Current ASA Calendar

1 month, 2 weeks ago by hps in Calendar Development



Full Morning Service [FMS], 4.30-5.30 AM:

... Live at ASA Camp, 902 Hillcrest Dr, M'boro, TN 37129, USA,

... Online at at 737 859 341.


  • Sunday - 7.30-8.30AM, SB Workshop at GotoMeeting.
  • Thursday - 9-10AM, Board of Examinations with Atul K. Das et al.
  • Friday - 8PM, Full Evening Service [FES] with Radha Natabara. At, "Manjari Singh's Personal Meeting Room".

Special Events

We are certified 60% deaf and I think our short term memory, hearing, balance, heart,


Editing movie, Hanuman Reporting to Rama [HRR]

15/th = ekadasi, start 'swing festival'.

19/mo = balarama purnima [full moon]

23-26 Janmastami Festival. Release HRR movie.

...23/fr = subal sakha das arrives [arr] from richmond

...24/sa = opening morning star events center. 2-5pm

...25/su = nios public janmastami festival, sports-com, murfreesboro. ~1.30-4.30pm

...26/mo = radha natabara janmastami festival. 8pm-12.30am

27-10 [sep] HpS/ASA > Richmond for two weeks.

...27/tu = bna > ric [1-3.30pm], evening srila prabhupada birthday party.

...28/we = yadu swami to usa/sastvarupa das goswami ashrama.

...29/th = ekadasi [fasting fro greens and brains🐵

]...30-2[sep] = Labor Day Weekend, with Prof. Ravi Gupta (Radhika-ramana Das), CCD/Head-Mistress Subra Devi Dasi and families.


...8/su = app advaita sita.

...9/mo = lalita sasti. ric > newark, meet yadu swami, do podcast and spend the night.

10/tu - 3/tu [dec] = Madrid with Yadu Swami.

17 - 9[oct] = radha-kunda (Krsna svarupa das, yadu swami, tungavidya, jagamohan brajavasi, Devi Dasi et al al al)


3 = mad > jfk

6 = odana sasthi. Leave current body?


Kirtaniya Sada Harih (kirsa-ha).

Canceling Mercedes insurance and Social Security, packing, remain on NIOS Advisory Board only on call. No more positive action.

60% deaf and about the same for balance, vision, immediate memory. Could really die at any moment.

Get back to real work.


You can make plans for serving Krsna, but better just to chant Hare Krsna.

  • Details posted immediately on "X" (Twitter) by "huber_robinson"
  • Daily or so at www.MonkeyWarrior.Com.
  • Like quarterly at www.JayaRama.US

Thank you.

get married or stay single

1 month, 3 weeks ago by das in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I have thought about what we have been talking about and my decision is to continue as a “house brahmacari” for a while longer.

Since my mind is very lustful (as if I had a demon inside), I tell her that in the future we can get married.

You ordered me that at the end of this period I should make the decision to either get married or continue as a brahmacari.

If I can remain in this condition of “house monk” all my life, I think it will be most beneficial, both spiritually (particularly in preaching) and also materially, as it would save me a lot of trouble.

Thank you Maharaja

HpS/ASA - Hare Krsna. This is excellent topic.

I don't remember and specific instruction on the matter, but the general principles are the same, no?

This is not the age of:

  • Meditation.
  • Fire Sacrifice.
  • Deity Worship.
  • Varana ashrama Dharma.

It is the Age of Sankirtan, Congregational Singing of the Name, Fame, Pastimes of Krsna.


So, engage as much as you can in Sankirtan, Japa, and that will give you intelligence how to develope VAD, Deity Worship etc.

Married our B'cari.

Living with family or alone or with wife an children. Which will help our Sankirtan. Specifically 16-rounds and 4-principles under the authority of Srila Prabhupada!

Ideal is to make the decision by 25-years old (SB 1.17.38) but some of us come from barbaric families, so adjustment is necessary.

I know big leaders in ISKCON who stayed B'cari until 30-years old and then went directly into Vanprastha with a like minded lady devotee.

Emotional association but no gross.

Chant and pray for you position.

Try out things in a sane fashion.

Talk with nice advisors.

Read Srila Prabhupada's book for help!

SB Workshop timings discussion during Spain and India visits of Maharaja

1 month, 3 weeks ago by upendra1 in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna, Maharaja and dear devotees.

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

The purpose of this message is to start discussion about the timings for our weekly sanga of SB workshop. Maharaja's travel dates are as follow:

Spain: September 10 - September 17 & October 09 - December 03

India: September 17 - October 09

The time difference between Spain and USA (EST) is +6.0 hrs.

The time difference between India and USA (EST) is + 9.5 hrs.

During a preliminary discussion, Maharaja was thinking of doing SB workshop on Friday at 7: 00 pm - 7:30 pm when he is in Spain. Maharaja is visiting India for 3 weeks in those 3 weeks he is going to spend 2 weeks in Manipur, where internet access can be a problem due to political situation.

Point of Discussion:

What time we shall have a for weekly SB workshop class during Maharaja's visit in Spain?

Shall we have weekly SB workshop reading during Maharaja's visit to India?

HpS/ASA - Thank you! In other post we have made some comments on this.

We are waiting for comments from devotees in Spain.

Also, for India it seems best not try to connect by internet for classes for the full three weeks.

