ASA $$$

1 year, 7 months ago by hps in Special Category A

ASA $$$

2023 Mar 7 - May 17 )


Tele-communications-...10(20), Yahoo @ $5/mo.

USA Social-security Supplementaty Income (SSI)+...570(570)

Occupancy-...210(210), Lawn mowing.




Donations-...800(800), Nila-madhava Dhama, Houston.


Abhaya N.+...96.72(Due to AN, 96.72)

ArtD+...70(Due from ATD, 0)


Cash/Bank+...1,015, Accounts Payable (Abhyaya, Visa)-...97


CC verses for next Saturday

1 year, 8 months ago by upendra1 in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Maharaja & Dear Devotees;

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Guru & Gauranga.

As per your instruction I am writing following message.

Next week on Saturday morning class, we are going to start reading onwards from Adi Lila -- 10.85 verse. Thank you for you valuable association.


Upendra dasa

ASA - AgtSP!!! Paoho.... Super. We will look at it and come to class prepared.

Urgent! Kapi Dhvaja 5th May 2022

1 year, 8 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Gurudeva!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances. (PAOHO)


HpS - ASA -- AgtSP!! Thank you for your association!! Respects to everyone.

As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at:

Hare Krishna.

We are ok. Our sadhana (16R, 4.30AM, 4P) is ok. Worshipping our deities before leaving for work. Then reading SB everyday.

ASA - AgtSP. When do you go to work? How do you go? Bicycle? Is it dangerous going in public in Lima?

Ptrk ==I go to work from Monday to Friday. I take 2 buses to go to work. It is almost 1 1/2 hours on the way. It gives me time to read. I'n thinking to buy an electric motorcycle. Going by bus is different depending on where you are going.

This week I have my appointment at the hospital... It's almost 12 years with a transplant...

let's see how is this body working.

Thanks a lot for all your support.

"We're all gonna die! It's how you live that counts", Conan the Barbarian. (WE AGREE!!!!)

Your aspirant servants

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)


Thank you Patraka Das!

🐵 🐷 🔎

ASA - Tell us about one (or two) of your students!!!

What can you do for them?

Closest to Vrindavan ever / Lo mas cerca de Vrindavana que he estado

Hare Krishna, Beloved Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Thank you so much for your kind invitation to the avant premier of DTC-UT 2, will be there, also invited many devotees. Didn't understand the first part quite well. Have to watch it again. 

Thank you and Oscar Naters also, for the movie 'Light of the Bhagavata' (is there an online english and spanish version of that movie?, I want to tell people to watch it).

HpS - No, I hope NIOS can get them up!

I think it to be a masterpiece, pure art to show pure wisdom.

The part describing the entrance of Krishna into the forest of Vrindavan followed with cow, elephant and mantis dancing and traditional Andes people cultivating land while the maha mantra is playing, was the closest to Vrindavan I ever be.

You will live forever in that movie!!

It was a huge blessing being able to visit you and devotees in Peru, Spain and Mexico. A big inspiration and a motivation to push forward our Sri Govardhan Project. We feel Srila Prabhupada is giving great benedictions. 

HpS - It was the same for them to have association of you and your family. We see that ISKCON, we, are actually advancing in our establishing VAD.

Recently we received the visit of Navina Nirada and Mahatma Prabhu, and many devotees with them.

HpS - To BsAs or New Govardhana?

Such a great inspiration, Sadhu sanga and Krishna Katha is a scientific process, it works!!

Tomorrow HH Hridayananda Goswami is coming, such a great opportunity to inquire from Maharaja about gurukula and education in general. 

Family is fine, wife Julieta is so happy with our daughter, so inspired, she made so many services for visiting devotees.

Manu is in his last year of high-school, next year he is going to Atlanta for three months (my cousins and his godmother live there) and then to Ireland.

Mostly to improve his English and to decide which path he wants to take in life. He is a great guy. Benji is attracted to theater, acting and lately to soccer. He is 14 ys old, still 4 years to finish high school.

Regarding our spiritual life we are struggling, hankering for Nista!! We go through mountains and valleys, and sometimes swamps as well. But 4p and 16r are there.

No other choice but keep trying!!

Last three years were expansion, next three years will be consolidating what we created.

Family, Community, Ayurveda projects.

Only going to brasil for ten days this year to finish some ayurvedic studies, and visiting you next year wherever you will be, United snakes, Bharata varsa, Tenochtitlan or Radha Govinda Chandra dham.

