my comprehension on a Representative of Srila Prabhupada

13 years, 6 months ago by Bhakta Joe Blow

HpS: Seems that some feel that the person giving names, beads, evaluating the candidate on behalf of Srila Prabhupada is a priest that deviates us from Srila Prabhupada for one moment but then we return to Srila Prabhupada afterwards.  On the other hand is the idea that we can see the above mentioned person as representative of Prabhupada before during and after the fire sacrifice.

What is your comprehension of this?


BJB: PAMHO AGTSP! If the initiator is as you say giving names, beads, evaluating the candidate on behalf of Srila Prabhupada and may also give relevant spiritual guidance to the candidate in line with Prabhupada then I don't see how the initiator could deviate the disciple from Srila Prabhupada. Such a Guru is linking him to Prabhupada. If he is deviating the disciple from Prabhupada then he is not a Guru at all! 

I like the, as you say: "the idea that we can see the above mentioned person as representative of Prabhupada before during and after the fire sacrifice." Prabhupada used the term "officiating acharya" and said in EJTOP's "become a spiritual master himself, just as a student becomes a monitor in class with a limited number of disciples." In the teachers absence the student is acting on behalf of the teacher.

Actually all this guru tattva stuff really makes my head hurt, I have tried to understand it from so many different angles for so many years but it is so difficult to understand, and confusing. I don't think it can ever truly be put into words at all. It is transcendental. I just had to go over all this with you and think about your answers for some time (the last few years) meditating on it deeply and trying to see if it felt right to me. But I think as of now as far as I can tell I feel pretty satisfied and am ready to move forward with this.

Thank you.

I hope I have not offended you in any way with my intense challenging or questions or whatever! I have great respect and appreciation for you.

Hare Krishna, Bhakta Joe Blow

HpS - AGTSP!   paoho.   Yes, I think it can give Srila Prabhupada a headache also.   I was also trying to figure this all out before I tried to become an "ISKCON Guru".   Then I had a dream and Srila Prabhupada looked at me a little disgusted and said, "Guru-tattva: You are following me and you are going back to Godhead. Anyone following you following me is goind back to Godhead. End of discussion. Get out on Sankirtana".
Is funny it might be so simple.

I understand that we can follow many people, the more the better, who are following Srila Prabhupada. One of those is connecting us according to the formality of rounds and principles.  We can also follow Srila Prabhupada through his books, his Murti, the Super soul.  We must put all these in proportion and in the end it is for us to accept and reject different representatives as they are connected or not connected at different times.
We hope to see you Wetware soon!  (Gross body).
Tommorrow back to USA!

Thanks, Cynthia

13 years, 6 months ago by Cynthia24

Thanks for encouraging us in our way

You have some mail to send letters or just the wall, I'm sorry this took shape over time,hoping that Sri. Narayana protect their ailments, thanks for your mercy gurudeva, your words will never forget his great love for Srila Prabhupada and us unconditionally may think in the way of Sri. Narayana Kavacha? in this age of kali with theirutpatti-laws and samhara-Nyasa Nyasa, respectively. It may work? Can you give mehis blessings to invoke the protective form of the Lord?

 Hare Krishna gurudeva! reverence

HpS -  Jaya!   AGTSP   pamho.  Your letters in English are exotic.  I think you are using Babel Fish to translate them.   You can write in Spanish if you like.      Please  be very careful.   Kali-yuga is very dangerous for ladies, old men, children and animals.     Are you chanting some Japa everyday for Krsna?

Soy José de Madrid

13 years, 6 months ago by bhaktajosemadrid

TlgaSP, Acepte por favor mis más humildes reverencias soy José de Madrid que estoy intentando algun dia poder servirle como discípulo aunque sea totalmente incapaz

En el templo estamos recibiendo la visita de Rupa Raghunath Prabhu por lo que estamos recibiendo más invitados en la clase de Srimad Bhagavatam, yo canto las rondas hasta las siete; aunque depende del dia y me pongo a cocinar. Hechamos de menos la visita inspiradora de Hanumat Presaka Maharaja ki Jay. Toco un poco el bajo eléctrico, escucho clases de Prabhupada, y hablo un poco con los invitados; incluso con algún Mayavadi. Esperamos pronto la visita de Tota Gopinatha Prabu y de Yadunandana Swami.

   Mis mejores deseos para Hanumat Presaka  Maharaja ki jay y gracias por todo. Hare Krishna.

HpS - ASA -  Jaya  TlgaSP!    Pfanrh.  Bienvenidos de Blog de ASA!!  Muy bien sus noticias.   Mas, Mas!   Cada dos semanas un reportaje!   Muy pronto podemos ser util para Srila Prabhupada!


