ASA Carnival, DTC-UTC Interviews

3 years, 4 months ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Praying for the energy in your body to recover quickly from your recent trip.

I write as part of the ASA Carnaval team, We greatly appreciate your instruction and guidance. We are following up on the project that we present to you about the "Interviews about your Sankirtan"

- BACKGROUND For blog readers-

On July 30, 2021, the ASA Carnaval team had a virtual meeting with SS Hanumatpresaka Swami. At that meeting, the project was presented in detail on a series of interviews with devotees who have been part of the history of the preaching of the ASA in Peru. These interviews will document part of the history of the Peruvian Yatra and will serve as support for the film “DTC - The Ultimate Trip”.

-Agreements of the meeting:

* Conduct interviews one by one with those who are part of this story.

* Some interviewees may participate as a group.

* Dates and times - Adapt to the time that the interviewee suggests, according to their region and availability.

* The meetings will have a Devotee who will guide the interviewee according to previously elaborated questions, to obtain the desired objectives.

* H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami, will participate in the interviews and exchange comments with the interviewee.

* Maharaja suggested End of August - Beginning of September for the first meetings.


Taking into account the agreements we reached in the aforementioned meeting, we allow ourselves to present you the first interview proposal.

* Suggested platform - ZOOM


INTERVIEW 1 - Confirmed Devotee -

(Important: Date and time have been suggested by the devotee)

Interview with - Daru Krsna Das Prabhu

Suggested Date - September 9, 2021

Suggested Time - 7:00 PM (Nashville Time)

Approximate duration of the event- 1 Hour.

Language -Which do you consider more appropriate: bilingual or only Spanish?

note: If it is in Spanish, there would be written and oral translation into English

Artistic Number - Maximum duration 5 minutes

We propose this date considering your trip to Houston and then to Peru.

Please let us know what is your opinion regarding this proposal?

We remain attentive to your orders for any necessary modification.

With much appreciation and affection

ys ASA Carnaval team

Isvari R dd

HpS - The ninth is fine but it would be better like 4PM. 7PM is very late for these practical activities. English and Spanish we can use just as is practical for the people involved. You, ASA Carnival, should send us and the Daru, some topics for discussion and then we can edit and even share our screens.

Let's go!




Report and Prospects for B'cari P. K. Das, India

Hare Krishna

Respected Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Reading your replies shows such maturity in you, I am spellbound.

By your mercy and prayers, my sadhana is little better now. One wrong trap for me is I am wasting quite a time on social media... I know I need to reduce that.

Mostly I am staying in Darbhanga. I conduct a small program at my room on Sunday. 2-3 families are slowly taking to the process of Krishna Consciousness, while 1 new online batch has been started- your blessings are required so that it grows into a group of devotees. As informed earlier, a ISKCON center has come up here in Darbhanga being managed by some devotees. Now I am trying to look for some other place for developing preaching. Sometimes I feel a little weak due to lack of association. If things work out nicely then in 3-4 months I can expect to serve Lord in a small temple near Sitamarhi. Sitamarhi is said to be the place where Mother Sita was found from within the Earth by Maharaj Janak. There a few devotees are also expected to join us. Not getting much/ any practical support from my authorities sometimes disheartens me and causes fear- how long I would be able to flap before maya captures me?

Please keep me under your blessing and let me know if I could do any little service for you.

Your servant,

Purushottam Keshav Das

HpS - AgtSP. As soon as I saw your name on this Blog post I was thinking about you and wanted to answer. I hope our other posts and our Kapi Dhvaja communicate our spiritual and material situation.

Hare Krsna!

Even now it is 5.07PM and we have one hour to wash clothes, cut nails, shave face and head as per every two week standard and then we have Juhlana Yatra and second night of a Symposium on Nectar of Instruction given be Krsna through our mind (We hope).

Here is what I was thinking

Why not move into the Bhakti Vedanta Research Center (BRC) Ashrama in Kolkatta and work with them. Get a diploma in history etc. be representative for our NIOS there, coordinate with Dr. Samaresh.

NIOS can make donations to BRC to help with any expenses.

What do you think?

I think it is a terrible plan,

but I also think it might be good.

Anything in this world is terrible unless Krsna wants it.

You are carrying on in all difficulty, like so many other followers of Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON devotees.

We will win.

Radha Madana Bihari (typical peruvian costumes)

3 years, 4 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


As you requested me on WhatssAPP I am sending the photos of RMB in Their typical peruvian costumes)

These photos were taken in 2012. I guess that I shared them in one Japa Joe of that year. But I did not share them on this blog, so now the whole world can take darshan.

Today is our independence anniversary. Bicentennial

I hope you like this pictures. Your very goodself taught me to appreciate more my country.