We can work out something else!

Fotos de princesas incas en Torrija.

1 month, 3 weeks ago by Yulisa Yugala in Other

Hk pamho querido Guru Maharaja:

Po si no le llegó, le mando las fotos de las princesas incas en el castillo de Torrija.



Su hija que lo adora:


Yugala Kisora Dasi


HpS/ASA - Thank you. Hare Krsna! If you can send in 'JPEG' then they should open automatically with the Blog post.

Wherever you go. Whomever you meet. Tell them about Krsna...

Urgente - Reporte a un mes de su venida a España de "El Sexteto"

1 month, 3 weeks ago by Yulisa Yugala in Calendar Development

HK, pamho querido Guru Maharaja:

Estamos más que felices porque falta un mes para que esté en España. Siguiendo su buen ejemplo, en mi calendario personal y con lápiz programamos una actividad diferente por hacer cada semana, hay muchos detalles por resolver antes de su venida.

Tuvimos el buen ejemplo en México de madre Astasakhi, una hermana mayor, muy experta en servirlo. Y en Nueva Vraja Mandala Tarangaksi DD, Yasoda DD, desde meses atrás están coordinando la llegada de los hermanos espirituales, seguramente le escribirán e informarán del área que les corresponde.

Gracias al apoyo de los hermanos mayores Jara Mara Hari Das, P. Jayanta y P. Gadadhara. Ellos tienen muchas responsabilidades, a pesar de eso, están orientando, activos en servicio y coordinando lo de su llegada. Y gracias a Sus bendiciones Gurudeva hay armonía y apreciación, entre nosotros, pensamos que estamos rodeados de gente más madura espiritualmente.

Hoy terminamos de armar el cronograma de su visita con la ayuda de los hermanos “el sexteto” (Jara Mara Hari Das, P. Jayanta , P. Gadadhara, Yasoda DD, Tarangaksi DD y Yugala KD) una presentación tipo calendario, fácil de leer y entender.

Esta semana tenemos una cita con Maharaja sobre más detalles de su visita. Quedamos con P. Jayanta que le mandará el cronograma HpS, después de coordinar con Maharaja Yadunandana, ese calendario se ha trabajado por meses, tomando en cuenta las correcciones y el esfuerzo conjunto de “el sexteto.”

Entonces, Gurudeva pediremos a las deidades cada día, para que lo traigan con bien a NVM. Pedimos sus bendiciones para poder servirlo con humildad, apreciación y en cooperación con los demás hermanos.

No sabe lo felices y afortunados que estamos todos por aquí por su próxima visita. Le mando las fotos de las princesas incas en el castillo de Torrija. Vale!!!


Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kisora Dasi 


HK, pamho. dear Guru Maharaja:

We are more than happy because there is a month left until he is in Spain. Following your good example, in my personal calendar and with pencil we schedule a different activity to do each week, there are many details to resolve before your arrival.

We had the good example in Mexico of mother Astasakhi, an older sister, very expert in serving him. And in Nueva Vraja Mandala Tarangaksi DD, Yasoda DD, for months they have been coordinating the arrival of the godbrothers, they will surely write to you and inform you of the area that corresponds to them.

Thanks to the support of the elder brothers Jara Mara Hari Das, P. Jayanta and P. Gadadhara. They have many responsibilities, despite that, they are guiding, active in service and coordinating their arrival. And thanks to His Gurudeva blessings there is harmony and appreciation, among us,

we think that we are surrounded by more spiritually mature people.

Today we finished putting together the schedule of your visit with the help of the brothers “the sextet” (Jara Mara Hari Das, P. Jayanta, P. Gadadhara, Yasoda DD, Tarangaksi DD and Yugala KD) a calendar-type presentation, easy to read and understand. This week we have an appointment with Maharaja about more details of his visit.

We agreed with P. Jayanta who will send you the HpS schedule after coordinating with Maharaja Yadunandana.

This schedule has been worked on for months, taking into account the corrections and the joint effort of “the sextet.”

Then, Gurudeva, we will ask the deities every day, so that they bring him well to NVM.

We ask for your blessings to be able to serve you with humility, appreciation and in cooperation with other brothers. You don't know how happy and lucky we all are around here for your upcoming visit. I send you the photos of the Inca princesses in the Torrija castle. OK!!!


His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kisora ​​Dasi

HpS/ASA - Thank you for the news! Hare Krsna. AgtSP!

We have been doing Sunday morning SB/CC workshops for maybe two years now. They were 7.30-9.00AM Houston, USA time.

That is 7 hours earlier than Spain.

One suggestion is that we have the seminars on Friday evening Madrid, NVM time.

Yet that may conflict with receiving guests arriving for weekend programs.

So, please consider these bi-lingual SB/CC classes into the calendar.

Also, our body, voice etc are like 60% dead, so we cannot Chant, Read, interview the same as last year.

Thank you.

dtc sa[3]

1 month, 3 weeks ago by hps in DTC

We, agtSP,

TB/BW et al

Answered a few letter.

Now we are going to crash!!

mid day.

Got several more Blog posts. Try to get to them.

HRR movie is going well!

Few battle of Kuruksetra.

Pablo, HpS, Subhadra Mayi Devi Dasi.

Hare Krsna.

Hare Krsna.

Thank you.