Letter from an Academic Friend

2 years ago by hps in Special Category A

[12/21, 9:09 PM] TC: How are you? Has Ravi come? Havir-bhu mataji is busy and the Bharati Society matter is pending for completion. I am not well. Namaskar

[12/22, 1:42 AM] H P Swami - Prof H H R : Jaya Sri Sri Guru, Gauranga!

Hare Krsna!!!

Hare Krsna!!!

We are recovering from our sojurn in Maya Samsara!

We must chant more constantly.

Radhika-ramana Das (and 25-more disciples and well-wishers have arrived). When is the Professor free or engaged for takinging or not taking phone calls today?

After hearning from you about the work pending for Bharati Society I was able to meet with her and her husband and then we discussed her work.

She described that the work has expanded from 15-20 pages to now 60-pages. That she was doing an hour daily with your good self.

That seems to big for Solaris to print in one edition. I don't have fluid contact with Solaris to know how their publication work is going.

Our research has come to include Gitavali by Thakura Bh. Vinoda, and he coments that Hari-nama-ausadi is the only medicine we need and really accesible in Kali yuga.

Our disease is not dancing in step with the chorus, no?

Dying is a very natural, healthy part of the productive life cycle.

I become sick when I expect more strength natural at my age.

Otherwise we can always we can play our instruments with full vigour and always be in contact with our friends, no?

Thank you.

Hope to see you on the 'fern sprecker' very soon.

Best regards to Children and Mataji.

From the tower in the woods

Hare Krsna Gurudev,

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y sus asociados.


We are already back in our house in the mountains, Hari has returned to school and things are settling in (this letter has been waiting for some time to be sent)

Ambarish is editing the film and somehow, through the images, it's like we're still associated with New Vrajamandala, the community and you.

This trip was a very nourishing, profound experience and I feel that it can reconnect me with my Sadhana, Japa and service.

Thank you for your association, inspiration and service opportunity. I am still digesting so much that I received.

I feel very lucky to have shared time with so many good devotees. They have nourished my soul with inspiration and enthusiasm that give me strength every day.

I can also see how for Hari the experience has been a transformation in his perspective. Many deep impressions have been left on him.

I feel that he has been positive in many aspects.

The return to routine has been somewhat disconcerting and a challenge to maintain enthusiasm. But every day I make the effort to maintain and advance. One day at a time.

Thank you very much Gurudev for being expert in guiding us and sharing his perspective.

It is my deep desire to qualify myself to be a useful tool in your Sankirtan and in Srila Prabhupada's mission.

with infinite gratitude

His apprentice servant

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

HpS - Jaya! We visit the Holy Dhamas to get purified, energized, then we go back to the secular world to see our material attachments and work on eliminating them and making our place a Dhama.

We also come back to preach. To let others see what we saw.


Sankirtan partners.

You need to stop in your Tower Construction and make a movie about "Building Vrndavana Village".

People can buy land around you.

Landholders around you can change their perspecive.

visit to Radhakund

2 years ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP

Horse will be coming to Radhakund for HpS Vyaspuja.

He is ready for the first experiment.

The temple president has verbally agreed.

HpS - Jaya! We also wrote to him. Hope we can get to know him and work with your center there.

It will be helpful if you can just integrate (love and logic).

as our poor mind understands

real love is when really serve other person, even if it does not seem logical to us?

Is that correct.. then what is use of the logic(logos ) actually?

HpS - AgtSP! As we understand Western philosophy, Logos, logic, is that which connects us.

Look at Etymology of the word?

Psychology concects us to the mind.

Meteorology connects us with the weather.

The industrialize culture accepts Euclids Principles as their primary logic, with is based upon certain philosophical principles such as defintion of a point etc.

Look at these and you see they are very definite ontological ideas.

Christian tradition accepts our Lord Jesus Christ as the logos.

Different kind of logic.

Euclidean logic is certainly useful in Krsna consciousness.

