Dear Hanumatpresaka Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Many preaching activities are going well here in Boise. However, our head pujari has taken a job and we have only 2 pujaris that are willing to do services, 1 of which is unable to do many services for various reasons. This leaves me to pick up the majority of the services which I am unable to do along side my temple president responsibilities.

We would like to get your approval for Nitisara Prabhu to serve Sri Sri Radha Bankebihari on the altar in this emergency situation. A few of us at this temple, me included, have served on the altar before brahman initiation due to similar circumstances with the permission of our guru. Both Ananta Rupa Prabhu and Rsabhadeva Prabhu (former head pujari) have expressed approval with this proposal.

Nitisara Prabhu is willing to help until we find a qualified pujari who is able to live and serve here for as long as they can. Do you know of anyone, Maharaj? We are willing to file an R1 visa, give them nice stipend and room and board.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our temple and we look forward to your next visit.

Please pray for us.

Your servant,

Anadi Radha dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna. please excuse any delay. if you follow us on twitter etc. you will see that were in heaven/hell with this movie filming tour!

Who can serve in the altar should just be according to the Ministry of Deity Worship standard and local standard under their broad authority as far as I know.

Adjust details of rituals, how much paraphernalia to keep the primary elements of:




going well, no?

Maybe some devotees from South America might like to come. I will put a notice in your Title so that they might see this etc.

The Dietys do not want to hurt anybody! They want you to serve Them according to your capacity.

Urgent! Kapi Dhvaja 10th September 2022

2 years, 3 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Gurudeva!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada & All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances. (PAOHO)


As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna.

Our sadhana is getting better. 16R, 4AM, 3P (still working on accomplish one of the four), SB everyday (We are on Chapter 8, Prayers of Queen Kunti).

My family is ok. We have great news. I will tell you in next letter.

things at school are good.

Thanks a lot for everything

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

HpS/ASA - Thank you so much Patraka Das et al.

We have been traveling until death!!! We still keep focus on the Kapi Dhvaja, although we think it is changing its reletive position.

Thank you for staying with us.

We feel like your students in the school must feel.

We have traveled through Delhi, Kolkata and just arrived in Mayapura.

There are many other letters to answer but we jut running in Kolkata for the program we did with the Asiatic Society.

Hare Krsna!!

Urgent! Kapi Dhvaja 27th August 2022

2 years, 4 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Gurudeva!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada & All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances. (PAOHO)


As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna.

Our life is pretty simple. We work and back home.

Our sadhana is getting sane. 16 rounds, Reading SB and worshipping deities every day.

Things at school are pretty good. Las week we went for a walk to "Lomas de Lachay". It was the 8th anniversary of the school.

Thanks a lot for everything

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

HpSwami-ASA - Thank you Patrak Das, Antuanette. Little late reading you post. Knocked out by a virus. Only fruit for four days.

Little better!

Abhiram, Héctor, Raul, Claudia Lira arrived.

Symposium begins.

Urgente KD - Enlace clases españa

2 years, 4 months ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna querido Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias

Todas las Glorias a sus Señorías Sri Sri Radha Govindacandra!  

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias a usted y a todos los residentes de Nueva Vrajamandala. 

Muchas gracias por mantenernos comunicados con usted, extrañamos mucho FMP con su muy misericordiosa asociación y la de nuestros hermanos. Estamos siguiéndole tanto como nos es posible y escuchando con atención los valiosos mensajes que nos brinda durante las clases. Consideramos que todas las clases que han habido en Nueva Vrajamandala son de un nivel muy elevado. 

Atendiendo su petición en el Kapi Dhvaja, escribo para enviar,

El enlace de transmisión de las clases de Nueva Vrajamandala;

La página oficial https://www.facebook.com/harekrisna.spain.guadalajara/

Además pueden encontrarlas en el facebook de ASA Carnaval,  


Lo hacemos de este modo para concentrar todas vuestras clases, facilitar la consulta y evitar que se pierdan.  

Únicamente nos perdimos una clase en la que no hubo Internet, solicitamos la grabación a Prabhu Ambarisa, quien amablemente nos la compartirá en cuanto le sea posible. 

HpS - ASA -- O.K. We do one soon. Of course, this will all relate to the symposium at the end of the month.

Aprovecho la ocasión para rogarle que, si es posible, comparta con sus sirvientes las grabaciones de las clases de Prabhu Upendra (julio 30 y agosto 6) 🙇🏻‍♀️

julio 30:


agosto 6:


It took us about 15-minutes to understand how the new GoTo control panel works. If the above links are not correct then contact us!

Gurudeva, muchas gracias por ser una fuente inagotable de inspiración al servicio de nuestro divino comandante Srila Prabhupada, esperamos ser útiles de algún modo.

A sus órdenes

Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA- Thank you. I guess we will talk with your good self tomorrow, Wednesday, with Yadunandana Swami.

Urgent! Kapi Dhvaja 12th August 2022

2 years, 4 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Gurudeva!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada & All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances. (PAOHO)


As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna.

How are you?

HpS - AgtSP! Paoho... We are better than ever. We are killing ourselves for Krsna. The Kapi Dhvaja gives the fortnightly report. Sri Krsna Sankirtana, Ki Jai!

Our sadhana is good. Reading SB and worshipping deities every day. Finishing all our rounds before morning classes is still a challenge for me. I leave my house by 6 am to go to work. But one way or another I end up chanting them.

HpS - The army is alive!

Things at school are pretty good. I love learning and sharing with others.

Thanks a lot for

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

ASA - Thank you. Thanks to Srila Prabhupada, Lord Chaitanya!!! Radha Madana-bihari... Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna. Now we check the mail and join the Board of Examinations at 4PM. Give us your mercy.

Jung x Bh. Siddhanta Symposium

2 years, 4 months ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna. Hare Rama.

We are working on the Jung x Bh. Siddhanta symposium for end of Aug - start September. We read the abstract by Lalita gopis Devi Dasi and posted the following comments on the Whatsapp group for the participants.

"[4:07 PM, 8/15/2022] Hp Swami: We opened in Microsoft XML the article by Prof. Dolores Chaves and found it an extremely profitable reading and commentary adventure. Please, others read and comment.  We finished with this comment "HpS - Wonderful abstract. We feel that it has been well worth our time reading this. We feel it relates well to the ambitions discussed in the other papers. We hope as a group we can draw the Philemon Foundation and ISKCON members into this illumination of BSS and CGJ for the benefit of modern humanity."    Except for Dr. R. M. Gupta's short comments, we only see our comments in this Group. 🙂  Is that because everyone feels our comments so definitive that no further words are possible?  🤣

[4:14 PM, 8/15/2022] Hp Swami: We feel that the Subject: Masters and Disciples, was pretty much exhausted in the first meetings, and now we would look at these meetings under our favorite topic of "Cultivation of the Human Spirit". That is just the attitude of we humanoids at the Anjana Suta Academy, but it gives us a perspective to go ahead with great vigour into the next two months: Spain and India.  Hoping to hear from you all. Thank you, HpSwami - ASA. 👳🏻‍♂️ 🐵  🐷 🦍🦧  🤖"

ASA - TB. Hare Krsna.