When are you leaving? Odana sasti 2024 or at 84 ys old?

HpS - Such nice news for all of us. Of course, any of us can leave at any moment. Putin may go nuclear and then whole world will change. Ready for that? (Smile). It takes care now to not get very sick, but it forces us to learn so much about the body. We were looking at Odana Sasti next year. I think it is like November 2023.

Yet, for the first time we were seeing that if people can take over all our administrative dutys with NIOS, ASA, then we could maybe stay for longer.

Do you have a car? How much longer will it last? 10-years. (Big Smile)

Tried to visit Panca tattva Prabhu with Navina Nirada prabhu but it wasn't possible, Prabhu wasn't available. He seems to have taken the panoramic road rather than the highway to Goloka. I miss him. Krishna daya, Krishna daya , Krishna daya !!

aho bakī yaṁ stana-kāla-kūṭaṁ

jighāṁsayāpāyayad apy asādhvī

lebhe gatiṁ dhātry-ucitāṁ tato ’nyaṁ

kaṁ vā dayāluṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajema

SB 3.2.23

Gurudev, we exist only by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, he saved us all!! Please give me strength to crawl towards the light. All glories to him!!

Endeavoring with joy,

At your service,

Nikunja bihari das.

HpS - Super. It is 8.52PM. We had FMP. Did about an hour of preparation for the Hawaii class. Then 1-hour presentation. Jaya Hari Das is staying with us for about two weeks. Is so nice. Lot of personal conversations.

Hope the Kapi Dhvaja gives a good view of things.

One more letter, then rest?

Respects to everyone. We are doing a little, but Krsna is doing a lot with that.

We were fortunate to get a little dialog with Pancha Tattva Ji. Hope to get more.


Hare Krishna Amado Gurudeva,

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias,

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada,

Muchas gracias por su amable invitación a la avant premier de DTC-UT 2, estare allí, también invite a muchos devotos. No entendí muy bien la primera parte. Tengo que verla de nuevo.

 Gracias a usted y también a Oscar Naters, por la película Luz del Bhagavata (¿hay una versión en línea en inglés y español de esa película?, quiero decirle a la gente que la vea), creo que es una obra maestra, puro arte para mostrar sabiduría pura. La parte que describe la entrada de Krishna en el bosque de Vrindavan seguida de danzas de vacas, elefantes y mantis y gente tradicional de los Andes cultivando la tierra mientras suena el maha mantra, fue lo más cercano a Vrindavan que he estado. ¡Vivirás para siempre en esa película!

Fue una gran bendición poder visitarlo a usted y a los devotos en Perú, España y México. Una gran inspiración y motivación para impulsar nuestro Proyecto Sri Govardhan. Sentimos que Srila Prabhupada está dando grandes bendiciones.

Recientemente recibimos la visita de Navina Nirada y Mahatma Prabhu, y muchos devotos con ellos. ¡Qué gran inspiración, Sadhu sanga y Krishna Katha es un proceso científico, funciona!

Mañana viene SS Hridayananda Goswami, una gran oportunidad para preguntarle a Maharaja sobre gurukula y la educación en general.

La familia está bien, la esposa Julieta está tan feliz con nuestra hija, tan inspirada, hizo tantos servicios para los devotos visitantes. Manu está en su último año de secundaria, el próximo año se va a Atlanta por tres meses (mis primos y su madrina viven allí) y luego a Irlanda. Sobre todo para mejorar su inglés y decidir qué camino quiere tomar en la vida. El es un gran chico. Benji se siente atraído por el teatro, la actuación y últimamente por el fútbol. Tiene 14 años, aún faltan 4 años para terminar la escuela secundaria.

¡¡En cuanto a nuestra vida espiritual estamos luchando, anhelando a Nista!! Atravesamos montañas y valles, ya veces también pantanos. Pero 4p y 16r están ahí. ¡¡No hay otra opción que seguir intentándolo!!

Los últimos tres años fueron de expansión, los próximos tres años serán de consolidación de lo que creamos. Familia, Comunidad, Proyectos de Ayurveda. Solo iré a Brasil durante diez días este año para terminar algunos estudios ayurvédicos, y lo visitaré el próximo año donde quiera que esté, United Snakes, Bharata Varsa, Tenochtitlan o Radha Govinda Chandra Dham.