In service


Thank you so much! We hope that we can see wonderful service for RMB!!!!!!


3 years, 4 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Ref: Earlier letter:

Hare Krsna, Maharaj,

We looked at this file.

This is July 2020


The link for Feb 2021 file is


the link [that] combine files, of work till date is!Aiwe2qLAAyANg4QHi_PB58dwJPMMQw?e=EX6wIj

If you have hot-mail id, please share with us, we will provide you the editing rights.

right now any one on internet can view the file by the help of link

awaiting feedback


ASA/Buck White - Please forgive our low born nature. We are beasts and we can barely handle the Information Managment System that Uncle Gismo has established through the ASA webpage.

Guess the is the best place to start. It has all the entries in one list.

It has alphabetic categories and subheadings, but those need to be reformatted so that the Headings Level One and more distinct from those of Heading Level Two etc.

The Google docs will not work for us except in a crisis and Brother Ass is too old for crisis unless we want to send him to an early cremation (before 2024).


I can understand that working with us might be impractical for such a race horse as your good self. So, if we need to adjust or minimize of suspend the project temporarily or even permanently that is O.K. First we are friends, then these institutional things fit in place.

Again, Buck White / ASA Secretary and Culinary Critic.

URGENT! Kapi Dhvaja 8th August 2021

3 years, 5 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear gurudeva!!!!!!!!!!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you.

HpS - Very little glories to us. Glories to Guru and Gauranga!!

Please accept our humble family obeisances.

HpS/ASA - Thank you. We remember your family house. We hope it is full of plants and people.

How are you?

HpS - The same as you. Body decaying, then we will get another. I hope the Kapi Dhvaja gave some indication of our situation.

As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups as listed at:

We (family) are ok.

Health is ok. Still working on a better diet. Sadhana is OK. we have a simple sane routine (rounds, worship, reading).

We ARE back to classes. This month I am helping 1st grade teacher. So I'm working a lot. In the morning, I work with 6th grade; at noon, English classes with 7th, 10th and 11th grade, and in the afternoon, with 1st grade. It a challenge to change the way to teach in each grade, but I like it a lot... I love to learn.

HpS - Wow! Five different Patakas in one day, every day. Psychotic pineapple.

looking forward to your arrival...

I hope I can see you, at least one time.

Thanks a lot for this Wonderful bulletin.

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette )

ASA - Translate and also give criticism and commentary as you can!!

Ptrk- We will try.

HpS - Of course, we are seeing each other right now. Body association is O.K. but talking is the best. Really hope we reawaken our eternal relations more.

Thank you so much for your help. Your criticisms are essential. Even a little.

Manuel's 6th Report

3 years, 5 months ago by manuel in Special Category A



ALL GLORIES TO SRILA PRABHUPADA !! And his dedicated disciples, like you, who carry his message of Krishna consciousness to all parts of this world.

First of all, we want to thank you-all for the questions and suggestions, made by the ASA Commando, to our report No 5.

Prof. Miguel Polo and Abhiram Thakur Das analyzed them in detail and responded, that is the 1st part of this report (this report consists of Two parts).

Part I: Questions from the ASA team to report No 5 and their respective answers:

QUESTION: ASA-Tom Brown - It's shocking to see the shape of a lonely young woman in tight pants doing yoga poses and a gas-burning motorboat.

Buck White - Look the other way.

ANSWER: Regarding the images on the web, Miguel Polo and Abhiram selected the images with the following criteria: The 1st image, that of the ship, was to represent the material world (a predominantly dark and dirty place), then the 2nd. image shows a person on top of a mountain saluting the sun (everything is clear because he is directly receiving the light of knowledge, represented by the sun) and finally, the 3rd. Image, the blue lotus symbolizes or represents the spiritual world.

Perhaps the interpretation of the images is not clear or does not suggest our intention, therefore, considering TB's suggestion, we have withdrawn them and we have placed a sunrise with the SOLARIS leitmotif “Contributions for a humanity inspired by a new culture of friendship, peace and prosperity ”. (attached a photo of how he has been)

ASA - The Brown Tom - So much nicer, but could we use the rest of Srila Prabhupadas quote:

"humanity can become one in peace, friendship and prosperity with a common cause." ?

QUESTION: TB - On the home page where NIOS is presented we did not see a link to the NIOS website: www.NiosNimbus.Org. It's nice, but it seems like scenes from human culture like architecture or festivals would be better, right?

The Brahma samhita verse should be there, right?

ANSWER: Miguel and ARTd agree 108% with this suggestion from TB, so now the home page of the website begins with the verse from the Brahma samhita: Also if you click on the face of Socrates or on NIOS it also takes you to the NIOS website:

ASA - TB - Is this new version posted some place?

