Saranagati Dasi reporte desde New Vrindavan

1 month, 3 weeks ago by sarahii in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Querido Gurudeva por favor acepte mis reverencias tiene ya mucho tiempo que no me reporto con usted pero seguimos intentando desarrollar un poco de amor por Krishna, la última vez que pude hablarle fue en su última visita a México ahí le comenté que queríamos mudarnos a New Vrindavan con toda la familia, ahora ya cumplimos un mes que estamos viviendo aquí dentro de la comunidad y bajo la protección de Radha Vrindavan Candra.

Estamos muy contentos de estar aquí, el lugar es muy lindo y la comunidad de devotos es muy inspiradora en muchos aspectos estoy intentando recuperar mi sadhana y asistir a mangalartic algunos días a la semana en compañía de Gopi Radha que me motiva a asistir al programa matutino al templo.

Querido Gurudeva estamos orando para poder verlo muy pronto 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

PD. Adjunto algunas fotos


Hare Krishna

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Dear Gurudeva please accept my obeisances, it has been a long time since I last reported to you but we continue trying to develop a little love for Krishna,

the last time I was able to speak to you was on your last visit to Mexico there I told you that we wanted to move to New Vrindavan with the whole family, now we have been living here for a month within the community and under the protection of Radha Vrindavan Candra.

We are very happy to be here, the place is very nice and the community of devotees is very inspiring in many aspects I am trying to recover my sadhana and attend mangalartic a few days a week in the company of Gopi Radha who motivates me to attend the morning program at the temple.

Dear Gurudeva we are praying to see you very soon 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

PS. I am attaching some photos

HpS - Thank you!!

Do some work!!

Invest a little time making Yoga partners, with you you wake up, compare Jaya scores, Sankirtan.


So.... SO.... S O ....... good to hear from you.

We think of you sometimes and wonder where you are!

Just because you are alive we know that you have learned a lot.

Sagacious Aunt, Saranagati Dasi.

Radharani is going bonkers!

You were supposed to be the Manjari who helped comb Her hair, but you are dabbling in the material play ground!

Get it together.

She will have to appear before Krsna with Her hair like a haystack.

Picture attached.

Reflections During Japa

Dear Siksha Guru Maharaja, Hare Krishna;

HpS/ASA - Sudama Swami said that when he was with SP in Japan he asked him what was a Siksa guru, and SP replied that anyone who enlivens you in devotional service by citing from the scriptures or previous Acharyas is a Siksa Guru.

He asked SP, "Anyone?", and SP responded firmly, "Anyone". 👍

. . . please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; all glories to Srila Prabhupada; all glories to your good self, his faithful and devoted servant; all glories to all the devotees of Lord Chaitanya, who have dedicated their lives to the spreading of the holy names of the Lord. I have been struggling with trying to find a peaceful moment to be able write some things down, but in my domestic world that seems like a most impossible opportunity. It seems that I am forced to take the time out of my japa to write things.

🐵 🐖 🐖 - Yup! ... but not too much time, no?

I find myself reflecting the many turn of events in my life, particularly during my years as a devotee. It's during my japa period that I can peacefully reflect on how it's all been Krishna's mercy. The tears of sadness and moments of laughter; the blissful association and the painful separation of devotees. It is a very overwhelming experience. When I feel such peaceful moments I can face myself and acknowledge my faults, and my failure to surrender: all of these thoughts are solely due to Krishna's mercy. In this way I can better understand that there is nothing outside of Krishna's mercy: even misery.

It's amazing how these thoughts all come to me during my japa.

I am supposed to be focused on my chanting, and instead my mind is fixed on these sentiments, hoping for some solace or tranquility.

I feel embarrassed with offenses and inattentiveness during my japa. All these thoughts seen to come to me, as if Krishna wants me to know of them and to be aware of them. But I also feel as if Krishna wants me to see how He hasn't pushed me away, in spite of my poor character and offensive chanting: again, His special mercy.

This much I can take in when I am feeling peaceful and serene during my japa. When I am feeling disturbed, it is another matter all together.