¿Cuando se va? Odana sasti 2024 o a los 84 años?

Intenté visitar Panca tattva Prabhu con Navina Nirada prabhu pero no fue posible, Prabhu no estaba disponible. Parece haber tomado el camino panorámico en lugar de la carretera a Goloka. Lo extraño. ¡Krishna daya, Krishna daya, Krishna daya!

aho bakī yaṁ stana-kāla-kūṭaṁ

jighāṁsayāpāyayad apy asādhvī

lebhe gatiṁ dhātry-ucitāṁ tato ’nyaṁ

kaṁ vā dayāluṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajema

SB 3.2.23

Gurudev, existimos solo por la misericordia de Srila Prabhupada, ¡él nos salvó a todos! Por favor deme fuerza para arrastrarme hacia la luz. ¡¡Todas las glorias para él!!

Esforzándose con alegría,

A su servicio,

Nikunja bihari das.

ASA Carnaval - Reporte al 1 de mayo, 23

¡Hare Krsna!¡ Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte nuestras rendidas reverencias!

Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada, y todas las glorias a usted que nos guía en el camino que nuestro Divino Acarya ha establecido. 🙏🌻

Orando porque la salud de su cuerpo sea favorable a su Sankirtan, aun después de esta intensa y larga gira. Escribo como parte del equipo de ASA Carnaval, para enviar nuestro reporte de actividades:

Nuestro objetivo es concentrar, compartir y conservar una buena parte del material que usted ha generado, como una fuente de motivación para involucrar a la audiencia en el trascendental Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada, el estudio y difusión de los libros de Su Divina Gracia, así como una participación activa en su misión.


* Continuamos con las transmisiones a través de Facebook

Estamos trabajando para incluir el titulo y descripción de todos los videos, así como separar por listas de reproducción. En esta plataforma también pueden encontrarse fotografías (Compartidas por múltiples devotos), noticias sobre sus programas y algunos enlaces externos.

*Tras nuestra platica en Nueva Govardhana; hemos puesto en marcha el canal de YouTube “ASA Carnaval”

Como respuesta a la necesidad de respaldar el contenido y a facilitar el acceso al material por otros medios. Además, YouTube brinda la opción de resaltar momentos clave de las clases o conferencias, lo que nos ayuda en nuestra tarea de indización y consulta.

Este canal pretende ser una especie de biblioteca, un sitio de búsqueda y consulta en el que todos puedan tener acceso a contenido que les resulte útil. En muchos casos el audio o el video no son de muy buena calidad. Sin embargo; entendemos que ASA Audiovisual, proporciona material selecto, con mayor fineza y mejor edición, que atraiga a publico distinguido.

Hasta el momento hemos subido poco material al canal de YouTube; algunas clases, entrevistas y conferencias entre las que destaca el “Foro celebrado en el palacio legislativo en México” en su reciente visita al yatra. ( Además de algunas clases en español dadas por Su Divina Gracia. 

Algunos Desafíos:

Sabemos que una de nuestras principales labores es facilitar la localización de temas importantes para la audiencia, por eso estamos trabajando en la indización. Rogamos nos disculpen, estamos avanzando muy lentamente. Adjunto un archivo con un pequeño progreso. (*En los encabezados de cada columna, encontrará un pequeño triangulo verde, favor de utilizarlo para filtrar el contenido de su interés)

Algunos proyectos:

**Isvari Radha Mataji, sugiere que elaboremos resúmenes de contenido de las clases para facilitar la consulta. Sabemos que es un gran reto, pero mantendremos esta propuesta como una de nuestras metas principales.💓

*Para beneficio de los hispano hablantes, Candra Mukhi Mataji, traducirá uno de los exaltados seminarios que Radhika Raman Prabhu, ha dictado.

*Además estamos trabajando para que pronto podamos compartir, las conferencias que, hace algunos años, usted dicto en el GBC College.

*Nikunja Bihari Prabhu, también colaborará traduciendo algunas clases al español.

*Por otra parte; Parasurama Avatar Prabhu, nos ha dicho que tal vez pueda compartirnos la grabación de la conferencia que recientemente dicto en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Mientras que Govinda Pramodini DD y Rancor Prabhu, también nos han dicho que compartirán material audiovisual de esta maravillosa Gira. En cuanto esto ocurra, lo subiremos para beneficio de todos.

