
13 years, 7 months ago by jaynityananda

sāhaḿ bhagavato nūnaḿ

vañcitā māyayā dṛḍham

yat tvāḿ vimuktidaḿ prāpya

na mumukṣeya bandhanāt

My lord, surely I have been solidly cheated by the insurmountable illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for in spite of having obtained your association, which gives liberation from material bondage, I did not seek such liberation. (SB 3.23.57)

Dear Maharaj,

It seems that all good intentions and resolutions always go in vain when i express them, so i better not express them any more. Still, increasing satisfaction is there after i started playing the game again cautiously, in stead of standing on the sideline for what seemed to be a too long time.


a big bellow full of air.

Richard van Dijck (the netherlands)

Esteemed  Big Bellow Full of Air,
AGTSP.   pamho. It is so, so, nice to hear from you again. I remember that we met in Radha-desa and you had been doing so much service in austerity there for some time for Radha Gopinatha.   Yes, patience is very important.  Upadesamrta Text Three, but enthusiasm is more important. So, great you are finding enthusiasm in Bhakti-yoga.  Don't worry too much if you go up and down sometimes. Better to keep moving!!!!!    Where are you now???

Introducing Camila

13 years, 7 months ago by Bhaktin Camila R.

Dear Maharaj, please accept my humble obeisances.

My name is Camila and i'm from Chile, it's the first time that i write to you...you're in Chile now, but I was in New York for 20 days, so I wasn't in the temple when you got there(now i'm here), I saw you the last sunday, but Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday I couldn't go to Valparaiso, so I just had the opportunity to see you on Friday, and saturday. I couldn't talk to you these days 'cause you were very busy, and any free time was for your resting, and i'm not angry, I know that I will see you any other time, but I wanted to "show me" ...cause now I know that I want to serve you all my life, you inspired me. The first time I knew about you was in your Vyasa Puja, my heart knew it, but my mind no, now I know, please accept me like your disciple...it will be the most beautiful thing that ever happens to me.

Sorry about my English,  I hope that you can understand everything that i wrote in this letter.



HARIBOOOOL!!!!!! <img alt="laugh" height="20" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.gif" title="laugh" width="20" /><img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/38.gif" title="" width="18" />

HpSwami - Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!       In our present stage we have to be little bit careful of our "heart".      It still has so many material desires, seeds, sprouts, from hundreds and millions of lifetimes.  On the other hand spiritual life, bhakti yoga, is sentiment from the beginning and also at the end. So, it is nice to for us to meet you!   But let us start with the conclusion that Prabhupada, Lord Caitanya and Radha and Krsna are very important to be accepted as our Masters. Really, we can only get to know each other well in terms of Srila Prabhupada.
So, nice to meet you.
Why were you in New York?
Which books of Srila Prabhupada are you reading?

Reporte mensual de Sadhana - ASA México

13 years, 7 months ago by Cruz Santa

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias!

El pasado domingo 10 de Julio, celebramos el programa mensual de Sadhana en México Mandir,  fue un programa muy hermoso  y el programa de Mangal Aratika reunió a varios Vaisnavas, entre ellos a sus sirvientes  Angada D, Jayadeva Goswami D. Jambavan D. Acompañado de su prometida Kamalakshi D.D.,  Lalita Gopi D.D. acompañada de su familia al igual que  Asta Sakhi D.D acompañada por Prabhu Manasa  y  Bhaktin Cruz Santa acompañada por Bhakta Erick,  finalizamos el maravilloso programa una magnifica clase  dada por Prabhu Maha Phala.

Por otro lado varios Vaisnavas se encuentran en Cueramaro por lo que realizaron el programa desde ahí, ellos son Sacinandana D. Bramacary, Priya Sakhi DD y y Bhaktin Sarahi. Mientras que Bhaktin Zareth realizó el programa desde su casa.

Estamos tratando de mantener este  modesto esfuerzo, inspirados por la gran misericordia que usted derrama sobre nosotros, decididos a tomar refugio de su auspiciosa asociación, ejemplo e inspiración.

Muchas Gracias

Sus sirvientes

ASA - HpS      TlgaSP    Pfanrh    Desculpa la demurra responder, pero estamos super, super, satisfecho oir de estas cosas tan super.   Solamente por Sadhana podemos ir a Vaikuntha y ser miembros eternos del Sankirtana de Srila Prabhupada.  O.K?
Estamos tratando organizar cosas para las problemas de salud de Jambavati tambiene.   Esperamos oir de Tungavidya DD en Radha Kunda!         De Sadhana proviene super inteligencia para Sankirtana.   Ya son 4.45PM en Santiago.  Abajo la Fiesta de Domingo comienza a las 5.00PM.   Tenemos que banar y descendir!   Esperamos como 200 devotoos.  Fuerte congregacion y Sankirtana. B'caris.
Manana vamos a Lima temprano.
Espero super, super, inspiracion para todos resultado de sus esfuerzas de Sadhana!!!

