Hare Krsna Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Espero se encuentre bien.

HpS - TlgaSP...... pfanrh...... honor oir de Vd. Estoy bien pero cansado. Aprendiendo much como ser mas y mas activo en servicio del Senyor Caitanya!!

Vimos Su película/documental el día del estreno. Nos gustó mucho.

HpS - Pienso es 75% bueno. Otros tambien. No es mal 75% por primero esfuerza, no? Era 75% perfecto en su trabajo del Presidente? Mas?

Tenemos 3 nuevos miembros en la junta directiva:

*Janakaraja Das Prabhu

*Su discípulo, Jagad-Guru Das Prabhu

*Harinama Gouranga Das Prabhu

Tenemos 4 aspirantes a refugio formal para iniciaciones 2023:

*Diana Sánchez

*Estefanía Colella

*Narotam Armijo

*Iksvaku Cisternas

Carta pendiente de Nicole Silva.

Según indicaciones de Prabhu Abhiram T. Das, enviamos cartas de recomendación en fotos.

Quedamos atentos a Sus indicaciones.

HpS - Bien bien!! No puedo 'recognize' Iksvaku. We saved the names with birth day and email and then erased it from the Blog.

Desde Asokavan estamos con deseos de estar más tiempo con Usted. Esperamos verlo en 2023 en México o USA.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Jagannatha Caran Das

HpS - Super! Cual es su trabajo professional de Grhastha???? Va a ser Presidente de Chile? San Martin?

Kapi Dhvaja 28th July 2022

2 years, 5 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Gurudeva!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada & All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances. (PAOHO)


As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna.

I hope You are having a good time in Spain.

Our sadhana is ok. These 2 weeks were a bit challenging because our routine changed. We keep trying to chant 16 good rounds everyday. Worshipping and Reading SB every morning.

holidays are over. Tomorrow we back to work. As I told you before, I'm in charge of the 1st and 7th grade. The school asked me to work with those grades until the end of the year and I accepted. So this year I stop with private classes.

Thanks a lot for

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

Gandharva Das Reports, Personal and Institutional.

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

Please accept our humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

I hope you are in very good health. Unfortunately I couldn't follow you on the morning program but I read the Blog relatively frequently.

Hps/ASA - I hope that it is useful, that NIOS/ASA are one resource amongst others in your connection with Srila Prabhupada.

'he radhe vraja devike! he nanda suno kutah'?

At the moment, Indira Sakti and I are in Lima attending to some family emergencies. We hope to return to the mountains in 10 days, but with the commitment to return to the city more often because we are needed here.

Murari gupta would heal his patients spiritual ills along with their material ills.

The service in the MoE flows calmly. The regional representatives are now complete, having incorporated Aravinda das and Paramatma das.

On the other hand, we are organizing an educational community-program, initially for teachers only, with a view to incorporating other devotees in the future.

We have begun to meet fortnightly to discuss topics of common interest, organize training courses and possible publications, databases, seminars, etc.

The response has been relatively good, although I think more enthusiasm is needed (enthusiasm seems like the desirable jewel in these gray days).

We are also advancing in the organization of the Bhakti Vaibhava course for the Guayaquil temple, in charge of Karuna-nitay Prabhu and Mitravinda devi dasi.

Also, I'm giving Bhagavad-gita classes for the ISKCON Buenos Aires temple.

Indira Sakti and I are fine,

consolidated in a good marriage in which the presence of the Lord is never missed for long. My work as a teacher and researcher in visual and cultural issues has found new opportunities. It is interesting to observe the cultural theory as a distorted reflection of the sastra, sometimes related, sometimes contrary, but as a fragment of an archeology to be reconstructed from the sastric perspective.

In the next post I will send you two article proposals for the Kapi Dhvaja as you requested earlier.

HpS - The work you describe is excellent. It needs to be distributed. Of course, Abhirama Th. Das', NIOS's, Solaris is one good avenue. Do you know others?

Gurumaharaja, do you allow me to learn and perform Homa yajna? A need has arisen and I want to know if you agree with it. Basically it is to deal with domestic situations. My sadhana standard is fine.

If you are a Brahmana, of course, you can do it. You need to learn from an expert how to do it. How are you connected to GBC, Temple President et al?

Always praying for your health and well-being

your little servant

Gandharva das

HpS - Hare Krsna. Hare Rama. Let us look at another letter. It is 10.55PM here in Brihuega, Spain, but only now is the weather cooling so that we can work. During the day it is hot and a siesta is natural.