(Muchas gracias a todos por sus incansables esfuerzos🙏🙇)

_________  _________

Recapitulando: 📌

Nuestras Plataformas 💻

Para mejorar su búsqueda consulte:


[email protected]

Equipo coordinador:

Isvari Radha Devi Dasi / Abhinanda Das / Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

_________  _________

Gurudeva aprovechamos para rogarle, si es posible, comparta con sus sirvientes las grabaciones de su participación en el seminario de SS Bhakti Raghava Swami.

Muchas gracias por todos sus esfuerzos para involucrarnos en el Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada, gracias por su ejemplo que nos motiva a intentar ser útiles de algún modo. 

A sus órdenes, su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnaval


Hare Krsna! Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept our obeisances!

All glories be to Srila Prabhupada, and all glories to you who guide us on the path that our Divine Acarya has established. 🙏🌻

HpS - We hope others are also guiding!!!

Praying that the health of his body is favorable to his Sankirtan, even after this intense and long tour. I am writing as part of the ASA Carnaval team, to send our activity report:

Our objective is to concentrate, share and preserve a good part of the material that you have generated, as a source of motivation to involve the audience in Srila Prabhupada's transcendental Sankirtan, the study and dissemination of His Divine Grace's books, as well as an active participation in its mission.

HpS - We have done some, but hope we can include material by so many other friends and members of ASA.


* We continue with the transmissions through Facebook

We are working to include the title and description of all the videos, as well as separate them by playlists. On this platform you can also find photographs (Shared by multiple devotees), news about their programs and some external links.

*After our talk in New Govardhana; We have launched the YouTube channel "ASA Carnaval"

In response to the need to support content and to facilitate access to material by other means. In addition, YouTube provides the option to highlight key moments of classes or conferences, which helps us in our task of indexing and consultation.

This channel is intended to be a kind of library, a search and consultation site where everyone can access content that is useful to them. In many cases the audio or video is not of very good quality. However; We understand that ASA Audiovisual provides select material, with greater refinement and better editing, that attracts a distinguished public.

So far we have uploaded little material to the YouTube channel; some classes, interviews and conferences among which the "Forum held in the legislative palace in Mexico" stands out on his recent visit to the yatra. ( In addition to some classes in Spanish given by the Divine Grace of him.

Some Challenges:

We know that one of our main tasks is to facilitate the location of important topics for the audience, which is why we are working on indexing. Please excuse us, we are moving very slowly. I attach a file with a little progress.

(*In the headers of each column, you will find a small green triangle, please use it to filter the content of your interest)

Some projects:

**Isvari Radha Mataji, suggests that we prepare summaries of the content of the classes to facilitate consultation. We know it is a great challenge, but we will keep this proposal as one of our main goals.💓

*For the benefit of Spanish speakers, Candra Mukhi Mataji will translate one of the exalted seminars that Radhika Raman Prabhu has given.

*We are also working so that we can soon share the conferences that you gave at the GBC College a few years ago.

*Nikunja Bihari Prabhu will also collaborate by translating some classes into Spanish.

*Besides; Parasurama Avatar Prabhu has told us that perhaps he can share with us the recording of the conference that he recently gave at the Complutense University of Madrid. While Govinda Pramodini DD and Rancor Prabhu have also told us that they will share audiovisual material of this wonderful Tour. As soon as this happens, we will upload it for the benefit of all.

(Thank you all so much for your tireless efforts🙏🙇)

_________ _________

To recap: 📌

Our Platforms 💻

To refine your search see:


[email protected]

Coordinating team:

Isvari Radha Devi Dasi / Abhinanda Das / Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

_________ _________

Gurudeva, we take this opportunity to ask him, if possible, to share with his servants the recordings of his participation in HH Bhakti Raghava Swami's seminar.

HpS - ASA -- Mostly we just listened. I think the only way to do it would be to work with Maharaja's team. I hope we develop more relationship with Maharaja's effort and NIOS. Then there might be more substantial content.

Your work seems very nice. Our only thought is that Srila Prabhupada has given us a cup to take some nectar from the ocean of nectar of Srimad Bhagavatam and associated literature. All we ASA are trying do is be an "ASA", handle for the cup.

Thank you very much for all his efforts to involve us in Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan, thank you for his example that motivates us to try to be useful in some way.