We are using it here to arrange our ideas so that we can contemplate them, go beyond the arithmetric level. To love Krsna includes knowing Him. In the beginning that very well must include a Euclidean logic, but with a little of that we can proceed to other types of logic eg. puified sentiments quickly.

Let us discuss it more when we meet!

TPP India Printed



Especially by efforts of Sri Hari Das, Subhadramayi Devi Dasi, but so many more devotees such as Vipina Vihari Das et al,

1000-copies of TPP have been printed and delivered at R./116,000.

We decided list price will be r./300 each with discounts for special cases.

Now we want to produce a Vaisnava Verse Booklet from the Appendix that can be printed as a separate NOI size booklet for carrying with you at times to refresh memory of essential verses.

Then we have 4-lectures videoed in Houston, introducing the book as a study resource for study.

Then, we hope to lecture on, read and explain the entire TPP while we travel to Imphal, Silchar, Agartala in Manipuri while it the translatin is being recorded, and then print that.

Then, we are already trying to collect more information to put into the next edition.

Urgent! Kapi Dhvaja 8th December 2022

2 years, 1 month ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Gurudeva!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances. (PAOHO)


As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna. How are U?

HpS - Thank you! We just made a post Titled: BellyButton Service which tells all!

Basically just like you!

We hope all the projects are going well. We follow all your posts on twitter.

Our sadhana this year was ok, but we would like to be more fixed. We are keeping 16R, 4AM, 4P (new diet is going well). We sent our report in the Blog... We made a mistake...Thanks for the quick response. You are right. I need to know a little bit about protein from beans and natural oils.

This week will be the last days of classes at school.

I will probably travel to Argentina in February for a Waldorf Pedagogy Seminar.

HpS/ASA - Super. I hope you can visit Bernardo Nantes Fundacion para Vocacion Ser Humano and the other university programs affiliated. Ambarisa Das and also Artd, have some contact with him.

To us he is like Maitreya Muni.

Thanks a lot for everything

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

HpS - Thanks a lot to Srila Prabhupada for:


Krsna! 🐒

Kapi Dhvaja 221208

2 years, 1 month ago by hps in Special Category A

K A P I  D H V A J A

2022 December 08

(keZava pUrnIma)

  • Periodical of the Anjana Suta Academy (www.JayaRama.US), a pioneering branch of ISKCON, Founder Acharya Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Prabhupada.
  • GBC Secretary - His Grace Vira bahu Das.
  • Branch Head - H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami.
  • Editors - T. Brown, B. White et al.



Paoho & bw.

Brown and White here.

🦍 🐷

The Sun is at Thursday, 8 December, 20022, 9.56 AM, Radha-kunda, Mathura District, India

🌻🌴 🌻



Brother Ass is feeling bite of cold on his shirtless skin. He does not wear shirts or pants because they are too difficult to wash.

Now he just wears Choddar, Shawl, Blanket.

In Radha-kunda the shop keepers are starting to display nice selection of winter Choddars.


HpS thinks Brother Ass may have cancer of the:

  • Bellybutton.
  • Cheek.
  • Nose.
  • Stomach.

May be true. This may be the last Kapi Dhvaja.

HK//HR - 16 + 50/108-rounds.

  1. Who am I? I am constant chanter - HK//HR, SKC//PN..., Haraye namah//Gopala govinda Rama at the lotus feet of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Srila Prabhupada, author of the book KRSNA - The Supreme Personality of Godhead in the temple of our heart.
  2. Who are we? - You are Friends and Members (and Intelligent Enemies) of the ASA. 😕
  3. 🐵
  4. 🐷
  5. 👾
  6. 🐄
  7. 🐮
  8. 🐀
  9. 🐍
  10. What's the Plan? - Carry Sri Rama's ring to Sita etc!
  11. What Tools do we Need? - Uncle Gismo will inform us (Except we always need gross and subtle bodies; shorts, shirt and sandals; a book bag, a blanket, bucket and beads).

