Jung Goes to Yale?

4 years, 1 month ago by hps in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Though I was working on creating the reading course, I found that the professor's expectations for what has to be predetermined are quite high. He wants me to read 1500 pages (in 13 weeks) about four concepts from Jung and the Gaudiya Vaishnava perspective that directly relates to those concepts. Thereafter, I have to write 4 papers on the 4 topics. He wants me to provide the list of reading material tomorrow. Especially since the semester already started, I am feeling that I may not be able to finalize all aspects in time. Please let me know what your advice is Guru Maharaja. Please forgive me for taking so much of your time 🙏

Your insignificant servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna. This has been very nice effort. I think it is too much, too soon. You might send our regards and thanks to the Professor, and mention that your resources for the course development would have been: Prof. Ravi Gupta, https://history.usu.edu/faculty/faculty-directory/ravi-gupta, and Hanumatpresaka Swami (Prof. Huber Robinson) Wikipedia bio, and they are thinking also that there needs to be more individual, personal reading at your own pace before such a concentrated study was made.


Have you read the auto biography?

Jung follow-up question

4 years, 1 month ago by sugopiradha in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you so much. I will read the Britannica article and put "Memories, Dreams, and Reflections" first on the list for next semester. Guru Maharaja, the professor works on interfaith dialogue and theologies of religious pluralism. I was wondering if you could guide me on how I can get started on relating Jung's autobiography with our philosophy (eg., which sastra to focus on) so that I can present a basic course structure to him. Thank you so much, Guru Maharaja.

Your servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi dasi

HpS - ASA -- AgtSP. Paoho. I would suggest you just start with the Bhagavad Gita and SB, and as you read Jung's texts you can note topics on philosophy and metaphysics that the Gita and Bhagavata Purana cover and then consult us and others and then include the relevant citations from these two texts.

I will write a letter to Shonu and Bernardo now.

URGENT - Calendar Change - Mayapura Classes

4 years, 1 month ago by hps in Special Category A, Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Our classes for Bhaktivedanta diploma,

For the Mayapura Institute,


Will start next Monday, Feb 1st, from 16-18:30 IST, 4.30 - 7AM Nashville Time,

On Mahārāja Sagara and Lord Rama, SB Canto 9, Chapters 8 to 12.

Then February 15-19th will be Canto 9, Chapters 19-24.

We didn't post this first session on our cell phone calendar so we missed it.

Radhika-nagara Das was sharp enough to remind us. He is only 47-years old, young man!

To avoid the Zoom address going public and risking hackers joining, we will give the Zoom address to just a few people individually and most everybody else can watch it on Facebook.

So . . . who wants the Zoom address, especially for Facebook sharing?


Obviously we will have to concentrate on preparing our teaching material. We will not be able to join the FMP during those days, and our voice and mind will be exhausted after 2.5-hours of lecturing daily.

Thank you so much,

HpS, Brown Tom and White Buck

Hare Krsna

MOE Looking for Education Designers

4 years, 1 month ago by hps in Special Category A

Atul-krsna Das writes:

Maharaja...Dandavats!...We are looking to gather a team of devotees to put together a module of teacher training specifically for online teaching...Under our current circumstances, obviously required urgently....Could you possibly consider some of your students who might be qualified and available to be involved?

ASA - Anyone can help? Don't be timid.

Urgent: Report and consult about SB classes on monday-

Hare Krsna, Maharaja and ASA team


May everything be harmony and Ananda for this great team.

I appreciate the mercy of allowing the devotees to share their achievements.

For all of them this was a great adventure of service, for some it meant a challenge, overcoming fears, difficulties etc and for others an opportunity to express their ideas and understanding. At the end of each class they felt very happy and all the collaborators too.

-In total there were 17 devotees who exposed the prayers of Reyna Kunti.

-Canto 1 chapter 8 to text 1 to 45 was displayed. Here i have a consult: from text 46 to 52 correspond to Yudhistira Maharaja. this part also exposed?

-Now that this chapter is over. What other chapter is exposed? Or do we start again with the prayers of Queen Kunti?

-There is a group of devotees who are always collaborating as special guests and in publicity Jahnava dd and Mitravinda dd. etc.

-Efforts have been made to involve all ASA devotees (FMP participants and listeners from the SB class).

Can we continue like this or do we make changes? What do you say?

-Regarding the presentation of the classes, what should we improve?

Once again I appreciate the opportunity it gives us to approach the SB with seriousness and commitment.

May Sri Nrsimhadeva bless the ASA team and everyone.

Whit affection

ys Isvari R dd

HpS-ASA - What would you like to read and discuss? Continuing with M. Yuddhisthira is fine. https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/3/14/ Might also be nice? What topic do you want to study? Want to start a curriculum for several years? Bh Vai?? Have been very nice classes?

Project: Agroecological and Cultural Village "Nueva Asokvan"

4 years, 1 month ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

All the members of this project have resolved the fundamental questions: Who are we? Can we work as a team, and how are we going to make this project come true?

To date we are: p. Raghunatha, p. Uddhava, p. Gadai Gauranga and his wife his mother Nadiya, Nitya-kisori mataji, p. Laksmi-Narayana, Maria and me.

Summary of progress made.

ASA - Many hands make light labor!