At his command, his would-be servant

Karuna Shakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnival

Manuel's report 03-2023

1 year, 8 months ago by manuel in Special Category A


ALL GLORY TO SRILA PRABHUPADA!! and his loyal and fixed disciples like you.


We are in the final stage of the edition of SOLARIS No. 7.

All that remains is the approval of the content of the "Cultural Portal", which is a chronicle of the event held at The Asiatic Society, in Kolkata, India, on September 16, 2022.

This event was held in honor of Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay and is in recognition of his outstanding educational career and contributions in the field of ancient Indian history.

First there is a bilingual summary of the ceremony and then the development of it is detailed.

We are awaiting delivery of the English translation of the document to immediately send it to Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay with a copy to you.

By the mercy of Lord Nityananda we hope that Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay will give it his go-ahead soon so that we can have the printed version ready for distribution this May.


As we have had an involuntary delay in Issue-7 and trying to meet the goal of having two issues of Solaris a year.

ARTd met on Friday, April 28, with Miguel Polo, our Director, and with Dr. Héctor Béjar one of our main advisors. In the meeting, the contents of the previous numbers were analyzed and based on that they agreed to propose as the theme of No. 8: EDUCATION, NATURE AND THE SACRED. Alright? any suggestions?

HpS - We can see no harm in it and have a lot of faith in your choices. 👍👍👍


For SOLARIS No. 8 we already have 5 items:



3. Paula Miranda and Elicura Chihuailaf: POETRY, NATURE AND THE SACRED.

4. José Luis Valencia: THE AZTLAN SPIRITUAL PLAN, Symbols of the Chicano resilience movement.



For SOLARIS, an important goal is for 40% of its content to be articles in English, as on average each edition has between 9 and 12 articles, which means that in each issue of SOLARIS we must have 3 or 4 articles in English, Please, any suggestions to reach that goal?




Bhakta Manuel.


 HpS - On behalf of the Supreme Undifereniated Comando of ASA we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your sacrifice along with Miguel, translators, authors etc. has been heart rending. Trying to distribute a journal like this is like trying to distribute water in the middle of the African desert.

Thank you.

We pray that Guru-Gauranga inspire your progress and carry you when it is to hard.

Thank you!

Respects to everyone.

Hope to see them soon.




¡¡TODAS LAS GLORIAS A SRILA PRABHUPADA!! y a sus leales y fijos discípulos como tú.


Estamos en la etapa final de la edición de SOLARIS No. 7. Solo falta la aprobación del contenido del “Portal Cultural” que es una crónica del evento realizado en La Sociedad Asiática, en Kolkata, India, el 16 de septiembre de 2022. Este evento se realizó en honor al profesor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay y es un reconocimiento a su destacada trayectoria educativa y a sus contribuciones en el campo de la historia antigua de la India. Primero hay un resumen bilingüe de la ceremonia y luego se detalla el desarrollo de la misma. Estamos esperando la entrega de la traducción al inglés del documento para inmediatamente enviárselo al Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay con copia a usted. Por la misericordia del Señor Nityananda esperamos que el Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay le dé su visto bueno pronto y así tener la versión impresa, lista para su distribución, este mes de mayo.


Como hemos tenido una demora involuntaria en el número 7 y para tratar de cumplir con la meta de tener 2 números de SOLARIS al año, ARTd se reunió, el viernes 28 de abril, con Miguel Polo, nuestro director y con el Dr. Héctor Béjar uno de nuestros asesores principales. En la reunión se analizó los contenidos de los números anteriores y en función de eso acordaron proponer como eje temático del No. 8: LA EDUCACIÓN LA NATURALEZA Y LO SAGRADO. ¿Está bien? alguna sugerencia?


Para SOLARIS No. 8 ya tenemos 5 artículos:



3.      Paula Miranda y Elicura Chihuailaf: LA POESÍA, LA NATURALEZA Y LO SAGRADO.

4.      José Luis Valencia: EL PLAN ESPIRITUAL AZTLAN, Símbolos del movimiento chicano de resiliencia.



Para SOLARIS una meta importante en es que el 40% de su contenido sean artículos en inglés, como en promedio cada edición tiene entre 9 y 12 artículos, eso quiere decir que en cada número de SOLARIS debemos tener 3 o 4 artículos en inglés, por favor, alguna sugerencia para llegar a esa meta?


Eso es todo por ahora, FELIZ Y UTIL NRISIMHA CATURDASI!!


Bhakta Manuel.