Novedades de su sirviente Yadupuri das

13 years, 7 months ago by Yadupuri das

Hare Krishna!
Mismas humildes reverencias!

Querido Guru Maharaja me alegra poder comunicarme con Ud. Nuevamente, ha pasado ya un año de mi iniciacion y tambien desde que nos vimos. Tambien muchas novedades y cambios acerca de mi vida. Finalmente me separe quien fue mi mujer se fue de mi casa tambien hace un año, mis hijos se quedaron aqui, conmigo. He vivido una situacion de mucho dolor y sufrimiento, dado que romper una familia para mi es algo muy significativo. Sobre todo por las vivencias y valores que genera. He sostenido a mis hijos animicamente solo desde mi sadhana, o sea con habitos cotidianos referentes al ejemplo. Me sostuvo sus palabras en la conversacion que tuvimos antes de mi iniciacion recuerda. Ud. Me dijo que yo era un devoto de Krishna y que el se ocupaba personalmente de sus devotos, tambien me dijo que lo que me sucediera era siempre para mejor. Bueno eso es lo que me ha sostenido y me sostiene todos los días. Cuando canto mis dieciseis rondas invoco su recuerdo desde allí. He aceptado mi dolor como una forma de purificacion, por eso lo tolero y convivo con él. Se lo ofrezco al Señor como parte de mi servicio. Frente a mis hijos me inspiro en usted desde el ejemplo, algo que me cuesta cultivar. He respetado los cuatro principios lo más esmeradamente posible, he descubierto que ahora son parte de mi integridad. Estoy tambien leyendo como siempre, ahora el SB canto ocho, me hace muy feliz. Estoy desarrollando mucho acerca del arte, estoy como art-dealers en dos galerias y tambien empece a dirigir teatro de vuelta. Todo lo referente al arte lo desarrollo como parte de mi servicio al Señor y gracias a eso me sostengo en lo animico y economicamente.
Bueno Guru Maharaja espero poder viajar y poder contar con su auspiciosa presencia. Desde aqui lo saluda y desea buena asociasion su sirviente
Yadupuri das.
Hare Krishna!
Todas las glorias a Sri Gouranga Nitai!

HpS - ASA ---  Jaya! Senor Yadupuri et al.   TlgaSP!        Pfamrh.  Aqui somos Tom Brown, Mono-cito!    HpSwami queda abajo con los devotos para cantar Japa y recitar los 10-ofensas etc.  Era casi bueno Mangala-arati.   Mangala arati es un arte fuerte.  Pero si ejecuta bien, todo su dia es "mangala", auspicioso. Nuestras relaciones con otros sin Krsna son guarantizado ser inestable (dukhalayam asasvatam). Va a salir, es cierto, y va a volver, es cierto!    Ja!     Ja!
Relaciones temporario entre almas eternos.
Entonces, siempre trata entender como un gran doctor la situacion de sus familiares, companeros de trabajo y suplica la medecina apropriado para su nivel.

Claro es super relacionar arte con Krsna.  Vastu es arquitectura y Alankara es ornamentacion.     Super super super su esfuerza: Familia, arte, drama!     Es el Shakti de Srila Prabhupada!
Esperamos verse en Santiago si es posible.
No mas noticias de la Jamila de su iniciacion.
O.K.       5.22AM   R(5)     -     Japa!>>>>

Dandavats Maharaja,please visit Munich/Germany

13 years, 7 months ago by Andre Rehfisch
Hare Krishna dear Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja,
please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

My name is (Bhakta) Andre Rehfisch from munich (south of germany).
I had the chance to visit a lecture of you when you were staying at Radhadesh this year january.
I was totally captivated by your marvellous lecture. Since then the wish came up to invite
you to Germany as soon as possible, if it´s possible from your side.
Immediately I told this to our temple president
Danakeli Kaumudi Devi Dasi
and asked her for the service of inviting you.

Please bless us with your presence and allow us to share a drop of your unbounded wisdom.
Please forgive me for my bad english, I try to become better.
with all the best wishes to you
your servant
Bhakta Andre
Hare Krishna dear Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja,
please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

My name is (Bhakta) Andre Rehfisch from munich (south of germany).
I had the chance to visit a lecture of you when you were staying at Radhadesh this year january.
I was totally captivated by your marvellous lecture. Since then the wish came up to invite
you to Germany as soon as possible, if it´s possible from your side.
Immediately I told this to our temple president
Danakeli Kaumudi Devi Dasi
and asked her for the service of inviting you.

Please bless us with your presence and allow us to share a drop of your unbounded wisdom.
Please forgive me for my bad english, I try to become better.

with all the best wishes to you
your servant
Bhakta Andre
HpS - ASA --- AGTSP pamho. Esteemed Bhakta Andre. Thank you for the invitation. Of course, we also exchanged some letters on this topic through Yahoo! In general, Brother Ass is 63 years old so we are reducing travel by his means and increasing it by means of writing.
In the end it has to become spiritual media because Brother Ass is doomed to annhilation at some point. Maybe we can expect to leave this body 2024. Lot of work to do to get ready! Our ticket says, "Steamship Titanic". No such thing as a peaceful death!
More specifically we are traveling for Sankirtana and that of course means Light of the Bhagavata symposium! If you organize one of those well then how can we resist.
[Monkey: Because your 63-years old and about to drop dead]
HpS - God can do anything.
Look at for Bharatiya Sanskriti and you will see a nice trailer of our Symposium in Peru. It is the longer clip!!!!
In any case, as we discussed, we will be in Spain in September and Radhadesa in October, so maybe we can me in our Wet ware then also. All respects to everyone one in Munich! Go ahead with enthusiasm!!!!
Now it's 3.42AM.  This letter crashed so try again.  11rounds done.  Had a little granola, now bath, Hanuman puja, Mangala arati and back to this Blog!

Cakori Radha, Sri Vrindavan Dham.

13 years, 7 months ago by Cakori Radha

Hare Krsna Guru Deva!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Please Guru Maharaja, accept our obeisance at your feet.
We are happy to hear that you are in chile.
we are looking your classes thanks to the wonderful internet.
Our family is doing Ok, our mother still in Vrindavan, she is making nice advanced.
So many nice friends, association that help us.
We where thinking and we remember so many times you hearing talking about Lalita Madhava, so we got interested and start reading it.
we want to make a play of it, maybe for Radhastami?

Guru Maharaja,
we are so happy that our friends are coming to Vrindavan.... that we want to help them, with everything we can.
I wanted to ask if you could tell devotees that want to come for Kartik to contact me, so I can help them all.
We got a huge house for all of them, that comes with a separeted space for Brahmacaris :)
I wanted to ask you if you have a place already, because if you don't we would like to help you with that.
We want to do something out of this life.

Our doughter's name is Madhumati Manjari, she is a very sweet soul. 

We want to get kicked hard, kick it really good, so we can get out of this stupidity. Once I read from one of our teachers, Paulo Freire, that when you recognize your weekness, then, and just then you can make something to defeat it... so I say out loud and with all my heart, I HAVE PROBLEMS CHANTING MY JAPA!!! AND I DON'T WANT TO NOT CHANT.... I want to do something about it and I need help!!! SOMETIMES I ACT AS A SAHAJIYA.

Gurudeva, please, forgive my offenses, they are not intentional. but I still think I need a bump in my head.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Traying to serve, Cakori Radha Devi dasi.

we got 2kg of bananas for the monkeys, from you... they where really happy and didn't attack us :)

p.s: we don't want to be like Putana :(

HpS    -    A-G-T-S-P-!    pamho.
O.K.    -     3AM.    If you looked at the previous letters and the DCT then you can see that we started with 9-rounds left from our 25/day from yesterday!  Now we've finished those.  Chant three rounds. Read a letter.  Your's is nice, but yes, can be nicer. Have to realize that Krsna is capable of killing all the demons that come to Vrndavana.
Even when Krsna and Balarama were manifestly present in Vrndavana there were demos coming like Kesi, in the form of a carnivorous horse and their loud roaring was so terrifying that the girls had miscarriages and lost their babies!
So, we have to have intense experience that Krsna and Balarama can protect us, even in Vrndavana, especially in Vrndavana.  That comes from some regular Sadhana for us, no?       16-rounds are nourishment for Madhumati.   You can actually feel that as you chant.  She is not an ordinary person, so Maya is out to contaminate her!   It is a very grave responsibility to protect her so she can grow up and do wonderful things for society.
What happened to Radha-carana devi dasi!!?
More news from Vraja!
We get back to our Japa!
Join us.   We can't do everything, but first priority for the welfare of all is 16-nice rounds minimum!!!

Radhe Radhe Shyam!

13 years, 7 months ago by prananathdas

Dear Gurudeva




Lot of time without write you, but Im still alive, I was working hard with my workmates because now in my home place is the "big festival of running bulls" and we try to finish as much work as soon as posible to go out of the town all those days of pure and absolute madness. Now Im with my wife and her parents in the south of France until day 22 of july, we are near to the shore in the Landes, a very quiet places 100mts far from the beach. Every morning I wake up and I go to walk for the long beach chanting hare krsna and thinking in this beautifull pictures of Srila Prabhupad walking with His Disciples, giving us all those pearls of teaching. I'd leave my deities in home, and from here I offer them fruits every morning, and all that I can offer them without meat, because my parents in law arent vegetarians sadly...

