All GLories to Srila Prabhupada

13 years, 7 months ago by narayani dd-bolivia

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Please accept our most respectful obeisances!

Dear Gurudev:

How are you? We miss you!!

We are very happy, because you will be in Cochabamba soon!!!

I have a piece of news: I am writing a little book with Vrisabhanu’s help, this book show the “Spirit’s health” based on the teachings of Srila Prabhupada. I am studying naturopathy, and I understand that ONLY WE CAN HEAL US WITH KRSNA CONSCIOUSNESS, this is a reason for that I want to do SANKIRTANA with this book.

The BBT’s books are excellent, but none shows the spiritual heal like a solution for the misery and illness. Srila Prabhupada said in the C.C. adi lila chapter 10 text 51 in the purport:

“There are not hospitals for to cure the material illness of the spiritual soul. The Hare Krsna movement had begun the mission to cure that illness”

In spanish:

“No hay hospitales para curar la enfermedad material del alma espiritual. El movimiento para la conciencia de Krsna ha emprendido la misión de curar esa enfermedad”

I hope that you will see it when you visit us. Govinda Nandini Mataji will help me, I need your help too, I need your approval, and I need your blessing for to distribute it.

You asked us many times:

How do you Sankirtana?????

Our Sankirtana is limited, but we want to preach more and more until to satisfy your lotus feet, the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada, the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya and all devotees.

The book will cost 0, 70 cents of $u$, all people will buy it… if Krsna will permit it!!!

I think that is a good way to preach, because everyone wants to be healthy in all aspects…

All people needs heal their bodies, their hearts, and their souls with a Krsna Consciousness life.

We are very happy to hear many devotees talking about you… you are the greatest inspiration for us… Krsna always keep you healthy and strong…

Gurudev patita pavana ki Jaya!!! Srila Prabhupada Jagad Guru ki jaya!!! ….

I make some garlands for your Hanuman!!! This time I am knotted very well……

Your servant

Narayani Devi Dasi.


ASA - AGTSP   paoho.   SUper. Idea.  One Ayurvedic doctor, yogi from the Himalayas, told me that he asked Srila Prabhupada about spreading Krsna consciousness through Vedic medicine and Prabhupada looked at him very thougthfully and then said, too soon Ajari (his title) 15-years. Of course thant was like 1965, 1970, so it appears that now it would be possible.    I think you book can have a very nice taste.  Yes, we see you all soon!

Bhaktin Atenea, Cuerámaro, México.

13 years, 7 months ago by sarahii
Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.
Soy Atenea de México.  
ASA - Hare Krsna.  TlgaSP  Somos Brown y White de ASA!! 
Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.
Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay.
Todas las glorias al movimiento de Sankirtan.
Y todas las glorias sean para Ud.
Mi querido Gurudev
Quiero darle un reporte sobre mi Sadhana.
Estoy en la finca de Cuerámaro, tomando el curso Bhakti Sastri con Priya Sakhi.
Me levanto a las 4:30am
Canto 16 rondas diarias, estoy siguiendo los 4 principios. Y realizando distribución de libros los días sábados.
Espero que Srila Prabhupada y Ud, esten complacidos con esto..
ASA - Superisimo!!! 
También le escribo con el firme deseo de pedir Sus bendiciones, por qué?..porque quiero estar en Vrindavana, India, para éste Kartika.
Esto es lo que mendigo.
Me ha surgido un deseo muy intenso, he estado el libro de Prabhupada en Radha-Damodara y he tenido algunas pequeñas realizaciones en el corazón. Leí que Prabhupada siempre viviría en Sus habitaciones de Radha- Damodara. En ese libro relata como es que Prabhupada observaba los samadhis, de Rupa y Jiva Goswami. Todas las m´ñanas cantaba japa, y daba dandavats en Sus respectivos Samadhis. Rupa Manjari aparecía en Sus sueños dandole instrucciones. Vrindavan es el lugar mas especial en la tierra. Guru Maharaja, todos los días trato de que esta sea mi meditación, sentirme ya en el Santo Dham. De verdad no encuentro otra manera de relacionarme con esas grandes almas aparte de leer libros de Srila Prabhupada, seguir Sus instrucciones, seguirlo a Ud., cantar el maha-mantra fuertemente, hacer sankirtan....
Sé que si voy será solo por Su misericordia, con misericordia de Radharani, y esto nutrirá mi vida espiritual, porque quiero estar con Ud. ahí.
Oro intensamente todos los días para que eso ocurra. Éste viaje quiero que sea una ofrenda para Radha Krishna, pero igual trato de estar desapegada del resultado.
Bueno, pedimos Sus bendiciones, Priya Sakhi y yo queremos tener la fortuna de estar en Vrindavana Dham.
Hare krishna Guru Maharaja.
Esperando Su respuesta.
Intentando servirle.
Bhaktin Atenea. 


ASA - Ooof!     Estamos planificando para meces para ir. Pero por la misercordia de Krsna todo es posible. Con quien va a ir?    Tiene que pedir de Priya sakhi la dirreccion y abilidad comunicar con Cakori Radha en Vrndavana.  Posible ella puede ayudar!
Pero, de otro manera por que quire ir a Vrndavana?
Estas suenos, contemplaciones que tiene de Vrndavana, no son imaginacion sin base, sin realidad.
Hari Bolo!!!

Diary of a Traveling Creature - Tue (July 26)

13 years, 7 months ago by hps

2011 July 26

Hare Krsna. Prabhus,
AGTSP   paoho.  Here we are in Lima Peru
(Aqui estamos en LIma Peru.)
(Primero dia.) First day.

