Partida de Tito, aspirante y cantante reggae

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

¡Todas las glorias del movimiento de sankirtana de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

Muchas gracias por su invaluable y maravillosa asociación.

Queremos informarle que uno de sus bienquerientes y eterno aspirante ha dejado el cuerpo.

Se trata de "Tito" Fausto García Calderón, cantante de música reggae.

Hace años Tito vivió en el ashrama de brahmacaris, participó activamente distribuyendo libros de Śrīla Prabhupāda, se cortó su larga y enredada cabellera rasta y lucho por su intenso deseo de ser su discípulo iniciado, obtuvo carta de recomendación para refugio pero no logró iniciarse, lamentablemente ha tenido un karma muy difícil, anarthas que le fueron difíciles, sin embargo se ha mantenido respetuoso con los devotos y siempre cantando con su guitarra el maha mantra recordándolo a usted, a Śrīla Prabhupāda, al Señor Nrisimhadeva...

También participó en la presentación artística en uno de los programas de predica en la Universidad y su música ha resultado ser también un medio de predica. 

El día 14 de julio ha dejado el cuerpo por un accidente, le rogamos por favor sus bendiciones para que pueda obtener un cuerpo con más facilidades que le permitan continuar en este sendero espiritual, camino a Krishna. Sentimos tristeza por no poder haberle ayudado un poco más en esta vida.

Sus discípulos y algunos amigos celebramos su ceremonia de sradda dirigida por prabhu Vanamali, la familia estuvo muy agradecida y conmovida con dicha celebración. 

Muchas gracias por su compasión.

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd

HpSwami... yes, we remember him.

Very nice person.

Maybe Krsna just took him to new body because this one was just too unmanageable!

Hare Krsna.

Hare Krsna.


Daughter born by your blessings and Daily Sadhana

15 hours ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to you, All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my sincere apologies for not writing in the blog for a long time

I pray to Sri Radha Kalachandji for your good health

We are doing good, by your mercy we are blessed with daughter. She is doing good and now she is two weeks old. It is a very happy moment for us Guru Maharaj, and we are very greatful to you and all the devotees who were continuously praying for us and showering their blessings. This day wouldn't have been possible without your blessings Guru Maharaj.

This stage is little difficult for us since we are figuring out things and trying to adjust our schedule according to the newborn.

Please forgive me Maharaja because I am not able to do my daily sadhana. Most of my energy goes away in doing things for the baby and I am also recovering from the surgery. I have kept an account of my rounds and hopefully by your mercy i will be able to catch up and complete my rounds. Please forgive me Guru Maharaja for not fulfilling the promise which i made it to you.

I am patiently waiting to resume deity services in the temple. And once again engage myself in the service of Sri Radha Kalachandji.

Please always keep us in your service dear Guru Maharaj and give us your blessings

Yours Servant

Divya Sri Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank, agtSP, you.

Well done!

Fix a minimum Japa standard and then later catch up.


Please be kind and send report of new Vaishnava from time to time.

Birth of our son (Govardhana)

15 hours ago by sriram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishma Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am following the 4 regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds every day. (4 days worth of rounds pending).

We have some great news to share. Vishaka gave birth to a baby boy on 27th June at 10.10 pm. The baby is doing fine - eating and sleeping most of the time. Vishaka is recovering from the delivery nicely. The last 10 days have been a bit of a whirlwind getting used to caring for a new-born. We have decided to name him Dhaasharathi, Guru Maharaj. Vishaka had listened to a lecture on Ramayana long back and learnt that of all names of Rama, this is the one she likes the best.

We have given the deities to a friend of ours until the 9th but we are still doing full morning program with Dhaasharathi every day. We also sing kirtan and Bhagavatam stutis during feeding time.

We are having the naming ceremony on the 10th of July at 11am, Guru Maharaj. My parents will be coming from Dallas to spend some time with the baby. Please bless the child to become a warrior in Srila Prabhupada's mission and hope we are able to guide him towards fulfilling this purpose to the best of his abilities. I am finding a newfound drive to become a better person and devotee to set an example for him.

Attaching a few pictures. [For your eyes-only, Guru Maharaj]. Everyone here is worried about "evil-eye". I have tried exhorting them to put more faith in Krishna and that He will do what's best for the child but to no avail. As devotees, how do we handle this "evil-eye" kind of beliefs, Guru Maharaj?