1. With Prabhu Uddhava, disciple of Prahladananda Swami (he is a forestry engineer, an expert in agrarian issues with 40 years of experience) we are in the preliminary stage of locating and formalizing the property.

We have located two properties, one in Zuñiga (Cañete), to the south, three hours from Lima and another in Pativilca, to the north, at 3 or 3.30 hours.

We are also evaluating, Canta, Huarochirí and San Mateo. As you mentioned that Pamashto is very far (20 hours from Lima), we are locating the property within a radius of no more than 4 hours from Lima, okay?

ASA-Uncle Gismo - It must be within 45-minutes of a city where there is a university, no? Must be land for ASA and other land that friends of ASA can buy. Water. Maybe in Ecuador???

2. With the Ecological House of the Catholic University and Walter Leon we are seeing a project to build ecological houses, we are baptizing this model as RAM house (Rural, Anti-seismic and Multipurpose). They will also advise us on the use of wind energy and solar panels. Any suggestion?

HpS - Grass converts solar power, oxen and bulls eat grass and provide work, no? Good solar power?? Can develop property so that it will be attractive to other buyers, not just Hare Krsna buildings, then can sell and buy other place if better?

3. With the La Molina Agrarian University we are in very good conversations so that this project is evaluated for its organic and ecological crops with permaculture, they will make a soil evaluation and investigate our production model as a model to be replicated. Any suggestion?

ASA - Puede tomar apoyo del Maharaja Bhakti purusotraya Swami y su proyecto???

4. Nitya-kisori is a business administrator and her brother Franco is a planning expert trained in France, both of them, starting in January, begin to design the administrative and legal structure of the project and an annual work plan for the next three years . Any suggestion?

HpS - Good.

It is a fact that we have to have a place where we can practice the way of life that we preach: "Simple life and high thinking." I have been talking these last weeks with different types of people, academics, artists and businessmen, they all agree that the creation of these ecological and cultural villages is the best way to live in goodness and to properly face this pandemic and all those that seem to be looming.

ASA - They are all Krsna's mercy. Bhakta Fred thinks that Krsna has given power to people in the Kali-yuga to develop industrial power, yantra vidhi, but now they are destroying the Earth, so He is finishing it. This pandemic will mutate and in the end the industrialized life style will be destroyed. Peopl will be successful who live in nations based upon village, rural life. Village, Town, City, County, Nation.

The will be 80% self sufficient just from their village life and not travel too much or too far, but will be very well connected if need be.

Normal Dvapara yuga life.

HARE KRISHNA GURUDEVA, her useless servant, Abhirama Thakura dasa.

HpS - ASA --- Thank you many!!!!! ASA Asokavan, Peru, Radha-kunda.


Proyecto: Aldea Agroecológica y Cultural "Nueva Aksovan"

Todos los integrantes de este proyecto han resuelto las preguntas fundamentales: ¿Quiénes somos? ¿Podemos trabajar en equipo? y ¿cómo vamos a hacer realidad este proyecto?

Hasta la fecha somos: p. Raghunatha, pág. Uddhava, pág. Gadai Gauranga y su esposa su madre Nadiya, Nitya-kisori mataji, p. Laksmi-Narayana, Maria y yo.

Resumen de los avances realizados.

1. Con Prabhu Uddhava, discípulo de Prahladananda Swami (es un ingeniero forestal, experto en temas agrarios con 40 años de experiencia) estamos en la etapa preliminar de ubicar y formalizar la propiedad. Hemos localizado dos propiedades, una en Zuñiga (Cañete), al sur, a tres horas de Lima y otra en Pativilca, al norte, a las 3 o 3.30 horas. También estamos evaluando, Canta, Huarochirí y San Mateo. Como mencionaste que Pamashto está muy lejos (a 20 horas de Lima), estamos ubicando la propiedad en un radio de no más de 4 horas desde Lima, ¿está bien?

2. Con la Casa Ecológica de la Universidad Católica y Walter León estamos viendo un proyecto de construcción de casas ecológicas, bautizamos este modelo como casa RAM (Rural, Antisísmica y Multipropósito). También nos asesorarán sobre el uso de energía eólica y paneles solares. ¿Alguna sugerencia?

3. Con la Universidad Agraria La Molina estamos en muy buenas conversaciones para que este proyecto sea evaluado por sus cultivos orgánicos y ecológicos con permacultura, ellos harán una evaluación de suelos e investigarán nuestro modelo de producción como modelo a replicar. ¿Alguna sugerencia?

4. Nitya-kisori es administradora de empresas y su hermano Franco es un experto en planificación formado en Francia, ambos, a partir de enero, comienzan a diseñar la estructura administrativa y legal del proyecto y un plan de trabajo anual para los próximos tres años. ¿Alguna sugerencia?

Es un hecho que tenemos que tener un lugar donde podamos practicar la forma de vida que predicamos: "Vida simple y pensamiento elevado". He estado hablando estas últimas semanas con diferentes tipos de personas, académicos, artistas y empresarios, todos coinciden en que la creación de estas aldeas ecológicas y culturales es la mejor manera de vivir en bondad y enfrentar adecuadamente esta pandemia y todas las que parecen que ya se avecinan.

HARE KRISHNA GURUDEVA, su sirviente inútil, Abhirama Thakura dasa.