpS - Removal of 'private parts', male or female, is going to happen to everyone at death! So, if we can go through it now, as devotees, we are the most fortunate.

Chant Hare Krsna through all these experiences even one time to be free from the attachment forever.

Then we can see that all the power, beauty, of our genitals is just a reflection of the real spiritual, erotic, nature of us, soul, in the real atmosphere!

Go ahead!

Respects to your family!!

dtc fr(31)

1 month ago by hps in DTC

oink! 🐷 ... whoop! Whoop! 🐵


Jumble of different events like any day, no?

Dukhalayam asasvatam. the only thing that is certain in this world is that nothing is certain!

so had to improvise, make the best use of some bad bargains today, but we can see that even the bad bargains are good bargains. ISO Invocation.

The bad bargains are good for us bad boys and girls and things.

Dance with the pain as another note in Krsna's flute.

Hell make the human happiness real.

😃 😃


Nanda Raja Das came from Dallas!

We get his association for one week.

Tomorrow is Radha Krsna Das ISKCON Vyasa puja.

Guess we should give advice??? Blessings???? Gifts of these.

Hari Bolo!

Hari Bolo!

Hari Bolo!

English report

Hare Krsna 💐 dear Gurumaharaja.

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

In honor of his transcendental appearance we are fortunate to express our deep gratitude for his guidance and inspiration.

HpS - AgtSP!!! paoho...🙏




When we met Gurumaharaja several years ago, seeing an ocean of qualities in him we thought we would never reach a small qualification to be initiated, so among many sublime qualities this year we especially want to highlight and thank again and again his infinite patience and tolerance with us, his mercy through his transparent life that teaches us and allows us to see so many efforts and dedication to the service of his beloved Śrīla Prabhupāda through his particular sankirtana.

Gurumaharaja mentioned that while we look at the practical plans for our sankirtana we should all be ready to catch the magic carpet that passes by while we are temporarily in this world. In this regard, this year has been a reflective one: we are getting older, our health is deteriorating rapidly and we are having a hard time assimilating the changes in the vapuh relationship... we self-analyze our life and decide to start preparing our luggage. It usually takes us more time to decide what we should leave behind in relation to what we will essentially need on the trip. We discover that the same thing happens with the luggage of life. It is not easy to leave so many anarthas behind but we do not want them in our luggage. Dear Gurumaharaja, we pray for your blessings so that we have enough time in this life to pull out the weeds that obstruct what is truly important: service with devotion, association and a taste for the 16 good rounds. May your instructions be the only luggage when we take the plane that awaits us all.

Some years ago, I had a dream, Gurumaharaja announced the decision to deepen his spiritual practice through a retreat, he did not want any prestige or fame.

I could not assimilate this separation and I began to look for him, I began a long journey, I crossed some dimensions that I had never seen, I finally arrived at a village, a group of many sannyasis were walking with their heads covered, totally detached from the material world, I saw them from behind, among many and at a distance I could immediately recognize him, I shouted "Gurumaharaja! I found him" Gurumaharaja reciprocated by moving his shoulder slightly, continued his walk... possibly there is no interpretation but from there I have the confidence that in any life or spiritual dimension I will look for him, he will recognize this fallen servant and with his infinite mercy he will unite us to his sankirtana, of course we have to deserve these facilities, "first he deserves then he desires", however we appeal to your compassion.

We are your servants life after life, we beg you to please accept us and bless us to eternally walk in your footsteps on the path to Krsna.

All glories to the Guru parampara!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to the Sri Vyasa-puja of our beloved spiritual master HH. Hanumatpresaka Swami!

Your servant Manash Ranjan Das sends his obeisances and eternal gratitude, we continue in the pujari team of Their Lordships Radha Madana Gopal.

Your eternal aspiring servant

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - Words fail me. Thank you.

We can only realize that only Krsna is the closest friend... of everyone... He has always been that way for you. He is the real friend that has sent the mail man.