Thank you.

We hope your next article include nice art!

dtc {su/24}

2 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC, Special Category A

Hare Krsna,



Tom Brown, Monkey

You can see in the letter to Pancha tattva Das some news of our travel to Spain.

90% packed up in USA and starting work here.

These are the letters pending in the Blog:

1 month, 3 weeks ago by Bhakta Loren in Other

Lista de canciones vaisnavas - PMD

2 weeks, 1 day ago by piyari_mohan_das in Hot Topics

Ideas para artes vaisnavas

1 week, 2 days ago by piyari_mohan_das in Other

Mi servicio: Guirnaldas!

1 week, 5 days ago by dpsanchezm in Personal Sadhana Reports

Happy Gurupurnima!

1 week, 3 days ago by Bhakta Loren in Personal Sadhana Reports

Inform Of Vajendra Kumara Das And Amala DD

1 week, 1 day ago by brian tellez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Trees with feelings [No priority code that fortnight]

3 days, 10 hours ago by Namacarya das in Other

Letter from Peru

5 days, 9 hours ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports

The post from Lokabandhu Rama Das is not Answered so that we don't loose the file links. Others we are trying to answer as the Lord in the Heart (and Stomach) tell us.

Now is 1.37AM. Hot. We have headache, so time to stop, before we get brain stroke.

HpSwami is happy. Things are progressing nicely by Srila Prabhupada's efforts.

Hare Krsna


TB et al.

Amd-vbn-hvd in spain

2 years, 5 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Special Category A

HARE Krishna Gurudev,




Please accept our humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Here we are in New Vrajamandala.

ASA - AGTSP! paoho. Us also. So good to see you yesterday and today.

Our journey began several months ago with the idea of ​​being able to be useful in the documentary project.

Physically, we traveled a week before the flight to Spain by car from our house in Huerta Grande, Cordoba to Buenos Aires, about 800 kilometers away.

For a week we lived with my (Ambarisa) parents and we saw more relatives. It is also a request and necessity of Hari Vamsi to see them regularly.

In those days we met Abhirama thakurji who gave me the equipment lent by Raul Ceballos and the hard disk and microphones bought in New York by Dharu Krsna.

HpS/ASA - We have two $50 lapel mikes in our lost suitcase.

We shared Prasadam pizza, we toured part of Buenos Aires in search of books and then we took him to the airport heading to Lima Peru.

Then on July 11 we took a flight with a 4 hour stopover in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. From there direct to Madrid.

The trip was quite good, Hari slept the entire Bolivia-Madrid section. He was very excited about the whole adventure.

There were quite a few children on both flights.

Upon arrival, we were to meet Adiras Prabhu, but his car broke down on the way to the airport. Then Jambula came to the rescue to take us to New Vrajamandala.

HpS - Material life means to expect problems and then by Krsna's mercy surpass them for His serrvice here.

The devotees received us very well, very attentive in everything. They placed us in the tower, inside the main building.

ASA - Oh, that is where you are! I used to stay there. It is nice. Has 360-degree view? Big cloak room at the entrance. Oh, we are neighbors. We can visit you.

We are still adjusting the schedule, mostly Hari that we can't get him to sleep before 2 am. Also here it is HOT during the day until 10:30 at night. Our bodies changed from the intense cold of Cordoba to the heat, they are adjusting very well.

HpS - This is because we are Yogis, no?

There are many children and Hari has already made friends and that helps with his melancholy. They meet in the afternoon at the river and then play in the temple garden after the Gaura Arati.

We are trying to participate in the Mangala Arati, also Yadunandana Swami has engaged us in giving Srimad Bhagavatam lecture ( canto 5 chapter 4)

The deities of Radha Govinda Candra, Gaura Nitai, Giriraj and Laxmi Nrsimha are very beautiful and the atmosphere here is pleasant in many ways.

We began to plan with Mahajan Prabhu the video of new Vraja mandala that they asked us to arrange for the stay. It would be a video that shows everything that the place can offer and promote it for tourism purposes and something spiritual, not religious.

ASA - "Pilgrims" instead of "Tourists", no? Propaganda can read: Places of Personal Pilgrimage. Where to investigate your full potential and personal demons. . . Pilgrimages and Spiritual Reteats.. . . . The Light and Cooling Breezes for those on the Pilgrim's Progress. ???

https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/1/13/9/ + Subsequent verse.

https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/3/1/17/ + subsequent verses. " one is able to realize the Supreme Lord by the process of a pilgrim’s journey".