13 years, 6 months ago by visnupriyadd
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Please accept my humble obeisances...all glories to SRILA PRABHUPADA!!!!!!!
Gurudeva, I am writing to ask/tell you two things that are in my thoughts:
1-I usually read Srila Narayan Maharaja's books, you know that. But I have never ever asked you if you allow me to do that. Naturally I got the books, i love Maharaja's katha, I feel really inspired, so I conssider him my siksa guru. What do you think?
2- I don't want to hear harsh criticism against devotees  who have done harm to others, inside of Iskcon GBC, and anyhow, sometimes I hear devotees criticize them harshly, and not finding a real solution, which, for me, it is to belong to Srila Prabhupada's Iskcon and to serve without duplicity and love. I think that hatred doesnt lead anywhere, and years and years of scorn won't change anything. My question is: what can I meditate on so that these things don't hurt me so much? is there anything I can do? I had to tell you these things gurudev, because they are in my daily bhajan, interfering-
thanks for your time!!! my rounds are ok!!! :D thank youuuuuuuuu
at your feet:
Visnupriya devi dasi
HpS -  AGTSP   pamho.   My advice would be that it is alright for you (but maybe not some one else) to read Maharaja's books as long as you are also reading Srila Prabhupada's regularly.
An Uttama adhikari spontaneously avoids being contaminated by blasefemy.   A Madhyama adhikari can avoid it by being careful.
"A good horse runs even at the shadow of a whip". Zen
So you have to become more and more expert at avoiding blasphemous remarks. Chant Hare Krsna and retreat from the situation. Try to get people to change the subject.   Preach to them...     but avoid getting hit by the garbage!
These are great topics for the Blog.   You can always use a pseudo nym if you feel embarrassed to ask them using your real name.
"Red Angel of the South"
"The Crimson Light of Truth"


13 years, 6 months ago by Sananda

Dear gurudeva,

Pamho, agtSP!!, all glories to HPS!!

HpS -   Jaya!    Hare Krsna!     So nice to hear from you!!!!!  So, nice.   Thank you for all your association while we were in Europe.   Each time we admire how nice our beads look, restrung, we thank you.
Very nice to hear that Krsna has you so engaged.
By your mercy.

Thank for replying, I know you have many letters from soo many nice godbrothers/


Internet Sankirtan! Jaya!!!

Visit Peru!  I really want to go there, next year, and join NIOS, and follow you,

if that is ok.

In next few days I want to write to Jayanta about a Light of the Bhagavata symposium in Spain in September.  Then, if it is O.K, we will include you as part of the effort.

Please!!!, I already gave him my new e-mail : [email protected]

By the way I wanted to thank you for choosing such beautiful name, I am very


Sri Krsna Sankirtana, Ki Jai!            How did you find the lat Kapi Dhvaja? 

KD is getting better and better, I love the presentation with the pictures,

and I WANT TO GO TO EUROPE AND INDIA!! you say ask for details in the blog...

your "happy to be insignificant" servant.

Sananda dd

HpS - ASA >>>   Jaya  AgtSP!    We will be back in Europe in September.  We can make more plans then.  I think you should just communicate with Candramuhi Devi Dasi a lot.  She knows everything! <img alt="smiley" src="" title="smiley" />  If she doesn't then her sister's dog is pretty intelligent!

Conferences in Chile: July 2011

13 years, 6 months ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros


All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Dear Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisance
Here is Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández from Chile. Thank you very much for your letter, tips and instructions. At first it took me understand your examples (was difficult understand), I'm not really intelligent and every night my brain is full of medications but my health is fine.
Prabhu Jagat Guru, Kriya Shakti devi dasi and me are working on the second number of Utsaha magazine. We are editors and we are coordinating all the work. There are some people contacted to write articles. Personally I would like you to write an article.To me it is very important that you are happy with the magazine and my service.
We are in March! It is a good time to start making contacts for you to conferences in Chile in July 2011. Vanamali dd, Abhimanyu, Jagat Guru and I want to do this service. In this sense Jagat Guru told me that his idea is not to organize a lot of  events. His idea is to arrange 3 or 4 events, but they are very important. (Good public and good places). Also He thinks it would be nice to organize a two-day symposium, surely he can give more details.  For my part I would like to make arrangements / contacts for you to give a Conference in Biblioteca Nacional  de Chile, but I need to know what is the topic of Conference? (Light of the Bhagavata perhaps?).
It is also possible that I can talk to people from the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research of Chile (CONICYT Chile).   I remember you in June 2010 gave a Conference about science at the University of Chile. His conference  was called "Science and the new direction.").   Prabhu Jagat Guru also told me that you gave a major conference in CONICYT Perú, perhaps you could repeat this conference in Chile. I need to know your theme to make arrangements.

Also, I hope to visit very soon to Professor Claudia Lira from Universidad Católica and also I will visit  to Marisol Vera from Editorial Cuarto Propio.   I would give them an envelope with printed matter "Light of the Bhagavata" and “Tribute to Srila Prabhupada” (Bhagavata Person) in Ricardo Palma University more books "King of Knowledge" and "Sri Isopanisad". Then I can say to them: "Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja sent this material for you". Can I say this? 

Whenever I can thank God (Krishna) that you came into my life and despite all my faults and anarthas you accepted me.
Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!, Jaya Hanumatpresaka Swami!!
Thanks vey much for all good things you do for us!

HpS  -   AGTSP   pamho.  We are in Mexico until tommorrow and then back to the USA for two months!   Very nice to hear from all.  Yes, is good time to start fixing our calendar.  We can look at the dates more in detail when we get to USA.  Please investigate what we can present.  Maybe they have dates the prefer.  Sometimes there is a festival going on and we can take part.   Yes, Light of the Bhagavata is always wonderful book for us!!!     We have presented many times at CONCYTEC in Peru.  They may know Victor Caranza. He is the second person in charge.  He is not in charge of science rather education.  If they like they can contact him.  Science, a New Dirrecion?  Is still a good title.
Yes, tell them we sent the material.
I think you are doing wonderful work to advance your spiritual life.  More to do!   Tell us if anyone has fixed dates that we must adjust to.


Your humble servant,

Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández