
13 years, 6 months ago by pnd

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja.
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I would like to join discussion bhakta Joe Blow started and ask for clarification if my understanding is not right.
Are you main instrument of Lord Balarama for me, though he can speak also through different living beings (like different siksa/vartmana-pradaksaka gurus - including random people we meet who seems to not have anything with devotional service)? In that sense can I sometimes consider other as Balarama spoke through them, but you as my diska guru are always his manifestation? 
As Srila Prabhupada mentioned we should also become gurus, how it will look? Is it when devotee become pure he is automatically used as instrument (so he has no selfish motives)?
Also it seems that different gurus are different. Like every guru is still unique individual.
I also don't understand what exactly mean to initiate somebody on behalf of somebody else (in bh. Joe's letter: initiate him on behalf of SP). 
  • Does it means you initiate him, make contract with him as (on behalf) representative Srila Prabhupada and rest of parampara?  
  • Or he wants to you to make just ceremony, but make contract directly with Prabhupada? In this case why he doesn't ask Srila Prabhupada directly?
Sorry if letter was too long and unorganized.
Please make it more clear to me,
Your servant Prahlad Nrsmha das
HpS - AGTSP!   pamho.      Esteemed PND, Thank you for your letter.   As I understand from scripture, param-atma et al, Diksa-guru can be only focused on the specific vows that one takes at initiation.   Of course, this ulitimately relates to everything, however, another qualified person, an initiated devotees, a sannyasis, a goswami grhastha, maybe more of a representative of Balarama as a siksa guru, guiding you in your sankirtana.
That's fine, normal. We love Krsna in many manifestions.
Your questions about what JB was presenting are questions that I wanted us to clarify.
More questions and answers.

Do you know the future?

13 years, 6 months ago by Bhakta Joe Blow


Do you at all know your schedule for April and May yet? If not do you have some Idea of (IF you ) generally where you are then.

like which country and or state you will be in then?

On your calendar (  you don't say anything about your schedule for those month yet.


Hare Krishna!  

HpS -  AGTSP!!!    paoho.     92% certain we will be based in Tennessee from 15 March to 15 May! 


HPS: "O.K. Joe, now it's time for you to pick up your horn and make your blow!"

13 years, 6 months ago by Bhakta Joe Blow

Um...  Hare Krishna Maharaja ... That last letter was me trying to blow... did i miss something? I am not that smart, after all I got my self into the material world so I can't be too smart.
Hope you are well.
Bhakta Joe Blow  

HpS - Tom Brown - Buck White -      AGTSP     paoho    No, your letter was very precise and nice.  We were just wondering if you agreed that Guru tattva is unlimited as we described and that we aren't trying to understand everything about it but rather getting a few basic truths clear so that we can go ahead, with first initiation etc.
Also, that everyone functions as Guru in different categorical (diksa, siksa, kula gurus) and personal ways.


Mar de Plata - Argentina

13 years, 6 months ago by Panca tattva das

Please accpet my humble obeisances...all glories to srila Prabhupada!!!!

Dear Gurudeva, Since you left Mar del Plata (Argentina) in the month of december great things can't stop happening in the Loft. The inter religious program was a very good step to see the religious aspect and principal necessities of our city. In the month of January, thanks to yours and  the devotees mercy, we had the fortune of the instalation of Srila Prabhupadas murty and automatically a lot more of great things kept on happening, In the month of january and february we´ve recibed the bramacaris of the temple of BS AS; we did Harinams  and book distribution on the streets,we had lots of new guests at the Loft.The LOFT Mar del Plata is geting famous and it looks like that the farm comunity project it is geting near to cristalize, thanks to Prabhus Mahajan complete dedication and Nicasios entusiasm and for sure Krishnas desire  we are doing the best to form the farm comunity..

This month we started with a  semanal radio program in Mar del Plata every “THURSDAY 21.30hs through 102.3 Radio de la Ciudad” station.

Next week we are starting the distribuition of prasadam at the university.

And for sure: Bhagavad Gita and Nectar of Instruction sistematicaly study every week.

     !!!!!!All Glories to Hanumat Presaka Swami!!!!!ki jaiiiii

                                HARE KRSNA

Panca Tattva Das

Your eternal servant

HpS -  Hare Krsna!     AGTSP    pamho.  So nice to hear from you!    Thank you so much.    We become so burdened with questions when we don't hear from you all.     Our respects to Nicasio, Mahajana and everyone.     If you see him, to Padre Segovia also!
We just got back from Europe.
It seems to us that you are perfectly situation on the right path and we don't have anything to say except increase your speed and concentration as you can without deviating.
Please send us more news and any service we can do.    We always put ourselves into the Kapi Dhavaja.   We especially like the last one!

Hare Krishna! (Bhakta Manuel, Chile)

13 years, 6 months ago by Manuel Poblete

Dear Gurumaharaj

It's great to know you are in good health, my humble obeisances. I present a short report:

  • Begin to pursue a masters in agricultural sciences.
  • I am also in contact with Patraka to take the course online Bhakti Sastri.
  • 16 rounds and 4 principles OK.
  • Service: I cook every Sunday in the Sunday Feast program, also attend all 5 days a week to the class of Bhagavad Gita.
  • I started attending the Mangala Arati program on Saturdays at the temple, I made a little program in my home.
    Every day in Krishna Consciousness is a superior taste. Thank you very much for answering my questions.
    Your aspiring servant,
    Bhakta Manuel

HpS - Hare Krsna!    AGTSP!     paoho.     We made it to Texas.   We have been trying to get our feet on the ground, take care of emergency V.E.D.A.S. work for the coming Semester, and we sent out the Kapi Dhvaja!     Your report is super.   It makes us so happy at heart.    The conclusion is book distribution.    I hope that is included more and more in the center of all these sacrifices!     We are trying to plan our travel in South America in the next few weeks.   The general plan is to go to Chile in July.

DTC 1 March - Brussels

13 years, 6 months ago by hps

D i a r y
of a
Traveling Creature

2011 Mar 1
Brussels, Europe

1.15AM - R(4)
Hare Krsna, Muchachos y Muchachas,
AGTSP!!!!!!!!    paoho.
Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!
How are you!
We are sitting in the Jita-prana Das' Flat/Temple in Brussels, Europe. We are in-transit. Flew yesterday from Madrid to here. Prahlada-nrsmha and Partha-sarthi Das met us at the airport and then we came here.  We are traveling with Dingy Lingy, a nice duck whom we met two days ago at New Vraja-mandala. We only distributed like:
-Three "Light of the Bhagavatas", 10-each
-David Haberman, BRS, Introductions
-Dhanurdara Swami, Waves of Devotion
-Bhanu Swami, BRS
-Viola Spolin, Improv. for the Theater etc.
during these whole five weeks in Europe, but we hope we contributed to the book distribution also through our other programs, and those books are supposed to be the basis of more book distribution through LOB Symposium.

O.K.  Let's chant some more rounds.   We gotta be out the door by 6AM to continue our trip to Texas!
Stay with us?

1.24AM - R(4)

1.44AM - R(8)
Pretty good Japa. At five minutes per round, we might be skipping beads! We try to watch it and we will get better. Let's see if we can log on at the Hotel Blum connection across the street! . . .

2.15AM - R(8)
We connected with Patraka on Skype and discussed the VEDAS stuff, also short salutes to Paundrama and Janardana Prabhus in Mexico.  Back to Japa!

2.45AM - R(12)
Some real pleasure in the Japa, but it is pleasure for us, sense gratification. Does it please Krsna?  Also, 15-mantras without beads.

      NOI 7: "We are sending sańkīrtana parties all over the world, and they are experiencing that even in the remotest part of the world, where there is no knowledge of Kṛṣṇa, the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra attracts thousands of men to our camp. In some areas, people begin to imitate the devotees by shaving their heads and chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra, only a few days after hearing the mantra. This may be imitative, but imitation of a good thing is desired. Some imitators gradually become interested in being initiated by the spiritual master and offer themselves for initiation.
If one is sincere, he is initiated, and this stage is called bhajana-kriyā."

We consider that our mind, heart, is probably one of the remotest parts of the world. This Kirtana attacts so many of our inclinations. So we can expect that after even a few days of mechanically chanting we might be ready to be initiated into a new stage of Krsna consciousness.

Let's do some BhVai 100 Pages of Essays!  We are on Varna-ashrama-dharma, Stri-dharma.

3.21AM  -  We followed our Index notes and it takes us to the conversation between Lord Siva and Sati about visiting her father, Daksa's house during a sacrifice. The Translations are very intense. You can feel the demonstration of a ladies nature. You can see how it is the psychology reacting, not the person. We did the chapter noted in our Index, but looks like we will have to continue,  get to continue, on to the next chapter and conclude the conversation.
It is interesting doing these essays.  We usually write them with Atul-krsna Prabhu in mind. He is a director of the Mayapura Institute.

O.K.  Let's post this and then I guess we'll see you on the other side, Houston, Nila-madhava-dhama!!!!!