QUESTION: ASA-Tom Brown - Wow. We do not remember having heard this thematic axis before. It seems nice, but we cannot see any deeper Vedic basis for selecting these themes. E.g. SB 2.1 would touch ecology very well, but how does that relate to education and ecology? There could be some relationship.

What items have been shipped ???

ANSWER: After the event THE ART AND THE SACRED (2018) Professor Hanumatpresaka Swami suggested as content, for the next three years EDUCATION AND THE SACRED (this covers 2019, 2020 and 2021, that is, numbers 4, 5 and 6 of the magazine). Then, at ARTd's house (October 2019) when SOLARIS was discussed, Professor Ravi Gupta (Radhika Raman prabhu) suggested, due to global importance, adding the topic of ecology and we all agreed.

Since its appearance, SOLARIS has been the basis for the academic events of NIOS (No. 1 and 2 was for PSYCHOLOGY AND THE SACRED, No. 3 for ART AND THE SACRED and 4 for EDUCATION AND THE SACRED). As last year everything was modified by the pandemic (we could no longer do the November 2020 event) so for number 5 we held two round tables to add the topic of Covid-19 in the magazine. Based on these circumstances and the 2018 agreement, Miguel and Abhiram continued with THE EDUCATION AND THE SACRED with the addition of ECOLOGY for the thematic axis of No. 6.

EDUCATION, ECOLOGY AND THE SACRED are very broad topics, therefore, it is necessary to set more specific content so that the authors can write based on them. This is how these three thematic contents arise:

  • (A) Education and innovation, the cultivation of the human spirit as the center to build a good society. (EDUCATION AND THE SACRED)
  • (B) Pandemics in the world, material problems, ethical and spiritual solutions. (ECOLOGY AND THE SACRED)
  • (C) Education and harmony between human beings and nature. (EDUCATION, ECOLOGY AND THE SACRED)


  1. Albert Ferrer / From conventional schooling to holistic education. A personal change of course and a paradigm shift (article delivered)
  2. Paloma Rojas Vaquero / Reflections on a comprehensive initial education in Art (article delivered)
  3. Dwarka / The Bhagavad Gita as a model of comprehensiveness in teaching (delivery August 29)
  4. Caitanya Caran / the possibility and practice of communicating spirituality and moral values ​​in the modern world (delivery September 17)


  1. Ravi Gupta / Why we need a Gaudiya Vaishnava eco-theology. (to be confirmed)
  2. Miguel Polo / Ethics and dharma, the role of ecology in spirituality. (delivery August 29)
  3. Sarad-Gaurangui / Covid-19 in the world, material problems, ethical and spiritual solutions. (delivery September 10)


  1. Nicasio Cavilla / Ayurveda: Sustainable Medicine. Understanding the natural cycles for health care. (delivery August 29)
  2. José Luis Valencia / Recognizing natural entities is synchronizing with universal consciousness. (I already deliver a trailer, final delivery on August 29)
  3. Universidad Católica de Chile / Nature and Zen Buddhism. (Delivery September 10)

ASA-TB - Now it is more clear, though we had to scan a lot of the explanation. Manuel, you are an intellectual too great for us.

Regarding the summaries of “Carl Jung & psychological insights for spiritual growth” and "Shakespeare Revisited, Universal Themes, Spiritual Insight" of the Podcast “The Monk” Chaitanya Charana prabhu authorized their use for the summaries, he said “I think it is wonderful that they are used for SOLARIS magazine”.

ASA- BW - Oink!! 🐷

Another important point, we send to Prabhus Abhisek and Srinivas-acarya the content on the web in English. The part about the authors has been sent to HH HpS and Radhika Raman prabhu, we await your comments.

ASA-TB/BW - Oh! .... We just looked in HpS's Yahoo account and cannot see anything in the VIP, NIOS, HPS1088 or Spam Folders!!

II Part

Trips for the implementation of the Asrama where H. H. HpS will be for 6 months as part of the implementation of the rural project Nueva Aksovan:

Tomorrow Tuesday we are going to see a house in Pachacamac and another in Cieneguilla, according to these visits, on Friday the confirmation of the place will be sent to the blog.

ASA-TB/BW - Wow! Manuel, you are like Terminator 6! Wonderful.

That's it for now, please excuse our limitations and any mistakes or offenses.


ASA Supreme Undifferentiated Absolute Commando [ASA-SUAC] - We salute you. (Photo Attached). This is wonderful report. What if apes ruled the world and humans were kept in zoos and the jungle? ! So many respects to the Rabbit, Miguel et al, Hector et al.

Six weeks and four days before we arrive in Lima?

What should we bring?