I find great comfort in my japa period in spite of all the mental distractions. I find it almost unbelievable how something so incredibly simple, as chanting Hare Krishna can be so calming.

It sounds almost too good for something to be so simple and so true.

I am convinced that Krishna is real, that He is really there in the sound of His holy names. It's beyond my comprehension to explain.

ASA - We are pretty convinced that we are talking with you, and not an AI robot that has invaded your house!!

In the evenings, when the temperature is cooler and things seem to quiet down, I am able to finish my rounds in the backyard. As the sun is setting I reflect on the verse from first canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, "ayur harati vai:" how our lives are diminished with each rising and setting of the sun.

I then wonder about life, why we are born and the inevitable death that awaits us all. I reflect on Krishna's instructions in the Bhagavad gita about working "under His protection." I simultaneously feel within me the confidence that Krishna is protecting me, and at the same time hoping that He is going to protect: remembering all that I have tried to do in my life as a devotee. All of these things go through my head when I am supposed to be chanting, begging Krishna to please engage me in His devotional service. What kind of japa is this?

HpS - Second class???

I do it a lot!!!

I know that my words sound foolishly sentimental, and perhaps even like some mode of sahajya mentality. In addition to my japa, I have found it within me the willingness to visit the temple, but only once every few weeks: and then again, only when no one is around, save and except for the pujari on the altar: I still don't trust or feel safe. How offensive that must sound! At home, our Deity worship continues, as does our japa, daily readings and online classes. And on occasion some books will go out when driving for Uber. I recently acquired a couple of hundred small books for distribution, so I am very hopeful that Lord Chaitanya will allow me to remain connected to His Sankirtan movement through my work.

HpS/ASA - Did we mention Jayananda Das'a Taxi-kirtan? asa[e] - Sankirtan; Jayananda's Taxi-kirtan.

He would put a nice big book on the back seat and when the next passenger got in they would mention, that there was first class book in the back seat.

He would say, what's it about, there was a really interesting Indian guy as my last passenger. He must have left it.

Then the passenger would read SP's book and they would talk about it.

He would suggest the passenger take it with him, and usually he would, and give nice tip.

And with this much having been said, I will close here, hoping to remain a beneficiary of you ongoing kindness and mercy. I am very confident that Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna are waiting with all eagerness to shake your hand and congratulate you for your own selfless life of devotional service: inasmuch as Lord Vishnu shook Lord Brahma's hand at the dawn of creation: Hare Krishna.

HpS - Krsna is very greedy, egoistic person. He really wants to enjoy life, so even the tiniest contribution is greedily scooped up by Him and henchmen!!

Your lowly servant,

Balabhadra dasa

Next class date

1 month, 3 weeks ago by RiturajMajumder in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Srila Gurudev

All glory to Srila Prabhupada

All glory to you Srila Gurudev

I request you to kindly let me know the date of the next class for the Manipur yatra.

The next Saturday is on (3/8/24) or the next (10/8/24)

The topic can be chosen by Srila Gurudev according to him.

I would love to learn about Arjun and Hamlet in class.

Thank you for all the association.

Rturaj Krsna Das


HpS/ASA - Thank you, Prabhu.


Any news from Mukunda Pujari.

We have marked for 2024 August 10,

8AM Houston USA Time.

6.30PM IST.

We started 'Light of the Bhagavata', but we could do 'Hamlet and Arjuna'. 🙂👍👍

We can carry our self realization to the next body.

"nehabikramo naso 'sti..." about BG 2.38+??

Here is the link to the PPTX.

Translate into Manipuri? At least translator should read it first because translating Shakespeare to Manipuri is going to earn her a PhD.

Thank you.

Hope to see you in Nabadvipa with Nimai soon!

Consejería para matrimonio

asa[e] - DVAD, Grhastha, Divorce

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

A veces nos piden dar alguna opinión sobre las dificultades matrimoniales y la idea del divorcio como una solución, pensamos que no somos buenos consejeros sobre este tema pero después de escuchar la situación y dar una humilde opinión de introducción invitamos a leer sus palabras y buscar otros buenos consejeros, en algunos casos parece necesario la ayuda profesional.