HpS - In general, I guess we ask for some basis to the belief, and explain that Parampara, BG, does not mention them, but if they are not contrary then we can give respect to them, no?

Your humble servant

Sri Rama Krishna Das

Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna beloved Gurudev PAMHO AGTSP AGTY I wrote in one of the earlier letters, chanting japa minimum 20 rounds every day, that's about the time it takes mangala and darsan aratik on youtube in Mayapur and or Vrindavan temple. I don't know if it's good or maybe not while chanting japa, but I realized that it helps me a lot to focus on the indescribable beauty of the deities. I really miss the asotiacion with devotees,but the nearest Iskcon center is quite far from the village where I live in Serbia. I get up very early finish sadhana after that going to work. I would like to avoid the summer heat for my duties in the orchard and grap yard. Frequent bad weather destroys a lot of fruit, which spoils my mood. I work as a bus and truck driver very rarely. I am asking Krishna to help me in my wishes to come to Spain November when you are there to meet You Hare Krishna.

HpS - Super news. You moved to Serbia?

You sing the Gurvastaka during Brahma muhurta?

Service to NIOS

15 hours ago by aja.govinda in Other

Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to your service unto him.

I am very glad that Abhirama Prabhu invited me to serve by coming up with content for the Solaris magazine. I have previously written science articles for BTG and thought I can do some service by writing some articles for Solaris magazine. I am very glad to serve in this capacity with Abhirama Prabhu and am thankful that you have continued to allow me to serve in NIOS in some capacity.

I am also involved in a research project with some BI scientists on past-life memory research, where they are interviewing young children with memories of their past lives. This is a follow up to the work of Dr. Ian Stevenson, whose department at the University of Virginia, Department of Perceptual Studies is still doing academic research in this field.

I am really thankful to get some chance to serve Your Holiness and get some association of devotees in the academic field through this service even remotely through the NIOS activities. Thank you for this opportunity of association and service. It is like a rope that you have thrown to this soul in the ocean of material existence. This rope keeps me connected, and I hope to come closer and closer to the boat and one day get on the boat that takes us across the ocean of material existence.

Your humble aspiring servant,

Aja Govinda dasa

ASAHpSwami - AgtSP. Paoho. Super news.

We hace been involved in all of this.


Are you visiting Nashville?


Manipura Political Situation.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Guru Maharaj HH Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj. Please accept our humble obeisances at Your sweet Lotus feet.

HpSwami - Characteristic of out Siddha-deha.

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj,

Thank you very much for the wonderful, ecstatic Saturday class...we long to hear more and more.

As for the political situation here in Manipur, it is far from okay! Anything can flare up anytime. Only Your mercy has protected us and our services to Sri RadhaGovinda!

We wish to serve Guru Maharaj and all the wonderful devotees accompanying Guru Maharaj at Sri RadhaKund. We wish to bring our Manipur cultural troupe along with us so that we all can serve Guru Maharaj and all the devotees, especially HH Yadunanda Swami. We only wish we could serve all the Vaishnavas at Manipura....we wait but with bleeding arms! Mataji Joybi has an ashram at RadhaKund, very near to Guru Maharaj's ASA, RadhaKund. Should any of the devotees need accommodation, kindly give us the seva.

We look forward to serving Guru Maharaj at RadhaKund. We discussed with HH Bhakti Anand Haridas Goswami Maharaj about Guru Maharaj's visit to Manipur . And we had the same conclusion...not really the safest of times to visit Manipura.

We sent some pics and videos of this year's Rathyatra services through Rituraj Krsna Das...for Guru Maharaj's pleasure.

Started learning instructed by Guru Maharaj. Indeed...lot of similarities with Ingles and Hindi! Thank you Guru Maharaj.

Your insignificant servant

Sarad Gaurangi DD

HPSWAMI-ASA - Thank, agtSP, you, for this definitive answer

Br. Sadhubhusana Das was encouraging us.

We want to visit, but at this time seems best for us to stay based in Sri Vrndavana Dhama for all three weeks.

Will inform Yadu Swami.

Maybe we can make a movie to send there from Vraja.