It was tough.  (Estuvo dura.)
We maintain our basic Yoga. (Mantenemos nuestra yoga basica.)
(Ya tenemos 23 de nuestra 25 rondas completas.)   Now we have 23 of our 25 Basic Rounds done.
Mangala arati, Kirtana, Clase y (and) programa por la tarde (evening program).
Is so nice,   (Es tan agregable).

Estamos desarrollando verdadero conocimiento trascendental. (We are developing actual eternal knowledge).

We have some many challenges from our own personal Sankirtana (Tenemos algunos problemas de nuestra Sankirtana particular). ANJANA SUTA ACADEMY.
And so many challenges trying to serve and help global ISKCON (Y tan muchos desafios trantando servir a y ayudar ISKCON global).

But the Holy Names and Srila Prabhupada's mercy and guidance are fine. (Pero los Santos Nombres y misercordia y guia de Srila Prabhupada son buenos).

O.K. Adelante  (O.K. Forward).

We had a lot of success fixing the Peru, Tennessee and India calendars today. (Puede pasa de aqui por para traduccion -cion -cion!) Still need more work and Europe and Seattle no progress.
Now lets anser a few letters, hear the Krsna book and take rest.  It's 9.07PM
Thank you!


DTC Tuesday - 26 July

13 years, 7 months ago by hps

D  I A R Y
of a
Traveling Creature


Tue/26-July     -     Lima, Peru
AGTSP      paoho    Here we are in Miraflores, in Lima.  It is cold and overcast.   Our flight was delayed SIX HOURS yesterday, from Santiago to Lima, but we got a lot work done!
Now we are here and worked all morning on the formatting for Dr. Bandhyopadyay's  book and planning for the NIOS Symposium that we will do before we return to the USA on th 31st (August).

Got 16-rounds done.              Gotta chant more!                 Ekadasi!

Health's cool.   In Choseeka should be better weather.  Go there tommorrow.

O.K.              A lot happening!               Gotta chant HK/R  and then prioritize on that basis.     You can't do it all!       

Full morning and evening program, related to the V.E.D.A.S. work, NIOS work.                     Thank you so much devotees in Chile.    So much intense Sankirtana.          Ooof!         Hope we can keep it up!

The Light of the Bhagavata.

Cuerámaro, México.

13 years, 7 months ago by sarahii

Hare Krishna Guru Mahraja. Soy Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi. (no recuerdo mi contraseña del blog)

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!.

Estimado Guru Maharaja.

Estoy en Cueramaro con el curos Bhakti Sastri. Vamos en el capítulo 14 del BG, y tengo que preparar un curso del Upadesamrta.

Tengo 12 alumnos, y estan progresando mucho con el estudio y formación como devotos. Yo tambiénn estoy aprendiendo mucho.

Espero que Su visita por Santiago de Chile este muy bien.

Luego del curso de Bhakti Sastri, me quedaré en México haciendo Sankirtan para viajar a India.

Esperando que estas noticias le agraden.

Me despido.

Muchas gracias por Su eterna misericordia.

Priya Sakhi DD

HpS - ASA ---  Super.   TlgaSP     Si, estamos pensando en que pasa con Vd?    Somos su servientes eternos!    Muy bien con su programa de oir y cantar.  Claro, pienso esta aprendiendo much ensenar a otros.
No, va a India!!!

Va a Vrndavna/Mayapura!    Ho!   Ho!    Ho!
Si, nuestra visita a Chile ha pasado tambien super.     Mucho ayuda de Pancha tattva, Abhimanyu, Prahlada Das et al.   Buen asociacion con Ananta-gauranga, Amara, todos!                            Ya son 3.3AM, entonces, bano, Puja para Hanuman, ultima detalles de arrelegar el equpaje y estamos en ruta......  ! ! ! !

Santiago a Lima   -    Sri Sri Gaura Nita a Senor Jagannatha!!!!!!
Cuantos alumnos en todo hay en Cuera?    Cuanto dura el curso??

Sarahi Report

13 years, 7 months ago by sarahii

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!!

All Glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!!!!!!!!!!!

All Glories to you!!!!!!

HpS - ASA -  Some little, little, glories to us!

Dear Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances, we are still in Cueramaro, in the Bhakti Sastri course, Priya Sakhi matayi is our teacher in this course. We are trying to wake up earlier than normal, we are chanting our japa rounds, taking part in Mangala  Artic, doing service and studying the Bhagavad Gita.

ASA - This will certainly interest Maya-devi!  She will be pleased to offer you more advanced tests now.  Jo!  Jo!

These last days have been in a lot of introspection and anxiety due to the tests Krishna gives us to work our defect, we have inside our heart like enuy, false ego, and lack of humility.

Each one af us has a lot of internal work, but I still can’t understand why  it’s so difficult to over pass or transcend all these things, Gurudeva  I pray for your causeless mercy so I can overpass these anxietities and be able to help you serve and please Srila Prabhupada.

Your servent   Bhaktin Sarahi

ASA - Because these are not ordinary tests.   This game with Maya is for eternal prizes. Whatever 10-centavos you win you will have to invest again and again and again and ........
.....  it is 3.22AM, Monday.   We leave to the airport to fly to Peru at 4.30AM.   Up at 2AM we've been packing, after one month in Chile.   Our only aim is to go back to Goloka and take everybody that we can with us.     There is so much work to do there.       Yes, humility is the biggest austerity.  But Jayananda Prabhu told us that it doesn't mean to be artificially small.   It means to find our actual position, abilities and use them for Krsna.  And then we can be honestly proud that we DID SOMETHING for Krsna.   Like a little girl helping her mother make cookies her father's birthday!