Si a alguien le sirve comparto el material que he guardado, hay cartas particulares pero tengo dos buenas publicaciones de su parte.

El divorcio: ¿un espejismo de felicidad? (Primera parte )

El divorcio, el espejismo de la felicidad (segunda parte)

Muchas gracias por sacrificar su energía por sus niños.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Sometimes we are asked to give an opinion on marital difficulties and the idea of ​​divorce as a solution, we think that we are not good counselors on this subject but after listening to the situation and giving a humble introductory opinion we invite people to read your words and look for other good counselors, in some cases professional help seems necessary.

If it helps anyone I share the material that I have saved, there are private letters but I have two good publications from you.

Divorce: a mirage of happiness? (Part One)

Divorce, the mirage of happiness (Part Two)

Thank you very much for sacrificing your energy for your children.

Your eternally aspiring servant

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS/ASA - Thank you. AgtSP and His Divine Grace's ISKCON.

ASA has been trying to publish an Encyclopedia [asa(e)] for many years. We get asked the same questions again and again and we try to answer them in depth one time and then have that work sorted by topic.

Many nice devotees have tried to work on it but not so much result so far.

Maybe after we finish our last movie: Hanuman Reporting to Rama, and release it on Janmastami, and travel to Richmond, Spain, India. We can work on that.

Hare Krsna.

Hare Krsna.

Thank you so, so, much.

We have all, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Nitai-Nimai, changed so many lives.

Thanks to you and Jambavati Devi Dasi, H. H. Bhakti-bhusana Swami et al.

Rohini kumar das

1 month, 3 weeks ago by Rohini kumar das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna Guudeva acepte mis reverencias .


hace un año que llegamos a NV por la misericordia infinita de Krsna esto me ha ayudado en todos los aspectos de mi vida.

continuamos cantando 16 rondas cada día ,4 principios muy poca lectura últimamente .

cocino para las deidades 5 días a la semana , también los visto por las noches , hago los dulces de mangalartik y el kheer que se ofrece en las noches. He conocido muchos grandes devotos , algunos discípulos de Srila Prabhupada .

Krsna siempre me das más de lo que puedo merecer y yo solo hago mi mejor esfuerzo para ser útil de alguna manera .

siempre agradecido por guiarme en el camino de regreso a casa

du eterno sirviente Rohini kumar das


Hare Krsna, Gurudeva, please accept my obeisances.


It's been a year since we came to NV by the infinite mercy of Krsna this has helped me in all aspects of my life.

We continue chanting 16 rounds every day, 4 principles very little reading lately.

I cook for the deities 5 days a week, I also dress them at night, I make the mangalartik sweets and the kheer that is offered at night. I have met many great devotees, some disciples of Srila Prabhupada.

Krsna you always give me more than I can deserve and I just do my best to be helpful in some way.

Always grateful for guiding me on the way back home

Your eternal servant Rohini Kumar Das

HpS/ASA - Hare Krsna. Hare Rama.

What kind of Sankirtan does the NV community do?

Do they have any annual festivals, tourism?

Always be looking how Krsna wants to engage you in His personal plan.

See you soon.


1 month, 3 weeks ago by pnd in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

After long time sending quick report.

Felt from Mangala arati again, almost zero :(

Have quite delay in launching new version, but doing stable progresses. Just finished letter indexes and finishing synonyms.

Balarama is growing, he is 2 years old.

From September will go to devotee kindergarden.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - Thank you. AgtSP. After long time making quick answer. 🙂

we fell behind about 55-rounds from our daily quota of 16, about one month ago.

in old age voice becoming weak. hard to chant.

is good thing in that it teaches us how to chant even without throat or physical strength.

pre-par-ing for death.





sadhu sanga

brahma muhurta

all make for not burdensome rounds but enthusiastic rounds. that changes the color of our sankirtan.

karma yoga.

if you are up for brahma muhurta you will chant good rounds,

then, money.

family and communal responsibilities. love.

health, will all improve in best way possible.

get a wake up buddy.



this movement depends on KRSNA, Srila P'pada and you.

always will be that way.