blade runner - monologue
for Monitos
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain"
ASA - Thank you! 'maya tatam idam sarvam...'
for Monitos
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain"
ASA - Thank you! 'maya tatam idam sarvam...'
Hare Krishna Mahara, PAMHO, AGTSP
continuation from :
we have created a file , please see if you can see.!Aiwe2qLAAyANg4QBxieTDalgbPDMNQ?e=ewdR8U
we noticed that there around 250+ ASA-Special Category B letters.
Do you think we should start tagging it ourself?
awaiting orders,
TB/BW - Hurray! Horse. Saw the link. Is clear and simple. Can the content of those Category B posts be put into the file that is now posted in the Archives: along with any other changes you have made and then sent to us here and elsewhere?
Maybe you can look at the old Cat. B posts, but they may not all be ASA-E appropriate.
Thank you!!!
We think we can make rapid progress with this effort.
Hare Krsna Maharaja and ASA team,
I hoping everyone is well.
I inform you that tomorrow, Monday, August 9, Indranila dd will give his presentation of SB 3.14.35-36.
She is from Costa Rica and performs service in ISKCON Spain.
Thank you for youy mercy
Sri Nrsimhadeva protect ASA team
ys Isvari R dd
HpS/ASA -- AGTSP. Paoho. We listened to the local, ISKCON Boise, class today. Sudevi Dasi, wife of our Braja mandala Parikrama partner, Sadhu Das, from Malaga, Spain, gave the class. It was very nice.
We thought that devotees could open by themselves, but were later worried that it didn't happen, but then saw on the GTM panel that it seems to have happened!
ASA - Lady's Mandala, can you send the news for next Monday by Wednesday?? How was today's presentation?
AGTSP paoho
In our recent ASA Symposium on Education we were lamenting that no from the Executive Committee or Zonal Reps responded to our invitations to join us, but finally we got to our e-mail after producing the program and then traveling to ISKCON Boise, Idaho, and here is a very, very, very, inspiring letter from Tapan Misra Das, Executive Secretary of the Ministry (and I hope still our very good friend).
We must have missed it because it came after we had alreay dove into the ocean of organizing the event and could not check our Yahoo Mail.
On Friday, July 30, 2021, 10:23:10 AM MDT, Tapana Mishra Das wrote:
Respected Maharaja, Dandavats. Jai Srila Prabhupada.
I am most grateful for your email. Please let me know which slot you would like me to join for. I will try my best to do so. Your servant, Tapana Mishra dasa.
HpS - ASA - Thank you, Prabhu. We hope to talk soon.
Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:
I was eager to write to You a long time ago. When I got initiation back to 2004 I started to be a pujari right away. Besides that I was always enganched [engaged] in the temple service trying to keep good communication with the authorities. And so forth,
Years passed and I do not know if I can use the word "corruption" (you can delete it if you think this word is unappropiate) corruption within some temple authorities. These things affected my utsahan and even if I continued with my service, and I recalled all the things that you had to put up with within all these years in ISKCON my faith is not as strong as yours. I am aware that if I continue chanting Krsna will give me the intelligence to continue with utsahan.
HpS/ASA - AGTSP! Paoho. I think corruption is O.K., if we are willing to apply it to ourselves. Another word might be alloyed . I can see it happening to myself all the time.
Some may fall into vanity.
Some into pizza-fudge.
Some into sexo-illicito,
By Diti was certainly smudged.
Yet it they are still all corruption, alloyed, service.
The the thing that affected me the most was how the authorities handle the repainting of Gaura Nitai!!!!
I sent pictures comparing the deities in the past and now. We can tell the difference, I offer money to cover all the expenses and a team to work. I do not know why they are so stubborn :(
HpS/ASA - Neither do we. 😮
One time Jaya Tirtha Das and one senior Mataji were arguing over how Rukmini Dvarakadisha should be dressed, so they to the quarrel to Srila Prabhupada and as we heard it, he raised his hand with a smile and laughed and said that it was a matter of personal taste. He was not going to get involved.
Maybe that. Maybe something else.
Or maybe I am. The thing is that I have no forces to pursue this. My heart is broken 💔 in thousand pieces when I saw how They look today.
I guess that is time for me to let go.
Moreover it's not just me.
Other devotees do not agree either. But "they have the power"
ASA/TB - Does this apply??? Can we do a sacrifice to "kill Indra", make disciples who can seize government power in our Yatra, so we can serve Visnu the way we want to serve Him???
My faith in You is intact, but I am trying not to exposure as I did in the past. I listen to your classes but in recordings. I join FMP, my participation in the chat is limited. I know that I am not a top-notch devotee. Nevertheless, today I read a message in Spanish that says: Lo importante no es lo que has logrado sino en lo que te has convertido
"The important thing is not what you have achieved but what you have become" For me the important thing is that I continue being part of ISKCON.
HpS - There are many rooms in the house that Srila Prabhupada is building so that in it the whole world can live, no? So, yes, we will NEVER leave ISKCON. Iskcon has absolute no meaning unless Srila Prabhupada is recognized as the Founder, Foundation, and Acharya, current leading authority.
We all have a right, necessity, to direct communication with him [though so many transparent via media].
Nowadays, for me is more important to keep my spiritual life and my contact with you rather than stand out among the devotees. I have the feeling that I do not have anything to show. I guess in the past I had that necessity to do that. I was immature. Maybe I still am. I just have the duty to tell you.
HpS - Thank you. We are all people. We all feel that the crew is not complete without CMDD and if the authorities see that you have been preaching to a dwarf B'cari who is coming to the Temple during Janmastami festival, they should probably look out.
I want to keep a low profile like Patrak d, Madhumanjari dd. Both are great devotees and serve you, but I I can tell that they are not eager to show off.
I continue giving classes in ISKCON Chosica, and leading kirtan 2 sundays a month
16 rounds ok
Thanks in advance Gurudeva
Trying be your disciple
HpS - I hope you have practical faith in us. You have faith in your dog, Ulysses. He will certainly protect you and your sister and cats, but... he is a dog and you do not expect him to do more than that. Jatayu was an eagle and he tried to protect Sita when no one else came forward but he could only do it half way.
Be more enthusiastic to see Gaura Nitai with a face that pleases their Mother's heart.
Hare Krsna Maharaj
Today we heard commentary of Annual Cart Festival by Lord Jagannath Yatra 2021 by Doordarshan National TV
It was amazing to hear devotion filled commentary in English, Sanskrit and Hindi.
There are body builders to get the lord in the cart. Body builder with strong stomach are different (to get the lord up from back ) and strong arm are different(to push lord from sides).
I wish it could be a National festival or even International Festival.
He is the current king
Did the Broom service.
The glories of Odisha should be spread. I would more Research in this.
HpS - Wow! Thanks for the news. Maybe The End of the Industrial Revolution as innaugurated by these pandemia will mark the beginning of our return to depth in our traditional festivals.