Concern - How to Do All our Work

13 years, 7 months ago by Namacarya das
Dear Guru Maharaja, PAMHO. AGTSP!
We just finished the meeting. I thought maybe we would have time today to talk about this but we did not. if I can, I'd like to tell you about my concern. It goes in line with what you said that we should not push ourselves too much. I mean, I wanted to tell you about this even before you said that statement. But it goes really well into my present situation.
As you know, I started the new job. Here is the link of the company  http://www.biovega.hr/index.php/english/about-us 
I am employed in the shop department of the company. The shop opened 9 months ago.
I have to admit, that there is much work and learning. And that takes a lot of energy. Specially, I came into extraordinary situation, quiet turbulent, could be said. The shop started with four persons working but last month two left and the other two persons had to do the work of four persons. They are exhausted. And I am new. The another new worker starts on 19th July. So, we 3 are working and I am in the learning process. In other words, we (and me specially) are working more, like 10 hours per day. We work on Saturdays, too. I come home at 9 PM with a blank mind. Very tired. Last week I barely opened SB <img alt=":( sad" src="http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/2.gif" />.
My concern is that this is taking a toll on my BV study. I am not sure I can do the assignments. At least, following the week module schedule.
On work (in the shop) the colleagues say that this is a extraordinary situation and that usually, when there are 4 persons working, it is not so "tight" and energy consuming. Basically, we are trying to survive, go on, until the fourth person comes at 19th, and then hope that after some time (when this new lady and myself learn the job details), we all catch some normal routine. We are not sure when normal routine will begin, as it depends of when two of us new employees catch the intricacies of the work.
Now that there are no night shifts I am shifting to everyday morning japa . The body become  imbalanced with 3 shifts work schedule so I have to develop the habit again of usual routine of early to bed, early to rise... 
times I get questions about Krsna consciousness from colleagues. I feel it is very natural. As I do not act  incognito (naturally people know I am a Hare Krsna), it opens a discussion. Sometimes people say to me they like to talk because I am not obtrusive and that makes them free to ask and we exchange ideas. That is something that makes me happy, as I like to share the gift of KC.
I like the BV so much. I like the sanga we have and I am inspired by our churning of the nectar of SB. I would not like to stop it. But now I am so tired 6 days of the week. Only Sunday stays with time to study (other days I read but I can't concentrate much).  What can I do, Guru Maharaja? <img alt="8-&gt; day dreaming" src="http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/44.gif" /> Should I stop? Should I continue? Ahhh...
Your servant

Namacarya das

HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP    pamho.   Thank you so much for this letter.  We get questions, and we face problems like this, all the time.

First, better to die taking Prasadam!
Next, there is never enough time to do everything. It does not matter if we want to serve the Black Witch (Maya) or the White Witch (Radha), there is never enough time to do everything we can do.  So we have to be very, very expert to set and reset PRIORITYS.

1. Get up early and get your rounds done well.
2. Follow the four principles.
3. Chant Hare Krsna during the Brahma-muhurta (Mangala arati, SB).
4. Do your Sankirtana, Karma-yoga, for Krsna.   You are working for Krsna, not the BioVega company.  They are empowered by Krsna and may know more, or less.

So, you can get an hour of S.P'pada's books in here and there during the day.  That is what your Employer wants.    That will help the Company beyond their wildest dreams.   For BvVai, if you have to just read the translations now, that is fine and then make note and later when we go through this again, and we will, you can read the missing parts in more depth!!!!!

DTC Saturday 23

13 years, 7 months ago by hps

AGTSP    paoho
Yes, We are Completely Mad!!!!!!
Today, BhVai class with all the Great Paramahamsas in Boise, Idaho.
Then Initiations.
Then meeting of ASA-Chile.
Then auspicious meeting with Sajjana Swami of Narayana Maharaja's Yatra.
Then writing our Announcement for our Annual NIOS Symposium.
Now - head ache and hunger at 8.42 (PM).

Can't even look at the letters within.

But... Tommorrow you letters are our first choice (besides two classes) and 1,000 last minute, panic, enquireys about matter and life!

   The Monkey and the Piggy
         They are flying to Lima land.
   They die a valient death.
          For Radharani's happiness they sacrifice their last breath!===============================================================

DTC 22 July (6.14AM)

13 years, 7 months ago by hps

DIARY of a Traveling Creature. (Zlo known as Diarhea of a Traveling Creature) by Buck White and Tom Brown.     ASA Staff Journalists.    From the Siddhi of Santiago at 6.15AM, cold as Krittles, 19-rounds dune, Anu-vrtti readings, now we write you a song of brave Bhaji Bole. he is the greatest live yogi and can live in a hole. whenever the french circus, Le Cirque du Platon, plays in West Hungary, not far from dear Zalaegerszeg, he would sit on a pole.

Spanning 9-decades he is a yogi reknown.

Making odd money as a gay circus clown.     Spickle and spackle, bhajans he'd cackle. As his dog and cat, Whoof, would play on a drum.

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!   Jaya Shiva, Jaya Shyama!      Sri Radha Govinda!

Dancing is Their heart and soul, Venu and Vina make a nice tune. Dancing at night beneath a warm Autumn moon!

Most folk are dead inside. They only want to brush their hide. If you chant the Mantra sent  by God, then your heart wakes up and can jump and glide.

But then we look for music soul, and some folks found cute Bhaji Bole.