We are looking at which spaces would be the best for interviews. We think that outdoor spaces are very attractive and it would be good to take advantage of them. Then inside they suggest the library, which is in another building, it is quiet and with good aesthetics. We haven't seen her yet.

There is internet in different places (with different passwords), the classes are broadcast on the New Vrajamandala Facebook. We're also looking into data plans for mobiles.

Thank you very much Guru dev for engage us in service and giving us this adventure.

Yours servants Vrsabhanu nandini and Ambarisa m Das

HpS/ASA - Again, very nice to see you. We are immortal. Krsna may take our material body at any moment. We can act from the strength of the eoul.


Haré krishna Gurudev,




Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Aquí estamos en Nueva Vrajamandala. 

Nuestro viaje comenzó hace varios meses con la idea de poder ser utiles en el proyecto del documental.

 Físicamente viajamos una semana antes del vuelo a España en automóvil desde nuestra casa en Huerta Grande Cordoba hacia Buenos Aires, unos 800 kilómetros de distancia. Convivimos con mis (Ambarisa) padres y vimos más familiares también es un pedido y necesidad de Hari Vamsi el verlos regularmente. En esos días nos encontramos con Abhirama thakurji quien me entregó los equipos prestados por Raul Ceballos y los discos y micrófonos comprados en New York por Dharu Krsna. Compartimos pizza Prasadam, recorrimos parte de Bs As en busca de libros y luego lo llevamos al aeropuerto rumbo a lima Peru.

Luego el 11 de julio tomamos un vuelo con escala de 4h en Santa Cruz, Bolivia. De ahí directo a Madrid.

El viaje estuvo bastante bien, Hari durmió todo el tramo Bolivia-Madrid. Estaba muy emocionado con toda la aventura.

Había bastantes niños en ambos vuelos. 

Al llegar íbamos a encontrarnos con Adiras Prabhu, pero su auto se rompió camino al aeropuerto. Luego Jambula vino al rescate para llevarnos a Nueva Vrajamandala.

Los devotos nos recibieron muy bien, muy atentos en todo. Nos ubicaron en la torre, dentro del edificio principal.

Estamos aún ajustando el horario, más que nada Hari que no logramos que se duerma antes de la 2 am. Además aquí es de día hasta las las 10:30 de la noche. Nuestros cuerpos cambiaron del frío intenso de Cordoba al calor, se están ajustando muy bien.

Hay muchos niños y Hari ya se hizo amigos y eso ayuda con su melancolía. Se encuentran por la tarde en el río y luego juegan en el jardín del templo después del Gaura Arati. 

Estamos Intentando participar de los Mangala Arati, también Yadunandana Swami nos ha ocupado en dar clases de Srimad Bhagavatam ( canto 5 capítulo 4)

Las deidades de Radha Govinda Candra, Gaura Nitai, Giriraj y Laxmi Nrsimha son muy hermosas y el ambiente aquí es agradable en muchos sentidos.

Comenzamos a planificar con Mahajan Prabhu el vídeo de la finca que nos pidieron como arreglo por la estadía. Sería un vídeo que muestre todo lo que la finca puede ofrecer y promocionarla con fines turísticos y algo espiritual no religioso. 

Estamos viendo qué espacios serían los mejores para las entrevistas. Pensamos que los espacios exteriores son muy atractivos y sería bueno aprovecharlos. Luego dentro nos sugieren la biblioteca, que está en otro edificio, es tranquilo y con buena estética. Aún no la hemos visto.

Hay internet en distintas partes (con diferentes claves), las clases se transmiten en el Facebook de Nueva Vrajamandala. También estamos averiguando sobre planes de datos para teléfonos.

Muchas gracias Gurú dev por Ocuparnos en servicio y regalarnos esta aventura.

Para servirle Vrsabhanu nandini y Ambarisa m Das

Urgent! Kapi Dhvaja 13th July 2022

2 years, 5 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Gurudeva!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada & All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances. (PAOHO)


As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna. I hope you are in good health

Our sadhana is good. Always trying to be fixed in finishing 16 rounds and reading SB before classes. These 2 weeks I am on holidays.

At school, we close this first semester with a big presentation...I will share some pics from my 1st and 7th grade students.

Thanks a lot for your infinite mercy

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

HpS - Aaaaah! Thank you. We are at like 2% on our energy. 51-hours to take off!