Lettuce deadiKate [Ha! Ha! Hare! Translaters] this KDh and next fortnight to

  1. Krsna, Hare, Rama,
  2. Pancha-tattva et.
  3. Swami Pablo,
  4. NgD,
  5. Ranchoor/Govinda, RK Neighbors,

10.32 AM - Now we pause here, pack our bags, and head to THE KUNDA for regular Thursday Monkey Medley at Gopal-mandir.

. . .

1.42PM, Next day, Friday - We had such an intense stomach ache after Gopal program that we could not work on this KDh. Maybe is from the nasty antibiotics that we are taking for our infected bellybutton (BBD = Belly Button Das).

We studied chanting in that debilitated state and then the FEP pulled us together.

FMP today. Took Lord Nrsmhadeva's diet into out own hands for the first time since we have been here and prepared peas porridge for him.

Still some stow mack-ayk but little better sense control.



for this fortnight was pretty good. It shows that every day we make a little material adjustment to improve our service. Eg. One day we pushed our massive Indian bed back four inches to the wall and that allows us to sit up straighter. Is this all 'punja punya krti', accumulating eternal pious credit so that one day ... we will play with Krsna!

We really have the DTC-USA editing going now. Pablo has like 78% of the editing script and we've identified precisely which other shots we have to record.

One day Krsna-loka Das took us around to some nice places next to the Kunda and we recorded the narrative for the USA movie.

After focusing on the editing, our next aim is consolidating the vision and practice of NIOS and it's relation with the Bhaktivedanta Research Center in Kolkata.

We have a strong tradition for every Thursday of 11am-12.30PM at BSDM Gopala Temple, and Saturday at www.GoTomeeting (737 859 341) at 6.30pm with Upendra Das and HpS. Very satisfying, stimulating, programs.

Our whole goal is to become qualified Sankirtan men.

Raktaka's whole family of 10-people came from Punjab and found us. It was intense relating to them, remembering visiting their homes.

We initiated Mr. G. Gunamani Sharma of Manipur as Goswami Bhatta Gopal Das in Gopal-mandir during H. H. B. S. Damodara Maharaja's Vyasapuja.

Another INTENSE 😬 program. Day.

We go to the Kunda daily if not twice a day.

Now so many people are arriving who will stay for Guru puja. It will be up to two weeks of Sadhu sanga, parikrama, administrative talks and formal programs starting 19th December.

After that we will basically be packing and then off to Delhi, Mumbai, Imphal, Silchar, Agartala, Delhi, Madrid (with Dhruva Das, Subhadra-mayi Devi Dasi).

We're working on the details of the Calendar and will post them in the Blog as they develop.

That seems to be about it.

Dr. Arun Chakraborty is our neighbor, very nice person and monitoring our BellyButton.


The 1,000 copies of Tava-pache-pache are printed by Sri Hari, Subhadra-mayi Devi Dasi etal. Now we distribute them and put them to use.

We Tweeted (huber_robinson) the links for the Ministry of Education symposium.

We speak Sunday at 6.35AM.


Mostly above and in the Blog. Seems we can only do Upendra Das' Saturday classes on Dec. 17, 31 and Jan. 7th.

Will join Radha-Natabara programs as much as possible.


We get 16-rounds done by 6AM. Read from TLC. Follow four principles.

AGAIN! 🤔 Annual Disciple Reports must be submitted in the Blog under the REPORT button. Maybe 30-reports have already be filed and we responded!


Hoping to do some Science and the Vedas presentations on the Delhi, Mumbai tour. Bachelor Beans, bramachari's cooking for Krsna, has advanced a lot. We can really see why Srila Prabhupada traveled with a cook. So, so, so difficult to eat properly while traveling. Can die a rapid death.

Main thing is that whatever technique and tools we develop in Krsna's service, nehabikramo naso sti, have eternal facility.

Indu-leka and Citra-leka are both famous for their writing!


Will Swami Harsh take initiation in Vyasapuja?

Is this the last Kapi Dhvaja?

Old age is a good friend for a devotee. It pushes you off the mental platform and onto the intellectual platform.

See you in the Blog: www.MonkeyWarrior.com


🦍🐒 🐷 🤖