My sister in law take a travel through south america and she let us her golden retriever puppy, the case is, She is very atracted by Lord Shiva, and Her puppy have this name, I told her Lord Shiva is male, and the puppy is female, but finaly the puppy have the name. Is this properly Gurudeva? the animals can have a demigod name or this is offensive? I think in my ignorance is better than "puffy or duffy" or whatever name can get a pet, isnt it?

Dear Gurudeva I hope can I meet you when you come to Spain in Guadalajara. I realize that is amazing chant hare krsna and chant gayatri mantras with the ocean sound in the background.

your humble and ignorant servant

Prananth das

HpS - ASA ----   AGTSP!!!!      paoho.   2.30AM  -  R(-3/25)     From the other letters I think you can see our situation.   Your letter is another super report!    A pure devotee lives in this world as a reflection of Vaikuntha.    Krsna says that among bodies of water He is the ocean, He is the fragrance of the earth, light of the sun, among purifyers the wind.  All those things to appreciate while you walk!!!
Let us render some direct service!

Go back home.

Back to Godhead!

I guess it is O.K. for a dog to be named Siva Dasi and then engage her in some service!    Dogs naturally are house guards no?   Children guards.   We also hope to see you in Spain.   We want to work some more on the weekend in Barcelona with the Light of the Bhagavata symposium.   It such a super chance to introduce so many people to K.C!!!
O.K.  More Japa!    Maybe you could organize regular symposium in your local town on CULTIVATION OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT: Light of the Bhagavata.


13 years, 7 months ago by bhaktanicasio

Dear Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
All glories to you,

Still we havent bought the farm, but we are eager to do so, the land is still to expensive to our budget, so we are expecting krisna`s will.
Gurudeva i`m realizing so much dhuka alayam. I need a lot of dhairyat, I think that is my main problem now.
Getting up early every day chanting 16 rounds, preaching to patients, many of them started to chant hare krisna hare krisna krisna krisna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare.
Only hope is your instructions, safe path toward Srila Prabhupada`s lotus feet.
I started this program with family, reading the bible and the krisna book every afternoon for 30 min.
We are developing also a program for kids at the loft.
My regards to Panca Tattva et al.
Hare Krisna!!!

HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP   pamho.  Senor Mar de Plata, Argentina. Thank you for your letter.  Please escuse the delay.  You can see some justification for delay in the DTC.    Your news from Mar is super, SUPER,  S U P E R !     Visit of Pancha-tattva Das and another devotee from Mar here in Santiago is very nice.   Cold here also. I also need to develope tolerance to advance. NOI-3. Enthusiasm is more important than patience. We have to go ahead with enthusiasm, have an inspiring goal and a practical way to achieve it!
Then patience and determination are natural parts of our enthusiasm!
We do the austerity and we see the good result.
If it is too stressful, it is not K.C.
Krsna wants us to work for Him nicely, not Dog-hard. Then we can gradually and steadily get qualified to return to our service!
O.K. 2.06AM  -   R(-6/25)      - -       Let's chant three more rounds and read another post.   What about getting a fruit orchard to start with?  We can c-ordinate our children's programs with Bali mardana Prabhu and the devotees in San Jose maybe.  Is there information at: ?  Another book that you might find even better than the Bible is "Imitation of Christ" by Thomas Akempis.   It is several hundred years old and the second biggest selling Christian book after the Bible.  It has many very nice things even for ISKCON devotees.  Another is the story of Joan of Arc by Mark Twain.  If it is not translated into Spanish you could do it each day.  You could read and your good wife could type up the translations!   You can see www.bhati.or for the books.

DTC 18 Jul

13 years, 7 months ago by hps

Hare Krsna, Prabhus,

AGTSP   pamho.   4-daze since we last reported!    That's too much.  We are improving, however. It's a fact. We struggle a little bit with our hypocrisy and sense gratification and make a little progress!  AGTSP!
Still we are in Santiago, ISKCON. Yesterday we had 3-intense classes, a few individual consultations, and so we only chanted 21-rounds, and even had similar days during the weekend before, so we are 9-rounds behind, R(-9/25), from our 25/day.
O.K. Let's have at it and read the mail also.
We can talk more about what's happening in those letters also!

1.42AM - R(-9/25)   ...